Intelligent Control and Automation, 2011, 2, 413-417
doi:10.4236/ica.2011.24047 Published Online November 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ICA
The Design and Construction of an Intelligent Taxi
Electronic Payment System Solution
Mozhgan Sadeghian1, Soheila Dadjou1, Majid Meghdadi1, Leila Safari1, Somayyeh Sadeghian2
1Computer Department, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
2University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
E-mail:, sepandarmaz67@yaho,
{meghdad, l_safari},
Received July 21, 201 1; revised August 12, 2011; accepted September 10, 2011
Today the usage of electronic services in d ifferent taxie s s e e ms to be necessary. Organizing a system to pay the
taxi electronically with the card by the passenger can decrease the need to carry cash. Designing and building
of such a system by using a special taximeter with new fe atures and also one or more card reader can be fixed
into the taxi. Pay ment is with the smart credit card and from the client’s account. The in formation of presented
services is stored in the system and will be recorded as offered services. The driver can have access to taxi or-
ganization or some special terminals electronically to see his account and also he can receive a receipt.
Keywords: Electronic Smart Card, Automation of Payment, Intelligent System
1. Introduction
Today according to the increasing population there are
lots of problems in money payment to the taxi in cash.
For example there is not enough access to cash and the
other problem is damages to bill and as a result huge
amount of budget to replace damaged and old bills.
In addition paying money and waiting for receiving the
rest from the driver wastes time of the both passenger and
the drive and of course enhances the traffic. These in-
crease the fuel consumption and there is no effective con-
trol on the prices. So a new kind of technology is needed
to manage all these disorders and problems. For this rea-
son human was in the sake of a solution, at first they used
electronic payment system for bus transporter system.
Now it is time for taxi driving system. At this time more
facilities are more likely to be served to p asseng ers. In th e
second part of this paper we will have a review on the
same projects. Then in the section three the methods and
technologies used in the system will be discussed, in the
section four the structure of hardware is presented. In the
section five the facilities and privileges and at the end
results and some suggest i ons are mentioned.
Since that paper [1] was published, there have been
few technological changes, but progress has been made
in consolidation an d integration within the industry. This
paper will briefly look at the current status of electronic
payment systems, and progress in the last two years to
widen the appeal and use of such systems [2].
Related Works
The statistics related to electronic business and electronic
payment all around the world and the rate of its devel-
opment is the importance of their ro le which they play in
modern economy [3]. In Iran, some activities have been
done in the field of electronics especially in electronic
payment. A similar project which is present in Iran is
electronic payment system in bus and train transporter
system by using credit cards. Also in New York City an
intelligent taxi payment in order to pay the portage elec-
tronically is used. The new GPS enabled New York City
taxis includes a discussion of paying with credit cards or
debit cards rather than cash. There are also some brief
screen shots of the passenger interface. As with all elec-
tronic payment schemes, generational differences in
payment preferences come into play: the older couple
featured notes that “We’ll pay the taxi with cash only
because we always have” [4,5].
2. Method and Technology Used in the
In this part of the article, the various kinds of smart cards
are briefly introduced and then RFID technology and