Using Artificial Neural-Networks in Stochastic Differential Equations Based Software Reliability Growth Modeling
Goodness-of-fit for DS-1
13579111315 17192123 25272931333537
Time (in weeks)
Actual DataGoel-Okumoto [1]Propose d Model (E quation 13)
Cumulative Faults
Figure 2. Goodness of fit curve for DS-1.
Goodness-of-fit for DS-2
12345678910 111213 1415 16 1718 192021
Time (in weeks)
Actual DataGoel-Okumoto Model [1]Proposed Model ( E quation 13)
Cumulative Faults
Figure 3. Goodness of fit curve for DS-2.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents an SRGM based on ˆ
to type Sto-
chastic Differential Equations using ANN approach. The
goodness of the fit analysis has been done on two real
software failure datasets. The goodness-of-fit of the pro-
posed Model is compared with Goel Okumoto model [1].
The results obtain ed show better fit and wider applicab il-
ity of the model to different types of failure datasets. From
the numerical illustrations, we see that the Proposed
Model provides improved results because of lower MSE,
Variation, RMSPE and Bias. The usability of SDE is not
only restricted to the model described in this paper but it
can also be extended to improve the results of any other
SRGM. For further research the Proposed Model can be
used along with error generation.
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