However, the Solvency IIves the possi-
bility to apply also the concto capture de-
odel. Tsupervisory aut
ers which measure the dependencies
pean Par-
liament and of the Council on the Taking-Up and Pursuit
ss of Insurance and Reinsurance,” 2009.
Valdez, “Understanding Relation-
T of
78, No. 6, 2007, pp.
framework gi
ept of copulas
pendencies in an internal m
ties may even require the co
anies to apply an inter-
nl model for calculating the Solvency Capital Require-
ment, or a part thereof, if it is inappropriate to calculate
the Solvency Capital Requirement using the standard ap-
proach [1]. That means that if the approach for consider-
ing dependencies that is given in the standard model does
not lead to a realistic picture of the actual risk situation
of the company, the supervisory authorities may oblige
the company to use a more sophisticated way for captur-
ing dependencies.
Since the Solvency II framework does not use copulas
in the standard formula for reason of the proportionality
principle, we recommend that Solvency II should at least
reward those insur
tween their risks in a more sophisticated way. This could
be achieved either by reducing the SCR for those insur-
ers or the other way around by imposing higher require-
ments on companies which use the rudimental standard
approach. That would also be justifiable from an econo-
mical point of view: Companies that use linear correlations
may severely underestimate their overall risk and should
therefore be protected by higher capital requirements.
It would also make sense and give additional incen-
tives to explicitly mention the concept of copulas in the
directive and to rework the standard formula once the de-
velopment in multivariate modeling allows the effecti
e of copulas also for smaller insurance companies [20].
Moreover, we have discovered that the given correlations
do not seem to reflect an actual average of the insurance
industry. So, if correlations are used, they should at least
be actually measured in the insurance industry.
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