pure highly crystalline phase, which after reduction pre-
sented major structural changes, giving rise to well dis-
perse nickel metallic particles on a lanthanum oxide and
hydroxide matrix.
An adherence of 97% of the perovskite-type oxide to
the metallic surface was achieved by means of the acid
treatment carried out to the metal structure the immer-
sion procedure used in the preparation of the structured
The system studied is complex and involves several
reactions that depend largely on the composition of the
feed to reactor, as well as of the catalyst and the opera-
tional reaction conditions employed.
A positive influence of the metallic structure in the
combined methane reforming reaction with CO2-O2 was
observed. The stability of the structured catalyst was
higher compared to that observed for the powder catalyst.
In addition, no induction period was required for the
structured catalyst.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to CDCH UCV for the financial
support through project No 08-00-6607-2006.
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