International Journal of Geosciences, 2011, 2, 513-522
doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.24054 Published Online November 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
Gravity Interpretation of the Cameroon Mountain (West
Central Africa) Based on the New and Existing Data
Jean V ict or K e n fac k 1, Jean Marie Tadjou1,2*, Joseph Kamguia1,2, Tabod Charles Tabod1, Ateba Bekoa3
1Department of Physic s, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon
2National institu te of Cartography, Yaoundé, Cameroon
3Institute for Geological and Mining Research, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Received August 3, 2011; revised September 12, 2011; accepted October 18, 2011
A new gravity survey of the Mount Cameroon area has enabled the definition of four major gravimetric do-
mains, which coincide with the recognized structural units. In order to determine the nature of superficial and
deep structures in this mountainous zone, new gravity data have been processed. These new gravity data was
integrated to existing gravity data to propose the new complete Bouguer anomaly map of the region, and
then to show major characteristics of the Bouguer gravity of this area. The interpretation of gravity patterns
(bouguer maps) in terms of geological data, shows that the Mount Cameroon zone belongs to a wide positive
anomaly; these anomalies display complex gravity domains, which seem to be similar to that due to major
structural units in the region and volcanic activity of the mountain. In the mountain active zone in particular
(between 2000 and 3800 m of altitude), the new anomaly map shows high gravity anomalies (from 11 to 60
mgal), coupled with low gravity at some stations (in the summit, 4060 m) where gravity anomaly is about
–30 mgal. The steep WNW-ESE gravity gradients observed on the gravity maps mark the transition between
positive in the south and negative anomalies.
Keywords: Mount Cameroon, CVL, Gravity Anomalies, Bouguer Anomalies
1. Introduction
Results of geological work over the surveyed area are
subject to several syntheses or reinterpretations espe-
cially concerning Mount Cameroon and its surrounding.
But no gravity study has been taken concerning this ac-
tive volcanic zone. In this study, we propose an interpre-
tation of gravity data in terms of gravity anomaly to de-
termine the structural feature of this area. The numerous
data acquired in Cameroon, not only enrich the data bank
of this area, but lead to a better mapping of the structure
of this mountain zone and defining the gravity character-
istics of Mount Cameroon area. All these data and its
interpretations led the authors to propose the structure of
the region. But no measurement has been taken earlier in
this area over the altitude of 2000 meters. In this case all
gravity characteristics were subject to ambiguity since
the value of the anomaly at the summit of this mountain
(height of 4060 meters) (Figure 4) was unknown. A
closer look at the gravity map of the study area shows
that there are many gaps in the gravity distribution, par-
ticularly in the mountain zone.
To solve the problem and have better understanding of
the structure of this Mountain, a new gravity campaign
has been carried out in the area, especially on the moun-
tain zone between 2000 meters to 4060 meters of alti-
tudes. These new data lead to better mapping and defin-
ing of the gravity characteristics of the Cameroon Moun-
tain and its surroundings. The study area, which is a part
of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), is situated be-
tween the parallels 3˚54 and 4˚36N, the meridians 8˚51
and 9˚51E (Figure 1).
2. Geology and Tectonics
Mount Cameroon, one of Africa's largest volcanoes, rises
to 4060 m above sea level in the coast of west Cameroon.
The massive steep-sided volcano of dominantly basaltic-
to-trachybasaltic composition forms a volcanic horst
constructed above a basement of Precambrian metamor-
phic rocks covered by Cretaceous to Quaternary sedi-
ments [1]. More than 100 small cinder cones, often fis-
Figure 1. location of the study area in the Cameroon Vol-
canic Line (CVL) [8]. The study area, which is part of the
CVL is shown as a rectangle; the small solid circles show
approximate location of xenoliths.
sure-controlled parallel to the long axis of the massive
1400 km volcano, occur on the flanks and surrounding
lowlands [2]. During historical time, moderate explosive
and effusive eruptions have occurred from both summit
and flank vents. A 1922 SW-flank eruption produced a
lava flow that reached the Atlantic coast, and a lava flow
from a 1999 south-flank eruption stopped only 200 m
from the sea.
The Mount Cameroon is the most important volcano
along the CVL, located at the boundary between the con-
tinental and oceanic lithosphere [1]. The CVL tectonic
structure (Figure 1) is the consequence of a series of
parallel fissures oriented N30 and transversal events [2].
This line is made up of twelve (12) main volcanic centres,
with ages ranging from 51.8 Ma to the present [3-7].
The regional map of the cones shows three major tec-
tonic axes that control the volcanic activity [1]: the De-
bundscha axis (N60 - 70), the Limbe axis (N140 - 150)
and the Batoke axis (N30 - 40). Morphologically, Mount
Cameroon is a stratovolcano, situated on a horst with
boundary faults that are expressed by breaks of slopes [9].
It is bounded by the Tombel graben(not visible on Fig-
ure 1) to the North and the Douala sedimentary basin to
the South [10,11]. It has an elliptical shape, 50 km long
and 35 km wide. Its basement (Pan-African granite and
gneiss) is covered by cretaceous to quaternary sediments,
observable in the Bomana maar at the NW of the massif
Mount Cameroon lavas are essentially basanites, alka-
line basalts, hawaiites and rare mugearites (Figure 2).
Camptonite, a type of lamprophyre composed mainly of
plagioclase and brown hornblende, has been recently
described [12]. Moreover, xenoliths of dunites, wehrlites
and clinopyroxenites have been discovered in the basa-
nites of the strombolian Batoke cone located on the south
flank of the massif, at 500 m above sea level [1,13].
Similar xenoliths of wehrlites and clinopyroxenites have
been found in basaltic tephra of a strombolian cone situ-
ated at 3000 m elevation on the north-western flank of
Mount Cameroon [14].
3. Gravity Observations and Reductions
Existing gravity data were acquired firstly between 1963
and 1968, during a detailed gravity survey of Cameroon
and Central Africa undertaken by the Office de la Re-
cherche Scientifique et Technique d’Outre-Mer (OR-
STOM) [16,17], and secondly between 1970 and 1990,
by other geophysical (gravity) campaigns [18,19].
The gravity campaign was carried out on the Camer-
oon mountain and its surroundings in November 2008
for the mountain zone (between 2000 and 4060 m), and
December 2009 around the mountain. The gravity was
corrected, in order to obtain the value of the Bouguer
anomaly in each station. Gravity measurements were
made with a Lacoste and Romberg Gravimeter having a
calibration constant at 50˚C. Observations were made
with respect to the base station in Buea Up station, which
had earlier been tied to an international gravity station at
the Douala airport, called “reseau martin”. Drift correc-
tions were applied. Relative station elevations along all
traverses were measured with Global positioning System
and staff to estimated accuracy of better than 0.3 m. The
station elevations lie between 0 and 4060 m above mean
sea level at Tiko and Debundsha.
Using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) GLOBE, a
suitable topographical map of the area was built to apply
the terrain corrections in the area. Since altitudes vary
between 0 and 4060 m (Figure 3), the rough topog-
raphical map of the area was however constructed on the
basis of all available height information including the
elevations measured during the course of this survey.
The topographical data measured and determined from
GLOBE were used to estimate the magnitude of the ter-
rain corrections. The uncertainty on the DEM and the
error on the altitude of the stations constitute the main
error corrections for the calculation of the Bouguer
nomaly. All the data were tied to the GRS80 reference a
Copyright © 2011 SciRes IJG
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
Figure 2. Geological map of the study area [15]. The map consists of: 1. Feldspathoid rocks of Mount Etinde, 2. Alluvial for-
mations, 3. Mio-pliocene and tertiary formations, 4. Cretaceous formations, 5. the Eocene formations, 6. Superior series (ba-
salts sometimes andesic as streams and cinerites), 7. Alkali granites, 8. Atlantic ocean, 9. The Inferior series (basalts some-
times andesic as streams and dy ke s), 10. Loc a lity.
system. where,
is the simple Bouguer anomaly in milligals;
free air anomaly;
Bouguer density of the earth
in g/cc, w
Bouguer density of water in g/cc; i
Bouguer density of ice in g/cc;
h Station elevation in
metres; w water depth in metres (including ice);
ice thickness in metres;
Free-air and Bouguer reductions based on mean den-
sity of 2.67 g/cm3 were applied to reduce the observa-
tions to a datum. The use of this value of density, slightly
lower than the middle density of the samples appropri-
ated on the study area, makes comfortable the compari-
son of our results with those obtained in other regions of
Cameroon. The free-air anomaly was calculated by sub-
tracting the latitude correction (theoretical gravity) from
the absolute gravity and adding a correction for the sta-
tion elevation. The latitude correction requires the theo-
retical gravity at the station location on the earth’s sphe-
roid. The formula of free air anomaly is defined as [20]:
curvature correction.
To take account of the topography effect of the area
(between 0 and 4060 m), we apply the complete Bouguer
anomaly correction. This complete Bouguer anomaly
corrects the Bouguer anomaly for irregularities of the
earth due to terrains in the vicinity of the observation
point. Terrain corrections were calculated using a com-
bination of the methods described by Nagy [21] and
Kane [22]. To calculate corrections, the DEM data was
“sampled” to a grid mesh centered on the station to be
calculated. The correction was calculated based on near
zone, intermediate zone and far zone contributions. In
the near zone (0 to 1 cells from the station), the algo-
rithm sums the effects of four sloping triangular sections,
which describe a surface between the gravity station and
the elevation at each diagonal corner. In the intermediate
zone (1 to 8 cells), the terrain effect is calculated for each
point using the flat topped square prism approach of
Nagy [21]. In the far zone, (greater than 8 cells), the ter-
rain effect is derived based on the annular ring segment
approximation to a square prism as described by Kane
(0.3087677630.000439834 sin
AL a
 
where AL is the Free air anomaly in milligals; a
absolute gravity;
latitude correction; hs station eleva-
tion in metres and
the latitude of the station. The for-
mula accounts for the non-linearity of the free-air anom-
aly as a function of both latitude and height above the
The Bouguer anomaly corrects the free air anomaly
for the mass of rock that exists between the station eleva-
tion and the spheroid. For ground survey (including on
lake surface survey) the Bouguer anomaly formula is:
BAL sww
ii wc
 
 
(2) For more processing efficiency, the far zone calcula-
ion can be optimized by de-sampling the outer zone to a t
Figure 3. Topographic map of the study are a based on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) GLOBE. The altitude in the area
varied from 0 to 4060 (m), which is the new altitude value of the mount Cameroon based on GPS survey.
coarser averaged grid (i.e. by enlarging the size of each
ring segment to 2 × 2 cells beyond 8 cells, and to 4 × 4
cells beyond 16 cells, and so on). The calculation is car-
ried from the Local Correction Distance up to the speci-
fied Outer Correction Distance. The DEM grid is re-
flected on its edges in order to always provide correc-
tions out to the required radius. Any dummy values in
DEM grid was interpolated by adjacent non-dummy
values before terrain correction calculation. The system
uses the grid average elevation to compensate for terrain
effects in the area past the outer (regional) correction
The Geosoft program was used to calculate the full
terrain corrections at each station by extracting an inter-
polated milligal value from the regional correction grid
generated and adding the local correction calculated from
a local, more highly sampled DEM grid. The local cor-
rection distance is the same as the one used to calculate
the regional correction grid beyond that distance. The
local DEM used is centered on the gravity survey area
and extends at least a local correction distance beyond
the edges of the area. Digital gridded terrain models
(available from government sources) were used to sim-
plify the application of regional terrain corrections. Be-
cause the zone has a sufficient number of known eleva-
tion points (X, Y and Elevation), a gridded terrain model
was produced by using the Geosoft program. Using the
terrain correction, the complete Bouguer anomaly was
determined by applying the formula:
  (3)
where CB
is the complete Bouguer Anomaly;
simple Bouguer anomaly and T
terrain correction.
This equation was used to determine the Bouguer anom-
aly at any survey station in the area (Figure 4). The
maximum error in the Bouguer anomaly value for any of
the stations due to the error in height determination is not
expected to exceed 0.15 mGal.
All the data (new and existing) obtained after correc-
tions were computed to obtain gravity anomaly maps of
the area (Figures 5 and 6). The Bouguer anomaly varies
between –72 mgal and 110 mgal (Figure 6). It is maxi-
mum in the Limbe region and minimum to the Northeast
of the study area. Figure 5 shows Bouguer anomaly map
before 2008 and 2009 campaigns and Figure 6 shows
Bouguer anomaly map after densification. We have in-
terpreted separately the two Bouguer anomaly maps to
etect all insufficiencies between the new and existing d
Copyright © 2011 SciRes IJG
Figure 4. Distribution of the gravity data in the study area; the map consists of the new gravity data (red triangles) and the
existing gravity data (blue dots).
4. Description and Interpretation of Gravity
4.1. Complete Bouguer Anomaly Map of the
Existing Data
The Bouguer anomaly map of the existing data (Figure 5)
shows four gravity domains:
The first domain, which covers the mountain zone, is
characterized by a large negative anomaly with a domi-
nant N-S trend. This anomaly, with amplitude of –72
mgal, can not be associated to any geologic formations,
because the zone consists of basaltic dense rocks. This
negative anomaly is due to the lack of gravity data in the
area. The negative anomaly observed in the zone can be
due to the effect of the neighboring formations observed
in the northern part of the domain.
The second domain, located on the east and northeast
of the study area is characterized by a large negative
anomaly trending north-south to the east and east-west in
the Northeastern part of study area. Contrary to the one
observed in the middle part of the area, the amplitude of
this anomaly is about –45 mgal. This anomaly can be
interpreted to be due to the effect of large scale forma-
tions, with low densities.
The third domain, which is situated to the south and
southwest of the study area, essentially covers the Atlan-
tic Ocean and is marked by a positive anomaly with am-
plitude of 102 mgal. This positive anomaly with large
wavelength and WNW-ESE trend are due to the effect of
highly dense formations. The presence of the Sea area
can contribute to this positive anomaly.
The fourth domain, which is situated in the northwest-
ern part of the study area, is consisted of high isolated
gravity anomaly with small wavelength. This positive
anomaly, with amplitude of about 32 mgal can be inter-
preted to be due to high dense rocks in the area.
The first domain and the third domain are separated by
a steep NNW-SSE gradient, which is the effect of dis-
ontinuity between the two structures. c
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
Figure 5. Bouguer anomaly map of the existing data in the study area. Anomalies vary from –72 to 102 (mgals). The maxi-
mum value, 102 (mgal) is found in the sea, and the minimum, –72 (mgal) in the mountain area where no data exist.
4.2. Complete Bouguer Anomaly Map of the
Existing and New Gravity Data
The Bouguer anomaly map (Figure 6) obtained by com-
bination of both existing and new gravity data, shows a
complex structure close to the mountain zone (between
altitude 2000 and 3800 m). In the same case as the
previous map, this Bouguer anomaly reveals four gravity
The first domain which covers a mountain zone, con-
sists of both positive and negative anomalies. A closer
look at the map shows that positive anomalies (10 to 32
mgal) appear in the centre part of the mountain, closely
around the altitude 2000 to 3800 m. These anomalies are
interpreted as representing the existence of highly dense
rocks in the mountain zone. The anomaly in the summit
of altitude about 4060 m, is relatively negative (about
–30 mgal), and can be interpreted to be related to the
intrusion of low density formation in that zone. On the
other hand, we found in the northern and the southern
part of the area, low gravity anomalies that can be
associated to low density formations. The presence of
steep gravity gradients at the boundary of the anomalies
can be associated to crustal discontinuity between juxta-
posed formations in the study area. It is possible that the
anomaly observed in the northern part of the study area
originats from different sources.
As observed in the previous anomaly map, the second
domain, located on the East and northeast of the study
area is characterized by a large negative anomaly with
wavelength trending north-south to the East and east-
west in the Northeastern part of study area. This anomaly
can be interpreted to be due to the effect of large scale
formations, with low densities.
The third domain, which is situated at the south and
southwest, is essentially covered by the Atlantic Ocean
and marked by positive anomalies with amplitude of 110
mgal. These positive anomalies with a large wavelength
and WNW-ESE trend are due to the effect of highly
dense formations. The presence of the sea area can con-
tribute to this positive anomaly.
The fourth domain, which is situated in the northwest-
ern part of the study area, consists of high isolated
gravity anomaly with a small wavelength. This positive
anomaly, with amplitude of about 32 mgal can be inter-
reted to be due to highly dense rocks in the area. p
Copyright © 2011 SciRes IJG
Figure 6. Combined Bouguer anomaly map of the existing and new gravity data in the study area. Anomaly values vary from
–72 to 110 (mgals). The maximum value, 110 (mgal) is found in the sea, and the minimum, –72 (mgal) around the mountain
zone. In the mountain zone, anomalies vary from 11 to 60 (mgals), except in the summit where the value is –30 (mgal).
The first domain and the third domain are separated by
a steep NNW-SSE gradient, which is the effect of dis-
continuity between the two structures.
4.3. Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies Maps
A regional study shows that in general, high gravity
anomalies prevail in the Mount Cameroon area. High
gravity is well developed over the outcrops of volcanic
rocks (Figure 2) indicating that these rocks are more
dense than the basement rocks, an inference supported by
the density measurements. Gravity gradients are generally
steep over the outer contact of the ring dyke with the
basement and this is indicative of steepness of this
contact. The gravity observations lead us to individualize
four distinct geological areas.
The first domain, consisting of high gravity anomalies
in the mountain zone, can be explained by the presence
of high density rocks in the area. A close look of the
geological map of the area (Figure 2) shows that this
anomaly is situated in the zone consisting of basaltic
formations. The positive anomalies in this mountain zone
can be due to the alkali basalt, except those located
above 2000 meters, which may indicate the presence of
mugearite. This zone also consists of negative anomalies
which correspond to the alkali basalts.
The second domain, characterized by negative ano-
malies in the eastern and northeastern part of the area,
can be associated with the formation of the Douala
sedimentary basin. The gravity signature of these ano-
malies is found in the two gravity maps (Figures 5 and
6). The positive anomalies in Figures 5 and 6 seem to
reflect the existence of deep heavy rocks that could be
rocks of the oceanic crust. This positive anomaly extends
toward the northwestern part of the area and can be
interpreted as the presence of the high dense rocks in this
sector. The presence of the Inferior series (basalts some-
times andesitic as streams and dykes) can be the expres-
sion of this anomaly.
As observed on the two gravity maps (Figures 5 and
6), the most prominent gravity low developed over the
sedimentary formations, reaching –72 mgal in the Douala
sedimentary basin in the eastern part of the area. A
narrow and elongated low of smaller amplitude found in
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
the northeastern part of the area is partly a continuation
of the former low and lies over the extended arm of
sedimentary complex. It may be the extension effect of
the Douala sedimentary basin. A similar low follows the
volcanic complex in the north and south of the mountain
floor; this low is very poorly defined owing to the few
stations in the regions. This broader feature lies over the
basement outcrops and is interpreted to indicate the
presence of subsurface tertiary rocks. This agrees with
studies by Fitton [23] and Lee [24], who interrelated the
CVL as a unique volcanic lineament which has both
oceanic and continental sectors and consists of a chain of
tertiary to recent, generally alkaline, volcanoes stretching
from the Atlantic island of Pagalu to the interior of the
African continent.
The steep gravity gradient along the southern flank of
the mountain is strongly indicative of the presence of
hitherto unsuspected fault trending north-westward and
collapsing south-westward. This structure is shown as a
geophysically inferred fault.
Other notable gravity anomalies are the highs found in
the southern part of the area. These anomalies may be
connected through a not so prominent high that runs
northwestward, and can be interpreted as due to the
presence of sea formations in the south and the volcanic
formations in the northwest.
5. Discussion
This study, based on previous and more recent quality
gravity data (Figure 5), has strengthened some hypothe-
ses already supported by the geological data but not ad-
dressed by previous geophysical studies carried out in
the study area so far. The increase in the quantity of
gravity data has undoubtedly permitted us to draw a bet-
ter Complete Bouguer anomaly map (Figure 6) of the
In this study, the value of the Bouguer anomalies in
the summit at about 4060 m is –30 mgal, compared to
values obtained in the other parts of the mountain. In
general, Bouguer anomalies are usually negative in the
mountains because of isostasy since: the rock density of
their root is lower, compared to the surrounding earth’s
mantle. The regional highly negative Bouguer anomaly
observed in the area suggests a deep seated source.
Therefore, negative gravity anomalies observed in the
East and northeast of the study area would indicate the
presence of low density rocks. These anomalies may be
due to the effect of alluvium, mio-pliocene and tertiary
undifferentiated formations, belonging to the Douala
sedimentary basin.
The highly positive Bouguer gravity anomalies ob-
served in the mount Cameroon area might be due to out-
flows of high density upper mantle magnetic material or
an indication of the thinning of the crust or metallic ore.
At the scales between entire mountain ranges and ores
bodies, positive Bouguer anomalies may indicate rock
types (e.g. volcanic rocks).
The positive Bouguer anomalies observed in the oce-
anic areas are assigned to the thinning of the crust on the
one hand and on the other hand to the existence of in-
visible magmatic rocks on the surface. The results above
show that the oceanic and continental crusts in the study
area could have been formed by similar processes and
there may be a general asthenospheric uplift [25].
Several geological and geophysical studies have been
made to determine the features of the rocks coming from
the Cameroon Volcanic Line. The seismic studies [26,27]
show that the speed of waves is relatively slow in the
Adamaoua region and, revealed the existence of a thick
crust beneath the mountain.
Poudjom Djomani et al. [25], showed by 2D1/2 mod-
eling of two Bouguer anomaly profiles across the CVL,
that the important negative anomaly centered on the
Adamaoua is the consequence of an asthenospheric uplift
in the upper mantle. This asthenospheric uplift is associ-
ated to uplift of the crust basement; therefore creating
positive anomalies of low amplitude that are superim-
pose on the negative anomalies.
All these results obtained along the CVL, based on
seismic and other geophysical studies, enabled us to have
detailed interpretation of anomalies observed in the
Mount Cameroon area.
One theory for the later development of the CVL
around 30 Ma is that it coincides with development of a
shallow mantle convection system centered on the man-
tle plume, and is related to thinning and extension of the
crust along the Cameroon line as pressures relaxed in the
now stationary plate [28]. The mantle plume hypothesis
is disputed by others, who say the region is quite differ-
ent from what is predicted by that theory, and that a
source in the lithospheric fracture is more likely to be the
explanation [29].
The CVL may be due to a more complex interaction
between a hotspot and Precambrian faults [30]. A gravity
study of the southern part of the Adamawa plateau has
shown a belt of dense rocks at an average depth of 8 km
running parallel to the Foumban shear zone. The material
appears to be an igneous intrusion that may have been
facilitated by reactivation of the shear zone, and may be
associated with the CVL [31].
Based on the fact that this area is the massive steep-
sided volcano of dominantly basaltic-to-trachybasaltic
composition and forms a volcanic horst constructed
above a basement of Precambrian metamorphic rocks
covered with Cretaceous to Quaternary sediments, the
Copyright © 2011 SciRes IJG
anomalies were interpreted to be due to the volcanic
rocks with high density contrast. The basaltic rocks in
the oceanic and continental sectors of the Cameroon line
are similar in composition, although the more evolved
rocks are quite distinct.
The similarity in basaltic rocks may indicate they have
the same source. Since the lithosphere mantle below Af-
rica must be different in chemical and isotopic composi-
tion from the younger lithosphere below the Atlantic, one
explanation is that the source is in the asthenosphere
rather than in metasomatized lithosphere [23]. A differ-
ent view is that the similarities are caused by shallow
contamination of the oceanic section, which could be
caused by sediments from the continent or by crustal
blocks that were trapped in the oceanic lithosphere dur-
ing the separation between South America and Africa
During historical time, moderate explosive and effu-
sive eruptions have occurred from both summit and flank
vents. A SW-flank eruption produced a lava flow that
reached the Atlantic coast, and a lava flow from a south-
flank eruption stopped only 200 m from the sea. These
lavas, which consist of high density volcanic rocks, are
responsible for the high gravity anomaly in the flank of
the mountain area. The eruption also provoked collapse
in some parts of the mountain area. This collapsing is the
cause of the negative anomalies observed around the
The low anomalies in mountain area observed on the
anomaly map of the old data could not be interpreted in
terms of geological structures, due to the lack of gravity
data in this area. Complementing the old data with the
new gravity data, the Bouguer anomalies in the mountain
are found to be more positive. In general, analysis of the
Bouguer anomaly maps of the existing and new gravity
data show that the densification of the gravity data
brought supplementary information on and around the
Cameroon Mountain.
6. Conclusions
Our study, which is based on new and existing gravity
data of the study area, permitted us to construct a new
gravity map of the Cameroon Mountain zone. By com-
paring both the geologic and topographic maps in the
same zone, we have identified the structural features rep-
resented by these anomalies. In general, the study area
consists of high positive anomalies, especially in the area
over the sea and the mountain area where there are
mainly basaltic rocks. In addition to these positive ano-
malies, negative anomalies (down to –30 mgal) are also
found in the mountain zone especially on the summit
where the altitude is about 4060 m; this negative anom-
aly is interpreted as due to the collapsing of the crust in
this zone. The negative anomalies found in the eastern,
northern and northeastern parts of the study area are in-
terpreted to be associated to the Douala sedimentary ba-
sin. The negative anomalies found on and around the
mountain are most likely due to the collapsing of the
crust in that area.
7. Acknowledgements
We thank the National Institute of Cartography (NIC),
for financing the acquisition of the new data used in this
8. References
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