Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2011, 1, 378-383 doi:10.4236/apm.2011.16067 Published Online November 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM Geodesic Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Sasakian Manifolds* Junhong Dong1, Ximin Liu2 1Department of Mat hem at i cs, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China 2School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Chi na E-mail: dongjunhong-, ximinliu@dlut.ed Received July 23, 201 1; revised August 15, 2011; accepted August 25, 2011 Abstract In this paper, we study geodesic contact CR-lightlike submanifolds and geodesic screen CR-lightlike (SCR) submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for totally geodesic, mixed geodesic, -geodesic and -geodesic contact CR-lightlike submanifolds and SCR submanifolds are obtained. D Keywords: CR-Lightlike Submanifolds, Sasakian Manifolds, Totally Geodesic Submanifolds 1. Introduction A submanifold of a se mi -R ie ma n ni an ma ni f ol d is called lightlike submanifold if the induced metric on is degenerate. The general theory of a lightlike sub- manifold has been developed by Kupeli [1] and Bejancu- Duggal [2]. The geometry of CR-lightlike submanifolds of inde- finite Kaehler manifolds was studied by Guggal and Bejancu [2]. The geodesic CR-lightlike submanifolds in indefinite Kaehler manifolds were studied by Sahin and Günes [3,4]. Lightlike submanifold of indefinite Sasakian mani- folds can be defined according to the behavior of the almost contact structure, and contact CR-lightlike sub- manifolds and screen CR-lightlike (SCR) submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds were studied by Duggal and Sahin in [5]. The study of the geometry of subma- nifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds has been de- veloped by [6] and others. In this paper, geodesic contact CR-lightlike submani- folds and geodesic screen CR-lightlike (SCR) submani- folds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds are considered. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for totally geodesic, mixed geodesic, D-geodesic and D -geo- desic contact CR-lightlike submanifolds and SCR sub- manifolds are obtained. 2. Preliminaries A submanifold m immersed in a semi-Riemannian manifold () mn , g is called a lightlike submanifold if it admits a degenerate metric induced from whose radical distribution is of rank where RadTM r 1rm , , where =RadTMTMTM =| ,=0, xx xM TMuTMguvvTM . Let STM TM be a screen distribution which is semi- Riemannian complementary distribution of in , i.e. RadTM TM =(RadTMS TM . As is a nondegenerate vector subbundle of STM | TM , we put .MS TM|=S T M TM We consider a nondegenerate vector subbundle of STM RadTM, which is a complementary vector bundle of in TM . Since, for any local basis {} i of , there exists a local frame of sections with value in the orthogonal complement of RadTM {} i N STM such that =, ii gN ij and ,N =0 ij , there exists a lightlike, transversal vector bundle gN ltrTM locally spanned by . Let be the comple- mentary (but not orthogonal) vector bundle to TM in {} i N trTM | TM . Then =,trTMltrTMSTM =.TMSTMRadTMltrTMS TM *This work is supporte d by NSFC (10931005).
J. H. DONG ET AL.379 Now, let be the levi-Civita connection on , we have ,= ,, ,, , X, X gYZgYZ gYZ XYZ TM (2.1) =,, , XX YYhXYXYTM , (2.2) =, , t XVX VAXVX TM VtrTM , (2.3) where and , XV YAX ,, t X hXY V belong to TM and , TMtr respectively. Using the projectors and :ltrTM STM :str TMltr TM , from [1], we have =,,,, ls XX YYh XYhXYXYTM , (2.4) =,,, ls XNX NAXNDXNN ltrTM (2.5) =,, sl XWX WAX WDXWW STM . ,, , X (2.6) Denote the projection of TM to by , we have the decomposition STM P = XX PYPYhX PY (2.7) = t X AX (2.8) for any ,, ,X YTMRadTMNltrTM . From the above equations we have ,,= ,, l hXY gAXY (2.9) ,,= , N, hXPYN gAXPY (2.10) ,,=0, =0. (2.11) l gh XA Definition 2.1 A (2n + 1)-dimensional Semi-Rieman- nian manifold , g is called a contact metric mani- fold if there is a tensor field (1,1) , a vector field , called the characteristic vector field, and its dual 1-form V such that ,= ,,,=gXY gXYXYgVV, (2.12) 2=,,= , XXVgXV X (2.13) ,=,, ,dXY gXYXYTM , (2.14) where =1 . From the above definiton, it follows that =0,=0,=1.V V (2.15) The (, ,, )Vg is called a contact metric structure of . If =0Nd V , we say that has a normal contact structure, where N is the Nijenhuis tensor field of . A normal contact metric manifold is called a Sasakian m a ni fo ld for which we have = XVX. (2.16) =, XYgXYV YX . (2.17) Let ,, ,MgSTMSTM be a lightlike submanifold of , g. For any vector field tangent to , we put =, PX QX (2.18) where and are the tangential and the transversal parts of PX QX , respectively. Let’s suppose is a spacelike vector field so that V =1 , it’s similar when is a timelike vector field. V 3. Geodesic Invariant L ightlike Submanifolds Definition 3.1 Let ,, ,MgSTM STM be a lightlike submanifold, tangent to the structure vector fi eld ,V VSTM, immersed in an indefinite Sasakian manifold , g, we say that is an invariant subma - nifolds of if the following conditions are satisfied =, =RadTMRadTMS TMSTM . (3.1) From (2.16), (2.17), (2.18) and (2.4) we hav e ,=,=0, = = ls XX hXVhXVVVPX, (3.2) ,= ,= ,,, l hXYhXYh XYXYTM . (3.3) From (3.1) and (2.12) we have =, =ltr TMltr TMSTMSTM . (3.4) Theorem 3.1 Let ,, ,MgSTM STM be an invariant lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold , then is totally geodesic if and only if and l h h of are parallel. Proof. Suppose is parallel, for any l h ,, YZ TM , we have ,= ,, ,=0. lll XX lX hYVhYV hYV hY V X By (3.2), we h a v e ,= ,=0 ll X hYV hYV, Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
J. H. DONG ET AL. 380 so ,= lX hY Y00.. That is to say ,= l hYPX ,=0.hYPX In a similar way, we can get Thus, s is totally geodesic. Conversely, if since ,= ,=0 ls hXY hXY, ,= ,, ,=0, l XX X lX hYZhYZ hYZ hY Z ll ,= ,, ,=0, sss XX sX hYZhYZhYZ hY Z X so and l h h are parallel, which completes the proof. 4. Geodesic Contact CR-Lightlike Submanifolds Definition 4.1 Let be a lightlike submanifold, tangent to the structure vector field , immersed in an indefinite Sasakian manifold ,, ,MgSTM STM V , g. We say that is a contact CR-lightlike sub- manifold of if the following conditions are satisfied [(A)] is a distribution on RadTM such that (RadTadTM )={0}.MR 0 D [(B)] There exist vector bundles and over D such that 0 =,S TMRadTMDDV 00 12 =, =DDDLL, where 0 is non-degenerate and , 2 is a vector subbundle of ST . So we have the decomposition D 1=Lltr TM L M 0 =,=TMDDV DRadTMRadTMD . If we denote , then we have ˆ= DDV ˆˆ =,= TMDDD D ˆ . Definition 4.2 A contact CR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold is called -geodesic contact CR-lightlike submanifold if its second funda- mental form satisfied ˆ D h ,=0hXY , for any ˆ , YD . Definition 4.3 A contact CR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold is called mixed geodesic contact CR-lightlike submanifold if its second funda- mental form satisfied for any h ,=0hXZ, ˆ D and D . Definition 4.4 A contact CR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold is called -geodesic contact CR-lightlike submanifold if its second funda- mental form satisfied for any D h ,=0hZU , , UD . Theorem 4.1 Let be a contact CR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then is totally geodesic if and only if ,=,, l w YAXgYDXW, XY has no compo- nents in 1 L , spanVYTM or has no components in 1 L . Proof. We know that is totally geodesic if and only if =0,YhX , for any , Y TM. By the definition of the second fundamental form, ,=0YhX is equivalent to ,Y , =0W,,Y W =0,ghX STM ghX ,, for any . RadTM From (2.4) and (2.7) we have = , , , , X XX X X X ghXg Y gY Y gY gY ggXYV gY YgX ,, =, =, =, =, Y YX (4.1) and ,, =, =, , =, =, , =,, ,. sX X X sl WX l W ghXY WgYW XgYWgY W gY W YAXWDXW gYAXgYDXW (4.2) Thus, from (4.1) and (4.2), the proof is completed. Theorem 4.2 Let be a contact CR-lightlike sub- manifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then is mixed geodesic if and only if Y X has no components in 2 RadT LM . Proof. By the definition, is mixed geodesic if and only if ,,=0, ,, ˆ , . ghXYghXY W xDYD =0. Then we have ,,= , =, =, =, ,, =,(), =,(), =, X XX X X X Y Y ghXYg Y gY Y gY gY ggXYV gY YgX gAXYgX gAX YX Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
J. H. DONG ET AL.381 and ,, =, =, =, =,, , =, =,. X XX X X X Y ghXY WgYW gYW YW gYW YW ggXYVYXW gYW gAXW Thus, the proof of the theorem is complete. Theorem 4.3 Let be a contact CR-lightlike sub- manifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then is -geodesic if and only if ˆ D 2XRadTM L XY , has no components in . ˆ ,,LXY D 2 Proof. is -geodesic if and only if ˆ D ,,=0, ,,=0 ls ghXYghXYW , for any ˆ ,, YD RadTM and . WSTM Then we have ,,= , =, =, =, ,, =, =, =, X XX X X X X X ghXYg Y gY Y gY gY ggXYVYX gY gY gY and ,, =, =, =, =,, , =, =,. sX XX X X X X ghXY WgYW gYW YW gYW YW ggXYVYXW gYW gYW Thus the assertions of the theorem follows. Theorem 4.4 Let be a contact CR-lightlike sub- manifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then is -geodesic if and only if DW X, X have no components in 2 , MXLRadT D Y . Proof. is -geodesic if and, only if D ,,=0, ,,=0 ls ghXYghXY W , for any ,, YD RadTM and WSTM . So we have ,,=,= , =, XX ghXYg YgY gAXY and ,, =, =, =,. XX W hXY WgYWgYW gAXY Thus the assertions of the theorem follows. 5. Geodesic Contact SCR-Lightlike Submanifolds Definition 5.1 Let ,, ,MgSTM STM be a lightlike submanifold, tangent to the structure vector field , immersed in an indefinite Sasakian manifold V , g. We say that is a contact SCR-lightlike sub- manifold of if the following conditions are satisfied [(A)] There exist real non-null distributions and D D , such that =, =0, STMD DVDSTM DD , where D is the orthogonal complementary to DV in MST . [(B)] TM=, D =, =RadTMRadTMltr TMltr D. Hence we have the decomposition =, =TMDD VDDRadTM . Let us denote ˆ=DDV . Definition 5.2 A contact SCR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian man ifold is called mixed geodesic contact SCR-lightlike submanifold if its second fun- damental form satisfied for any h ,=0hXY , D and DY . Theorem 5.1 Let be a contact SCR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then is totally g eodesic if and only if ,=,=0, , , , . W LgXYLgXYXYTM RadTMWS TM Proof. We know is totally geodesic if and only if ,,=0, ,,=0. ˆ , . ghXYghXY W XDYD Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
J. H. DONG ET AL. 382 From (2.1) and Lie derivative we obtain ,,= , =, , =,,, =,,,, =,,,,,, =,, =, ,,. X Y Y ghXYg Y XgYgY X gY X gYX gYXgXYgX Y YXgXYgXYgX Lg XYgX LgXYghXY Hence we have 2,,= ,. hXYLg XY In a similar way, we can get 2,,= , W, hXYWLgXY thus the proof is completed. Theorem 5.2 Let be a contact SCR-lightlike sub- manifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then is mixed geodesic if and only if ˆ , s XY YDAXD , for any ˆ, DY D . Proof. For any ˆ, , , XDYD RadTMWSTM denote by =, =, PX QXWBW CW where , , PXD QXDBWD and . CWSTMD If is mixed geodesic, then ,=Y=0hXY Y XX WSTM . From the definition, there exists such that =.WY Thus we have 0= = = =. XXXX t WX X tt WW XX WY WY AX WY PA XQA XBWCWY X =0 From the definition of the and C, we know that . So we have Q = t WX QA XCW ˆ , XW WDAX tD . From =WY and (2.13), we have =WY , thus the proof is completed. Theorem 5.3 Let be a contact SCR-lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Sasakian manifold . Then D defines a totally geodesic foliatio n if and only if sZ,hX and , s hXN has no components in , DX ZD , D . Proof. From the definition, we have that D is a totally geodesic foliation if and only if XYD , for any , YD , which is equivalent to ,=,=0, ,. XX gYZgYN ZDNltrTM Then we have ,=,=, =, =, =, , =, =,, XX X XX X X X s YZ gYZgYZ gY ZYZ gYZ YZgXZVZX gYZ gYhXZ and ,= , =, =, =, =, =, =,,. X X XX X X X X s gYNgYN gYNYN gYN , YgXYV YXN gYN gYN gYhXN Thus the assertion is proved. 6. References [1] D. N. Kupeli, “Singular Semi-Riemannian Geometry,” Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. [2] K. L. Duggal and A. Bejancu, “Lightlike Submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds and Applications,” Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1996. [3] B. Sahin, “Transversal Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefi- nite Kaehler Manifolds,” Analele Universitaii de Vest, Timisoara Seria Matematica—Informatica, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2006, pp. 119-145. [4] B. Sahin and R. Günes, “Geodesic CR-Lightlike Sub- manifolds,” Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2001, pp. 583-594. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
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