Vol.2, No.6, 367-373 (2009)
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/
Analysis and prediction of exon, intron, intergenic
region and splice sites for A. thaliana and C. elegans
Hao Lin1,2*, Qian-Zhong Li1, Cui-Xia Chen1,3
1Laboratory of Theoretical Biophysics, Department of Physics, College of Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia University,
Hohhot, China; 2Center of Bioinformatics, School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology
of China, Chengdu, China; 3CapitalBio Corporation, Beijing, China; *Correspondence should be addressed to Hao Lin.
Email: hlin@uestc.edu.cn
Received 18 June 2008; revised 31 May 2009; accepted 8 June 2009.
Although a great deal of research has been un-
dertaken in the area of the annotation of gene
structure, predictive techniques are still not
fully developed. In this paper, based on the cha-
racteristics of base composition of sequences
and conservative of nucleotides at exon/intron
splicing site, a least increment of diversity al-
gorithm (LIDA) is developed for studying and
predicting three kinds of coding exons, introns
and intergenic regions. At first, by selecting the
64 trinucleotides composition and 120 position
parameters of the four bases as informational
parameters, coding exon, intron and intergenic
sequence are predicted. The results show that
overall predicted accuracies are 91.1% and
88.4%, respectively for A. thaliana and C. ele-
gans genome. Subsequently, based on the po-
sition frequencies of four kinds of bases in re-
gions near intron/coding exon boundary, initia-
tion and termination site of translation, 12 posi-
tion parameters are selected as diversity source.
And three kinds of the coding exons are pre-
dicted by use of the LIDA. The predicted suc-
cessful rate s are higher than 80%. These results
can be used in sequence annotation.
Keywords: Exon; Intron; Intergenic Region; Splice
Site; Increment of Diversity
With the completion of the genomes sequencing, more
and more efforts were being put into understanding the
functional elements encoded in a genome [1,2,3,4,5,6].
Annotation of gene structure in eukaryotic genomes cur-
rently involves both computational and experimental
approaches [7,8,9,10]. Driven by this explosion of ge-
nome data and a need to analyze draft data quickly,
genefinding programs have also proliferated, particularly
those that were designed for specific organisms [11,12,
13,14,15]. However, the accuracy was still far from sat-
isfaction [16].
Gene prediction methods can be generally classified
as composition-based and similarity-based methods.
Composition-based methods, also called ab initio gene-
finding method, contain two important aspects: type of
information and the algorithm. Most types of informa-
tion measure either codon usage bias, base composi-
tional bias between codon positions or splice site as well
as periodicity in base occurrence. Several sophisticated
algorithms that deduce the presence of a gene feature
using signals and content information have been devised
including GenScan [17], Fgenes [18], Genie [19] and
MZEF [20]. Although some satisfactory results were
obtained by using above software, a considerable pro-
portion of missing or incorrect exon and over predictions
were found by using an experimentally validated dataset
of some genomic sequences [21]. On the other hand,
most ab initio gene prediction programs performed pre-
diction based on large parameters. For example, 12,288
parameters were needed by GeneMark [22]. It will de-
duce unreliable prediction results for small genome [23].
Similarity-based methods such as Genewise [24] and
Procrustes [25] predicted a gene relied on homolog se-
quences. These methods showed a high sensitivity and
specificity for predicting genes whose sequence is
closely related to the known input sequence. But some
species-specific genes are likely to be missed [7]. In or-
der to improve prediction, the programs of combing
protein sequence similarity with ab inito gene-finding
algorithms such as GenomeScan [26] were proposed.
Despite great progress, the experiment highlighted errors
H. Lin et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 2 (2009) 367-373
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/
with the various predictions and indicated that both types
of gene prediction programs are currently unable to de-
termine whole gene structures consistently [27].
Although programs for splice site and gene structure
recognition have reached a high level of performance on
internal coding exons, standard splice sites might not be
sufficient for defining introns in the genomes [28]. And
prediction of splice sites in non-coding regions of genes
is one of the most challenging aspects of gene structure
recognition. The distinguishing intergenic region from
intron should be very useful to understand the features of
the noncoding and regulatory regions. In addition, find-
ing first exons still remains a challenge, except where
the true full-length mRNA sequences are available. Un-
fortunately, most of the available mRNA sequences are
incomplete at their 5’ends and do not provide informa-
tion about first exons. Apparently, the recognition of
exon, intron and intergenic DNA at the meanwhile is
very helpful for gene recognition. Specially, it is diffi-
culty to distinguish intron from intergenic sequence in
past algorithm.
In this paper, our goal is to provide a new computa-
tional method to predict gene structure base on least in-
crement of diversity algorithm (LIDA). The diversity
measure was first introduced and employed in biological
classification [29]. It is a kind of information description
on state space and a measure of whole uncertainty and
total information of a system derived from information
theory. To compare the similarity of two sources, one
defines the increment of diversity (ID) by the difference
of the total diversity measure of two systems and the
diversity measure of the mixed system. It can be proved
that the higher the similarity of two sources, the smaller
the ID. So, the increment of diversity of two sources is
essentially a measure of their similarity level.
Here, according to the theory of diversity, we firstly
predict coding exons, introns and intergenic sequences
of A. thaliana and C. elegans based on the analysis of
the compositional differences in near splice sites and
conserved sequence segments of the three kinds of se-
quences (exons, introns and intergenic sequences) in the
complete genome of these two model organisms. Sub-
sequently, three kinds of coding exons (first coding ex-
ons, internal coding exons and last coding exons) are
predicted by use of the least increment of diversity algo-
rithm. It may be useful for improving the prediction of
splice sites.
2.1. Data Sample
The A. thaliana and C. elegans genomic DNA sequences
are obtained from Genbank. The coding exons, introns
and intergenic sequences are respectively extracted from
the above genomes. According to the length distribution,
we divide all sequences of one chromosome into three
types of subsets. The ranges of three subsets are respec-
tively (30-200bp), (200-500bp) and (>=500bp) for exon
and intron sequences, (30-2000bp), (2000-5000bp) and
(>=5000bp) for intergenic sequences.
The 15609 first coding exons, 67408 internal coding
exons and 15791 last coding exons are extracted from A.
thaliana complete genome. The 10904 first coding exons,
87743 internal coding exons and 11035 last coding ex-
ons are extracted from C. elegans complete genome. The
subsequences with 9 bases length flanking 5’ boundary
sites (from –5th site to +4th site) and 3’ boundary sites
(from –4th site to +5th site) are meanwhile extracted re-
spectively from above genome sequences.
2.2. Least Increment of Diversity Algorithm
Due to increment of diversity (ID) can measure incre-
ment of whole uncertainly (or information) between two
data sources, it has been widely applied in bioinformat-
ics investigation, such as protein structural class predic-
tion [30], subcellular location of apoptosis protein [31]
and secretory protein prediction [32]. For the purpose of
improving prediction capability, ID combined with other
predictive model was applied in exon/introns splice site
prediction [33], human PolII promoter prediction [34]
and protein predictions [35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42]. For
reader’s conveniences, the theory of diversity is intro-
duced as follows.
Definition 1. For a state space X{n1,n2,…,ns} consist-
ing of s information symbols, if ni indicates the numbers
of the i-th state, then the diversity for diversity source
X:[n1, n2,…, ns] is defined as [30],
iis nnNNnnnDXD
21 loglog),...,,()( (1)
nN . It is easily proved that the diversity
equals N fold of information entropy [43].
Definition 2. If there are two sources of diversity in
the same space of s dimension, X:[n1, n2,…, ns] and
Y:[m1, m2,…, ms], we may define the increment of diver-
sity as
)()()(),( YDXDYXDYX 
where D(X+Y) is the measure of diversity of the mixed
source X+Y:[n1+ m1, n2+ m2,…, ns+ ms]. Note that
),( YX
is a function of two sources. It is easily proved
that the increment of diversity [Eq.(2)] is nonnegative
and symmetry. Therefore, is regarded as a
quantitative measure of the similarity level of two inde-
pendence systems.
),( YX
H. Lin et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 2 (2009) 367-373
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/
2.3. Prediction of Exon, Intron and
Intergenic Sequence
One DNA sequence can be represented by a diversity
source: X: [Si,, Njk , Mlk ], where Si means the absolute
frequency of the i-th trinucleotide in the sequence
(i=1,2,…,43); Njk means the absolute frequency of base k
at the j-th position from the beginning of 5’ boundary
(j=1, 2, …, 15), Mlk means the absolute frequency of
bases k at the l-th position from the end of 3’ boundary,
(l=–1, –2, …, –15). By calculating above 180
(43+15×4+15×4) parameters of exons, introns and inter-
genic sequences in standard sets (training sets), we de-
duce three standard sources of diversity: [
X,, 21
ie ,,
] in the state space of 184 dimensions. (here
indicates respectively the exon, intron and
intergenic sequence.) Three standard measures of diver-
sity can be deduced by use of similar equations as Eq.(1),
kknnNNXD loglog)( 184
 (3)
where = (k=1, 2, …, 184), (
gie ,,
Suppose that X is a DNA sequence whose class is to
be predicted. In the same state space, the measure of
diversity of sequence X can be expressed as:
kkmmMMXD loglog)( 184
 (4)
where (k=1, 2, …, 184).
The increments of diversity between the diversity
source X: [] and the three standard diver-
sity sources : [], (here
18421 ,..., mmm
21 ,nn
,...ngie ,,
) are
XDXDXXDXX  (gie ,,
Sequence X can be predicted to be the class for which
the corresponding increment of diversity has the mini-
mum value, and can be formulated as follows.
)},(),,(),,({Min),( XXXXXXXX gie
where ξ can be e, i or g and the operator Min means
taking the minimum value among those in the parenthe-
ses, then the ξ in Eq.(6) will give the sequence class to
which the predicted sequence X should belong.
2.4. Prediction of Three Kinds of Coding
For each coding exon, the following three kinds of
codon positions are investigated to select optimal pa-
1) The three bases before the 5/ boundary sites of ex-
ons (acceptor sites) and after the 3/ boundary sites of
exons (donor sites) are chosen as information parameters
of diversity source.
2) The three bases after the 5/ boundary sites of exons
(acceptor sites) and before the 3/ boundary sites of exons
(donor sites) are chosen as information parameters of
diversity source.
3) The six bases flanking the 5/ boundary sites of ex-
ons (acceptor sites) and the 3/ boundary sites of exons
(donor sites) are chosen as information parameters of
diversity source.
(whereindicates the 5’ or 3’ exon boundary sites)
By calculating the absolute frequencies of four bases
in above positions near splice sites of first coding exons,
internal coding exons and last coding exons, we deduce
three standard sources of diversity :{ j=1,2,3;
a=A,C,G,T} in the state space of 12 dimensions (here
lif ,,
corresponding to first coding exon, internal
coding exon and last coding exon, respectively). Then,
three standard measures of diversity for three coding
exons can be calculated by Eq.(1), namely:
kknnNNXD loglog)( 12
 (7)
where (k=1, 2, …, 12).
Suppose that S is an exon whose class is to be pre-
dicted. In the same state space, the measure of diversity
can be expressed as:
kkmmMMSDloglog)( 12
 (8)
According to Eq.(2), the increments of diversity be-
tween source S and three standard sets are
Exon (S) can be predicted to be the class for which the
corresponding increment of diversity has the minimum
value, can be formulated as follows
)},(),,(),,({Min),( SXSXSXSX lif 
where ξ can be f, i or l and the operator Min means tak-
ing the minimum value among those in the parentheses,
then the ξ in Eq.(9) will give the class to which the pre-
dicted coding exon S should belong.
3.1. Evaluating Predicted Performance of
Proposed Method
In order to evaluate the correct prediction rate and reli-
ability of a predictive method, the sensitivity (Sn), speci-
H. Lin et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 2 (2009) 367-373
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/
ficity (Sp) and correlation coefficient (CC) are defined by 3.2. The Prediction of Exon, Intron and
Intergenic Sequence
)/( FNTPTPS n
)/( FPTPTPS p Approximate 1/2 sequences of standard sets (training
sets) and 1/2 testing sets are randomly chosen by com-
puter programs from the corresponding subset. In order
to eliminate the dependence of the predictive results on
the training dataset, the standard set (training set) are
randomly selected 10 times. The numbers of the known
coding exons, introns and intergenic sequences are
shown in Table 1.
CC 
For a given sequence class
, TP denotes the number
of the sequences correctly predicted to be in
class se-
quences (true positive), FP denotes the number of the
sequences incorrectly predicted to be in
class se-
quences (false positive), TN denotes the number of the
sequences correctly predicted to be in non-
class se-
quences (true negatives), FN denotes the number of the
sequences incorrectly predicted to be in non-
class se-
quences (false negative). Sensitivity shows the rate of
correct prediction. Specificity shows the confidence
level for predictive method. The correlation coefficient
(CC) affects the entirely performance of the prediction
Based on the Eq.(6), the three classes of sequences
are predicted by use of the 184 information parameters.
In order to compare prediction quality of different in-
formation parameters, we perform our algorithm to pre-
dict exons, introns and intergenic sequences using 64
trinucleotides. The contrast results of test sets between
64 and 184 signals parameters for A. thaliana (A) and C.
elegans (C) are shown in Table 2.
Table 1. The length-distribution of three kinds of sequences in the chromosomes of the two model species.
Standard set Test set
Genome class
1st subset 2nd subset3rd subsettotal 1st subset2nd subset 3rd subset total
Exon 15229 4723 2126 22728 14982 4868 2417 22267
Intron 16130 3183 919 20329 16181 3405 870 20456
Intergenic 6109 2525 1109 9747 6742 2490 1105 10337
Exon 10507 4896 1002 16739 12214 4809 1034 18057
Intron 12181 2859 2283 17354 13217 2935 2317 18469
Intergenic 5023 1446 1109 7617 5483 1598 1086 8167
Table2. The results for test set with 64 and 184 signals of A. thaliana and C. elegans.
A. thaliana C. elegans
No. of
signals Class of exon
Sn (%) Sp (%) CC (%) Sn (%) Sp (%) CC (%)
Exon 85 (95, 98) 94 (96, 95) 83 (92, 93) 73 (78, 88) 89 (95, 95) 70 (74, 89)
Intron 85 (81, 73) 89 (91, 83) 78 (80, 73) 92 (75, 67) 87 (78, 87) 81 (66, 57) 64
Intergenic 86 (92, 83) 65 (78, 80) 69 (79, 75) 66 (65, 78) 53 (41,50) 50 (39,47)
Exon 84 (91, 94) 96 (98, 98) 84 (90,91) 73 (76,84) 92 (98, 98) 73 (76, 88)
Intron 98 (98, 99) 88 (87, 79) 88 (88, 85) 99 (99,100) 90 (85,93) 91 (88, 92) 184
Intergenic 88 (90, 84) 89 (94,95) 86 (90, 86) 79 (85, 87) 65 (63,90) 65 (67, 85)
The number outside the bracket denotes the predicted results for the 1st subset. Two numbers in bracket, respectively, denotes the predicted results for
the 2nd subset and the 3rd subset.
Openly accessible at
H. Lin et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 2 (2009) 367-373
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/
Table 3. The results of prediction for three kinds of exons in A. thaliana and C. elegans genomes.
A. thaliana C. elegans
Methods Class of exon
Sn (%) Sp (%) CC (%) Sn (%) Sp (%) CC (%)
First coding exon 86 74 76 86 70 75
Internal coding exon 93 93 77 96 97 81
First choos-
ing method
Last coding exon 82 96 87 87 98 89
First coding exon 90 54 63 82 33 45
Internal coding exon 68 95 55 62 96 38
method Last coding exon 89 56 64 87 34 48
First coding exon 86 57 64 86 40 52
Internal coding exon 74 94 58 74 96 50
method Last coding exon 88 62 69 88 49 61
3.3. The Prediction of Three Kinds of
Coding Exons
For predicting three types of coding exons, a total of
1000 first coding exons, 1000 internal coding exons and
1000 last coding exons are randomly selected as training
sets from gene sequences of A. thaliana and C. elegans.
The remained sequences are regarded as the test sets. In
order to eliminate the dependence of the predictive re-
sults on the training dataset, this selected procession
repeat 10 times.
According to Eq.(10), three types of coding exons
using different information parameters are predicted.
The results are shown in Tabl e 3. As seen from Table 3,
the first parameter-chosen method achieve best results
among three kinds of parameters.
The recognition results of the exon, intron and intergenic
sequence show that the Sn, Sp and CC values with 184
parameters are higher than the results with 64 signals.
For A. thaliana (A) and C. elegans (C), the average cor-
rect prediction rates of standard sets are 88.6% and
88.2%, the average correct prediction rates of testing sets
are 93.6% and 88.4%, respectively. Overall correct pre-
diction rates are 91.1% and 88.4%, respectively.
For evaluating performance of proposed method, ex-
ons, introns and intergenic sequences of D. melano-
gasters and S. cerevisiae were predicted using 184 pa-
rameters. The overall accuracies of 92.28% and 94.88%
were achieved for D. melanogasters and S. cerevisiae,
respectively. We also performed LIDA to predict coding
regions and intergenic sequences of E. coli. The overall
accuracy of 92.88% was achieved.
Despite great progress, however, gene prediction en-
tirely based on DNA analysis is still far from perfect. In
the recent comparison of gene-prediction programs, the
best algorithms in two well-annotated regions could
achieve sensitivities (a measure of the ability to detect
true positives) and specificities (a measure of the ability
to discriminate against false positives) of less than 95%
and 90% for different genomes, respectively [44,45].
In our method, three kinds of sequences (exons, in-
trons and intergenic sequences) are simultaneously pre-
dicted. If considering the random effect, the correct pre-
diction rate for three kinds of sequences is only 2/3 of
the correct prediction rate for two kinds of sequences
(exons and introns). That is to say, if two types of se-
quences are simultaneously predicted, the random cor-
rection rate is 1/2; if three types of sequences are simul-
taneously predicted, the random correction rate is 1/3.
Such as, 90% correct prediction rate for predicting two
types of sequences is only same as 60% for predicting
three types of sequences. So, same correct prediction
rate in our result is higher than the correct prediction rate
of two kinds of sequences in any other methods.
The results of the prediction for the three types of
coding exons indicate that the sensitivity (Sn), specificity
(Sp) and correlation coefficient (CC) are the best by use
of three bases before the 5boundary sites of exons and
after the 3boundary sites of exons in three selections.
Especially, the correlation coefficient (CC) is apparently
higher in first choosing method than that in second and
third methods. It is consistent with the highly conserved
sequences near the ends of introns and the conserved
GT-AG rule. The three kinds of coding exons have not
been studied in other methods.
In addition, according to the statistical analysis of se-
H. Lin et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 2 (2009) 367-373
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/
quences in the region near splicing sites, we find there
are some special preferences for certain bases. The re-
sults show that the sequence of the near splice site region
is strongly conserved. Except the GT-AG rule, there is a
strong bias of base G in the -4th site from the 3’ term of
introns for A. thaliana genome, but the base T is biased
in the same site for C. elegans genome. The stop codons
of the two model species bias TAA, and the bases GT
and AT are biased in the two sites after the stop codon
for A. thaliana and C. elegans genomes, respectively. It
may be a possible signal for stopping translation. The
base A is biased at positions –4, –2 and –1 before trans-
lation start sites. And the bases G and A are respectively
biased in the 4-th site after translation start sites (TSS).
These biases may be relative to the translation start sig-
nals. In addition, the base bias of the 1-st sites of the 5’
term within internal coding exons and last coding exons
is different for A. thaliana from C. elegans genomes.
The base G is biased by the A. thaliana, base A is biased
by C. elegans.
By the further statistics of the base pairs in the bound-
ary region of exons, the first coding exons and internal
coding exons in A. thaliana and C. elegans genomes are
generally ended by AG. The internal coding exons and
last coding exons in A. thaliana genome are generally
started by GT, but the two exons in C. elegans genome
are generally started by AT. It is possible additional in-
formation for splice sites. These results may be very
useful to improve correct prediction rate of splice sites.
This paper proposed a novel algorithm-increment of
diversity for gene structure prediction. This algorithm
may be deduced from information entropy. It is well
known that the mutual information can describe how to
extract information regarding b from source a if the con-
ditional probability p(b|a) is known [33]. But ID is dif-
ferent from mutual information. It can describe incre-
ment of complication between two informational sources.
Our prediction results also exhibit that ID is a promising
The authors thank Professor C. J. Benham and Dr. H.Q. Wang in
UCDavis for helpful discussions. The work was supported by National
Science Foundation of China, No. 30560039.
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