6. Conclusions
Analogy between acoustic media and transmission lines
is reviewed and an analogous electrical model of an ul-
trasonic transducer using controlled sources is discussed.
A Simulation model of a complete ultrasonic system is
presented. The received signal from the simulation is
compared to that of an actual measurement in the time
domain. The comparison of simulated, experimental data
clearly shows that temperature and frequency dependen-
cies of parameters of relevance to acoustic wave propa-
gation can be modeled. The feasibility has been demon-
strated in an ultrasound transducer setup for material
property investigations. Comparisons were made for at-
tenuation and velocity of sound for ethanol, methanol,
carbon tetrachloride, acetone, benzene and distilled water.
For these materials, the agreement is good. The simula-
tion tool therefore provides a way to predict the received
signal before anything is built. Furthermore, the use of an
ultrasonic simulation package allows for the develop-
ment of the associated electronics to amplify and process
the received ultrasonic signals.
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