A. F. M. H et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 2 (2009) 543-549
SciRes Copyright © 2009
accurately determine retinal vasculature. Retinal vascu-
lature can be used to determine existence of pathology,
macular area and foveal avascular zone. Typical contrast
enhancement methods usually create artefacts or intro-
duce noise. Even though fluorescein angiography pro-
duces better contrast enhancement, it is not preferable
due to its invasive nature of injecting contrasting agent.
In this work, the developed method based on the spec-
tral absorbance model and independent component ana-
lysis enables us to determine the retinal pigments, name-
ly haemoglobin, melanin and macular pigment. A fundus
image model has been developed to test the performance
of the proposed algorithm. As a result, retinal vascula-
ture, macular pigment and melanin distribution can be
determined from digital fundus image. Results show that
this approach outperforms other non-invasive enhance-
ment methods, such as contrast stretching, histogram
equalization and CLAHE and can be beneficial for ves-
sel segmentation. The algorithm produces no artefacts in
the process. Using the haemoglobin component, the con-
trast between retinal blood vessels and the background
can be enhanced with contrast enhancement factor up to
2.62 for a model of fundus image. This improvement in
contrast reduces the need of applying contrasting agent
on patients.
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