Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2011, 1, 315-321 doi:10.4236/apm.2011.16057 Published Online November 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM A New Extension of Humbert Matrix Function and Their Properties Ayman Shehata, Mohamed Abul-Dahab* 1Department of Mat hem at i cs, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt 2Department of Mat hem at i cs, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt E-mail: * Received August 15, 2011; revised October 22, 2011; accepted October 30, 2011 Abstract This paper deals with the study of the composite Humbert matrix function with matrix arguments ,AB z. The convergence and integral form this function is established. An operational relation between a Humbert matrix function and Kummer matrix function is studied. Also, integral expressions of this relation are de- duced. Finally, we define and study of the composite Humbert Kummer matrix functions. Keywords: Hypergeometric Matrix function, Humbert Matrix Function, Kummer Matrix Function, Integral Representations 1. Introduction Special matrix functions appear in the literature related to statistics [1-4] and more recently in connection with matrix analogues of Laguerre, Hermite and Legendre differential equations and the corresponding poly- nomial families [5-7]. The connection between the Humbert matrix function and modified Bessel matrix function has been established in [8,9]. In recent papers [10,11], we defined and studied the Humbert matrix functions. The Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric function belongs to an important class of special func- tions of the mathematical physics with a large number of applications in different branches of the quantum mecha- nics atomic physics, quantum theory, nuclear physics, quantum electronics, elasticity theory, acoustics, theory of oscillating strings, hydrodynamics, random walk theory, optics, wave theory, fiber optics, electromagnetic field theory, plasma physics, the theory of probability and the mathematical statistics, the pure and applied mathematics in [3,4,12-14]. Recently, an extension to the Kummer matrix function of complex variable is appeared in [15]. The first author has earlier studied the certain Kummer matrix function of two complex variables under certain differential and integral operators [16]. The primary goal of this paper is to consider a new system of matrix functions, namely the composite Humbert matrix func- tion, Humbert Kummer matrix function and composite Humbert Kummer matrix function. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 is define and study of the composite Humbert matrix function. The convergence and integral form is established. In Section 3 an operational relation between a Humbert matrix function and Kummer matrix function is given. Integral expressions of Humbert Kummer matrix func- tions are deduced. In Section 4 we defined and studied of the composite Humbert Kummer matrix functions. Throughout this paper 0 will denote the complex plane. A matrix is a positive stable matrix in D P N C if >0Re for all where P P is the set of all eigenvalues of and its two-norm denoted by P 2 02 =, sup x Px Px where for a vector in y C, 1 2 2=T yy is the Euclidean norm of . y Let P and P be the real numbers which were defined in [17] by =max :, =min :. PRezzP PRezzP (1.1) If z and zz are holomorphic functions of the complex variable which are defined in an open set of the complex plane and is a matrix in P
A. SHEHATA ET AL. 316 N C such that , then from the properties of the matrix functional calculus [18], it follows that P =. PgPgPfP (1.2) Hence, if in Q N C =PQ QP is a matrix for which and if , then Q =. PgQgQf P (1.3) The reciprocal Gamma function denoted by 1z 1 =z z is an entire function of the complex va- riable . Then the image of acting on denoted by is a well-defined matrix. Further- more, if 1z P P invertible fo 1 PIP PnI P =1 lim 1 israll integer0.PnI n (1.4) The Pochhammer symbol or shifted factorial defined [17] by 0 =1 ;1;= n PP nI nP I (1.5) Jódar and Cortés have proved in [17] that 1 ! . n P n Pn Q n (1.6) Let and be two positive stable matrices in P N C. The gamma matrix function and the beta matrix function have been defined in [19] as follows P ,BPQ 0 =e =exp tP Pt tP 1 0 ,= PI Q t d; ln I PI t I t . (1.7) and 1 d QI BPt t (1.8) The Schur decomposition of , was given by [18] in the form: P 1 2 ; 0, ! s tP Prt t s 1 () =0 ee r t P s and 1 2 1 () =0 ln ; ! s r PP s Pr n nn n s 2. Composite Humbert M atrix Function Let us introduce the following notation (see [20]) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 =,,,, =, =, =,,,, =, =,,,, =, =, = s s k kk ks s s s s s s kkk k s kkk k kkk k kkkk zzz z AAA A AAA A BBB B BBB B AIA IAIAI BIBIBIBI (2.1) and ,,, , 1122 =,,, ABA BABAB ss JJJ J. Suppose that 11 , 3 02 =3 ,;,;;=1,2,, 27 AB ii i AB iii ii ii ii z JzAI BI z AIBI is (2.2) are Humbert matrix function with square complex matrices 12 ,,, AA and 12 ,,, BB B of the same order N. Construct the function 11 , 3 02 3 3 =0 3 ,;,;27 , AB AB AB kI AB kI k z zAI z FAIBI Uz BI (2.3) where 11 33 11 =. 3! k AB kIAB kI 1 kI BkI Uk 1 . (1.9) This function, will be called the composite Humbert matrix function of several complex variables 12 ,,, zz z. Now we prove that the matrix power series (2.3) convergence for all 30z. Using the ratio test, we obtain 3( 1) 11 3( 1) 3( 1) 33(1) () () 3 13 1 3 11 3 3() 22 1=limsuplimsup 31! 1( 1) . limsup 1 3! AB k I AB k I AB kI AB kIABkI kk AB kI AB kI AB kIk Ak IBk Iz Uz RUz k AkI BkIz AkI BkIzz k k Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
A. SHEHATA ET AL.317 Note that if is large enough so that 1k 1>kA, then by perturma, [13], we can write bation lem 1 11 1= 11 A Ak II kk 1 11 =11 1 AI kkk A (2.4) hence () 11 11 3 1 1 =limsup 1.. 11.. 1 .. 11.. || . .. 1 ks ss ss kkk A kAkB z kB (2.5) For positive numbers 1 R i and positive integer , we can write k =,=1,2,2. ii kk si (2.6) Substitute from (2.6) into (2.5) one gets 3( 1) 3( 1) 1= limsup AB k AB kI Uz 3 () 3 I AB kI kAB kI RUz Thus, the power series (2.3) is absolutely convergent for all = 0. 3<z. l Formhe Composite Humbert Matrix unction ert ction, we use the following formulas (see [10, Integra of t F To get an integral form for the composite Humb matrix fun 12, p. 115, No. (5.10.5)]). 11 1 1 1 122 22222 2 1 1 1 1= expd, 2π 1 1= expd, 2π C Ak I C AkI ss 1 111 11 1 1= exp()d, 2π AkI ssss Cs Ak Irrr i kIrr r i kIrr r i (2.7) and 1 2 1 111 11111 1 122 2222 2 1 1 1 1= expd, 2π 1 1= expd, 2π 1 1= expd. 2πs Bk I C Bk I C Bk I ss ssss C Bk Ittt i Bk Ittt i Bk Ittt i (2.8) From (2.7) and (2.8) into the series expression of the composite Humbert matrix function given in (2.3), it follows that 1 3 1 11 ,11 21 =0 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 13 =expd !2π ..expd expd.. AB kI k AkI AB sC k Ak I s ss Cs Bk I C 1 ..expd, s Bk I ss ss z 1 .. s C zrr ki rr r tt t (2.9) interchanging the order of the integral and summation, r tt t 1 1 ,111 21 1 1 11 1 3 =0 3 =expd.. 2 ..expd expd.. 1 ! s AB AI AB sC AI s ss Cs BI C k k Ck z Jzrr r i rr r tt t z k (2.10) thus, 27 ..expd, BI s ss s rt tt t 1 3 ,21 11 3 =( exp 27rt 2π dddd, s AB AB sCCCC s AI BIss z z Jz rt i rt rrtt (2.11) where 12 =,,,, s rrr r 12 =,,, s ttt t , 12 =, rrr r 12 =, ttt t 1 =, s IAIAI 1 =s BIBI BI and 3 33 3 12 112 2 =... 2727 2727 s. s z zz z rtrtrtrt Therefore, the following result has been established. Theorem 2.1 Let be matrices in N C . on for several and B Then the composit Humbert matrix functi Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
A. SHEHATA ET AL. 318 complex variables 12 ,,, zz z 3. Humbert Kummer Matrix Fun we will dedu mbert ma satisfies integral i n (2.11). ction section, ce a new matrix function that is a mixed from Hutrix function is in the form In this 11 ,=1 An I 3 , 02 ;,1;27 3 AnI z zA x function i InI n z (3.1) FA I I and Kummer matris in the form =0 ,;;=!3 nn n KB C zn ( n BC z 3.2) this function given the following , ,,; = n nn AnI BC z MABCzJ z =0 =0 3 11 2 =0 3 1 2 =0 1 =0 !3 3! 11 1 3 !1 3 3! 1 , ! n A nn n k k kn k k k nn n n n BC z n z kI AkI kk z I k BCk I n by Theorem 2.1 in [9], we know that n 11 AAk z 1 =0 21 11 1 ! =,;1;1 =1 1 11 nn n n BCkI n FBCk I kkIBC kIB kIC , (3.3) 0. Hence 1>kIBC , =0 !3 nn 111 3 13 3 3 =0 ,,; = 3 ;,,; , 27 . n nn AnI A AkI AkI k BC z MABCzJ z z BCAIIB IC z FIBCAIIBI C Uz (3.4) Provided that 0. ()>BC Where , B and are matrices in C N C such that (1) kI, (1)kIC and (1)kIB This function, nction of are invertib will be complex va le fo riable r every the Hum simplicity, we can write the Humber Kummer matri function in the form HKMF. We define the radius of regularity of the function ber For integer k Kummer ma 1. trix fu called z. x (, , ;) ABCz in the form 1 3 3 (() () 1=limsup limsu AkI AkI k IBB ICI k U R k k This means MF is an entire function. Integral Expressions of Humbert Kummer Matrix Function In this section, we provide integral expressions of HKMF. Suppose that ) 1 )) () (3 2 1 3 3 p 1! ! = 0. limsu p ! CAIIAk AAkI k k k kk k k (3.5) that the the HK (( ) BC and () I are matrices in N C such that =, ,andare positive stable. IBCAI AIIBC IBC AIABC (3.6) By (1.5) and (3.6) one gets . (3.7) By lemma 2 of [19] and (3.7), we see that 1 1 1 1 1 = 11 B C kIBC A k AI ABC kIB CA B CAkI 1 = k k IBC AI I 1 1 AI I IBC 1 1() 0 =1 d. ABC I kBC CA kI ttt 1 (3.8) From relation (3.7) and (3.8), we get 1kIB CA B 1 11 1() 01d. k k ABC I kBC IBC AI BC AIABC ttt (3.9) Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
A. SHEHATA ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM 319 Hence, for <z, we can write 111 0 =0 3 11 1() 0 3 11 =0 ,,; 3 13 ! 3 1d 13 A k k k kk ABC I BC k kk k MABCz z 1() 1d ABC I kBC 111 A BICABC z IB IC k ttt z B ABC ttt zt IB IC IC 3 111 1() 0 3 3 02 ! 3 1 ;,; d. 3 k A ABC I BC k z BICABC tt zt FIBIC t (3.10) Summarizing, the following result has been esta- blished: Theorem 3.1 Let A, B and C be matrices in N C such that ()>1,A ((=()(())))( ) BAIIBC C AI and )(( ) BC , () I , () BC are positive stable. Then for <z it follows that 111 1() 0 3 3 02 ,,; =3 1 ;,; d. 3 A ABC I BC MABCz z BICABC tt zt FIBICt Another integral representation of HKMF can be established starting from the formula in (2.7), we find that 1( 1 1= expd 2π AkI C (1)) kI rr i r and substituting the above expression into the series expression of the HKMF given in (3.4), it follows that 11 3 11 =0 ((1)) ,,; =3 13 ! 1expd , 2π A k k kk k k Ak I C MABCz zIBC IB IC z IBC IBIC k rr r i interchanging the order of the integral and summation, 11 ( 3 11 3 ) 1 ,,; =expd 23 13 , ! AAI C k k kk k z =0k ABCzI BCI BICrrr i z IBC IBICr k i.e., 11 3 () 12 3 1 =2πi3 exp;,;d. 3 A AI C z MIBC IBIC z rrFIBCIBICr r (3.11) Therefore, we obtain the following theorem: Theorem 3.2 Let and be matrices in B C N C such that 1()<BC . Then for <,z expre- .11) hold ssion (3true. ,
A. SHEHATA ET AL. 320 mposite HKMF Let 4. Co 11 3 1 13 ,,; 3 ;,,; 27 iiiii Ai iii ii ii iiiiii MABCz zIBCAI IB z ICFIB CAIIBIC , arrt m e composite HumbeKumer matrix functions with square complex matrices i , i B and Ce same i <1 of th order N, provided that () ii BC . ert KumConstruct the composite Humbmer matrix s of these functions for any mode of arrangement, function we put 111 3 13 ,,; 3 ;,,; 27 27 A MABCz z 3 13 ;,,; BCAIIB IC z FI BCAIIBIC IB z FI BCAI IC where 12 12 11 1 12 12 12 12 =,,,, =,,,, =, =, =, s s ss kk k s kkk ks s kkk ks BBB B CCCC IBCIBCIB C IBIB IBIB ICICICIC and 12 =,,, s MMM M . Then is the composite Humbert Kummer matrix Now we calculate the radius of convergence of this function as follows functions. 1 3 3 1 3 12 12 333 12 1=limsup limsup !! ! AkI AkI kk AkI A AA s s ks U R kkk kk k 12 ......... 2 22 11 1 ,0 12 1, =. k kk s kk kkkk ss s k kk k s kk =0 as above putting = ii kk and using relation (1.9) and the following relation where 1 2 11 1 =0 1 ln ln! lne, j 1 =0 =0 ln !! rr r jj r j rA Ar k A rk j rk we get A rk jj 1 3 3 1=0 limsup AkI AkI kk U R . Then the composite Humbert Kummer matrix func- tions is an entire function. 5. References tine and ypergeometric Function of Two Ar- gument Matrix,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1972, pp. 332-338. doi:10.1016/0047-259X(72)90020-6 [1] A. G. ConstanR. J. Mairhead, “Partial Differen- tial Equations for H [2] A. T. James, “Special Functions of Matrix and Single Argument in Statistics in Theory and Application of Spe- cial Functions,” Academic Press, New York, 1975. [3] A. M. Mathai, “A Handbook of Generalized Special Functions for Statistical and Physical Sciences, University Press, Oxford, 1993. [4] A. M. Mathai, “Jacobians of Matrix Transformations and Matrix Argument,” World Scientific Pub- ng, New York, 1997. [5] L. Jodar and E. Defez, “A Connection between Lagurre’s and Hermite’s Matrix Polynomials,” Applied Mathemat- ics Letters, Vol. 11, 1998, pp. 13-17. [6] E. Defez and L. Jódar, “Chebyshev Matrix Polynomails and Second Order Matrix Differential Equations,” Utili- “Some Applications of the Her- ynomials Series Expansions,” Journal of and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 99, No. 05-117. ” Oxford Functions of lishi tas Mathematics, Vol. 61, 2002, pp. 107-123. [7] E. Defez and L. Jódar, mite Matrix Pol Computational 1-2, 1998, pp. 1 doi:10.1016/S0377-0427(98)00149-6 [8] J. Sastre and L. Jódar, “Asymptotics of the Modified Bessel and Incomplete Gamma Matrix Functions,” Ap- Copyright © 2011 SciRes. APM
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