J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2011, 4, 707-718
doi:10.4236/jbise.2011.411088 Published Online November 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jbise/
Published Online November 2011 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBiSE
Predictive formulas expressing relationship between dose rate
and survival time in total body irradiation in mice
Sung Jang Chung
Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System, Morristown, USA.
Email: sung.chung@comcast.net
Received 10 September 2011; revised 4 October 2011; accepted 24 October 2011.
The Gompertz model is the long-time well-known
mathematical model of exponential expression among
mortality models in the literature that are used to
describe mortality and survival data of a population.
The death rate of the “probacent” model developed
by the author based on animal experiments, clinical
applications and mathematical reasoning was applied
to predict age-specific death rates in the US elderly
population, 2001, and to express a relationship among
dose rate, duration of exposure and mortality prob-
ability in total body irradiation in humans. The re-
sults of both studies revealed a remarkable agree-
ment between “probacent”-formula-predicted and pub-
lished-reported values of death rates in the US elderly
population or mortality probabilities in total body
irradiation in humans (p- value > 0.995 in χ² test in
each study). In this study, both the Gompertz and
“probacent” models are applied to the Sacher’s com-
prehensive experimental data on survival times of
mice daily exposed to various doses of total body ir-
radiation until death occurs with an assumption that
each of both models is applicable to the data. The
purpose of this study is to construct general formulas
expressing relationship between dose rate and sur-
vival time in total body irradiation in mice. In addi-
tion, it is attempted to test which model better fits the
reported data. The results of the comparative study
revealed that the “probacent” model not only fit the
Sacher’s reported data but also remarkably better fit
the reported data than the Gompertz model. The
“probacent” model might be hopefully helpful in re-
search in human tolerance to low dose rates for long
durations of exposure in total body irradiation, and
further in research in a variety of biomedical phe-
Keywords: Lethal Radiation Dose; Total Body Irradia-
tion; Formula of Survival Time in Mice; Dose-Survival
Curve; “Probacent” Model; Gompertz Model
The Gompertz model (1825) is the long-time well-known
mathematical model of exponential expression among
mortality models in the literature that are used to de-
scribe mortality and survival data of a population [1-3].
The ordinary procedure in biomedical survival data
analysis is to apply the non-parametric life table method
or nowadays, especially the non-parametric Kaplan-
Meier product-limit method [1,4-8].
The most commonly used methods of parametric es-
timation for distributions of survival times are the fit-
tings of exponential, lognormal, Weibull, gamma and
Gompertz function of survival time.
1.1. The “Probacent” Model
On the basis of experimental observations on animals,
clinical applications and mathematical reasoning, the
author developed a general mathematical model of
“probacent”-probability equation that may be applicable
as a general approximation method to possibly calculate
the probability of safe survival in humans and other liv-
ing organisms exposed to any harmful or adverse cir-
cumstances in overcoming the risk, and further to predict
degrees of risk and/or mortality probability in terms of
percent probability. In this way, the “probacent” model
might make useful predictions of probable outcomes in a
variety of biomedical phenomena in protecting exposed
subjects [9-12].
The model of “probacent”-probability equation ex-
pressed by Eq.1 was constructed from experimental
studies on animals to express survival probability in
mice exposed to g-force in terms of magnitude of accel-
eration and exposure time [9,13]; and to express a rela-
tionship among intensity of stimulus or environmental
agent (such as drug [9,10,14], heat [15], pH [16], and
electroshock [15,17]), duration of exposure and biologi-
cal response in animals.
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718
The model has been applied to data in the literature to
express a relationship among dose rate, duration of ex-
posure and mortality probability in total body irradiation
in humans [12,18]; to express carboxyhemoglobin levels
of blood as a function of carbon monoxide concentration
in air and duration of exposure [19,20]; to express a rela-
tionship among plasma acetaminophen concentration,
time after ingestion and occurrence of hepatotoxicity in
man [21,22]; to predict survival probability in patients
with malignant melanoma [23,24]; to predict survival
probability in patients with heart transplantation [25]; to
express a relationship among age, height and weight, and
percentile in Saudi and US children of 6 - 16 years of
age [26,27]; to predict the percentile of heart weight by
body weight from birth to 19 years of age [28,29]; and to
predict the percentile of serum cholesterol levels by age
in adults [30,31].
The model was applied to the United States life tables,
1992 and 2001 reported by the National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS) to construct formulas express-
ing age-specific survival probability, death rate and life
expectancy in US adults, men and women [11,32-34].
The formula of survival probability is expressed by
the following “probacent”-probability equation, Eq.1.
 (1a)
10 exp d
where T = time after biomedical insult, diagnosis of
cancer or age; P = “probacent” (abbreviation of prob-
ability percentage) = relative biological amount of “re-
serve” for survival; “probacent” (P) of 0, 50 and 100
corresponds to mean – 5 S.D., mean and mean + 5 S.D.,
respectively; one “probacent” is equivalent to 0.1 S.D. in
a normal distribution. In addition, 0, 50 and 100 “pro-
bacent” seem to correspond to 0, 50 and 100 percent
probability in mathematical prediction problems in terms
of percentage. Therefore, the survival probability could
be used to predict probabilities in general biomedical
phenomena. “probacent” values are obtainable from a
list of conversion of percent probability into “probacent”
that was published by the author (Table 6 of Ref. [9] and
Table 4 of Ref. [10]). γ, A and B are constants; A is an
intercept and B a slope; γ represents a curvature (a shape
of a curve) and expressed by the following equation:
loglog log
If the value of γ becomes equal to one, Eq.1 repre-
sents a log-normal distribution. Eq.1 is considered to be
fundamentally based on the Gaussian normal distribu-
Eq.2 representing death rate is derived from Eq.1 ex-
pressing survival probability [33].
log log
DabT (2)
where D represents death rate in percentage (mortality
probability); T is time or age; c, a and b are constants; c
represents a curvature (a shape of curve) like γ in Eq.1a;
a is an intercept and b a slope.
If the value of constant c becomes equal to one, Eq.2
is essentially similar to the Weibull distribution [1].
Eq.2 was applied to express death rates in US adults
[11,33,34]. It was found to better express death rates in
US elderly population than the Gompertz, the exponen-
tial and the Weibull distributions [11].
Mehta and Joshi [35] successfully applied the “pro-
bacent”-probability equation, Eqs.1 and 2 to use model-
derived data as an input for radiation risk evaluation of
Indian population.
A clear and exact quantitative relationship between
dose of radiation and mortality in humans is still not
known because of lack of human data that would enable
to determine LD50 for humans in total body irradiation.
Analysis of human data has been primarily from radia-
tion accidents, radiotherapy and the atomic bomb vic-
tims. Consequently, laboratory animals have been used
to investigate the relationship between radiation dose
and effect in total body irradiation and further to possi-
bly derive a general predictive formula [9,36-40].
The author has applied Eq.2 to predict mortality
probability in total body irradiation without medical
support in humans as a function of dose rate and dura-
tion of exposure [12]; the formula of the function is con-
structed on the basis of animal-model predicted data
published by Cerveny, MacVittie and Young [18]. There
is a remarkable agreement between formula-predicted
and published estimated LD50
and also between both
mortality probabilities (p value > 0.995).
1.2. The Gompertz Modelod
Helligman and Pollard [2] reported that the Gompertz
model applied to the Australian national mortality data
required a mathematical modification for a curvature
noticed in his graphical analysis of the older age popula-
Sacher published a comprehensive experimental data
on daily dose rates versus average survival times in total
body irradiation in mice [36,37]. He stated in his discus-
sion that the Gompertz model seemed to be approxi-
mately applicable to the data on dose rates versus death
rates in mice. However, he did not present a general
formula of the Gompertz model in his articles [36,37].
The purpose of this study is to apply each of both the
“probacent” and the Gompertz models to the Sacher’s
opyright © 2011 SciRes. JBiSE
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718 709
reported data above described with an assumption that
each model is applicable to the data, and to test which of
the models would better fit the reported data on doses
versus survival times in mice on the basis of results of
statistical analysis.
Sacher of Argonne National Laboratory, USA reported
his comprehensive experimental data on mean after-
survival times (MAS) of adult LAF1 mice irradiated
daily with various doses for the duration of life, begin-
ning at 100 days of age until deaths occurred [36,37].
The total number of mice was 4692; 2348 male and 2344
female mice. The range of dose rate is from 6 to 2500
r/day. The MAS is from 5 to 548 days; 5 - 6 days at high
dose rates (1100 r/day) and 501 - 548 days at the low-
est dose rate, 6 r/day.
The author used the Sacher’s reported data [37] to
construct general formulas to express relationships be-
tween dose rates and mean after-survival times in total
body irradiation of γ-ray in male and female mice.
The data on the relationship between dose rate and
mean after-survival time in both male and female mice
are shown in Table 1 and plotted on a log-log graph
paper as illustrated in Figure 1 to improve the overall fit
in mathematical analysis.
A closer look at the lines connecting data points,
closed and open circles in Figure 1, respectively sug-
gests that there appear to exist roughly four different
periods of the first two weeks after beginning of radia-
tion (range of 2500 - 330 r/day) in an acute period, two
weeks to one month (range: 330 - 125 r/day) in an early
subacute period, one to five months (range: 125 - 43
r/day) in a late subacute period, and five to 18 months
(range: 43 - 6 r/day) in a chronic period. Each period
would have different values of constants in the “pro-
bacent” and Gompertz models.
Both models are applied to the Sacher’s data with an
assumption that dose rates reflect death rates as shown in
the relationship among dose rate, duration of exposure
and mortality probability in total body irradiation in hu-
mans [12], and that both models would be applicable to
the data.
2.1. Formulas of Mean After-Survival Time
The mathematical method to construct formulas of the
“probacent” model is described in Appendix and the
author’s previous articles [33,41]. The best-fitting c value
is determined by a statistical method of the least sum of
squares of curved regression described in the author’s
previous publication [42]. Appendix also describes how
to construct formulas of the Gompertz model.
2.1.1. Fo rmulas of “ P robacent ” M odel
Eqs.3-5 with different values of constants, a, b and c are
constructed to express relationships between dose rate
and mean after-survival time in acute, early subacute,
late subacute and chronic periods in male and female
mice, respectively.
log log
RabT (3)
log1log c
Tb Ra
T (5)
where R = daily dose rate in r/day; T = mean after-sur-
vival time (MAS) in days; a, b and c are constants.
The “probacent” equations for male mice.
Acute period (2500 - 330 r/day):
0.1 0.1
2.86009 3.217481.86009 2.51851 a
0.1 0.1
2.53975 2.518513.21748b 
Early subacute period (330 - 125 r/day):
0.01 0.01
3.78787 2.518512.78787 2.09691 a
0.01 0.01
2.47562 2.096912.51851 b
Late subacute period (125 - 43 r/day):
0.01 0.01
3.370922.096912.37092 1.63347a
0.01 0.01
1.54955 1.633472.09691b 
Chronic period (43 - 6 r/day):
2.83 2.83
5.14555 1.633474.145550.77815a 
2.83 2.83
1.90563 0.778151.63347b 
The “probacent” equations for female mice.
Acute period (2500 - 330 r/day):
0.1 0.1
2.67383 3.217481.673832.51851a
0.1 0.1
2.3771 2.518513.21748b 
Early subacute period (330 - 125 r/day):
0.01 0.01
4.04791 2.518513.04791 2.09691a
0.01 0.01
2.70966 2.096912.51851b 
opyright © 2011 SciRes. JBiSE
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718
Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
Table 1. Mean after-survival times (MAS) of male and female mice irradiated daily for duration of lifing at 100 days of age
Male Female
e, beginn
Mean After-Survival Mean After-Survivays) Time (days) al Time (d
Daily Dose
Formud MAS
Formulad MAS
la-Derived MAS Sacher’s-Reporte-Derived MASSacher’s-Reporte
2500 9 9 4.40 5.26 4.06 5.06
1650 5.40 5.40 24 5.06 5.06 24
1100 6.66 5.85 24 6.33 5.48 24
750 8.21 7.23 24 7.92 6.83 24
610 9.23 9.33 30 8.98 9.23 30
500 10.37 11.00 30 10.16 11.30 30
410 11.69 12.23 30 11.54 12.50 30
330 13.37 13.37 30 13.33 13.33 30
270 15.99 14.33 30 15.70 14.73 30
220 19.32 16.47 75 18.66 15.81 75
170 24.78 22.08 105 23.42 20.15 105
145 29.06 29.70 105 27.10 24.26 105
125 33.89 33.89 105 31.18 31.18 105
97 46.75 41.09 105 45.39 41.71 105
85 55.66 51.92 105 55.28 50.54 105
74 67.21 64.45 105 68.07 65.76 105
64 82.43 80.70 105 84.78 86.22 105
56 100.08 102.11 120 103.89 104.18 120
49 122.29 126.99 135 127.47 134.17 135
43 149.77 149.77 150 155.93 155.93 150
32 199.09 206.26 150 214.33 223.79 150
24 252.48 251.61 183 277.37 274.05 183
12 387.67 385.64 183 431.12 429.85 183
6 501.40 501.40 120 548.22 548.22 120
0 494.77 266 650.36 262
P >05 >0.95 **.99 9
N*: nuf animals; P** in χ² goodness-of-fit
Late subacute period (125 - 43 r/day):
Chronic period (43 - 6 r/day):
mber o: p value test.
3.18 3.18
5.0162 1.633474.01620.77815a 
3.13701 2.096912.13701a 
0.01 0.01
1.43051 1.633472.09691 b
8 3.18
1.83143 0.778151.63347b 
2.1.2. Fo r mulas of G omp ertz Mode l
Eqs.6 and 7 are essentially siilar to the Gompertz m
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718 711
Log RabT (7)
R (8) 1logTba 
where R represents daily dose of total bo
r/day; T is mean after-survival time (M
Early subacute period (330 - 125 r/day):
Late subacute period (125 - 43 r/day):
Chronic period (43 - 6 r/day):
R (12)
The Gompertz equations for female mice.
Acute period (2500 - 330 r/day):
Early subacute period (330 - 125 r/day):
Late subacute period (125 - 43 r/day):
R (15)
Chronic period (43 - 6 r/day):
R (16)
2.2. Description of the Computer Pr
it test (logrank test) [43] is used to
odels to the data on mean
la-derived mean af-
(MAS) as a function of dose rate of
dy irradiation in
AS) in days; a
and b are constants; a is an intercept, b a slope.
Eqs.9-12 and Eqs.13-16 are constructed to express
relationships between dose rate and mean after
e in acute, early subacute, late subacute and chronic
periods in male and female mice, respectively.
The Gompertz equations for male mice.
Acute period (2500 - 330 r/day):
6 logR11.40251 3.6910T
48.671272.79321 logTR
2502.23247 logTR 
411.1842 1.9977T1 log
11.83152 3.6451T
42.3372.83335 logTR 
269.1792.21274 loTg
458.716 1.9734T log
The computer programs were written in UBASIC
IBM PC microcomputer and compatibles for Eqs.1
In the author’s previous studies, the computer program
for Eq.1 used a formula of approximation instead of the
integral of Eq.1b because the computer cannot perform
integral [10,41]. Mathematical transformation of the
formula of integral, Eq.1b to the formula of approxima-
tion in computer programming is described in the au-
thor’s book [41]. In this study, computer programs are
used to calculate each equation of the “probacent” and
Gompertz models.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
A χ2 goodness-of-f
test the fit of mathematical m
after-survival times in mice in the Sacher’s article [37].
The differences are considered statistically significant
when p < 0.05. The least square curved regression
method described in the author’s previous publication
[42] is used to determine the best-fitting c value in
Eqs.3-5 of the “probacent” model.
Table 1 shows the results of formu
ter-survival times
total body irradiation in male and female mice. Table 1
also shows comparison of the formula-derived values
with the Sacher’s reported data on MAS [37].
Differences between both values of formula-derived
and reported MAS are statistically not significant (p >
0.995). A close agreement is seen between both values
in Table 1. The maximum difference in MAS of acute
period of high dose rate, 2500 - 330 r/day is ± 1 day in
both male and female mice.
Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between dose rate
and mean after-survival time (MAS). It seems to the
author that the distribution of the Sacher’s reported MAS
(closed and open circles) are very close to the formula-
derived curved line for male and female mice, respec-
Table 2 shows comparison of the least sum of squares,
Σ(E – O)2 and the least maximum difference, I(E – O)I
in the “probacent” and Gompertz models employed in
analysis of the Sacher’s data on dose rate versus MAS in
male and female mice. Here, E is a formula-derived
value; O is a Sacher’s reported value.
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate relationships between dose
rates and mean after-survival times, and two lines: one
solid curved line expressing the “probacent” equations
and the dashed straight line expressing the Gompertz
equations, in male and female mice, respectively.
The least sum of squares of differences and the least
maximum difference of the “probacent” model are much
smaller than those of the Gompertz model as shown in
Table 2. The differences are very large in the late sub-
acute period in both male and female mice; in the same
period, the solid line expressing the “probaccent” equa-
tion is remarkably curved in contrast to the dashed strai-
ght line of the Gompertz equation.
The χ2 -test p value is greater than 0.995 for the “pro-
bacent” formulas for both male and female mice, respec-
tively. In contrast, p value is less than 0.05 for the
Gompertz equations for male and female mice, respec-
tively. These results of statistical analysis seem to indicate
that the Gompertz model appears oversll not applicable
opyright © 2011 SciRes. JBiSE
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718
Figure 1. Relationship between dose rate of daily radiation and mean after-survival time (MAS) in LAF1 male and female mice irra-
diated daily during the duration of life [37]. The abscissa represents mean after-survival time in days (log scale) and the ordinate
daily dose rate of radiation in r/day (log scale). Data points of closed and open circles indicate MAS of male and female mice, re-
spectively. The solid and dashed curved lines represent MAS of both male and female mice, predicted by Eqs.3-5 of the “probacent”
model, respectively. Data points of the Sacher’s reported values appear to fall overall very close to or on the formula-derived pre-
dicted lines (see text).
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S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718 713
Figure 2. Relationship between dose rate and mean after-survival time (MAS) in LAF1 male mice irradiated daily during the dura-
tion of life [37]. The abscissa represents mean after-survival time in days and the ordinate daily dose rate of radiation in r/day (lo
scale). Data points of closed circles indicate reported MAS of male mice. The solid, curved line and the dashed, straight lines repre
sent MAS of male mice, predicted by the “probacent” model of Eqs.3-5 and the Gompertz model of Eqs.9-12, respectively. Data
points appear to overall fall closer to or on the “probacent”-formula-predicted solid, curved line than the lines predicted by the
Gompertz equations.
opyright © 2011 SciRes. JBiSE
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718
Figure 3. Relationship between dose rate and mean after-survival time (MAS) in LAF1 female mice irradiated daily during the dura-
tion of life [37]. The abscissa represents mean after-survival time (MAS) in days and the ordinate daily dose rate of radiation in r/da
(log scale). Data points of closed circles indicate reported MAS of female mice. The solid, curved line and the dashed, straight line
represent MAS of female mice, predicted by the “probacent” model of Eqs.3-5, and by the Gompertz model of Eqs.13-16, respec-
tively. Data points of the Sacher’s reported values appear to overall fall closer to or on the “probacent”-formulas-predicted solid,
curved line than the Gompertz-formulas-predicted dashed, straight lines.
opyright © 2011 SciRes. JBiSE
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718
Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
Table 2. Comparison of the least sum of squares, (E – O)2
and the least maximum-difference, І(E – O)І, in the “pro-
acent” and Gompertz models employed in analysis of the Sa- b
cher’s data on daily radiation dose versus mean survival time
in male and female mice.
Model “Probacent” Gompertz
Used equation Eqs.3-5 Eqs.9,13
F Acute period
Used equation EEq
Early subacute
Used equation EEq
Late subacute
Used equation EE6
Chronic period
* 3.07 11.50
(E – O)
** 5.18 13.51
M 0.98 2.07
I(E – O)I
F 1.14 2.28
qs.3-5 s.10,14
M 18.55 70.00
(E – O)
F 27.81 76.43
M 2.85 5.47
I(E – O)I
F 3.27 5.38
qs.3-5 s.11,15
M 82.79 779.28
(E – O)
F 88.32 2756.91
M 5.66 26.36
I(E – O)I
F 6.70 26.71
qs.3-5 qs.12,1
M 56.34 82.46
(E – O)
F 102.15 471.14
M 7.17 7.96
I(E – O)I
F 9.46 19.66
M*: male mice; F**: ice; ue isr than for
“proacent” formulas foand fele miceivelye is
less than 0.05 for Gompertz formulas for both m femal-
t between
alues and the Sacher’s-reported
female m
r both male
p-val greate0.995
ma, respect
ale and
. p-valu
e mice, re
spectively; E: formula-derived value of mean after-survival time for male
and female mice, respectively; O: Sacher’s reported value of mean af-
ter-survival time for male and female mice, respectively.
to the Sacher’s data, and that the “probacent” model of
eath rate, Eq.2 seems to be applicable andd
to the reported data than the Gompertz model.
Table 1 and Figure 1 reveal a close agreemen
the formula-derived v
data on mean after-survival times (MAS) (p > 0.995).
Table 2 shows that the “probacent” equations, Eqs.
3-5 have noticeably smaller least sum of squares and
least maximum difference than the Gompertz equations.
This finding indicates that the “probacent” model is sta-
tistically better fitting to the Sacher’s data. The p-value
model appears overall not applicable to the Sacher’s
Data-points of male and female mice appear overall
fall much closer to or on the solid curved line repre-
sented by the “probacent” equations than the dashed
straight lines represented by the Gompertz equations in
Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
is >0.995 for the “probacent” equations and <0.05 for
the Gompertz equations, suggesting that the Gompertz
The author feels that in a variety of biomedical phe-
nomena, if Eqs.1 and 2 are applicable, the values of con-
stants γ and c are generally greater than one or less than
one but not one, indicating a curved line when plotted on
a X-Y graph paper as seen Figures 1-3. The γ and c val-
ues are relatively rarely one, indicating a straight line on
the graph or otherwise approximately appearing straight.
This phenomenon seems to be analogous in physics to
that light path is actually curved when passing through a
gravitational field of space but appears straight [44,45].
If the γ value becomes equal to one, Eq.1 represents a
log-normal distribution. If the c value is one, Eq.2 that is
derivable from Eq.1 [33] becomes essentially similar to
the Weibull distribution [1]. If the base of logarithm is
one, the lognormal distribution becomes a norml distri-
bu n
tion (log11 = n) [41,46]. If the logarithm of one as its
base is taken for X axis of time, the Gompertz distribu-
tion might be similar to the Weibull distribution, and so
might be a specific form of the “probacent”-probability
equation. It seems to the author that the “probacent” mo-
del may be applicable as a general approximation me-
thod to make useful predictions of probable outcomes in
a variety of biomedical phenomenon [41,42].
Hematopoietic cells of bone marrow, intestinal tract
and central nervous system are most vulnerable to radia-
tion effects [47-52]. Body responses to lethal radiation
effects reflect status of living body in which pathologic
changes, physiologic repair (response and regeneration)
and inherent aging process are concurrently occurring
[37]. Death is caused by multi-organ failure. In case of
high dose, infection and hemorrhage are earliest contrib-
uting factors to death in lethal total body irradiation,
damaging most sensitive hematopoietic cells of bone
marrow [37,47,52].
High dose rates (330 - 2500 r/day) shorten mean af-
ter-survival times (MAS) in acute period, causing death
within two weeks (Table 1). Decrease in dose rates in-
creases MAS in mice. Cui and his coworkers demon-
strated that a fractionated total body irradiation (FTBI)
increased survival rates and therapeutic effects of FTBI
in bone marrow transplantation in mice [53]. This find-
ing is remarkably illustrated by the curved and pro-
longed line of MAS in the chronic period of very low
dose rates (Figures 1-3).
S. J. Chung / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 707-718
Biologic responses to lethal radiation effects are de-
pendent on radiation dose rate and duration of exposure,
and are reflected in survival times. The values of con-
stants, a, b and c of Eq.2 of death rate seem to be deter-
mined by the underlying status of biologic responses.
The “probacent” model and findings in this stu
pertz model is
Predictive formulas are
d compared regarding their
ppears approximately applicable in acute and
pful in research in human toler-
the author’s current study is based.
rth for his outstanding
personal valuable in-
. (2003) Statistical methods for
ight be hopefully helpful in research to investigate
human tolerance to low dose rates for long durations of
exposure in total body irradiation, and further in research
in a variety of biomedical phenomena.
The “probacent” model of death rate equation is applied
to the Sacher’s experimental data on dose rates versus
mean after-survival times (MAS) in mice daily irradiated
during the duration of life [37]. The Gom
also applied to the data.
structed by both models an
to data.
In this comparative study of which model would bet-
ter fit to data, it is found that the “probacent” equations
not only well fit the data but also more closely express
the relationship between dose rate and mean after-sur-
vival time than the Gompertz equations. The Gompertz
model a
ronic period (higher and lower doses) but seems to be
overall not applicable.
The data-points connecting line is actually curved as
seen in Figures 1-3, suggesting better fit of the curved-
line expressing “probacent” model rather than the
straight-line expressing Gompertz model.
The “probacent” model and findings in this study
might-be hopefully hel
ce to low dose rates for long durations of exposure in
total body irradiation, and further in research in a variety
of biomedical phenomena.
The author is thankful to Dr. George A. Sacher, Argonne National
Laboratory, USA for his personal advice, encouragement and his
highly valuable and comprehensive work in radiation research, sending
me a reprint of his article on which
The author thanks Dr. Lester Van Middleswo
research on radiation and thyroid, and for his
structions and advice in my research related to thyroid physiology,
using 131I radioisotopes at the Department of Physiology and Biophys-
ics, the University of Tennessee.
I would like to express my thanks to Dr. C. W. Sheppard for his in-
uctions and encouragement in my research related to radiation and
computer programming.
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formula expressed by Eq.2 representing the mean af-
(MAS) as a function of daily dose rate
diation in mice is assumed to be appli-
The values of constants, a and b are
A.1 and A.2 as expressed by Eqs.A.3 and A.4, respec-
2.86009 3.217481.860092.51851
a 
2.53975 2.518513.21748
b  (A.4)
ter-survival time
n total body irrai
log2.86009 3.217481.860092.51851
2.53975 2.518513.21748
cable here to the Sacher’s data [37] on the basis of the
aforementioned findings.
General Formulas of the Mean After-Survival Times
in Acute Period for Male Mice (Up to Two Weeks after
Irradiation of Dose Rate, 2500 - 330 r/day)
Two sets of data on dose rate (R) and mean after-sur-
vival time (T) from the Sacher’s reported values are used
to determine values of a, b, c in Eq.2.
1) R = 1650 r/day of dose rate, and T = 5.4 days of
mean after-survival time.
2) R = 330 r/day of dose rate, and T = 13.37 days of
mean after-survival time.
log1650 cablog 5.4
log 330calog 13.37b
derived from Eqs.
In order to determine the best fitting value of constant
c, the author employs the method of the least sum of
squares that is described in the author’s previous publi-
cation [42]. A very close and best agreement is found
between the computer-derived and the Sacher’s-reported
mean after-survival times with the c-value of 0.1 deter-
mined by the above method. The a, b an c values in the
Eqs.3-5 for acute period in male mice are finally deter-
Values of constants, a, b and c in Eqs.3-5 for the other
three periods, early subacute, later subacute and chronic
period are likewise determined.
Formulas of the Gompertz equations, Eqs.6-16 are
likewise constructed from two sets of data in each of
four periods.