Dynamics of Urbanization and Its Impact on Land-Use/Land-Cover: A Case Study of Megacity Delhi
proach to urban development in order to appropriately
preserve the areas of various land-use classes. Moreover,
the actual population is turning out to be more than the
projected population for this city e.g., the present popu-
lation has already increased to 21.7 million in 2009 [30]
which is more than 4 million than that of the projected
population of 18 million in 2011 [11]. This requires more
conservative urban planning by the authorities.
6. Acknowledgements
The financial support extended by Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO) through their RESPOND pro-
gramme for carrying out this study is thankfully acknow-
ledged. Authors pay homage to Dr. S. K. Pathan (second
author) who passed away untimely few days after the
acceptance of this paper. Fellow workers shall always
remember him as a highly dedicated scientist instilling
inspiration to excel as also a noble kind hearted soul.
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