Product Maintainability Design Method and Support Tool Based on Feature Model
.2.2 Mean Preven ti ve Maintenance inspections,
Preventive maintenance activities such as
calibrations, and tuning keep equipment at a specified
performance level. The objective of a preventive main-
tenance program is to postpone the point at which the
equipment or any of its components wears out or breaks
mpi pti
mp k
Tmp is the mean preventive time. Tmpi is the elapsed time
Corrective Maintenance Time nting
for preventive maintenance task i, for i= 1,2,3 . . . . . k.Fpti
is the frequency of preventive maintenance task i, for i
=1, 2, 3 , . . . ,k. k is the number of preventive mainte-
nance tasks.
3.2.3 Median
Mean corrective time is a composite value represe
the arithmetic average of the individual maintenance cy-
cle times. Maintainability is the ability o f a product to be
maintained. Calculation of the median corrective main-
tenance time depends on the distribution describing time
to repair. The median corrective maintenance time for
lognormal distributed repair time is given by
/exp( )TT
med mttr
is the variance around the mean val
ive Maintenance Time tential
ue of the natural
arithm of repair time.
3.2.4 Maximum Correct
This measures the time required to complete all po
repair activities up to a given percentage, often the 90th
or 95th percentiles. The maximum corrective mainte-
nance time for lognormal distributed is
mcm m
Tmcm is th e maximum corrective maintenance time. Tm is
the mean of the logarithms of the repair times.
is the
standard deviation of the logarithms of repair ties. k is
equal to 1.28 or 1.65 for the 90th and 95th percentiles.
3.2.5 Mean Mai ntenance Downtime
restore equipment
Tmmd is the mean maintenance down
ad ld
repair, beginning at time t = 0, will be
aintainability function,
t is is the probability density function of the
repair time.
ipment can be reached for service, replace-
ility can lead to
. For example, a
Accessibility Value
This is the total time needed either to
to a specified performance level or to maintain it at that
level of performance. Thus it includes active corrective
and preventive maintenance times, administrative and
logistic delay times.
dmam adld
time. Tmam is the
mean active maintenance time, or mean time required to
conduct corrective and preventive maintenance related
tasks. T is the administrative delay time. T is the lo-
3.2.6 Maintenance Function
The maintainability functions are used to predict the
probability that a
gistic delay time.
accomplished in a time t. The m
m(t) for any distribution is expressed by
mftdt (6)
3.2.7 Maintenance Accessibili ty Eval u ation
Accessibility is the relative ease with which a part or
piece of equ
ment, or repair. The lack of accessibility is an
maintainability problem and a frequent cause of ineffec-
tive maintenance.
The evaluation may also be performed by assigning to
each maintainability criterion, a numerical value between
0 and 1 using a table, lik e the one listed in Table 1 [3].
3.3 Maintainability Cost Analysis
Maintainability is an important factor in the total cost
equipment. An increase in maintainab
reduction in operation and support costs
more maintainable product lowers maintenance time and
operating costs. Furthermore, more efficient maintenance
means a faster return to operation or service, decreasing
The data to be input into a life cycle cost model in-
clude the purchase price of the product, mean time be-
tween failures (MTBF), MTTR, average material cost of
failure, labor cost per preventive maintenance action,
labor cost per corrective maintenance action, installation
costs, training costs, the warranty coverage period cost of
carrying spares in inventory, and shipment forecasts over
the course of the product's useful life [8].Corrective
Maintenance cost estimation model estimates the correc-
tive maintenance labor cost for a piece of equipment. The
annual cost is expressed by
Table 1. Accessibility evaluation
All the parts ae same
area 1
re directly accessible and placed in th
All the parts are directlerent ar-y accessible and placed in diff
eas 0.8
Some parts are not directly accessible, but those parts are
maintenance free 0.6
Some parts are accessible after disassembling a fast disassem-
bling entity (a screw, etc.) 0.4
The majority of the parts is accessible by disassembling one o
more entities 0
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