Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJAC
Difference vs True / Montelukast % / Cross Validation
Figure 6. Distribution of the differences against their mean.
tion of the differences against their mean.
4. Conclusions
NIR spectroscopy has been shown to be a viable alterna-
tive to HPLC with UV detection for the assay of Monte-
lukast tablets, and it takes only few minutes to analyse a
batch once the calibration model has been set up. The
proposed model is easy to use and give accurate results.
It is a non-destructive method and thus lends itself very
well for on-line/at-line production control purposes.
Compared to the conventional technique, the NIR
spectroscopy method is faster, non-destructive, and gives
less variability. It has been shown that NIRspectroscopy
can replace safely the UV-vis spectrophotometry.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors thank Sigma Pharmaceutical Corp., Egypt
for technical support.
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