Advances in Pure Mathematics
Vol.3 No.1A(2013), Article ID:27566,5 pages DOI:10.4236/apm.2013.31A028
Existence of Weak Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Parabolic Problems in Weighted Sobolev Space*
1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
2Center for Computational Geosciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
Received November 23, 2012; revised December 27, 2012; accepted January 7, 2013
Keywords: Weighted Sobolev Space; Energy Estimates; Compact Imbedding; Sobolev Interpolation Inequalities
In this paper, we investigate the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for a new class of initial/boundary-value parabolic problems with nonlinear perturbation term in weighted Sobolev space. By building up the compact imbedding in weighted Sobolev space and extending Galerkin’s method to a new class of nonlinear problems, we drive out that there exists at least one weak solution of the nonlinear equations in the interval for the fixed time
1. Introduction
Now we consider the initial/boundary-value problem [1] as following
is a real positive parameter and
is (uniformly) parabolic,
for some fixed time
is an open bounded subset with smooth boundary in
is given,
is the unknown,
are functions satisfying some suitable conditions [2-4].
The main purpose of this paper is to establish the existence of weak solutions for the parabolic initial/boundary-value problem (1.1) in a weighted Sobolev space. For this purpose, we assume for now that
1) is a positive measurable sufficiently smooth function2)
is a non-negative smooth function which may change sign3)
is a weighted Sobolev space [5-8] with a weight function
, its norm defined as
For convenience, we will denote by Xnote
, and unless otherwise statedintegrals are over
Similar problems have been studied by Evans [9], he investigated the solvability of the initial/bondary-value problem for the reaction-diffusion system
, and as usual
is open and bounded with smooth boundary. Via the techniques of Banach's fixed point theorem method, he obtained the existence and uniqueness and some estimates of the weak solution under the assumer that the initial function
belongs to
is Lipschitz continuous. He also studied the nonlinear heat equation with a simple quadratic nonlinearity
The Blow-up solution has been established under the assumer that and
are large enough in an appropriate sense.
The main results of this paper can be stated as followsTheorem 1.1. There exists a unique weak solution of problem (1.1) on the interval for the fixed time
For the further argument, we need the following Lemma.
Lemma 1.1. If, then1)
are the compact imbedding [6]2)
are also compact imbedding.
Proof. 1) Since, and
is a positive sufficiently smooth function, there exists a positive constant C, such that
. Hence
for all, and a.e. time
. We used the poincare’s inequality in the last inequality above. Thus1) Holds and is compact.
2) The proof of 2) is almost the same as 1). This completes the proof of Lemma 1.1.
2. Weak Solutions
According to Lemma 1.1, it suffices to consider the initial/boundary-value problem (1.1) in spaces and
. We will employ the Galerkin’s method to prove our results.
Definition 2.1. We say a function
is a weak solution of the parabolic initial/boundary-value problem (1.1) provided
1), for each
, and a.e. time
, and 2)
Here denotes the time-dependent bilinear form
for each and a.e. time
is the nonlinearity term. the pairing
denoting inner product in
being the pairing of
By the Definition 2.1, we see, and thus the equality 2) makes sense.
We now switch our view point, by associating with u a mapping
defined by
More precisely, assume that the functions
are smooth1)
is an orthogonal basis of
and 2)
is an orthogonal basis of
, (0 ≤ t ≤ T, i = 1, 2, ∙∙∙, m) taken with the inner product
Sm is the finite dimensional subspace spanned by
. Fix a positive integer m, we will look for a function
of the form
Here we hope to select the coefficients, (0 ≤ t ≤ T, i = 1, 2, ∙∙∙, m) such that
That is
This amounts to our requiring that um solves the “projection” of problem (1.1) onto the finite dimensional subspace.
Theorem 2.1. (construction of approximate solutions)
For each integer there exists a function um of the form (2.1) satisfying the identities (2.3).
Proof. Taking arbitrary, then
Thus, , and
Since is random, therefore, system (2.4) becomes
This is a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equation, according to the existence theory for nonlinear ODE, there exists a unique local solution on interval for fixed time T > 0. That is, the initial/boundaryvalue problem (1.1) has a unique local weak solution on the interval
3. Energy Estimates
Theorem 3.1. There exists a constant C, depending only on and
, such that
Proof. We separate this proof into 3 steps.
Step 1. Multiply equality (2.2) by and sum for
, and then recall to (2.1) to find
for a.e. time, here,
, since
is a smooth function.
Consequently (3.2) yields the inequality
Since, that is
, then by Sobolev imbedding theorem, we obtain
, and moreover,
here k is the best Sobolev constant [10-13].
Thus, we can write inequality (3.3) as
For a.e. time, and appropriate constant
In addition, since, by Sobolev interpolation inequality, we find
here, and we have used the Young’s inequality with
in the last inequality. Thus
By Lemma 1.1 2) and Sobolev’s inequality, we have
is the best Sobolev imbedding constant, insert the inequality above and (3.5) into inequality (3.4) yields
for a.e. time, and appropriate constants
Furthermore, we rewrite inequality (3.6) as
for a.e. time, and appropriate constants
By Gronwall’s inequality, (3.7) yields the estimate
for a.e. time, and appropriate constant
Step 2. Returning once more to inequality (3.7), we integrate from 0 to T and employ the inequality (3.8) to obtain
for a.e. time, and appropriate constant C.
Step 3. Fix any, with
, and write
, where
. Since functions
are orthogonal in
. Utilizing (2.2) we deduce for a.e. time
, that
Then (2.1) implies
since. Thus
for a.e. time, and appropriate constant C.
Combing (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) we complete the proof of Theorem 3.1.
4. Existence of Weak Solutions
Next we pass to limits as, to build a weak solution of our initial/boundary-value problem (1.1).
Theorem 4.1. There exists a local weak solution of problem (1.1).
Proof. According to the energy estimates (3.1), we see that the sequence is bounded in
, and
is bounded in
. Consequently there exists a subsequence
and a function
with, such that
1) weakly in
, and
strongly in
2) weakly in
Now we fix an integer and choose a function
having the form
here are given smooth functions. We choose
, multiply (2.2) by
, sum
, and then integrate with respect to t, we find
We set, and recall 1), 2) to find upon passing to weak limits that
This equality then holds for all functions , as functions of the form (4.1) are dense in this space. Hence in particular
for each and a.e. time
In order to prove, we first note from (4.3) that
for each with
. Similarly, from (4.2) we deduce
We set and once again employ 1), 2), we obtain
since in
. As
is arbitrary, comparing (4.5) and (4.7), we conclude
. This completes the proof of theorem 4.1.
5. Uniqueness of Weak Solutions
In this part, we will prove Theorem 1.1.
Proof. Let and
are two weak solutions for the initial/boundary-value problem, put
, and insert it into the origin equation, we discover
Taking, we obtain the energy estimates inequality
. So we have
for a.e. time. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we established the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for initial/boundary-value parabolic problems with nonlinear perturbation term in weighted Sobolev space. First, we investigated the compact imbedding in weighted Sobolev space, which can be imbedded compactly into and
spaces. By exploiting Sobolev interpolation inequalities and extending Galerkin’s method to a new class of nonlinear problems, we proofed the energy estimates of the equations and furthermore obtained the unique weak solution of the problem.
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*The project is supported by NSF of China (10971164).
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