M. Caputo et al. / Natural Science 3 (2011) 768-774
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
cluster with a maximum linear dimension of about 5
Kilometers. Also here, the isolated pixel we also put in
the figure corresponds to the epicentre of the main shock,
at a distance of about 3 kilometers from the cluster.
The two different sets of aftershocks and a set of fore-
shocks indicate a possible correlation between the time
sequence of events and the stress field generated by the
solid Earth tides. The sequences of aftershocks obviously
occurred in an unstable stress field due to the previous
major shock which destabilized the region, while the
sequence of foreshocks occurred in increasing stress field.
The possible correlation between tides and earthquakes
therefore concerns two different circumstances and could
be associated with different physical conditions although
the formal causes of the correlations are the same. It is to
be noted that the 7 days periodicity has been found in
both: foreshocks and aftershocks sequences and using
different methodologies. The two regions where the
earthquakes occurred are separated by about 50 kilo-
meters and belong to the same geologic formation.
Concerning the possibility that the cause of the 7 days
periodicity be due to the weekly noise generated by the
human activity in the working days we note that, in both
cases, after the major shock the human activity was con-
tinuous without respect to the festivities; in particular
was continuous the activity of heavy working machines
and of transportations. Furthermore, we checked that the
maxima of the peaks of the three sequences of above
occurred in three different days of the week.
We turn now to the possbile influence of the position
of the Moon with respect to the Earth and the Sun. We
note that the peaks in the three sequences of above,
different to each other for period of the year and/or geo-
graphical location of earthquake, occurred approximately
three days before the four main Moon phases.
Finally we provide some comments on the results of
the spatial analysis. To find evidence of a possible fore-
runner, we focus our attention on the foreshock sequence.
Here, the application of the Mathematical Morphology
opening operator provides a clear picture of the clus-
tering of the sismic events. We notice that in both cases
of the L’Aquila and Colfiorito earthquakes, the epicentre
of the main shock is at distance of only about 3 kilometer
from the closest cluster.
We thanks Dr. Aladino Govoni of the I.N.G.V. for providing the data
and for useful discussions and suggestions.
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