Vol.2, No.4, 505-510 (2011) Agricultural Sciences
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Analysis of the relation between organic products
consumption and box schemes use in Alicante (Spain)
Fernando Vidal, David Bernardo López*, Francisco José del Campo
Departamento de Economía Agroambiental, EPSO, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Carretera de Beniel, Orihuela (Alicante), España;
*Corresponding Aut hor: david.lopez@umh.es
Received 29 August 2011; revised 27 September 2011; accepted 15 October 2011.
Box-schemes or organic food subscription plans
consist on a regular delivery of a box of seasonal
fruits and/or vegetables, preferably organic, cul-
tivated in the vicinity at a specified point using
subscription, The object of the present work is
trying to examine whether th ere is a re lationship
between consumer knowledge about these short
distribution channels and the consumption of
organic products in the province of Alicante. A
survey has been conducted among 400 usual
food buyers in this Spanish province. It has
been found that the consumption of organic
products and the knowledge of such initiatives
are linked. We recommend to companies that
use this type of distribution channel to publicize
it s benefits.
Keywords: Box-Scheme; Environmental;
Consumer; K nowledge; D i stribution
A box-scheme is a regular home delivery (or at a cen-
tral sale point), through subscription, of a seasonal fruit
and/or vegetables box, preferably organic, locally culti-
vated. Factors identified as success keys of this market-
ing channel are: supply variety, price/quality ratio, high-
quality and reliable delivery (Alonso and Guzmán, 2002
[1] and 2006 [2]; Alonso et al., 2002 [3]; Haldy, 2004 [4];
Midmore et al., 2004 [5]; Padel et al., 2004 [6]; Cavard
and Baros, 2005 [7]; Seyf ang, 2006 [8]; Baros, 2007 [9];
Brown et al., 2009 [10]; Diaz et al., 2009 [11]; Gliess-
man and Rosemeyer, 2010 [12,13]). Main operational
features of this distribution tool are: regular delivery;
product range and limited customer choice.
Spanish fresh fruit and vegetables consumption tends
to equalize models in European developed countries
based on differentiation and segmentation factors ac-
cording to demographic and social trends, and the in-
corporation to the demand function of product new fea-
tures and values of new features and values relative to
the product (Sanchez et al., 2001 [14]; Brugarolas and
Rivera, 2001 [15]; Colom and Saez, 2001 [16]; Soler et
al., 2002 [17]; Bernabéu et al., 2004 [18]; Montoro and
Castaneda, 2005 [19]; Brugarolas et al., 2005 [20] and
2007 [21] ).
Spain, despite being a major producer of organic farm-
ing, has a weak market and most of this production
(around 85%) is exported (Alonso, 2001 [22]; Guzmán
and Alonso, 2003 [23]). The growth of emerging envi-
ronmental markets need to maintain and enhance short
distribution channels and farmers cooperation (Alonso
and Guzmán, 2000 [24]; Cobo and González, 2001 [25];
Vicente and Ruiz, 2003 [26]; Padel et al. 2004 [6],
Alonso, 2004 [27]; Midmore et al., 2004 [5]; Diaz et al.,
2009 [11]).
This work aims to examine if there is a relationship
between consumer knowledge of these distribution chan-
nels and consumption of organic products in Alicante
province. Variables related to fresh product characteris-
tics that were most important for consumers have been
defined as factors. Then, segmentations have been made
attending organic products consumption and the box-
schemes level of knowledge. Finally, relationship be-
tween both is analysed.
400 surveys were made throughout the province of
Alicante, with a maximum error of 5% and a level of
confidence of 95%, through a conglomerates sampling
with ramdom subsampling, looking for usual market
basket buyers of the usual food basket in entrance access
to facilities (supermarkets, hypermarkets, central mar-
kets, street markets, etc.).
In order to get a self—weighed up resulting sample,
the selection of conglomerates was done related to their
size at the first stage. Participation units in the sample
were also proportional to th e size of the conglomerate at
the second stage. A pre-test to 20 people was done to
F. Vidal et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 505-510
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
detect possible errors in the questionnaire design. Sur-
veys were conducted during June, October and Novem-
ber 2007 in order to avoid making surveys in the sum-
mer period due to the great possibility of finding non-
residents during July and August. Survey s were conducted
in Alcoy, Alicante, Villena, Elda, Petrer, Novelda, Denia,
Javea, Calpe, Benidorm, Villajoyosa, Altea, San Vicente
del Raspeig, San Juan, Elche, Crevillente, Torrevieja,
Orihuela and Pilar de la Horadada.
The survey consisted of 26 closed questions. It in-
cluded a filter question to rule ou t those who do not usu-
ally perform familiar food purchasing. The questionnaire
asked about organic products knowledge and consump-
tion frequency. It looked at buying and fruit/vegetables
consumption habits. It also asked about the willingness
to consume them. It also looked for identifying which
the most important features of fresh products were in
order to be purchased, the most valued characteristics of
the box-scheme, population lifestyles and the most rele-
vant socio-e conomic charac t eristics of the respondent.
As it has been said, the more valuated (b y responden ts)
variables related to the fresh product characteristics of
the fresh product were simplified in factors before the
segmentat i on s (Di az et al., 2009) [14]).
The first grou p of v ar iables, co nsisting of three factors
(which explain a total variance of 63.95%), refer to val-
ued attributes in fruit and vegetables. The first factor,
“product composition” includes attributes such as nutria-
tional value, health and texture; along with those pro-
duction methods that guarantee a more natural product
composition (organic and integrated production). A sec-
ond factor would be “production method and origin re-
gardless of the price” and it groups production related
attributes (local origin, D.O., etc.). The third factor, “or-
ganoleptic characteristics”, focuses on fresh product
taste, aroma and visual appearance.
A second group of variables would be box-scheme
product/service features. The three extracted factors ex-
plain a total variance of 66.73%. The first one, “product
characteristics and environmental benefits”, groups fea-
tures related to the product (freshness, local origin,
healthy, organic) and the environmental benefits th at this
type of direct sale produces (packaging and food miles
reduction, biodiversity improvement, etc.). The second,
“social and economic benefits” encompasses variables
related to support local economies and rural development.
Finally, the “personal benefits” factor groups variables
which impact directly on consumers (home delivery ser-
vice and shopping experience).
Finally, the third group of factors, consumer lifestyle,
shows two factors which explain a total variance of
53.60%. The first factor, “concern for health and nutria-
tion” encompasses aspects related to food and exercise.
The second factor, “social and environmental awareness
and responsible consumption” groups variables related
to environmental concern and collaboration with non-
governmental organizations and the fact of reading the
product labels.
3.1. Segmentation Based on the Level of
Organic Product Consumption
Alicante consumers have been segmented in four
groups based on organic products consumption (Table 1):
usual (9.2% of population), occasional and/or test (45%),
potential (those who do not consume but stated that they
could do it, 41.2% of resp ondents) and non consumption
(those who stated that they would not consume such
products, 4.6%). Table 2 shows the characterization of
these four segments attending different descriptive vari-
ables (the table only shows those variables that have
statistically significant relationships).
Table 1. Consumers segment characterization according to thei r orga ni c p r od u ct consumption based on several variables.
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4
Variables/Factors Usual consumption
(9.2%) Occasional
consumption (45.0%)Potential
consumption (41.2%) Non consumption
Fruits and vegetables attributes
Product compos i tion* 1.292a –0.308b 0.066b –0.148b
Production method and origin regardless of the price * 1.288a –0.043b –0.210b –0.262b
Organoleptic charac teristics* –0.389a –0.064a,b 0.090a,b 0.605b
Box-scheme product/service features
Product characteristics and environmental benefit s* 1.354a –0.108b –0.136b –0.424b
Social and economic benefi t s 0.348 –0.047 0.018 –0.400
Personal benefits –0.099 –0.111 0.116 0.237
Consumer lifestyle
Concern for health and nutrition* 1.001a –0.168b 0.031b –0.625b
Social and environmental awareness and responsible
consumption* 1.030a 0.102b –0.278b –0.560b
*Significant differences for p < 1%; Averages with different letters at the same row are statistically different (Tukey, p < 0.05).
F. Vidal et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 505-510
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 2. Consumers segment characterization according to their organic products consumption based on different descriptive vari-
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Total
Country of origin**
Spanish 58.3% 83.1% 98.1% 100.0% 87.8%
EU citizen 33.3% 13.6% 1.9% 0.0% 9.9%
Non EU citizen 8.3% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3%
Monthly fam ily incomes*
<1.000 € 0.0% 5.1% 1.9% 0.0% 3.1%
1.001 - 1.500 € 0.0% 20.3% 9.3% 1 6.7% 13.7%
1.501 - 2.000 € 16.7% 20.3% 33.3% 83.3% 28.2%
2.001 - 3.000 € 25.0% 37.3% 42.6% 0.0% 36.6%
>3.000 € 58.3% 16.9% 13.0% 0.0% 18.3%
Fruits and Vegetables buying places**
Supermarkets 75.0% 71.2% 64.8% 83.3% 69.5%
Hypermarkets 25.0% 18.6% 33.3% 50.0% 26.7%
Discount 16.7% 8.5% 5.6% 33.3% 9.2%
Traditional shop 75.0% 71.2% 75.9% 66.7% 73.3%
Central markets 66.7% 39.0% 38.9% 0.0% 39.7%
Street markets 41.7% 20.3% 5.6% 0.0% 15.3%
Others 8.3% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5%
Knowledge about Box-sch eme*
They know it 75.0% 18.6% 1.9% 0.0% 16.0%
*, **Significant differences for p < 1% and 5 % r espectively.
Thus, organic products usual consumers value product
composition when choosing fruit and vegetables. They
pay attention to production systems that are environ-
mental respectful (organic and integrated production)
and the local origin of the product regardless of price.
They consider product features and environmental bene-
fits as the most important features when they valuate
box-scheme model. Regarding lifestyles, these consum-
ers are particularly concerned about their health and nu-
trition. They also show a strong social and environ-
mental awareness. They show the highest visit frequency
to central markets and street markets (Table 2). Th is can
be due to the fact that it is the segment where there are
more European Union citizens. It is also the segment
with higher incomes.
3.2. Segmentation Based on the Level of
Knowledge about Box-Scheme
Consumers have been segmented in three groups re-
garding their level of knowledge about this distribution
channel: low, medium or high (Tab le 3). The first seg-
ment is composed by consumers with a low level of
knowledge (it represents 29% of the population). The
second segment comprises those consumers with a me-
dium level of knowledge (46.6%). The third segment
represents those consumers whose knowledge is high
(24.4% of re spondent s).
Consumers that show a low level of knowledge about
box-scheme are characterized by having no interest on
product composition, environmentally friendly produc-
tion methods and product origin. They pay attention to
price when they choose fresh products. They do not ap-
preciate box-schemes and they note a great ignorance
about similar initiatives. They do not show any concern
about health or nutrition, neither about environmental
and social issues. They usually buy fruit and vegetables
at hypermarkets (higher proportion than the total aver-
age). Their purchase frequency is higher than the rest of
segments. The socio-economic and demographic vari-
ables stress their national character, their lower educa-
tional levels and the less variety of occupations (with
housewives highest proportion). This segment also shows
the lowest income levels (Table 4).
The second segment (consumers that showed a me-
dium level of knowledge about box-schemes) shows some
interest on fresh product composition when choosing it.
However, they do not note it regarding production sys-
tem or origin. They value produc t characteristics and en-
vironmental benefits of box-schemes. They do not value
its social benefits. Their lifestyles seem slightly con-
cerned about health and nutrition, without a strong social
or environmental awareness. Their fruits and vegetables
purchase habits reflect those of the average total except
F. Vidal et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 505-510
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
lightweight differences (they buy more in supermarkets
and less in street markets). Their knowledge about box-
schemes is slightly lower than the average.
The third segment corresponds to consumers who
showed a high knowledge about box-scheme. They greatly
appreciate the production method and fruit and vegetable
origin regardless of price. They give importance to prod-
uct composition. They perceive box-scheme as positive,
mainly because of product characteristics and its envi-
ronmental benefits, and, to a lesser extent, because of its
social benefits. Regarding their lifestyles, they show a
strong social conscience and environmental concern.
They also note a high concern for health and nutrition.
There is a higher proportion of consumers who buy at
central, street markets and discount (this last may due to
the high proportion of EU citizens in this segmen t) and a
lower proportion of shopping at hypermarkets. As we
found in the previous segmentation regarding usual
consumers, this segment shows shorter purchase fre-
quencies. This segment comprises the highest levels of
studies and the highest incomes.
3.3. Analysis of the Relation between
Organic Aroduct Consumption
and the Level of Knowledge
about Box-Scheme
The data obtained from both segmentations can be
compared. Firstly, it is possible to look at consumers
characteristics in segments that declare to consume or-
ganic products on a regular basis (Segment 1, Tab l e 1 )
and those with a high level of knowledge about short
distribution channels (Segment 3, Table 3).
Both segments value product composition, environ-
mentally friendly production systems and the local ori-
gin of the product regardless of price. Both groups also
perceive box-scheme positively, mainly because product
features and its environmental benefits.
Regarding their lifestyles, both are particularly con-
cerned about their health and nutrition and possess a
strong social and environmental awareness. In their fruit
and vegetables purchase habits, both groups have the
shortest purchase frequencies. They also are those who
visit the most central markets and street markets.
Finally, looking at other socio-economic and demo-
graphic variables, both groups show a greater presence
of University studies and a higher income level.
Similarly, it would also be possible to compare con-
sumer features of the segment that declares not to con-
sume such products (Segment 4, Table 1) and consumer
features with a low level of knowledge about box-scheme
(Segment 1, Table 3).
Both segments va lue above all fresh product attributes
its organoleptic characteristics, and are more concerned
about price. Similarly, they prefer the personal benefits
that box-scheme would bring them.
Their lifestyle similarities must be underlined. Both
groups do not show any concern about health, nutrition
and the environment. They are characterized by a lack of
a strong social conscience. Both groups presented the
highest percentages of shopping in supermarkets, hyper-
markets and discounts.
Regarding socio-economic and demographic variables,
we observe their Spanish character, a higher percentage
of housewives and the lowest income level.
Table 3. Consumers segment characterization according to their level of knowledge about box-scheme based on several variables.
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3
Variables/Factors Low level (29.0%) Medium level (46.6%) High level (24.4%)
Fruits and vegetables attributes
Product compos i tion* –0.524a 0.124b 0.386b
Production m ethod and origin regardless of the price* * –0.364a –0.134a 0.687b
Organoleptic characteristics 0.130 0.019 –0.191
Box-scheme product/service features
Product characteristics and environmental benefit s* –0.672a 0.029b 0.743c
Social and economic benefits** –0.199a –0.053a,b 0.336b
Personal benefits 0.033 0.134 –0.295
Consumer lifestyle
Concern for health and nutrition* –0.501a 0.080b 0.442b
Social and environmental aware ness and responsible cons umption* –0.446a –0.040a 0.607b
*Significant differences for p < 1%; Averages with different letters at the same row are statistically different (Tukey, p < 0.05).
F. Vidal et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 505-510
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 4. Consumers segment characterization according to their level of knowledge about box-scheme based on different descriptive
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Total
Country of origin*
Spanish 97.4% 90.2% 71.9% 87.8%
EU citizen 2.6% 6.6% 25.0% 9.9%
Non EU citizen 0.0% 3.3% 3.1% 2.3%
School 21.1% 8.2% 3.1% 10.7%
Compulsory Educ ati on 26.3% 19.7% 6.3% 18.3%
High School 21.1% 19.7% 6.3% 16.8%
Professional Education 15.8% 16.4% 31.3% 19.8%
Degree 15.8% 36.1% 53.1% 34.4%
Housewife 42.1% 36.1% 3.1% 29.8%
Liberal Professi ons 2.6% 6.6% 15.6% 7.6%
Autonomous 7.9% 4.9% 31.3% 12.2%
Employee 31.6% 42.6% 25.0% 35.1%
Civil Servant 5.3% 0.0% 6.3% 3.1%
Civil Servant with degree 2.6% 3.3% 9.4% 4.6%
Retired 7.9% 1.6% 3.1% 3.8%
Student 0.0% 1.6% 3.1% 1.5%
Businessman 0.0% 3.3% 3.1% 2.3%
Monthly family incomes**
<1.000 € 5.3% 3.3% 0.0% 3.1%
1.001 - 1.500 € 26.3% 9.8% 6.3% 13.7%
1.501 - 2.000 € 36.8% 27.9% 18.8% 28.2%
2.001 - 3.000 € 31.6% 39.3% 37.5% 36.6%
>3.000 € 0.0% 19.7% 37.5% 18.3%
Fruits and Vegetables buying pla c e s *
Supermarkets 63.2% 72.1% 71.9% 69.5%
Hypermarkets 36.8% 26.2% 15.6% 26.7%
Discount 7.9% 8.2% 12.5% 9.2%
Traditional shop 76.3% 73.8% 68.8% 73.3%
Central markets 36.8% 39.3% 43.8% 39.7%
Street markets 10.5% 11.5% 28.1% 15.3%
Others 0.0% 0.0% 6.3% 1.5%
Fruits and vegetables buying frequency**
Every 2 days 26.3% 11.5% 21.9% 18.3%
Every 3 - 4 days 44.7% 75.4% 75.0% 66.4%
Once per week 28.9% 13.1% 3.1% 15.3%
Knowledge about Box-sch eme**
They know it 2.6% 11.5% 40.6% 16.0%
*, **Significant differences for p < 1% and 5 % r espectively.
The objective of this work was to examine whether
there was a relationship between the organic product
consumption and the use of box-scheme in the province
of Alicante.
It has been seen how there are many similarities be-
tween members of the segments that declare to consume
organic products regularly and those that show a high
level of knowledge about these short distribution chan-
nel. Something similar can be said about the consumer
segment that declares not to consume these products and
the consumer segment with a low level of knowledge
about box-scheme.
So, it can be said that consumption and knowledge are
linked. It would be interesting to analyse if knowledge
precedes consumption or vice versa in further research.
In any case, it seems clear that companies that use this
type of distribution channel must work to publicize its
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