R. A. W illiams et al. / Open Journal of Psychiatry 1 (2011) 75-78
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJPsych
ssing events [14,15] was ultimately successful. The use
of progressive relaxation, imagery, sleep strategies, and
exercise helped with the life altering experience. Prior to
treatment, the patient often experienced fatigue, weak-
ness, vertigo, disturbing images, and depressed mood.
Now, the patient is able to take part in normal and pro-
ductive activities and not have concern about NCS and
the concomitant symptoms. This report suggests that a
combination treatment may be most effective to ach-
ieve remission in patients suffering from NCS, particu-
larly in the context of depressive symptoms, and that
these strategies should be evaluated in future random-
ized clinical trials.
This article was made available as Open Access with the support of the
University of Michigan COPE Fund, http://lib.umich.edu/cope.
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