Y. M. Zhang et al. / Advances in Biological Chemistry 1 (2011) 119-121
Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
Biodiesel discharge performance, such as HC and CO
and NOx and flue gas and particles discharge, is re-
searched. The experimental results are as follow:
1) Adding biodiesel is benefit to decrease pollutants in
the environment.
2) CO discharge decreases with the increase of adding
biodiesel at the same rate of revolution and HC dis-
charge increases with the increase of adding biodiesel at
the same rate of revolution.
3) NOx discharge of blank diesel and biodiesel B5 and
biodiesel B20 increase with the increase of torque. NOx
Discharge increases with the increase of adding bio-
diesel at the same torque.
4) Flue gas discharge of blank diesel and biodiesel B5
and biodiesel B20 firstly increase and then decrease with
the increase of torque and have maximum. Flue gas
Discharge decreases with the increase of amount of bio-
diesel at the same torque.
5) Particle discharge decreases with the increase of
adding biodiesel.
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