Copyright © 2011 SciRes. EPE
due to electricity cut by the sudden change of the re-
spect- tive indicator measured in the cEuro/kWh.
7.2. Environment Indicator
Ice Agglomeration on the High Voltage Wiring
It is very common that the change of the environment in
the vicinity of High Voltage Transmission System is
affecting the power system wiring and producing the
change of the ice coating affecting the wire temperature.
Due to the sudden change in the wire temperature its
recovery will require the time period to reach recovered
7.3. Social Indicator
7.3.1. Blackout
Any sudden disruption of the electricity transmission to
the human dwelling will affect human life. In this respect
there will be need to ensure the capacity recovery of the
system if there will be any sudden change in the electric-
ity supply
7.3.2. Human Behaviors
It is of interest to verify human behavior related to the
sudden electricity disruption. It is commonly accepted
that the human reaction is measured by number of people
being actively involved in the specific event. Particular
attention is devoted to the effect of human behaviors
during the accident.
In general, any sudden change of the selected indica-
tors may lead to the change of the resiliency of the sys-
tem. For this reason the development of appropriate pro-
cedure for the resiliency index evaluation is a tool for the
assessment of the safety of high voltage system and pre-
vention of the catastrophic events leading to the structure
Demonstration exercise of the high voltage transmis-
sion system has been introduced as the method of verify-
cation of the potential limits for the catastrophic events.
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