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Open Journal of Nursing, 2011, 1, 43-50 OJN doi:10.4236/ojn.2011.13006 Published Online December 2011 ( Published Online December 2011 in SciR es. Current patterns of the sun protection measures adopted by nurses and the risk factors influencing their compliance Hero Brokalaki1, Evridiki Patelarou2*, Constantine Vardavas3, Ioannis S. Elefsiniotis1, Konstantinos A. Giakoumidakis1, Eirini Brokalaki4 1Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 2University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece; 3Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; 4Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. Email: * Received 21 August 2011; revised 22 September 2011; accepted 12 October 2011. ABSTRACT The incidence of skin cancer is increasing worldwide. Included in high risk group are people who have light common phenotypic factors (hair, skin, eyes), have high number of naevi, report previous sunburns and have a family history of skin cancer. Protecting the skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing, using sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure are rec- ommended among primary preventive activities. The purpose of this study was to describe the current patterns of sun protection measures adopted by nurses and to examine the association between com- pliance with sun protection measures and the main risk factors of melanoma. This cross sectional study was conducted in 2007 during the Annual Greek Na- tiona l Co nf erence of N urs ing. Nu rse s mo st co mmo nly chose to use sunscreen, to wear glasses, to use an umbrella or to seek for shade in order to protect themselves against sun exposure. Finally, phenotypic factors, previous sunburns and common naevi pres- ence were found to affect nurses’ attitude towards protective measures. This study poses the necessity of targeting high risk groups for melanoma through campaigns aiming to foster sun protection behav- iours. Keywords: Melanoma; Nursing; Prevention; Risk Fac- tors; Skin Cancer 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Literature Review Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer consist the most common types of cancer in white populations. The incidence of cutaneous melanoma has increased rapidly over the past decades, specifically 85% more than any other major cancer [1-2]. The exact etiology of skin cancer is unknown [3] with childhood and adolescent years identified as key periods in the etiology of subse- quent melanoma [4-5]. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been linked with an increased risk of de- veloping skin cancer [6-7]. UV exposure during child- hood seems to be a main factor that induces mutations in the melanocytes that are associated with an increased induction of nevi and an increased risk for the develop- ment of melanoma. Furthermore, intense intermittent sunburns and sunburn history have been also strongly implicated as key factors in the development of mela- noma [8-9]. Individual phenotypic characteristics, in- cluding skin, hair and eye colour are strongly related to sensitivity to UV radiation. Persons with a light com- plexion are considerably more photosensitive than per- sons who have dark hair, iris and skin colour, respec- tively. Research has indicated that increased sun expo- sure is associated with an increased number of common naevi in children [10-11]. Light-skinned children who are exposed to sunlight increase their number of naevi and the risk for developing melanoma later in life [12]. Other studies have also demonstrated that frequent childhood sunburn and family skin cancer history are also two other very important risk factors for the devel- opment of malignant melanoma [13-14]. Overall, primary prevention of skin cancer is focused on the reduction of exposure to major risk factors [15]. Key sunburn prevention messages have focused on get- ting people to wear hats and long-sleeved clothes, and/or stay in the shade during peak hours of the day. Sun- screen has been recommended as an alternative means of protection in situations where clothing may not be de- sirable or appropriate [15-16]. Most current guidelines on the primary prevention of skin cancer include protec- H. Brokalaki et al. / Open Journal of Nursing 1 (2011) 43-50 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJN 44 tive clothing, correctly applied and reapplied sunscreen, and the use of a hat. Factors that have been noted to predict differences in regards to sun exposure patterns and compliance with the use of protective measures include age, sex and edu- cational status [17]. Young people have been identified as a high risk group for skin damage that may lead to skin cancer later in life [17]. Several studies sugg est that the use of hats, protective clothing and seeking shade as measure of sun protection increased with age [18]. A recent study in Greece revealed also that younger age groups were more likely to be exposed to sun whereas females used sunscreen more commonly than males [19]. Similarly, a number of international studies have under- lined that women and people with higher socio-eco- nomic status are more likely to use sunscreen [18-26]. In addition, people who perceived themselves as at risk for skin cancer and those with sun-sensitive skin have been found to adopt protective measures against sun exposure more frequently than others [18,22,24,27]. 1.2. The Purpose of This Study The primary aim of this study was to describe the current patterns of sun protection used by nurses in Greece, for primary preventio n of skin cancer. Furthermore a secon- dary aim of this study was to examine the possible asso- ciation between compliance with sun protection meas- ures and risk factors for the development of melanoma. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. Sample and Sampling Procedure This cross sectional study was conducted in May of 2007 during the Annual Greek National Conference of Nursing. Based on the participation rates of previous years’ conferences, it was estimated that 3000 nurses would participate in the conference coming from differ- ent areas of Greece and of different nursing specialties. Out of the approximate 3000 nurses that participated in the conference, one in six nurses (n = 500) were re- quested to complete a questionnaire regarding risk fac- tors and protective measures they use against sun expo- sure. Out of the 500 nurses, 349 accepted to participate (69.8% response rate) and completed the questionnaire while due to missing data 45 of the questionnaires were excluded from the analysis. As a result the final sample of the study was 304 nurses. A cover letter explaining the aim of the study was provided and an informed con- sent form was obtained from each participant.The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of Na- tional and Kapodi st ri an Universi ty of Athens. 2.2. Data Collection The survey instrument was a questionnaire developed for the purposes of this study and was based on the cur- rent relevant literature. It was reviewed by two derma- tologists, experts in the field and two nurses with a spe- cialty in dermatology-nursing. The final questionnaire was pretested as part of a pilot study conducted among nursing students who accepted to participate as volun- teers and all items were assessed for face validity by health survey experts. The final questionnaire included questions referent to the socio-demographic characteris- tics of the participants, their years at work and their educational level. In add ition to the above, the question- naire also included questions regarding the nurses’ main risk factors for skin cancer development and the protec- tive measures against sun exposure that they usually adapt. 2.3. Data Analysis The descriptive data is presented as mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables and in percentages (n) for categorical. Chi-squared tests (x2) were used during the univariate comparisons while all reported analyses are based on two sided tests, with statistical significance noted at p < 0.05. To model the factors that influence the adaptation of personal protective measures against sun exposure, logistic regression models were applied so as to provide odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence inter- vals (95% CI) after adjusting for age, gender and educa- tional status. The statistical package Stata 10.0 was used to perform the analysis. 3. FINDINGS Regarding the study populations characteristics, 85.2% were female and 14.8% male and the average age was 33.9 6 years. As for their level of education, more than 80 % were of higher education (13% had a postgraduate degree, 11% a degree from a university and 60% a de- gree from a technological educational institute) while 16% were nurse assistants from secondary education. Finally, almost half of the sample was married (59%) and urban area residents (53%) (Table 1). Regarding the nurses’ main risk factors for the devel- opment of melanoma, 39% reported light skin colour while the percentages for eye and hair light colour were lower (28%, 18% respectively) as depicted in Table 2. Almost one th ird r eported the pre sence of mor e than five common naevi (32%) while 62% reported sunbathing during summer. Among nurses 38% reported previous sunburns during childhood which consist one of the most important risk factors for the development of skin cancer. The majority of the population reported the use of sun- glasses, umbrella or shade, and sunscreen to protect themselves against sun exposure (85%, 83% & 81% respectively) as seen in Table 3 . Regarding clothing as H. Brokalaki et al. / Open Journal of Nursing 1 (2011) 43-50 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJN 45 Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of the study popu- lation. n (%) Gender Male 45 (14.8) Female 259 (85.2) Age 20 - 29 63 (20.7) 30 - 39 102 (33.6) 40 - 49 98 (32.2) >50 41 (13.5) Marital status Married 178 (58.6) Unmarried 126 (41.4) Educational status Secondary 49 (16.1) Technological 183 (60.2) University 33 (10.9) Postgraduate 39 (12.8) Residence Urban 162 (53.3) Semi-urban 119 (39.1) Rural 23 (7.6) protective measure the use of a skirt or a trouser during sun exposure was the most common (41%) while hat use was a choice for the 28% of the population and sleeves’ use was preferred by the 11% of the population. Females were found to use sunglasses and sunscreen more than males and this finding was statistically sig- nificant (p = 0.04 and p < 0.001, respectively). Age was also found to affect the use of protective measures with those aged between 30 - 50 found to use umbrella/shade and clothing to protect themselves from sun exposure more than those younger than 30 and older than 50 (p < 0.05) (Table 4). A multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the effect of the having a risk factor for skin cancer on the nursing staff’s compliance in the use of protective measures against sun exposure. As seen in Table 5, nurses with light eye colour were more likely to use sunscreen with an odds ratio of 3.4 (95% CI: 1.4 - 8.3) while light skin colour was also associated with increased use of sunscreen (OR 1.6 95% CI: 1.1 - 3.1) and protective clothing including a hat, sleeves and skirt Table 2. Risk factors for melanoma among Greek nurses. n (%) Eye color Black/Brown 220 (72.4) Blue/Grey/Green 84 (27.6) Hair color Black/Brown 248 (81.6) Blond 56 (18.4) Skin color Light 118 (38.8) Dark 186 (61.2) Personal skin cancer history Yes 2 (0.7) No 302 (99.3) Familial skin cancer history Yes 15 (4.9) No 289 (95.1) Previous sunburn s during childhood Never 187 (61.5) 1 - 2 86 (28.3) 3 - 4 18 (5.9) 4+ 11 (3.6) Common naevi Less than 5 123 (40.5) 6 - 10 46 (15.1) 11 - 20 19 (6.3) >20 36 (11.8) I have never counted them 40 (13.2) I don’t kn ow 40 (13.2) Sunbathing Yes 188 (61.8) No 116 (38.2) or trousers with an OR of 1.3 (95% CI: 1.2 - 2.2), 2.7 (95% CI: 1.3 - 5.8) and 1.5 (95% CI: 1.0 - 2.4), respec- tively. Those who reported previous sunburns were also more likely to use an umbrella or to seek for shade (OR 3.1 95% CI: 1.4 - 6.8), to wear a hat 2.0 (95% CI: 1.2 - 3.3) and sleeves 2.4 (95% CI: 1.2 - 5.1) to protect them- selves. On the other hand, the presence of common naevi H. Brokalaki et al. / Open Journal of Nursing 1 (2011) 43-50 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJN 46 Table 3. Protective measures against sun exposure among greek nurses. n (%) Umbrella/shade Never/Rarely/Sometimes 52 (17.1) Often/Always 252 (82.9) Sunglasses Never/Rarely/Sometimes 47 (15.5) Often/Always 257 (84.5) Hat Never/Rarely/Sometimes 218 (71.7) Often/Always 86 (28.3) Long sleeves Never/Rarely/Sometimes 270 (88.8) Often/Always 34 (11.2) Skirt or trousers Never/Rarely/Sometimes 180 (59.2) Often/Always 124 (40.8) Sunscreen Never/Rarely/Sometimes 59 (19.4) Often/Always 245 (80.6) was found to increase the likelihood of wearing a hat or sleeves during sun exposure OR 1.1 (95% CI: 0.6 - 1.9) and 1.7 (95% CI: 1.2 - 4.0). All the above correlations were adjusted for age, gender and educational status, as possible confounders. 4. DISCUSSION Our study indicated an increased number of high risk group nurses in Greece for the development of skin can- cer, since almost 40% were of light skin colour and re- ported prev ious sunburns during ch ildhood. Furthermore the nurses commonly chose to use sunscreen, to wear glasses, to use an umbrella or to seek shade in order to protect themselves from sun exposure. Finally, our re- sults revealed that main socio-demographic characteris- tics such as gender and age and main risk factors in- cluding light eye and skin color, previous sunburns and the presence of common naevi robustly affect the atti- tude of nurses towards the use of protective measures against sun exposure. Similarly with other studies, sun- screen was one of the most commonly used protective measures [29-30] whereas females were more likely to use sunscreen compared to males [31-33]. Mo reov er, our results revealed that older ages were more compliant with sun protection measures and this is in accordance with the results of other studies which reported in creased use of hats, protective clothing and seeking for shade as protective measures among older ages [34-35]. Phenotypic factors and the number of common naevi are very important independent risk factors for the oc- currence of melanoma. A recent study performed in a Greek sample observed that fair skin and intermittent sun exposure during ch ildhood were positively related to the risk of melanoma where as an elevated count of common melanocytic nevi and the presence of clini- cally atypical nevi consisted an independent risk factor of melanoma [36]. Several constitutional characteristics are highly inter-related, and possibly interact with each other in determining individual sun exposure sensitivity and, ultimately, melanoma cancer risk. Thus, the indi- vidual characteristics and the reaction of unprotected skin to mid-day summer sunlight are often analysed as risk factors and important confounders, respectively, in epidemiological studies on skin cancer and melanoma. Clearly hair and eye colours cannot be considered di- rectly in a causal relationship with melanoma and are likely to be risk factors by virtue of their correlation with skin phenotype [37]. Sunburn is an inflammatory reaction that arises fol- lowing acute ex posure of the skin to sun ex posure and is as a biological marker of high dose of ultraviolet radia- tion penetrating to the melanocytes at the base of the epidermis [38]. The number of participants that reported previous sunburns was high (38.5%) while recent studies have also revealed that the percentages of children and adolescents who report sunburn during summer is actu- ally high [39-40]. Numerous common naevi might indi- cate a greater genetic tendency to form melanoma. Al- though no major gene conferring an increasing risk has been identified (except for CDKN2A and CDK4 in melanoma-prone families) the possibility that some of the genes associated with naevi may play a direct role in melanoma progression cannot be excluded. In addition, multiple naevi might indicate that previous exposure to environmental agents, such as increased sun exposure, has occurred, thereby independently causing both a large number of naevi and an increased risk of melanoma formations [37]. The melanoma risk of melanoma is strongly related to the number of naevi, which are in- creased in individuals with high levels of sun exposure. Thus, naevi may lie in the causal pathway between sun exposure and melanoma and in this case, the adjustment for naevi would not be appropriate because it would de- crease the true association [41]. Although there are a number of factors that predict solar protective behaviour in this sample, there are rela- H. Brokalaki et al. / Open Journal of Nursing 1 (2011) 43-50 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJN 47 Table 4. Main socio-demographic characteristics and protective measures compliance. Tabl e 5. Adjusted† odds ration (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for compliance with the protective measures and melanoma risk factors. †Adjusted for age, ge nd er, educational status. Shade or umbrella Sunglasses Hat Sleeves Skirt or trousers Sunscreen n (%) p-value n (%) p-value n (%) p-value n (%) p-valuen (%) p-value n (%) p-value Gender Male 37 (14.7) 34 (13.2) 14 (16.28)6 (17.7)17 (13.7) 27 (11.0) Female 215 (85.3) 0.90 223 (86.8) 0.04 72 (83.72)0.65 28 (82.4)0.62 107 (86.3) 0.66 218 (89.0)<0.001 Age 20 - 29 45 (17.9) 53 (20.6) 8 (9.3) 4 (11.8)17 (13.7) 52 (21.2) 30 - 39 87 (34.5) 90 (35.0) 31 (36.0)14 (41.2)49 (39.5) 81 (33.1) 40 - 49 85 (33.8) 83 (32.3) 29 (33.7)15 (44.1)49 (39.5) 76 (31.0) >50 35 (13.9) 0.04 31 (12.1) 0.31 18 (20.9) 0.005 1 (2.94) 0.01 9 (7.26) 0.001 36 (14.7) 0.54 Education 1st level 187 (74.2) 193(75.1) 61 (71.0)27 (79.4)101 (81.5) 180 (73.5) 2nd level 65 (25.8) 0.06 64 (24.9) 0.24 25 (29.1)0.17 7 (20.6)0.65 23 (18.6) 0.08 65 (26.5)0.02 Residence Urban 141 (56.0) 138 (53.7) 52 (60.5)16 (47.1)59 (47.6) 134 (54.7) Semi-urban 96 (38.1) 98 (38.1) 29 (33.7)14 (41.2)57 (46.0) 93 (38.0) Rural 15 (6.0) 0.02 21 (8.2) 0.52 5 (5.81) 0.28 4 (11.76) 0.55 8 (6.5) 0.13 18 (7.4) 0.61 Shade or umbrella Sunglasses Hat Sleeves Skirt or trousers Sunscreen Eye color Dark reference reference reference reference reference reference Light 0.44 (0.23 - 1.00) 0.46 (0.23 - 1.00)1.29 (0.73 - 2.25)0.81 (0.35 - 1.90)0.74 (0.43 - 1.25) 3.37 (1.36 - 8.33) Skin color Dark reference reference reference reference re ference re ference Light 1.09 (0.58 - 2.07) 0.21 (0.10 - 1.03)1.32 (1.18 - 2.23)2.74 (1.29 - 5.81)1.48 (1.00 - 2.39) 1.62 (1.10 - 3.14) Hair color Dark reference reference reference reference re ference re ference Light 0.51 (0.06 - 4.27) 0.40 (0.17 - 1.91)0.29 (0.08 - 1.08)0.22 (0.05 - 1.09)0.57 (0.16 - 2.11) 0.75 (0.09 - 6.40) Familial skin cancer history No re ference reference ref erence refe rence refe rence re ference Yes 0.24 (0.08 - 0.71) 0.52 (0.15 - 1.75)1.46 (0.47 - 4.50)1.18 (0.25 - 5.54)0.86 (0.29 - 2.49) 0.78 (0.23 - 2.68) Previous sunburns during childhoo d No re ference reference ref erence refe rence refe rence re ference Yes 3.11 (1.44 - 6.76) 1.10 (0.51 - 1.91)1.96 (1.15 - 3.32)2.41 (1.15 - 5.06)0.78 (0.48 - 1.27) 1.32 (1.07 - 2.51) Common naevi No re ference reference ref erence refe rence refe rence re ference Yes 0.77 (0.37 - 1.57) 1.14 (0.54 - 2.42)1.12 (1.05 - 1.88)1.67 (1.21 - 3.97)0.70 (0.40 - 1.22) 1.00 (0.48 - 2.09) H. Brokalaki et al. / Open Journal of Nursing 1 (2011) 43-50 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJN 48 tively few modifiable factors that can be addressed. For example, factors such as gender and age are not amena- ble to intervention; however, the identification of these factors can assist in ensuring that subsequent interven- tion strategies are effectively targeted. On the whole, those people who are included in high risk groups are more likely to adapt personal protective measures [32,35] most probably due to the fact that they perceive them- selves as at risk for the development of skin cancer [34] and they are aware of the danger. Therefore, it is impor- tant that preventive programs in this area are based on reference to behavioural data that assesses a range of sun protective measures in conjunction with knowledge and attitudinal parameters [42]. Primary prevention campaigns are recommended so as to increase the awareness of population regarding the risk factors for melanoma, the potential harm of overex- posure to the sun and th e importance of comp liance with the suggested preventive measures. Furthermore, such kind of campaigns should primarily focus to children and adolescents as a recent study performed to a Greek sample of adolescents showed that small percentages of the sample (38%) knew that melanoma was a type of skin cancer where as half of them were unaware of what melanoma was [43]. The same study reported that half of the adolescents did not wear a sunhat or stayed in the shade and either did not use a sunscreen properly or use one with insufficient sun protection factor [43]. More- over, preventive campaigns should take into account th at several studies have reported a diagnostic peak for melanoma diagnosis during the summer months most probably due to the change in clothing habits, the in- creased visibility of the skin and sustained sunburns due to recent sun exposure. As a result, such findings suggest that preventive campaigns should emphasize and pro- mote a better skin awareness among population espe- cially during summer period. However, the relationship between knowledge, sun protective behaviour and the mediating effect of sun protective attitudes and attitudes towards tanning and sunbathing are still not fully understood. Sunscreen can effectively reduce sunburn rates and the development of solar keratosis [16] and has been recommended as a cen- tral part of sun protection since public health campaigns first started. A long-term, coordinated multi-level ap- proach to increase sun protection that uses a range of strategies needs to be developed over the next few years. Messages need to be specifically targeted for at-risk groups (especially by age, gender and skin type), and approaches need to be refreshed and updated regularly, particularly to capture young markets. Reduction of the prevalence of sunbu rn cu rren tly o b ser ved in child r en and adolescents is of great priority. A reduction in sunburn rates may be best facilitated by the increased use of pro - tective clothing, hats and seeking shade. Melanoma needs to remain on the social agenda through a variety of mechanisms, and innovative new strategies are needed to achieve or maintain high levels of awareness and sun protecti ve beh aviour [1 7]. In conclusion, this study poses the necessity of target- ing those individuals at risk of melanoma through cam- paigns which should be implemented in a wide scale in Greece. These campaigns should organize future preven- tive strategies aiming to foster sun protection behaviours whereas further studies with a multivariate design aim- ing to extract confounding factors of sun protective be- haviour and interactions between knowledge, attitudes and behaviours seem necessary. 5. STUDY LIMITATION The study design allowed u s to perform the analysis to a representative sample of nurses. Additionally, this study adds important information to the limited body of knowledge regarding the relationship between the ad- herence to protective behavioural measures and high risk groups for the development of skin cancer. On the other hand, there are a number of limitatio ns within our study. Firstly, this is a study conducted among nurses, a study population who might be more informed about skin cancer risk factors and as a result be more willing to adapt personal protective measures as previous knowl- edge about the d anger of sun exposure is associated with increased sun protection, and therefore our results may not be generalisable to the general population. Finally, the participants self reported assessment of the number of common naevi they have, might have affected the estimates as studies have revealed great heterogeneity among the methods of counting naevi: self-assessment, the interviewer’s and trained clinician’s examination [37]. REFERENCES [1] Billiard, J.L., Cox, B. and Semenciw, R. (1999) Trends by anatomic site in the incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma in Canada 1969-93. Cancer Causes Control, 10, 407-416. doi:10.1023/A:1008964621225 [2] Friedman, R.J., Rigel, D.S., Silverman, M.K., Kopf, A.W. and Vossaert, K.A. 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