Paraconsistent Algorithm Extractor of Contradiction Effects—Paraextr
584 ctr
being used for training and support to the operation of
Power Electric System in Eletropaulo Company―Brazil.
6. Conclusions
In this work we presented the ParaExtrctr Algorithm that
is capable to extract contradiction effects in groups of evi-
dence signals the regarding certain Proposition through
basic concepts of the Paraconsistent Logic. In the end of
the analysis, the ParaExtrctr Algorithm presents as result
a Real Evidence Degree representative of the Evidence
Degree group. In that process of Paraconsistent analysis
the ParaExtrctr Algorithm uses the denominated PAN-
Paraconsistent Analysis Nodes. In a gradual way the
PANs filter the effects of the contradiction in the signals
of information until that it is found the Degree of Evi-
dence resulting from the group. The results demonstrate
that the ParaExtrctr algorithm has capacity to remove of
database the values tuneless or contradictory.
The extraction process reduces the effects of the in-
consistencies and it presents as answer a closer represen-
tative value of the reality. In that way, with the Para-
Extrctr Algorithm new structures and different configura-
tions of networks of analyses can be formed for treatment
of Uncertainties.
The methods used in this work are based in a special
Paraconsistent logic denominated of PAL2v and they
have been applied with success in the determination of
patterns, and in making decision systems, as well as in
different areas of the knowledge where are necessary the
performance of Intelligent Systems.
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