D.-S. Yu et al. / Open Journal of Stomatology 1 (2011) 195-201
good results. Yu et al. found that PUMA gene transfec-
tion could enhance the sensitivity of lung cancer cells to
radiotherapy [24].
There may be serious side effects in patients receiving
radiotherapy. Decreasing the occurrence of these side ef-
fects will be beneficial for cancer patients. PUMA gene
transfection can promote the apoptosis of tumor cells
and enhance its sensitivity to radiotherapy [25,26]. Cur-
rently, methods to increase PUMA-targeted expression
in tumors are the largest obstacle in the application of
PUMA in clinical practice. A new radiation-gene strat-
egy that uses radiation inducible promoters that stimu-
late downstream gene expression to construct control
and regulation systems for therapeutic gene expression
has been adopted in the current research [7,27,28]. This
system is a typical exogenous regulation mechanism that
can selectively kill tumor cells while protecting normal
structures from damage [7,29]. With the development of
radiotherapy techniques such as intensity modulation
radiated therapy and three-dimensional conformal radio
therapy, the radiation range can be adjusted to the target
areas by regulating the output dosage of various areas in
the radiation field [30,31].
To educe synergistic effects by integrating various
therapeutic strategies together is a trend in current gene
therapy [31,32]. In the current study, we demonstrated
that PUMA gene expression in tongue squamous cell
carcinoma was significantly upregulated at the transcri-
ptional level by treatment with radiation-inducible pro-
moters following 3 Gy of IR. We also proved that the
combination of PUMA gene therapy system with 3 Gy
of IR could significantly inhibit the growth of tumor
cells by promoting apoptosis and reducing proliferation
in vivo and in vitro. Although these results are not yet
applicable for the treatment of humans, they indicate that
radiation inducible promoters can serve as molecular
switches for regulating the expression of the PUMA ge-
ne and that low-dose radiation can significantly improve
therapeutic targeting efficiency in treatment of tongue
squamous cell carcinoma.
This study was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation
of China (Grant No. 3097 3340), the Guangdong Sciences and Tech-
nology Project (Grant No. 2008B030301113 and 2011B050400030),
and the Guangdong Natural Sciences Foundation (Grant No. 915100-
890100 0187 and S2011020003247).
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