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and BS which originates from MS2 can be registered by
the server in the MS2’s profile. The server executes the
following algorithm, to detect the attackers.
[4] D. Denning, “An Intrusion-Detection Model,” IEEE Trans-
actions on Software Engineering, Vol. Se-13, No. 2, 1987,
pp. 222-232.
3.3. Detection Algorithm
Step 1: Server mea su res RSS
[5] G. Thamilarasu, A. Balasubramanian, S. Mishra and R.
Sridhar, “A Cross-Layer Based Intrusion Detection Ap-
proach for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and
Sensor Systems Conference, 2005, p. 861.
Step 2: Server mea sur es
Step 3: Server ca lc ul at es the w ei gh t as W
Ww w
= Variation of and RSS
= Variation of
[6] J. Hall, “Enhancing Intrusion Detection in Wireless Net-
works Using Radio Frequency Fingerprinting,” IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol.
3, No. 3, 2005, pp. 18-22.
and are two constants, which can be fine
tuned . 2w
Step 4: If
, (where is the detection
threshold) Then MS is an attacker.
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United States Military Academy, West Point, 18-20 June
2003, pp. 22-26.
4. Conclusions
By developing a dynamic profile based upon the RSS
value and keep on updating it. RSS value is difficult to
assume because the attacker must use same equipment
and same level of interface, refraction which is not pos-
sible. Cross layer based technique help to make decision
based on two layer physical layer where we compute
RSS value and on MAC layer where we compute
RTS-CTS time taken. This will reduce the positive false
rate. The cross layer design approach has impact on per-
formance enhancement for intrusion detection system for
WLAN [14,15].
[8] S. Rakesh, “A Novel Cross Layer Intrusion Detection
System in MANET,” Proceedings of 24th IEEE Interna-
tional Conference on Advanced Information Networking
and Applications, 2010, pp. 38-48.
[9] S. Madhavi, “An Intrusion Detection System in Mobile
Adhoc Networks,” International Journal of Security and
Its Applications, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2008, pp 11-17.
[10] K. Shafiullah, “Framework for Intrusion Detection in
IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks,” The Interna-
tional Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7,
No. 4, 2010, pp. 50-55.
[11] Y. Zhang and W. Lee, “Intrusion Detection in Wireless
Ad-Hoc Network,” Proceedings of the 6th Annual Inter-
national Conference on Mobile Computing and Network-
ing, Boston, 6-11 August 2000, pp. 26-31.
5. Acknowledgements
The author is thankful to Dr. Jatinder Singh Bal (Dean
and Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Desh
Bhagat Enggineering College, Moga) for critical discus-
sion as well as constant help during the present study.
The constant encouragement provided by Dr. H S Johal
as well as Mr. Dalwinder Singh and Deepak Prashar,
Lovely Professional University Jalandhar is also ac-
[12] W. Xia, J. S. Wong, F. Stanley and S. Basu, “Cross-Layer
Based Anomaly Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks,”
9th Annual International Symposium on Applications and
the Internet, Bellevue, 20-24 July 2009, pp. 9-15.
[13] J. S. Bal, et al., “A Cross Layer Based Intrusion Detec-
tion Technique for Wireless Network,” International
Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 5, September 2009, Article ID: 25080924.
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