Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2009, 7, 600-607
doi:10.4236/ijcns.2009.27067 Published Online October 2009 (
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
Research on the Active DDoS Filtering Algorithm
Based on IP Flow
Rui GUO1, Hao YIN1, Dongqi WANG2, Bencheng ZHANG3
1Department of Com p ut er Sci ence an d Tech nology, Tsingh ua University, Beijing, C hi n a
2The Computing Center, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
3Electronic Scouting and Commanding Department, College of Shenyang Artillery, Shenyang, China
Received May 22, 2009; revised July 7, 2009; accepted September 5, 2009
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks against public web servers are increasingly common. Coun-
tering DDoS attacks are becoming ever more challenging with the vast resources and techniques increasingly
available to attackers. It is impossible for the victim servers to work on the individual level of on-going traf-
fic flows. In this paper, we establish IP Flow which is used to select proper features for DDoS detection. The
IP flow statistics is used to allocate the weights for traffic routing by routers. Our system protects servers
from DDoS attacks without strong client authentication or allowing an attacker with partial connectivity in-
formation to repeatedly disrupt communications. The new algorithm is thus proposed to get efficiently
maximum throughput by the traffic filtering, and its feasibility and validity have been verified in a real net-
work circumstance. The experiment shows that it is with high average detection and with low false alarm and
miss alarm. Moreover, it can optimize the network traffic simultaneously with defending against DDoS at-
tacks, thus eliminating efficiently the global burst of traffic arising from normal traffic.
Keywords: DDoS Attack, Genetic Algorithm, IP Flow Statistics
1. Introduction
Denial-of-Service (DoS [1]) attacks use legitimate re-
quests to overload the server, causing it to hang, crash,
reboot, or do useless work. The target application, ma-
chine, or network spends all of its critical resources on
handling the attack traffic and cannot attend to its legiti-
mate clients. Both DoS and DDoS are a huge threat to
the operation of Internet sites, but the DDoS [2,3] prob-
lem is more complex and harder to solve.
There are two main classes of DDoS attacks: band-
width depletion and resource depletion. A resource de-
pletion attack is an attack that is designed to tie up the
resources of a victim system. This type of attack targets a
server or process at the victim making it unable to le-
gitimate requests for service. A bandwidth depletion at-
tack is designed to flood the victim network with un-
wanted traffic that prevents legitimate traffic from
reaching the victim system. And there are three main
defense approaches: traceback [4]—with the increase of
zombies this approach will be invalidated rapidly; filtrate
[5]—because this method requires the participation of
the communication company and many routers, the filter
must be open at all times, and the approach is too costly;
throttle [6]—legitimate data stream will be limited be-
cause too many data streams converge at a central point.
Thus, based on these three methods, three distinct de-
fense approaches emerge: gateway defense, router de-
fense and computer defense.
This paper aims at discussing a low cost, high per-
formance and easy-to-deploy approach [7] which selects
five statistical features from IP flow is proposed on fil-
tering DDoS attacks on routers. We use usual statistical
traffic of IP flow to get the percentage of traffic of the
upriver routers. Then we use the percentage to assign a
weight for the router. When DDoS happens, we observe
the traffic quota of several chosen routers. Our goal is to
maximize goodput, with the weight that we figure out in
normal state. At the same time we can calculate which
routers should block the traffic. Then the victim server
sends a filtering request to these routers to block all traf-
fic from certain sources to the victim.
We present an implementation of these concepts,
along with experimental results from our laboratory
testbed. In the rest of this section we give a very brief
overview of the filtering mechanism. Section 2 tells the
R. GUO ET AL. 601
reason of the IP Flow approach. Section 3 presents the
architecture based on routers that can support filtering
mechanism. Section 4 gives implementation and per-
formance details. In Section 5, we conclude with a dis-
cussion of deployment options, as well as related work.
2. IP Flow Filtering Overview
IP flow is composed of IP packets arriving one after an-
other. As the basic data carrying unit of Internet, IP
packet holds the upper layer’s information and can be
easily caught and handled. In the following part of this
section IP flow will be divided into the Micro-Flow and
the Macro-Flow and we are going to research how to
select effective IP flow based detecting features.
2.1. The Micro-Flow and Macro Flow
2.1.1. The Micro-Flow
A Micro-Flow is a packet set who is composed of pack-
ets belonging to the same time interval of Internet, and
all these packets have the same specific characteristics.
These same specific characteristics are called keys. A
group of commonly used keys are <Protocol, SrcIP,
SrcPort, DestIP, DestPort>. Protocol is the protocol used
by the upper layer, SrcIP and SrcPort are the source IP
address and the source port number separately. DestIP
and SrcIP are the destination IP address and the destina-
tion port number separately.
The definition of Micro-Flow is helpful in two ways.
First, each key group corresponds to one connection
from SrcIP to DestIP, so keys can be used to describe
DDoS connection. Second, a key group contains much
information which can be used by routers and firewalls
to operate each packet.
2.1.2. The Macro-Flow
All the packets belonging to one time interval compose a
set which is called the Macro-Flow. Macro-Flow is
pooled by Micro-Flows.
The definition of Macro-Flow is helpful in two ways
too. First, Detecting features can be formed on the base
of Macro-Flow. Second, the information contained in the
Macro-Flow is the complementarities to keys.
In experiments, we intercept network traffic by time
interval i=10s randomly. On one hand, in order to form
the Micro-Flow based features, we classify packets by
different keys. On the other hand, we abstract the Macro-
Flow based features from the whole i directly.
2.2. IP Flow Based Features
2.2.1. Micro-Flow Based Features
1) Average Number of Packets in Per Flow (ANPPF)
Continuously and randomly generated “legitimate” IP
are usually used in attack, so the generating speed of
Micro-Flow is quickened, and the packet amount in per
flow decrease. There are commonly 1~3 packets in per
flow [9].
NPPF =PacketsNum/FlowNum
PacketsNumj is the quantity of packets in the jth flow
of a time interval. FlowNum is the quantity of packets of
the whole interval. Figure 1 shows the experimental com
parison of ANPPF between normal traffic and DDoS
traffic (110i~180i).The ANPPF of DDoS traffic which is
near 1(attacking traffic is the mix of DDoS traffic gener-
ated by tfn2k and normal traffic of internet. ANPPF of
tfn2k generating traffic is 1) differs from normal ANPPF
(ruleless distribution) significantly.
2) Percentage of Correlative Flow (PCF)
During attack, though the victim still has capability to
reply to attacking packets’ “requests”, the replying pack-
ets can not get to the zombies, because the attacking IP
addresses are faked. If flow x is from SrcIPx=A to Des-
tIPx=B, and flow y is from SrcIPy=B to DestIPy=A, then
we call flow x and y is a pair of Correlative Flow.
/PCFCFNum FlowNum
CFNum is two times of the pairs of Correlative Flow.
PCF represents the “there is going-out but no com-
ing-back” characteristic of DDoS. As is shown in Figure
2, when DDoS happens (110i~180i), PCF is near 0,
while the PCF of normal traffic is 0.4~0.6. The differ-
ence between them is distinguishable.
ANPPF of Normal and Abnormal Traffic
121416181101 121141 161181 201
Intervals(1 interval=10s)
Average Number of
Packets in Per
Figure 1. ANPPF of normal and abnormal traffic.
PCF of Normal and Abnormal Traffic
121416181101121 141161181 201
Intervals(1 interval=10s)
Percentage of
Correlative Flow
Figure 2. PCF of normal and abnormal traffic.
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
ODGS of Normal and Abnormal Traffic
121416181101 121141 161181 201
Intervals(1 interval=10s)
One Direction
Generating Speed
Figure 3. ODGS of normal and abnormal traffic.
PGS of Normal and Abnormal Traffic
121416181101 121 141161 181 201
Intervals(1 interval=10s)
Ports Generating
Figure 4. PGS of normal and abnormal traffic.
3) One Direction Generating Speed (ODGS)
Flow generating speed quickens when attack happens
or busy time comes. In order to distinguish these two
kinds of situations, ODGS is proposed.
()ODGSFlowNum CFNuminterval/
In order to increase the efficiency of attacking, attack-
s detec-
. The Design of Statistical Analysis Filtering
rom the Micro-Flow and Macro Flow, we can get the
ODGS reflects the sudden increase of traffic when
DDoS happens, and it also reflects the “there is go-
ing-out but no coming-back” characteristic of DDoS.
Figure 4 gives the experimental comparison of ODGS
between normal traffic (110i~180i) and abnormal traffic.
ODGS’ order of magnitude in normal traffic (102) is
much smaller than that in the abnormal traffic (104).
4) Ports Generating Speed (PGS)
PGS = PortsNum / interval
PortsNum is the number of distinct port in one time
interval. Some researchers select the size of port [2] as a
detecting feature, while we find that many newly
emerged services and applications (such as famous p2p
application BT) use port number bigger than 1024, so
approach of [2] is not suitable anymore. Through deeper
investigation, we realize that attackers continuously and
randomly generate port too, so PGS is proposed. As is
shown in Figure 4, the PGS of normal traffic is not big-
ger than 200, while PGS of attacking traffic (110~180i)
is over thousands.
2.2.2. The Macro-Flow Based Feature
PAP (Percentage of Abnormal Packets)
g packets’ content parts are usually unfilled or only
filled with very few useless bytes (such as famous at-
tacking tools tfn2k, trinoo). This kind of procedure re-
sults in the increase of abnormal small packets (for ex-
ample, some TCP packets are only a little bigger than
40bytes, and UDP packets are only a little bigger than
28bytes). PAP presents this characteristic of DDoS at-
tack by counting the percentage of abnormal packets in
the one i(a Macro-Flow). Figure 5 is the comparison of
PAP of normal traffic and abnormal traffic. As we can
see, there is a significant change of PAP from near 0 to
more than 0.9 when DDoS happens (110i~180i).
Defending against DDoS attacks often involve
n and response. There are a number of statistical ap-
proaches for detection of DDoS attacks, including the
use of IP addresses and TTL [11] values and TCP SYN/
FIN packets for detecting SYN flood attacks. Also en-
tropy and Chi-Square statistics are used to differentiate
between attack and normal packets. The D-WARD ap-
proach [8] uses, in addition to network and transport
header statistics, application layer [10] knowledge to
implement the filter policy. But all these method require
the participation of many routers, the filter must be open
at all times, so the approach is too costly.
statistical result:
are all connections form source
IPk, ik
are alions which are routed to des-
tination IPk. It is easy to create probability statistics of
l connect
access records. Generally, DoS attacks launched by a
large number of hosts which host never accessed the vic-
tim network before. Meaning during a DDoS attack most
of the hosts to the victim are fresh new, which is so dif-
ferent to flash crowd [7]. So we can use history IP data-
base by putting these IP of high frequency in a pool. Common
algorithm is not efficient enough to catch up with the line
rate of high speed at reasonable memory consumption.
PAP of Normal and Abnormal Traffic
121416181101121 141161181 201
Intervals(1 interval=10s)
Percentage of
Abnormal Packets
Figure 5. PAP of normal and abnormal traffic.
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
R. GUO ET AL. 603
To adfilter.
nting a set S={x1,x2,…,xn}
dress this limitation, one can use the Bloom
It reduces space/time complexity by allowing small de-
gree of inaccuracy in membership representation Bloom
Filter is chosen to generate the IP address white list. If a
host exists in this IP Bloom Filter the router will route
the packet to destination, if not it will pass though filter.
The conventional algorithm requires a memory of 1 G
ts while our Bloom filter array requires a memory of
only 50M bits, at the cost of losing 1% accuracy in
membership representation.
A Bloom filter for represe
n elements is described by an array of m bits, initially
all set to 0. It uses k independent hash function h1, …, hk
with range {1,…,m}. Here we have an assumption that
hash functions are perfectly random, which means the
hash functions map each item in the universe to a ran-
dom number uniform over the range {1,…,m}. For each
element xS, the bits hi(x) are set to 1 for 1ik. Alo-
cation can be set to 1 multiple times, but only the first
change has an effect. For the membership query if yS,
we check if i, hi(y)=1. If hi(i)1, then yS. If i,
hi(y)=1 is true, we can assume yS with a false positive
rate as
kn kn
err 0
 
The construction of BF is shown in Figure 1. Initially,
stem has
ch bit in the element BF is set to 0 and the pointer list
is set to null. Then each history Flow {S,A} Si, i[1, n]
is hashed by function Hj, j[1, k] with corresponding hit
bit in BF being set to 1. A new node of link list is created
with the sum field being filled by the sum of previous
value and the last 16 bits of the index value of the filter
that are being set to 1. The Si, i[1, n] are hashed k
times. If the bit has already been set to 1, a new node of
link list array is appended to the list. This design does
not affect much accuracy because in all the experiments
the false positive rates are the same (Figure 6).
As shown in Figure 7 our DDoS defense sy
Offline Training System (OTS) and an Online Filter-
ing System (OFS) and is deployed between the source
end and the victim end. From OTS we create whitelist
and map the list in BF. The GA-Filter modules are de-
ployed at the edge routers that are close to the attack.
During DDoS attacks, if a flow matchs this bloom filter,
it will be transmitted by routers, if not it will be filtered
by GA-filter. The filtering routers can afford to selec-
tively block traffic to the victim server. In that case le-
gitimate traffic passing from that router is also unnecessar-
ily filteredtogether with the attack traffic. We would like
to filter out all attackers and allow all good traffic to reach
the server. Unfortunately, in a DDoS attack, it’s hard to
differentiate attack traffic and legitimate traffic. In this
paper, we aim at designing a defense system that contains
x z
y z
Figure 6. The construction of bloom filter.
Figure 7. The Filter architecture.
DDoS flooding attacks in hih-speed networks. The ob-
friendly traffic throughput while reduc-
defense system on
e original systems.
jectives are to
1) Maximize
g attack traffic as much as possible
2) Minimize the disturbance of the
lay performance of friendly traffic
3) Achieve high compatibility to th
A router-based defense strategy: These routers are in-
rted in some important point of the network. We envi-
sion these routers that are deployed in the network to
collaboratively perform the desired countermeasure
functions, including detection of DDoS flooding attacks
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
.1. Combinatorial Optimization of Filtering
he filtering problem is a combinatorial optimization of
The problem is to identify a subset of all traffic that leads
subject to
with , ,
3.2. Genetic Algorithms for Filtering Bad Traffic
enetic algorithms are stochastic iterative algorithms for
.2.1. Initial Population
g an initial population
ng, the length is
itness Fun ct ion
t represents which router filtrate
and access control of network traffic.
the traffic to victim server, which seeks for maximum
legitimate traffic from all good or bad traffic. We assume
that there are n distinct routers involved and the traffic in
total transmit to victim server is i
w, generally, each
router j (j = 1, …, n) transmit traictim server has
assigned a profit Pi (i= 1, …, n) and the maximum
throughput is C. When a router route stream i (i = 1, …,
m) to victim server , we define Xi=1; if stream i (i =1, …,
m) isn’t routed to server, we define Xi =0. So the stream
in total is
, but the good traffic is
ffic to v
to the highest possible total good traffic and does not
exceed maximum throughput C. Formally, our filtering
model can be stated as follows:
wx c
search and optimization that find their origin and inspira-
tion in the Darwinian theory of biological evolution. GA
abstract and mimic some of the traits of the ongoing
struggle in evolution in order to do a better job in prob-
lems that require adaptation, search and optimization.
Since we are in fact dealing with artificial systems, we
should also feel free to employ whatever device works
well for a given class of problems, even if it has no direct
biological origin. Genetic Algorithms are computer algo-
rithms that search for good solutions to a problem from
among a large number of possible solutions. Genetic
Algorithms of our filtering can be stated as follows:
The algorithm begins by creatin
which contains M individuals; a mutation probability; a
crossover probability; the length of every chromosome N,
and the maximum generations. Randomly generate a
population of N chromosomes. We randomly generated
traffic to victim server and the percentage of bad traffic.
Initial transmitting throughput by routers is more than
the maximum throughput C which the server can handle.
3.2.2. Encoding of the Chromosomes
Encoding of the problem in a binary stri
n, Xi =1, meaning the traffic passes through to the server,
Xi =0, meaning the router drops the traffic. Such as
X={0101001} expressing that traffic is passing
through router 2, 4, 7. Namely, router 2, 4, 7 will trans-
mit traffic to victim server. We randomly select bits of a
chromosome and set it to 0 or 1. For each of the chro-
mosome, test whether the constraint is satisfied. If so,
accept it to be a number of the population. If not, drop it
and randomly create a new chromosome. The x-vector
describes which of the routers that are chosen in each
solution, for example, the vector 01001011 means that
router NO. 2, 5, 7 and 8 are chosen to route data to
.2.3. F3
Given a chromosome tha
the traffic, the corresponding fitness function is defined
as follow: fitness function
XXP subject to
At first, we define stream i passes through a router to
, so howmize variable Xi (i=1,2,…,n)and
ctim server , we set Xi =1; if stream i (i = 1; : : : ;m)
drop, we set Xi =0. Considering about n routers, the
throughput is
in total, but the goodput is
ze goodput. So this problem is subject to two
formulas: at ii
to opti
maximize ii
i=1 or 0
(i=1,2,…,n). aing the probl the fitness
function, it can be stated as follows: ()ii
em, forfter analyz
Xi=1 or 0 (i=1,2,…,n).
3.2.4. Selection Functio
ased on probability, and ap-We choose chromosomes b
point the individual to be the first generation. In the im-
plementation of the program, we tried roulette-wheel
methods: the fitness value of each individual is fi, the
probability of i is chosen shown as follow:
; For the initial population, first we figure out
ss value of each chromosome, and then we cal-
culate selection probability. After the comparison, the
chromosome with low chosen probability is eliminated
and the high chosen probability chromosome will be
copied. This copied chromosome takes the place of the
eliminated chromosome. Then the selection of popula-
the fitne
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
R. GUO ET AL. 605
e use single point crossover. The crossover point is
mly by generating a random number
Mn is made to prevent GA from falling into a local
form mutation on each bit position of
ell lab’s data is stored as pure text, and each row of the
ansmit traffic with dif-
. In Table
to al-
tion is over.
3.2.5. Cr osso
determined rando
between 0 and 1. We perform crossover with a certain
probability. If crossover probability is 100% then a
whole new generation is made by crossover. If it is 0%
then whole new generation is made by exact copies of
chromosomes from old population. We decided upon
crossover rate of Pc. This means that Pc of the new gen-
eration will be formed with crossover and 1-Pc will be
copied to the new generation.
3.2.6. Mu t ation
extreme. We per
the chromosome with 0.1 % probability.
4. Performance Evaluation and C
For evaluating our system, we use Bell lab’s [11,12] data.
text is a packet composed of SIP, DIP, SPort, DPort,
packet length and ACK (TCP packet) et. The attack
launched in our own simulation is constant rate attack, so
we choose the constant rate UDP attack data of Bell lab’s
as the attack samples. (Table 1).
We suppose to have a server that has a capacity of C
bandwidth and several routers tr
rent ratio. We want the greatest total benefit without
overloading the constraint of the bandwidth. We use a
data structure, called cell, with two fields (goodput and
traffic) to represent every router (Table 2). Then we use
an array of type cell to store all routers in it.
In our experiments, we measured filtering characteris-
tics by the rate of false and rate of missed [13]
shows the sensitivity and accuracy of the Bloom Filter.
The ROC curves in Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the sen-
sitivity and accuracy of the neural network. A ROC
curve is a plot with the false positive rate on the X axis
and the true positive rate on the Y axis. The area below
the curve reflects the sensitivity of the neural network.
As we can see, the curve is close to both the Y axis and
the point (0, 1) which means that we obtained low false
positives and the classification capability is good.
Micro-Flow and Macro-Flow detection based detect-
ing features that we described in Section 2 is used
cate the weights for traffic routing. As indicated in
Table 3, that our IP flow based filtering method achieves
pretty high accuracy and precision. It’s low cost, high
performance and easy-to-deploy. It optimizes the web
flow; enhance the network efficiency by precluding and
dismissing the overall current abruptness of ordinary flow.
Table 1. DDoS traffic.
DDoS Type II DDoS Type I
% of
% of
ood % of bad
ood % of bad
36.2 USA 43.9 45.9
Korea 11.5 12
China 18.
T2. 16.
Ger 8.
5.8 0
35 10.3 24.1 0
aiwan 2.46 6.1 4 7
Canda 3.64 5.4 3.6 4
UK 6.74 5.2 6.7 5.3
many4 5.1 8.4 5.2
alia 2.5 4.3 2.5 1.1
Japan 13.91 4.2 2 0
lands 1.93 4.1 1.9 8.4
00.1 0.2 0.3 0.40.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.91
False Positive
True Positive
ROC Curve
Chance Line
Figure 8. Our own data ROC curve.
00.10.2 0.3 0.40.5 0.60.7 0.8 0.91
False Positive
True Positive
ROC Curve
Chance Line
Figure 9. Bell ROC curve.
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS
Table 2. Router information a
Router 0 Router1 Router2 Router3 Router4
36.27 80.17 5.8 17.3 18.35 28.65 2.46 8.56 3.64 9.04
Router 5 Router6 Router 7 Router 8 Router9
6.74 11.94 8.4 13.5 2.5 6.8 13.91 18.11 1.93 6.03
Table 3. The detection results.
Bloom Filter Rate of false
Rate of missed
Average detection
Latency of attack (s)
1 0 7.6 12.9
2 1.1 4.5 11.2
3 1.3 2.3 10.3
4 2.6 0 9.8
5 2.9 0 7.6
6 3.6 0 7.5
7 4.9 7.1
9 8.6 6.5
8 5.9 0
10 12.8 0
5. Conclusions
The defense mechanism of DDoS attacks, particularl
the multi-baseproachedrsified flow
method of offensivartifice, simulatinhe competition
of legal users, inhts a keystone afficulty in the
internet security arena. In this paper present five ef-
fective detecting features base on the acteristics of IP
flow: PAP, ANPPF, PCF, ODGS anGS. These five
features can exploithe abnormalitiering DDoS at-
tack. Byproducts of features generatare helpful for
filtering. We provee capabilities ofse five features
through experimental comparison between their normal
values and values ittack.
Our mechanismcharacteristicallct from cur-
nt methods:
sources and does not require partici-
routers. In general, only requires sev-
Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60673184
873254, in part by the National 863
m of China und7AA01Z400, in
he Nationalogram of China
r Grant No. 20d Tsinghua-Chi-
ache CDN Program.
J. Mirkovic, S. Dietrich, D. Dittrich, and P. Reiher,
“Internet denial of servittack and defense mecha-
nisms,” Prentice Hall PTR04.
] V. A. Siris and F. Papa, “Application of anomaly
detection algorithms for g SYN flooding attacks
In: Regency H, ed,” Glons Conf.
(GLOBECOM’04). Dallas: IEEE, pp. 2050–2054, 2004.
S. C. Evans, “Detecting
ce attacks using kolmogorov
eral Electric Research and De-
y progra
by t
d, multi-ap and dive
e g t
abind di
d P
s dut
th the
n a
is y distin
1) Utilizes few re
ation from all ISP p
eral routers.
2) It’s low-cost, high-performance and easy-to-deploy.
It allows for simple and convenient updating of the Filter
3) Optimizes the IP flow; enhances the server’s effi-
ciency by precluding and dismissing the overall current
abruptness of ordinary flow.
All in all, allocating the server and bandwidth re-
sources to both the validation and service components
with more efficiency, and applying the algorithm more
accurate to filter flooding DDoS are seeking to be done
in this sector of internet security.
6. Acknowledgements
is work was supported in part by the National Natural
[3] W. Li, L. F. Wu, and G. Y. Hu, “Design and implementa-
tion of distributed intrusion detection system NetNumen,”
and Grand No. 60
er Grant No.200
Basic Research Pr
08CB01, anun3171
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Copyright © 2009 SciRes. IJCNS