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class targets, and field observations proves the efficiency
of this method. This method can be used in the similar
geological and metallogenetic locations in north-west-
wards and south-eastward s of the study area in Iran.
4. Conclusions
Analysis and investigation of first class prospect areas
after field checking prove that these areas have charac-
teristics as follows:
They are located mainly in the intermediate Oligo-
cene_Miocene intrusive bodies, or Eocene volcanic-
sedimentary complex.
The porphyry copper mineralization is related to re-
gional scale faults (length more than 10 km). The
most important trends for mineralization are N-S,
NE-SW, E-W, and NW-SE respectively.
Hydrothermal alteration is extensive and typically
zoned on a deposit scale. The main alteration types
o Advanced argillic alteration
o Argillic alteration
o Phyllic alteration
Normally in porphyry copper mineralization, copper
and molybdenum geochemical anomalies in center
part, and lead, zinc, silver, bismuth, and magnesium
geochemical anomalies in outer part of alteration ha-
loes can be detected.
Airborne geophysics data can be very definitive in
locating porphyry copper deposits related to hydro-
thermal systems. However no unique technique suf-
fices, it is necessary to utilize two or three techniques
to maximize the probability of finding new deposits.
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