Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 1236-1242 doi:10.4236/am.2011.210172 Published Online October 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM Multiobjective Nonlinear Symmetric Duality Involving Generalized Pseudoconvexity Mohamed Abd El-Hady Kassem Mathematical Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta Universit y, Tanta, Egypt E-mail: Received April 8, 2011; revised June 9, 2011; accepted June 16, 20 1 1 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to introdu ce second order (K, F)-pseudoconvex and second order strong ly (K, F)- pseudoconvex functions which are a generalization of cone-pseudoconvex and strongly cone-pseudoconvex functions. A pair of second order symmetric dual multiobjective nonlinear programs is formulated by using the considered functions. Furthermore, the weak, strong and converse duality theorems for this pair are es- tablished. Finally, a self duality theorem is given. Keywords: Multiobjective Programming, Second-Order Symmetric Dual Models, Duality Theorems, Pseudoconvex Functions, Cones 1. Introduction Duality is an important con cept in the study of nonlinear programming. Symmetric duality in nonlinear program- ming in which the dual of the dual is the primal was first introduced by Dorn [1]. Subsequently Dantzig et al. [2] established symmetric du ality results for convex/concave functions with nonneg ative orthan t as th e cone. Th e sym- metric duality result was generalized by Bazaraa and Goode [3] to arbitrary con es. Kim et al. [4] formulated a pair of multiobjective symmetr ic dual programs for pseu- doinvex functions and arbitrary cones. The weak, strong, converse and self duality theorems were established for that pair of dual models. The study of second order duality is sign ificant due to the computational ad vantage over first order duality as it provides tighter bounds for the value of the objective function when approximations are used (see Hou and Yang [5], Yang et al. [6,7], Yang et al. [8]). Hou and Yang [5] introduced a pair of second order symmetric dual non-differentiable programs and second order F-pseudoconvex and proved the weak and strong duality theorems for these second order symmetric dual programs under the F-pseudoconvex assumption. Suneja et al. [9] formulated a pair of multiobjective symmetric dual programs over arbitrary cones for cone-convex func- tions. The weak, strong, converse and self-duality theo- rems were proved for these programs. Yang et al. [6] formulated a pair of Wolf type non-dif ferentiable second order symmetric primal and dual problems in mathemati- cal programming. The weak and strong duality theorems were established under second order F-convexity assump- tions. Symmetric minimax mixed integer primal and dual problems were also investigated. Khurana [10] intro- duced cone-pseudoinvex and strongly cone-pseudoinvex functions, and formulated a pair of Mond-Weir type symmetric dual multiobjective programs over arbitrary cones. The duality theorems and the self-dual theorem were established under these functions. Yang et al. [8] proved the weak, strong and converse duality theorems under F-convexity conditions for a pair of second order symmetric dual programs. Yang et al. [7] established various duality results for nonlinear programming with cone constraints and its four dual models introduced by Chandra and Abha [11]. In this paper, we present new definitions dealing with second order (K, F)-pseudoconvex and second order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex functions which are a gen- eralized of cone-pseudoconvex and strongly cone-pseu- doconvex functions. We suggest a pair of multiobjective nonlinear second order symmetric dual programs. More- over, we establish the duality theorems using the above generalization of cone-pseudoconvex functions. Finally, a self-duality theorem is given by assuming the skew-
M. ABD EL-H. KASSEM 1237 , symmetric of the functions. 2. Notations and Definitions The following conventions for vectors in Rn will be used: ,1,2,, ii yxyi n ,1,2,, , ii yxyi≦≦ n 1, 2,, ii yxyi n ≦, but y. A general multiobjective nonlinear programming problem can be expressed in the form: (P): 12 min,,, m xfxfxfx 0,1,2, , nj ubject toxXxRgxjk ≦ where :and: nm nk . RR gRR Definition 1. A point X is said to be an efficient (or a Pareto optimal) solution of problem (P) if there exists no other X such that , xfx , ii xf≦x1, but 2, ,im . xfx Recall the following three definitions aiming to give the desired definition (i.e., Definition 5). Definition 2. [5,7,8] A functional :n n XXRRXR is sublinear in its third component if, for all ,, uX ,;,; X 1) 1212 12 ,;, n xua aFxua≦FxuaaaR ; and 2) ,;,; , n xuaF xuaaRR 0, ≧. For notational convenience, we write ,,; xu aFxua. Let K be a closed convex pointed cone in with m R int K and :nm RR be a differentiable func- tion. Definition 3. [4,10,12] The polar cone * of K is defined as *0. mT zRxz xK ≧ Definition 4. [5] The function f is said to be second- order F-pseudoconvex at if uX ,n pXR , ,0 1. 2 xu uuu Tuu Ffu fup fx fupfup ≧ f is second-order F-pseudoconcave if is second-order F-pseudoconvex. f Now, we are in position to give our definitions of sec- ond-order (K, F)-pseudoconvex functions and second- order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex functions. Definition 5. The function f is said to be second-order (K, F)-pseudoconvex at if uX ,, n pXR ,int 1int ; 2 xu uuu Tuu Ffu fupK xfup fupK and the function is said to be second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex at uX if ,, n pXR ,int 1. 2 xu uuu Tuu fufupK xfup fupK f is second-order (K, F)-pseudoconcave if is second- order (K, F)-pseudoconvex and f is second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconcave if is second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex. Remark 1. If p = 0 and ,, xu fuxu fu where ,, nn X R:XX R the second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex functions and second-order (K, F)-pseudoconvex functions reduce to strongly K- pseudoinvex functions and K-pseudoinvex functions de- fined by Khurana [10 ] . Remark 2. Every second-order strongly (K, F)-pseu- doconvex function is second-order (K, F)-pseudoconvex but converse is not necessarily true as can be seen from the following example. Example 1. Let 2 ,4 ,0 2 ,,1 x x Kxyxy x fxx xep , ≦≦ and 3 ,. xu AAxu It can be seen that x is second-order (K, F)-pseu- doconvex at u 0 but x is not second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex at u 0 because for x 1 ,int xu uuu fufup K and 1. 2 Tuu xfup fupK The following example show that a function which is second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoconvex but not sec- ond-order F-pseudoconvex where K is a closed convex cone. Example 2. Let 22 ,,, 3, ,1 Kxyyxyxx fxxxxp ≧≧ ≧0, and 3 ,. xu AAxu Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
1238 M. ABD EL-H. KASSEM Then x is second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoco- nvex at u 0. However, x is not F-pseudoconvex at u 0, because for x 3, ,0 xu uuu Ffu fup but 11. 2 Tuu xfupfup We formulate the following multiobjective nonlinear symmetric dual problems: (SP): 1 min ,, 2 TT yy xypfxy p * 2 ,, TT yyy , ubjecttofx yfx ypC (1) ,, TTT yyy yfxy fxyp ≧0, (2) *1 , xC . (SD): 1 max ,, 2 TT uu uvrf uvr * 1 ,, TT uuu , ubjecttofu vfu vrC 0, (3) (, , TT T uuu ufuv fuvr ≦ (4) *2 , vC m , where :nl RR R is a thrice differentiable func- tion of x and y. C1 and C2 are closed convex cones- with nonempty interiors in Rn and Rl respectively. For exam- ple, the nonnegative orthant 0 n xRx≧ is a convex cone). and are positive polar cones of C1 and C2, respectively. K is a closed convex pointed cone in Rm such that * 1 C* 2 C int K and * is its positive polar cone. , T y xy and yy , T xy , T are the gradient and the Hessian matrix of xy with respect to y, respectively. Similarly, , T u xy and , T uu xy are the gradient and the Hessian matrix of , T xy with respect to u, respectively. Observe that if then (SP) and (SD) be- comes (P) and (D) given by Khurana [8], respectively. 0,pr 3. Symmetric Duality Now, we establish the symmetric duality theorems for the problems (SP) and (SD) as follows. Theorem 1. (Weak duality). Let (,, ,) yp be feasible solution for the problem (SP) and (,, ,)uvr be feasible solution for the problem (SD). Suppose there exist sub- linear functionals :n XXRR n R and :l GY YRR l YR satisfying: , T1 , xu aau 1 CaC (5) , T by 2 .CbC vy Gb (., ) 2 (6) Furthermore, assume that either 1) v (., ) is second-order (K, F)-pseudoconvex at u and v (., ) is second-order (K, G)-pseudoconcave at y; or 2) v(., is second-order strongly (K, F)-pseudoco- nvex at u and ) v is second-order strongly (K, G)- pseudoconcave at y. Then 1 ,, 21 2 TT uu TT yy r f ,, int fuv uvr xyfxy pK p Proof: Suppose th e contrary, i.e., 1 ,, 21 ,,int 2 fuv uvr TT uu TT yy r f xyfxy pK p (7) Since (,, ,) yp is a feasible solution for the prob- lem (SP) and (,,uv ,)r is a feasible solution for the problem (SD), we h av e: By the dual constraint (3), the vector , TT uuu afovfu ,vr belongs to , and so by (5) we get from (4) * 1 C ,,, ,, TT xu uuu TT T uuu Ffuvfuvr ufuv fuvr ≧≧ 0. This gives ,,, TT xu uuuint. fuvfuvrK (*) In a similar fashion, ,,, TT vy yyy Gfxyfxyp ≧0 for the vector ,, TT yyy bfxyfx yp in and so * 2,C ,,, TT vy yyy Gfxyfxyp int K. (**) (1) Since the function (., ) v is second-order (K, F)- pseudoconvex at u, relation (*) implies to 1 ,, ,in 2 TT uu t xvfuvrfuvrK . (8) Similarly from (1) and (6), where Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
M. ABD EL-H. KASSEM Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 1239 C * 2 ,, TT yyy bfxyfxyp , we get ,,, TT vy yyy Gfxyfxyp int.K (**) interiors in Rm and Rk, respectively, we will make use the following proposition which gives generalized form of Fritz-John optimality conditions established by suneja et al. [9] for a point to be a weak minimum point of the following multiobjective nonlinear programming prob- lem: (MONLP): 12 min,,, m fxfxf xfx Also, since the function is second-order (K, G)- pseudo conc ave at y (i.e., is second-order (K, G)- pseudoconvex at y), we have (,.)fx (,.)fx 12 , ,..., n k subject toxXxRGx xgxgx Q 1 ,, ,in 2 TT yy t xvfxypfxy pK . (9) Definition 6. [6,8] A point X is said to be a weak minimum point of (MONLP) if for every X , int xfx K. Adding (8) and (9 ), we get 1 ,, 21 ,),int, 2 TT uu TT yy fuvrf uvr fxypfxypK Proposition. [9]. If X is a weak minimum point of (MONLP), then there exist , Q not both zero such that 0, TT xGxxxx C ≧ this contradicts (7). Hence, the result follows for (1). 0. TGx (2) From (*) and since the function is sec- ond-order strongly (K, F)-ps eudoconvex at u, we get (., )fv 1 ,,, 2 TT uu fxvfuvrf uvrK . (10) Theorem 2. (Strong duality). Let ,,, yp be a weak minimum point for the problem (SP): fix and rr in the problem (SD). Assume that 1) the matrix , T yy xy is nonsingular, Also, from (**) and since the function is sec- ond-order strongly (K, G)-pseudoconcave at y (i.e., is second-order strongly (K, G)-pseudoconvex at y), we get (,.)fx (,.)fx2) the set ,,1,2,, yi fxyi m is linearly in- dependent, 3) ,, TT yyy fxy fxyp 0 , 1 ,, , 2 TT yy xyfxvpfxy pK . (11) then ,,, 0xyp r is feasible solution for the problem (SD) and the objective values of the problems (SP) and (SD) are equal. Adding (10) and (11), we get 1 ,, 2 1 ,, 2 TT uu TT yy fuvrf uvr fxypfxyp K , Furthermore, under the assumptions of Theorem 1, ,,, 0xyp r is a weak maximum point of the problem (SD). Proof: Since ,,, yp is a weak minimum point for the problem (SP), by the Fritz-John conditions of the above proposition , there exist , , 22 CC 0 , ,, 0 , such that for each 1 C, , , 0p≧ this contradicts (7). Hence, the result follows for (2). Therefore, the proof is completed. For the closed convex cones K and Q with nonempty 1 ,, , 2 1 ,,) 2 1 ,, 2 , T T TT T xxy xyy T TTTT yyyyyy T T yyy TT yy fxyyf xyypfxypxx fxyypf xyypf xypyy yfxyyp fxyp yp fxy , 0pp ≧ (12) ,, TT T yyy fxy fxyp 0 (13)
M. ABD EL-H. KASSEM Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 1240 ,, TT T yyy yfxy fxyp 0 (14) Substituting 1 xC , 2 yyC and pp in the inequality (12), we have * 1 ,, 2 1 ,, 2 T T yyy T T yyy yfxyyp fxyp yfxyyp fxyp ≧0 0, K this can be written in the following form 1 ,, ,0 2 TTT TT yyy yy yfxyfxyppfxyp . (15) Subtract (14) from (13), we have ,, TTT yyy yfxy fxyp 0, then Equation (15) becom e s , TT yy pfxyp 0 (16) Similarly, if x, y, and in Equation (12), we ge t ,0 TT yy yp fxy using condition (1), we get p . (17) We claim that 0 . Indeed, if 0 , then (17) implies . (18) Therefore, equality (12) becomes ,,0 ,,0 TT T yyy TT T yyy , p xyfxyPy yyR fxy fxyP ≦ and from the condition (3), we have 0 (19) Therefore, (18) becomes 0 (20) Hence, , which contradicts the assump- tion . Therefore, ,, 0 ,, 0 0 and Equation (16) take the form ,0 TT pfxyp yy and since , T yy xy is nonsingular (condition (1)) we get 0p (21) So, Equation (17) becomes (22) Substituting from Equations (21), (22) and x in the inequality (12), we get ,0 ,0. T y T y xyy yyR fxy ≧ And since , y (23) Using (21), (22) and (23) in (12), we have 1 ,0, ,0 Tx x xyx xK xyx xx C ≧ ≧ (24) As 1 is closed convex cone, C11 , xCxC hence from (24) and , we get 1 xy is linearly independent (con- dition (2)), we get ,0 TT x fxy C x ≧ and by using (21), we get 1 ,,0 TT T xxx, fxyfxyp xC ≧ this implies that 1 ,, TT xxx. xyfxyp C Similarly, by letting 0x in (24) we have ,,0 TT T xxx xfxyfxyp ≦. Thus ,,, 0xy p is feasible solution for the prob- lem (SD) and the values of the objective function for the problems (SP) and (SD) are same at ,,, 0xy p .
M. ABD EL-H. KASSEM 1241 We will now show that ,,, 0uv r is a weak maximum point for the problem (SD). Suppose not, then there exists a feasible solution ,,, 0uv r such that 1 , 2 1 ,, 2 TT uu TT yy fuvrf uvr, int, xypf xypK which contradicts the weak duality theorem. Theorem 3. (Converse duality). Let ,,,uv r be a wea k maximum point f or the prob lem (SD). Fix , pp in the problem (SP). Assume that 1) the matrix , T uu uv is nonsingular, 2) the set ,,1,2,, ui uv im is linearly in- dependent, 3) ,, TT uuu fuvfuvr 0 , then ,,, 0uv r is feasible solution for the problem (SP) and the objective values of the problems (SP) and (SD) are equal. Furthermore, under the assumptions of Theorem 1, ,,, 0xy p is a weak minimum point for the prob- lem (SP). The proof follows on the same lines of Theorem 2. 4. Self Duality A nonlinear programming problem is said to be self-dual if, when the dual is recast in the form of the primal, the new problem so obtained is the same as the primal prob- lem. Now we establish the self-duality of the problem (SP). So, we assume that , nl ,, xyf yx CC (i.e., f is skew-symmetric) and 12 , . pr The dual problem (SD) may be rewritten as a miniza- tion form: (SD)’: 1 min ,, 2 TT uu uvrf uvr 1 ,, TT uuu , ubjecttofuvfuvrC ,, TT T uu ufuvfuvr ≦0, 2 ,. vC Since ,,, uvf vu ,, uv uvf vu , and uu , vv uvf vu, the above dual problem (SD)’ reduces to (SD)”: 1 min ,, 2 TT vv vurfvu r 1 ,, TT vvv ,, TT T vvv ufvu fvur ≧0, 2 ,. vC Therefore, this dual problem (SD)’ is formally identi- cal to the primal problem (SP), that is, the objective and constraint functions of the problems (SP) and (SD)” are identical. Hence, this problem is self dual. Consequently, the feasibility point ,,, 0xyp r for the primal problem (SP) implies the feasibility point ,, ,yx 0pr for the dual problem (SD) and vice versa. Theorem 4. (Self duality). Under the assumptions of the weak duality theorem and the point ,,, 0xy p is a weak minimum point for the problem (SP), we as- sume that 1) the primal problem (SP) is self dual, 2) the matrix , T yy xy is nonsingular, 3) the set ,,1,2,, yi xy im is linearly in- dependent, 4) ,, TT yyy fxy fxyp 0 , then ,,, 0xy p is a weak minimum point and a weak maximum point, respectively for both the problems (SP) and (SD) and the common optimal value is zero. Proof: From the strong duality theorem ,,, 0xy p is a weak maximum point for the problem (SD) and the optimal values of the problems (SP) and (SD) are id enti- cal. By using the self duality, we have ,,, 0xy p is feasible for both problems (SP) and (SD) and using the theorems 1-3, we get that it is optimal for both the prob- lems (SP) and (SD). To show that the common optimal value is zero, since f is skew symmetric, we have ,, ,, yy xx fxy fxy, . xyf xy Hence, 1 ,, 21 ,, 21 ,, 2 TT yy TT xx TT yy fxypf xyp , yxpfyx p xypf xyp and so 1 ,, 21 ,, 2 TT yy TT xx fxypf xyp fyxpf yxp 0. 5. Conclusions , ubjecttofv ufv urC A pair of symmetric dual programs has been formulated Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
M. ABD EL-H. KASSEM Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 1242 by considering the optimization with respect to an arbi- trary cone under th e assumptions of second order ( K, F)- pseudoconvex and second order strongly (K, F)-pseu- doconvex functions. The results may be further general- ized by relaxing the condition of cone-pseudoconvex functions to cone-pseudobonvex functions. 6. References [1] W. S. Dorn, “A Symmetric Dual Theorem for Quadratic Programs,” Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol. 2, 1960, pp. 93-97. [2] G. B. Dantzig, E. Eisenberg and R. W. Cottle, “Symmet- ric Dual Nonlinear Programs,” Pacific Journal of Mathe- matics, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1965, pp. 809-812. [3] M. S. Bazaraa and J. J. Goode, “On Symmetric Duality in Nonlinear Programming,” Operation Research, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1973, pp. 1-9. doi:10.1287/opre.21.1.1 [4] D. Sang Kim, Y. B. Yun and W. J. Lee, “Multiobjective Symmetric Duality with Cone Constraints,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 107, No. 3, 1998, pp. 686-691. doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(97)00322-6 [5] S. H. Hou and X. M. Yang, “On Second-Order Symmet- ric Duality in Non-Differentiable Programming,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 255, 2001, pp. 491-498. doi:10.1006/jmaa.2000.7242 [6] X M. Yang, X. Q. Yang and K. L. Teo, “Non-Differen- tiable Second Order Symmetric Duality in Mathematical Programming with F-Convexity,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 144, 2003, pp. 554-559. doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00156-X [7] X. M. Yang, X. Q. Yang and K. L. Teo, “Converse Dual- ity in Nonlinear Programming with Cone Constraints,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 170, 2006, pp. 350-354. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2004.05.028 [8] X. M. Yang, X. Q. Yang, K. L. Teo and S. H. Hou, “Mul- tiobjective Second Order Symmetric with F-Convexity,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 165, No. 3, 2005, pp. 585-591. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2004.01.028 [9] K. Suneja, S. Aggarwal and S. Davar, “Multiobjective Symmetric Duality involving Cones,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 141, No. 3, 2002, pp. 471- 479. doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(01)00258-2 [10] S. Khurana, “Symmetric Duality in Multiobjective Pro- gramming involving Generalized Cone-Invex Functions,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 165, No. 3, 2005, pp. 592-597. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2003.03.004 [11] S. Chandra and A. Abha, “A Note on Pseudo-Invex and Duality in Nonlinear Programming,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 122, No. 1, 2000, pp. 161- 165. doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(99)00076-4 [12] M. Kassem, “Higher-Order Symmetric Duality in Vector Optimization Problem involving Generalized Cone-Invex Functions,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 209, No. 2, 2009, pp. 405-409. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2008.12.063