mainly in terms of minimum values, means, lower quar-
tile and the median.
Analyses of the effects of different spatial resolutions
showed significant variation between descriptive statis-
tics, with quite different results. Little correlation was
found between indices at resolutions 25, 50 and 100 m,
in agreement with other results [14]. However in more
than 75% of cases the differences were quite subtle, with
differences in TWI lower than two points. A pixel-by-
pixel analysis showed that the greatest differences oc-
curred mostly along the main channel, independently of
the algorithm used to determine flow direction. There
was also greater concentration of differences along tribu-
taries of the main channel, when the D8 and D were
used. Differences in the topographic index tended to be
smaller in the headwater areas of the drainage network
and on hillslopes, where runoff is smaller.
It can be concluded from the results that there are
many differences between values of TWI generated at
different spatial resolutions and by different flow-direc-
tion algorithms, but it is not clear that results obtained at
more detailed spatial resolutions are necessarily better.
The effects of scale can become more accentuated or less
so, depending on the topographic influences on hydro-
logic processes.
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