these predicted self-rated health. The only variable which was
independently associated with both self-rated health and the
risk of death physical functioning, or the level of disability.
It is plausible that self-rated health predicts mortality above
and beyond physical (age, sex) and medical statuses (cognitive
functioning and blood pressure) precisely because it is com-
prised of information generally not considered by scientific
medicine. It may reflect one’s feeling if life is worth living,
given one’s ability to conduct the way and the quality of life
he/she would like to have. Looking at one’s social environment
and at peers may bring about the feeling that the time has come
similar to the effect of special days in one’s own life or holi-
days (see for example, Anson & Anson, 2000, 2001). Health
professionals should be aware of the importance of self-rated
health and take it into considerations when making medical
evaluation and treatment plans.
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