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Low Carbon Economy, 2011, 2, 205-209 doi:10.4236/lce.2011.24025 Published Online December 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. LCE 1 Clean Development Mechanism Cooperation in China Ye Qian1, Jian-Cheng Bin2 1School of Finance, Zhejiang University of Finance and Econo mics, Hangzhou, China; 2Jiangxi University of Fina nce and Economics, Nanchang, China. Email: Received September 4th, 2011; revised October 6th, 2011; accepted October 15th, 2011. ABSTRACT The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an arrangement under the Kyoto Protocol allowing developed countries with a greenhouse gas reduction commitment to invest in projects that reduce emissions in developing countries as an alternative to more expensive emission reductions in their own countries. In terms of the CDM areas, there are huge potential co mmercial opportunities between China and the United Kingdom since China signed the Kyoto Protocol. Keywords: CDM, Climate Change, The CDM International Coopera tion, The Kyoto Protocol 1. Introduction to the CDM in China Climate change is a great environmental issue of com- mon concern to the international community today [1]. Rising global temperatures will bring changes in weather patterns, rising sea levels and increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events [2]. The effects will be felt both in China and in the UK. Climate change is an issue involving both environment and development, but it is ultimately an issue of d evelopment [3]. As noted by the United Nations Framework Conven- tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated from developed countries, while per capita emissions in developing countries are still rela- tively low and the share of global emissions originating from developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs [4]. The UNFCCC stipulates clearly that the Parties to the Conven tion shall pro tect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated respon- sibilities and respectiv e capabilities, and accordingly, the developed country Parties shall take the lead in com- bating climate change and the adverse effects thereof. It further provides that all Parties shall formulate, imple- ment, publish and regularly update national programs to address climate change. The CDM is one flexible mechanism established under the Kyoto Protocol. It allows developed countries to invest in green house gas emission reduction projects in deve- loping countries and to claim the resulting Certified Emi- ssion Reductions (CERs) to assist them in compliance with their binding green house gas emission reduction commitments under the Protocol. At the same time, CDM project activities contribute to sustainable development in the host developing countries. The CDM is conceived as a project-based win-win me- chanism that can provide increased flexibility to deve- loped countries, which can reduce their overall cost of compliance with Kyoto commitments, while providing the CDM project hosting partners with additional funds and advanced technology. As a developing country of responsibility, China att- aches great importance to the issue of climate change. The National Coordination Committee on Climate Chan- ge was established, and a series of policies and measures to address climate change has been taken in the overall context of national sustainable development strategy, making positive contributions to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. As it is mandated under the UNFCCC, the Government of China formulates first global warming policy initiative, China’s National Cli- mate Change Programme (CNCCP) in June 2007. The Programme encourages and promotes the cooperation of CDM projects and other kinds of international coo- peration, strive to build a resource conservative and en- Clean Development Mechanism Cooperation in China 206 vironmentally friendly society, enhance national capa- city to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and make further contribution to the protection of the global cli- mate system. China takes active part in international and domestic activities regarding global climate change. China signed the UNCCC in 1992, climate policies have been high on the agenda of government decision makers and explicit climate mitigation or adaptation policies are in place [5]. China’s pursuit of sustainable development has in many respects been consistent with climate protection. Further- more, China ratified the Kyoto Protocol in August 2002, making the country eligible for CDM participation in competition with other developing countries. In October 2004, Measures for Operation and Management of Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China was taken effect. This provides official greenhouse gas emission inventory data, which are important for assessing priority areas for CDM projects. 2. CDM Potential in China Exploring the CDM poses a significant challenge to British enterprises for strategically assessing the oppor- tunities of the emerging carbon offset market. A model system’s results from the World Bank provide the policy implications for CDM potential in Ch ina, and the impact of CDM on China’s economy. It would be helpful for enterprises to formulate appropriate CDM strategy in China. One of the general requirements for CDM project ap- proval under the current Chinese arrangements is that the CDM project activity should promote the transfer of environmentally friendly technology. In addition, energy efficiency improvements and new and renewable energy are listed as priority areas for CDM cooperation. In gene- ral, the central government’s main goals are technology progress and broader contributions to sustainable deve- lopment, rather than merely attracting additional foreign investment. Along with China’s rapid economic development and the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, the demand for energy keeps increasing, and the construction of a stable, economical, clean and safe energy supply system faces the following challenges. At present, China is prominent resources restraint and low energy efficiency. China’s relative dearth of high- quality energy resources hinders its supp ly capability; its imbalanced distribution makes it difficult to secure a continued and steady supply; and the extensive pattern of economic growth, irrational energy structure, unsatis- factory energy technology and relatively poor mana- gement have resulted in higher energy consumption per- unit GDP and for the major energy-consuming products than the average level of major energy-consuming coun- tries, thus further intensifying the energy supply-demand contradiction. Consequ ently, an increase solely in supply is hard to meet the rising demand for energy. Secondly, China is increasing environmental pressure caused by the consumption of energy, mostly coal. Coal is the main energy consumed in China, and the energy stru- cture with coal playing the main role will remain unchanged for a long time to come. The relatively backward methods of coal production and consumption have intensified the pressure on environmental protection. Coal consumption has been the main cause of smoke pollution in China, as well as the main source of green-house gas. As the num- ber of motor vehicles climbs, the air pollution in some cities is becoming a mixture of coal smoke and exhaust gas. If this situation continues, the ecological environ- ment will face even greater pressure. Finally but not all, China is inco mplete market system and emergency response capability yet to be enhanced. China’s energy market system is yet to be completed, as the energy pricing mechanism fails to fully reflect the scarcity of resources, its supply and demand, and the envi- ronmental cost. Order in energy exploration and develop- ment must be further standardized, and the energy super- visory system improved. Coal production safety is far from satisfactory, the structure of power grids is not rational, the oil reserves are not sufficient, and an effective emergency pre-warning system is yet to be improved and conso lidat ed to deal with energy supply breakdowns and other major unexpected e me r gencies. Based on above reasons, the greenhouse gas emissions from China’s energy sector were projected to increase, with coal contributing a significant share to the increa- sing demand from the power and industry sectors. China’s energy-related CDM market poten tial is huge. China captu- res nearly 50 percent of the total market CDM demand [4]. Following Figure 1 highlights that China’s share in the Figure 1. Shares of global CDM projects Copyright © 2011 SciRes. LCE Clean Development Mechanism Cooperation in China 207 global CDM projects is 16.65 percent. Supplying this amount of CERs would require a significant number of newly built larger power projects registered as CDM projects, as well as several renewable power projects put into operation. It is important t o note that besi des reductions in CO2 from electricity generation, CDM potentials from other energy end-use and from abatement of other gases and other source and sink categories must also be taken into account in estimating China’s total CDM potential and its impact on market dynamics. Through so-called project-based transactions, investors receive CERs when they fund projects that reduce green- house gases relative to baseline emissions levels. Foreign investors usually fund new proj ects, although in principle they can also receive CERs when investing in existing ones. The present CDM market in China is buyer dominated. The preference of investors for “high quality” and “low risk” projects is likely to shape the market for carbon offsets. In reality, there will be no one uniform carbon price for different transferable emission units. But the CERs price could be higher, considering the prevailing certainties about the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol after Bali Road Map in December 2007. 3. Benefits from CDM in China Beside the obvious goals of CDM project activities-the reduction of green house gas emissions and mitigatio n of climate change-there are other significant benefits for China. These include: 1) Transfer of state-of-the-art technology to China that will stimulate scientific and technological progress. China needs larger-scale technology import and re-innovation and by 2010, China’s hi-tech import and export is expec- ted to reach 800 billion US dollars. At present, China- UK technology trade is less than ideally matched with our respective economic strengths, and we’re ready to cr- eate conditions to let more Chinese people recognise the UK’s technological competency. 2) Additional revenues coming from CERs that will improve the financial performance of a project. In No- vember 2007 China launched a state-owned CDM fund to finance the country’s efforts to address climate change. The China CDM Fund, managed by the Ministry of Fin- ance, generated money from the current CDM projects, which help China improve energy efficiency and protect the environment by using clean energy for power gen- eration, and raise money from various sources. 3) Help to start up new, domestic industry sectors. China encourages foreign investment in the production and supply of electric power and gas, as well as in the construction and operation of thermal power plants with a single-generator capacity, power stations burning clean coal, power stations featuring heat and power cogenera- tion, hydropower stations mainly for electricity produ- ction, nuclear power stations in which the Chinese side holds the dominant share, as well as power stations with renewable energy or new energy resources. It encourages foreign investors to invest in technology and equipment production for thermal, hydro and nuclear power stations with a considerably large generating capacity as well as for thermal power desulphurisation. It also encourages them to invest in the construction and operation of coal pipeline transportation facilities. 4) Diversification of electricity generation sources. On the basis of taking into overall consideration such factors as resources, technology, environmental protection and the market, the Chinese government will develop clean coal-fired electric power by setting up large coal-fired power bases and encouraging the building of power pla- nts at pitheads, with emphasis on large, highly efficient, environment-friendly power generating sets. It will ac- tively develop cog eneratio n of heat and power, and speed up elimination of small and backward thermal power units. On the conditio n that the ecological en vironment is protected and problems affecting local people are prop- erly settled, energetic efforts will be made to develop hydropower. It will actively popularise tech nologies util- izing wind, biomass and solar energy for power genera- tion, and build several million-kw wind power bases to achieve industrialization by means of scale power gen- eration. It will also actively develop nuclear power, and appropriat el y de vel o p na t u ral ga s p ower generation . 5) Support and help to accelerate the development of renewable energies. The exploration and utilization of re- newable energy resources plays a significant role in in- creasing energy supply, improving the energy mix and helping environmental protection, and is also a strategic choice of China to solve the contradiction between ener- gy supply and demand and achieve sustainable deve- lopment. China has promulgated the Renewable Energy Law and priority policies for renewable energy electricity, entailing priority to be connected to grids, acquisition in full and preferential price, and public sharing of costs. It has earmarked special funds for renewable energy deve- lopment to support resource survey, R & D of relevant technologies, building of pilot and demonstration pro- jects. It has released the Medium- and Long-term Pro- gram for Renewable Energy Development, putting for- ward the goal of increasing renewable energy consump- tion to 10 percent of the total energy consumption by 2010 and 15 percent by 2020. China will further the com- prehensive and cascade development of areas with hy- dropower resources, speed up the construction of large hydropower stations, develop medium and small-sized hydropower stations based on local conditions, and con- Copyright © 2011 SciRes. LCE Clean Development Mechanism Cooperation in China 208 struct pumped-storage power stations under appropriate circumstances. It will spread the latest technologies for the utilization of solar energy, methane and other renew- able energy sources. It will actively implement policies supporting renewable energy development, foster a re- newable energy market. The benefits derived from CDM support all major obj- ectives of China’s energy policy within the 11th Five- Year Plan (2006-2010). that is, by 2010 the energy sup- ply will basically meet the demands of national economic and social development; and obvious progress will have been made in energy conservation; energy efficiency will have been noticeably enhanced and the energy structure optimised; technolog ical progress, economic ben efits and market competitiveness will hav e been greatly increased; and energy-related macro-control, market regulation, legis- lation and emergency pre-warning system and mecha- nism compatible with the socialist market economy will all have been improved. The result will be that the coor- dinated development will have been achieved between energy production, the economy, the society and the en- vironment. 4. CDM Collaboration between China and the UK China-UK relationship has developed smoothly and their economic and trade cooperation has achieved fruitful results under the active promotion of leaders of both countries since the establishment of their diplomatic rela- tions. The mutual investment between the two countries has enjoyed steady development. The accumulative UK in- vestment in China has amounted to nearly 15 billion dol- lars and the UK remains China’s largest investment country in EU, while the number of the Chinese enter- prises investing and opening businesses in the UK has been increasing with each passing yea. China is now devo ted to building an en erg y saving and environmentally friendly society, promoting industrial structure upgrading through innovations, transferring economic development to achieve sustainable develop- ment. All these efforts have offered an enormous oppor- tunity for China and the UK to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation at a higher level and in a wider range. Taking opportunities offered by the CDM, the Chinese government has established a National Examination and Approval Council for Clean Development Mechanism, which consists of relevant departments. Up to October 2007, 20 projects under the CDM have been formally approved, and there are 6 projects from British enter- prises cooperation. In September 2006, when Chinese Premier Wen Jia bao visited the UK, the two countries signed a Memo- randum of Understanding (MoU) on establishing a China-UK climate change working group between the NDRC of China and the DEFRA of the UK. Within the MoU, there are broad subject areas for cooperation, that is, 1) Broader science work, in particular to review and develop on-going climate science collaboration between the Participants; 2) Energy efficiency; 3) Energy tech- nologies; 4) Approaches to adaptation; 5) The use of the flexible mechanisms, in particular the CDM; 6) Capacity building activities [6]. In January 2008, British Prime Minister Gordon Bro- wn paid a visit to Beijing. During his visit, a joint dec- laration on climate change was signed, which estab- lishes a unique bilateral Partnership to collaborate on the development and deployment of clean energy tech- nologies. Under this Partnership, the UK will provide at least GBP 50 million to China from British Environmental Transformation Fund to support investment in ar eas such as energy efficiency, renewable, clean coal and carbon capture and storage [7]. Secondly, bring together gov- ernment in a series of exchanges over the coming two years officials and experts from both sides to explore opportunities for clean energy investment in China and the UK-including training, research collaboration and investment partnerships in the fields of technology and engineering, business, finance and academic research; Third, extend cooperation on the EU-China Near Zero Emissions Coal Programme, launched in Beijing in No- vember 2007 with up to GBP 3.5 million of UK funding. This will deliver, by 2020, a commercial scale coal-fired power station in China with carbon capture and storage. And finally, collaborate on extend ing the CDM, to allow developed country carbon credits to be invested in en- ergy efficiency and clean energy programmes. 5. Concluding Remarks In conclusion, China implemented its first CDM project to reduce emissions under the Kyoto Protocol on 27 June 2005, marking a new phase in international efforts to tackle climate change. Since then, China became the world’s lead- ing supplier of CERs, as investors sp eculating on the future value of carbon emissions credits sought to take advantage of its low marginal costs of carbon abatement. In the long run, China stresses energy conservation and energy effi- ciency improvement in international cooperation. En- ergy-conservation cooperation will cover various aspects of energy consumption in industry production, transpor- tation and buildings. China holds a positive attitude to- ward the CDM international cooperation, within the framework of addressing climate change. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. LCE Clean Development Mechanism Cooperation in China Copyright © 2011 SciRes. LCE 209 REFERENCES [1] The World Bank etc., “Clean Development Mechanism in China,” 2nd Edition, The World Bank Group, Washing- ton DC, 2004. [2] The Information Office of the State Council of China, “China’s Energy Conditions and Policies,” White Paper, Beijing, 2007. [3] National Development and Reform Commission, Peo- ple’s Republic of China, “China’s National Climate Change Programme,” 2007. [4] UNFCCC, “The CDM,” 2008. [5] NCCCC, “Measures for Operation and Management of Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China,” 2005. NewsId= 905 [6] DEFRA, “Memorandum of Understanding between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the Department for En- vironment, Food and Rural Affairs on Establishing a China-UK Climate Change Working Group,” 2006. hina [7] UKTI, “Joint Declaration on Climate Change between China and the UK,” The UK and China: A Framework for Engagement, 2008. |