Chinese Medicine, 2011, 2, 93-102 doi:10.4236/cm.2011.23016 Published Online September 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM Observations on Traditional Phytotherapy among the Inhabitants of Lahaul Valley through Amchi System of Medicine—A Cold Desert Area of Himachal Pradesh in North Western Himalayas, India Parveen Kumar Sharma1, Surender Kumar Thakur, S. Manuja, R. K. Rana, Pardeep Kumar, Sanjay Sharma, Jagdish Chand, Ashok Singh, Krishan Kumar Katoch2 1Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lahaul and Spiti, Kukumseri, India 2Chaudhary Sa rw an Ku ma r H i machal Pradesh Kri shi Vishvavidy alaya, Palampur , In d ia E-mail: Received April 1, 2011; revised April 20, 2011; accepted May 5, 2011 Abstract The paper highlights the Phyto-diversity and indigenous uses an ecosystem existing in Lahaul Valley of tribal district of Lahaul and Spiti in Himacjhal Pradesh, India. This is one of the most preferred tourist spot especially for foreigners. The cold desert area of India is known for its specific topography, sense climate and unique vegetation. The valley is rich in high value medicinal wealth and local inhabitants (Buddhist) practice the Tebetan Amchi System of Medicine. Keeping in view the continuous pressure on nature, this paper reflects the Phyto-diversity of Valley, with reference to medicinal and aromatic plants and conserva- tion mechanisms to protect the valuable wealth of the valley and also suggests effective ecotourisim planning of the study area. Keywords: Diversity, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Ecotourisim, Lahaul Valley, Indigenous Uses, Tebetan Amchi System of Medicine 1. Introduction Twenty one year ago the word did not know about the biodiversity. Today, it is one of the most commonly used expressions in the biological sciences and has become a household word. During the National Forum on Biodi- versity held at Washington DC, w.e.f. September 21-24, 1986, under the auspices of the National Academy of Science, Smithsonian Institute, the word spread like fire throughout the world. In the Rio Environmental Summit in 1992, biodiversity dominated the central issues of sci- entific and political concern worldwide. At global level about 16,04,000 species of plants, animals and micro- organisms have been described so far. However, it is estimated that there are around 17,98,000 species. Of the total species, 4,22,000 flowering plants reported from the world, of which > 50,000 species are used for medicinal purpose. The high altitude Himalaya is rich in endemic plants [1]. The increasing potential threat to biological diversity ia an irreversible environment disorder that warrant im- mediate remedial measures for sustainable conservation of biodiversity. It is believed that the excessive anthro- pogenic activities are the main cause of decline in popu- lation and availability of medicinal and aromatic plants in the Himalayan region [2-5]. The fast pace of tourism in high altitudinal areas are another important factor causing the damage of bio-diverse ecological system [6]. Himalaya is one of the mega biodiversityregion of world [7]. The north western Himalaya consist unique habitats to sustain several endemic and rare plant taxa. The vegetation comprises evergreen forests with pure stands of Pinus roxburghii, Pinus wallichiana, Quercus spp., Cedrus deodara, Abies pindrow, Picea smithiana, Taxus wallichiana and Juniperus spp. in dry temperate and alpine regions representing various species composi- tion make the valleys rich in phytodiversity. The cold desert area covers 35 per cent of the total geographical area in Himachal Pradesh. A review of lit- erature indicates very few studies on medicinal & aro- matic plants and ethnobotany of tribal valley/area of La- haul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh [1,8-13].
P. K. SHARMA ET AL. 94 2. Materials and Method 2.1. Study Area The present study has been carried out in Lahaul valley of Himachal Pradesh. The Lahaul valley lies between 31˚44'57'' and 32˚59'57''N latitude and 76˚46'29'' and 78˚41'34''E longitude. It is surrounded by the main Hi- malayan ranges on the North mainly Baralacha Pass, the mid Himalayan range or Pir Punjal on the South, the Kunjum range which separates Lahaul from Spiti on the East and the off-shoot of the Pir Punjal range on the West. In its West, the Chenab river flows into Pangi val- ley, while in the North-East the Yunan river flows into Zanskar. The Rohtang Pass (3978 m), the gate way to valley, connects Lahaul to Kullu district. The valley can be approached through Rohtang Pass (3978 m) by road to Lahaul from Kullu, Kunjum Pass (4740 m) road to Lahaul from Spiti, Baralacha Pass (5019 m) road to La- haul from Leh, Kugti Pass (5043 m) partially by road and on foot, and Drati Pass (4725 m) by foot journey from Chaurah-Chamba to Lahaul. The distinctive features of the valley are snow covered peaks, massive glaciers, view of bleak, sunny, higher mountain ranges and narrow river valleys. The valley represents few prominent lakes such as Chandratal, Sura- jtal, Sissutal and Neelkant along with many glaciers. Andrew Wilson denoted this valley as a “Valley of Gla- ciers” [14]. High mountains, water falls, Buddhists Gom- pas, Hindu Temples and trekking places are some of the attractions for tourists. The inhabitants belong to Hindu and Buddhist community. The district contains 41 Panchyats. The total area of the district is 13,835 km2, out of which 1,35,369 hectares are under Forests and 4459 hectares are under cultivation. The whole area of Lahaul is divided into four valleys namely, Pattan Valley, Myar Valley, Todh Valley and Tennan Valley. In the valley soil is more or less loam to sandy loam with gravel. In the vicinity of villages and nearby, denuded slopes are subjected to concentrated year round grazing; hence the soil is equally poor. On the northern aspects, in folds and hollows as also on easier slopes, the soil is fairly deep and fertile for tree growth. It is therefore, the best forests in the valley are on the left bank of the Chanderbhaga River. Due to melting of snow, the soil from the upper slope is carried down to the lower slopes where the depth of the soil is deeper. At present, soil in this tract is patrtillay protected by the vegetation. The climate of the area is dry temperate to alpine types and has distinct seasons. The summer is rainless due to high mountains. The rainy season receive very less rainfall. The winter season is comparatively a large i.e., from late November to early April. During this period, heavy snow fall occurs in the Valley. The Lahaul valley is also known for its unique faunal diversity. Some of the prominent wild animals and birds are Ibex (Capra ibex), Bharal (Psueudois nayaur), Snow Leopard (Panthra uncia), Musk Dear (Moschus chry- sogaster), Ghoral, (Nemorhaedus goral), Himalayan Marmot (Marmota bobak), Wild Yak (Bos grunniens), Himalayan Snow Cock (Tetragallus himalayensis), Hi- malayn Snow Pigean (Columba leuconota), Crow (Cor- vus caurinus), Chukor (Alectoris chukar), Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus), Snow Pigeon (Columba leu- conota) and Himalayan Snow Cock (Tetraogallus hima- layensis). Man has been utilizing plant resources for various purposes since the time immemorial. The documentation of traditional knowledge would appear to be the “need of the hour” in view of the current demand for herb based products. Documentation serves to ensure the preserva- tion of traditional information for future generations. It is also a step forward in the creation of a database on eth- nobotanical notes. An attempt therefore, has been made here to document the indigenous uses of some important medicinal and aromatuic plants of Lahaul; Valley. 2.2. Surveys and Data Collection The Lahaul valley has been surveyed under an adhoc pro- ject funded by National Medicinal Plant Boards (NMPB) Govt. of India, New Delhi during 2008-2010 to generate information on indigenous uses of medicinal plants from the inhabitants. Information on medicinal plants was col- lected through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). After interaction, the inhabitants were interviewed for utilization of medicinal plants and aromatic plants, mode of admini- stration, occurrence in the area, etc. in different valley of the Lahaul valley. 3. Results 3.1. Treatment by Animal Parts The amchies keep in their medicine bags animal organs like; dog or wolf tongue, antelope horns, snake flesh rabbit heart and bile of beer and tiger etc. for treatment in eheumatism, epilspsy and pulmonary and bronchial dis- eases. 3.2. Treatment with Mineral Water Sulphur and mineral springs in Kullu-Manali and Ladhak area are frequently used in the treatment of headache and other diseases of brain. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
P. K. SHARMA ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM 95 3.3. Puncturing of Veins The treatment consists of pricking the patient body with specially needles at certain points. Usually this therapy is uses for treatment of gout, blood and skin disorders. 3.4. Treatment by Mysticism Treatment by Mysticism (Tantra-Mantra) is with influ- ence with stars on human destiny. They treat the patient by looking at the horoscope for their evil and good stars. 3.5. Other Uses 3.5.1. Use of Shilajit as a Single Medicine Shilajeet is used as a single medicine in old age, for genel debility and as an approdisiac. The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach with milk or lukeworm water. Peas and pigeons are forbidden in the diet while taking shilajit. Dose: 8 mg in first week and thereafter 16 mg for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week. Then the dose is increased by 2mg up to 7 weeks and then it should be maintained. 3.5.2. Other Minerals Used in the Theraphy Are Sulphur; Borax; Sodium Sulphate; Antimoni Sulphate; Sodium Bicarbonate; Yellow Arsenic; Serpentine; Quartz; Metals and Bhasmas. 4. Discussion The present study reveals that there is an intimate rela- tionship between the inhabitants of Lahaul valley, par- ticularly native people and plants of their surroundings. During field studies, it was noticed that a vast treasure of hidden knowledge is lying with them especially with the old people living in the valley. A wide range of ail- ments/diseases ranging from common cold & cough to asthma, bronchitis, liver, stomach, heart, kidneys, and cuts and wounds to snakebites are treated by the tradi- tional healers of the valley (Amchies) with the help of local plant remedies. In total, 354 species of medicinal and aromatic plants belonging to 208 genera and 76 families were recorded from the Lahaul valley [15-17]. Out of the total 79 plant species of medicinal and aromatic plants belonging to 37 families and 64 genera have been discussed in the pre- sent paper which are used to cure more than two diseases (Table 1). The population of Aconitum heterophyllum (Critically engangered), Picrorhiza kurrooa and Rheum emodi (Engangered) and Begenia stracheyi and Rhodo- dendron anthopogon (Vulnerable) according to IUCN categoirization are very low. Most of the plant species are in the altitudinal ranges Table 1. Diversity, distribution and indigenous uses of some important medicinal plants and aromatic plants occurring in cold desert area of Lahaul valley. Taxa/Family Local name Altitudinal range (m) Herb/Shru b/Tree Parts used Indigenous uses Alliaceae Allium carolinianum DC. Keor, Jimboo 3300 - 4000 H Leaf and bulbs Stimulant, diuretic, given with milk after delivery); Soup making regarding the treatment of stomach infections. Apiaceae Angelica glauca Edgew. Chaura 2700 - 3510 H Roots It is beneficial in restoring kidney heat and treating anemia, debility, lung dis- eases, stomach disorders and fluid reten- sion in the joints. Bunium persicum B. Fedtsch Kalagira 2760 - 3700 H Seeds Abdominal pain, cold, cough, fever, loss of appetite, back pain, liver problems, dysentery in domestic animals and also used as condiment. Carum carvi L. Gonyorog, Shingu Jeera 2700 - 3650 H Seeds It is used to alleviate the disorders of the lungs. Also used in eyes ailments. Chaerophyllum aromaticum L. Shakkara 3000 - 3400 H Roots Used against Indigestion; Roots along with mint leaves are acts as flavor agent.
P. K. SHARMA ET AL. 96 Ferula jaeschkeana (L.) Vatke Bakhyot , Kalyash 2600 - 3400 H Roots and Latex Used for pain of chest, backache despon- dency, fatigue, rheumatism and poultices. Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. Dundu, Raswal 2690 - 3660 H Rhizomes It is used to treat inflammation and pain caused by vulnerable fever, checks haem- orrhage and abdominal cramps caused by the intestinal worms. It is also beneficial in treating leprosy. Selinum vaginatum (Edgew.) Cl. Matosal 2710 - 3630 H Rhizomes It is used to treat Cough, asthma, hysteria, nurvus tonic, sedative, incense, spices, local liquor, antibacterial, analgesic. Asteraceae Achillea millefolium L. Chabu, Shugumentog 2700 - 3600 H Flowering part It is used as Carminative, tonic, stimu- lant, toothache, cough, cold, insect repel- lent and diaphoretic. Arctium lappa L. Pichawag 3200 - 3420 H Roots It treats Gastric, burns; burs used for re- pelling rodents. Artemisia biennis Willd. Karkatang, Khampa 2510 - 3950 H Whole herb Used against obesity. A. dracunculus L. Chamary, Burtse 2500 - 4000 H Whole herb Acts as Carminative for animals, throat infection, toothache and in menstrual cycle. A. maritima L. Seski, Nyurcha, Garpeg, Nyurchi, Sensi 2600 - 3800 H Whole herb Tonic used to remove abdominal para- sites, anthelmintic, antiseptic, blood puri- fier, gastric disorder; Edible bunch grass used for storing the boiled water after sprinkling the sattu or roasted barley (thukpa). A. nilagarica (Cl.) Pamp. Chirmara 2990 - 3490 H Whole herb Abscess, analgesic, anthelmintic, antisep- tic, antispasmodic, asthama, ear com- plaints, epilepsy, haemostat, headache, menstrual complaints, nervous disease, peptic ulcer, skin disease, sores, stom- achache, tonic, vermifuge, wounds. Cichorium intybus L. Khibsha 2710 H Seeds Used to treat Fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, joint pain, also act as blood purifier. Cousinia thomsonii Cl. Changchher, Bacha Chawag, Khibsha 2720 - 4000 H Whole Herb Cure body pain, swelling due to sprain, diuretic. Echinops cornigerus DC. Chawag 2500 - 3500 H Whole Herb Used to cure Cold, cough, promote teeth of infants, fever, urinary trouble, tonic, septic, food poisoning. Inulu racemosa Hk. Mano 2600 - 3500 H Roots It is used to treat Asthma, blood purify, stomach disease, rheumatism, liver com- plaint, fever, headache. Jurinella macrocephala (Royle) Aswal Dhoop Above 3700 H Roots Roots are Antiseptic, used to cure fever during child birth, laxative, skin erup- tion); Religious (incense in temples). Senecio graciliflorus (L.) DC. Zerjum 3200 - 3800 H Whole Herb Used as Antidote against insect bite, ring worm disease, pussed ear. Sonchus oleraceus L. Panu Aag 2640 - 3830 H Latex Used to treat jaundice and liver com- plaints. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
P. K. SHARMA ET AL.97 Taraxacum officinale Wigg. Paranbala, Quanti, Sarkhen Mentok, Dudhi 2710 - 3800 H Whole Herb Used as bandage of cuts, headache, fever, liver, kidney, chronic disease of the di- gestive organs, cure jaundice, inflamma- tion of the liver, loss of appetite, food poisoning, antibiotic, tonic, blood puri- fier, hepatitis, migrains, foreheads); Reli- gious; Musical instrument; Temporary tattooing of hands. Betulaceae Betula utilis D.Don Bhojpatra, Shag, Bhuj 3000 - 4000 T Bark and other aerial parts Curing redness in eyes antiseptic, antiseptic, burns, cuts, contraceptive, ear complaints, hysteria, jaundice, spermicidal, Wounds. Boraginaceae Arnebia euchroma Royle ex Benth. Ratanjot, Khomig 2650 - 4000 H Roots Act as Abortifacient, hair tonic, also used to treat blood pressure, backache, head- ache); dye. Onosma hispida Wall. ex G. Don Kaume 3410 - 3550 H Roots and leaves Used as blood purifier, cuts, swells, ulcer, wound); Religious; (lamma people use the pink dye for lamistic ceremonies). Campanulaceae Codonopsis clematidea (Schrenk) Cl. Golchokpa 2800 - 3500 H Flower and seeds Used to treat Rheumatism, swelling due to sprain, and skin disease. C. ovata Benth. Golchokpa 3400 - 3600 H laeves Medicinal (Oxytoxic, wound). Cannabaceae Cannabis sativa L. Bhang, bang 2600 - 3500 H Seeds, Leaves and Stem Used to cure appetite, bowel complaints, bronchitis, cuts, dyspepsia, ear, eye com- plaints, gonorrhoea, narcotic, piles, skin disorder, skin eruption, cold, cough, con- vulsions, cramps, epilepsy, laxative, ner- vine stimulant, paralysis of tongue, sleep- ing pills Miscellaneous (local shoe: Pula is prepared). Cassulaceae Rhodiola heterodonta (Hk. & Th.) A. Boriss. Churupa 2900 - 4000 H Aerial part Used to treat Cough and lung infections. Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium botrys L. Sokann, Sanyek 2500 - 3550 H Aerial part Used to treat Gastric disorder, Gall blad- der, liver diseases. Cupressaceae Juniperus communis L. Petada, Shukpa, Dhup 2500 - 4000 Sh Entire herb It is useful against treating Kidney disor- der, malfunctioning of kidney, liver, bladder, heart disease, nervous disorder, oil―from barriers inhaled as vapors, or taken in the form of pills, dropsy mucous discharge, antibiotic for animal, repel flies); Fuel; Religious (smoke purifier, against evil sprits, leaves dipped three times in arak or chang as a mark of cele- bration). J. polycarpos Boiss. Shur, Leyur 2500 - 4000 T Entire herb Oil is used as antibiotic for animal, repel flies, nervous disorder, stomach cramp); Fuel; Timber; Religious (incense, smoke purifier, leaves dipped three times in arak or chang as a mark of celebration, against evil sprits. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
P. K. SHARMA ET AL. 98 Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. ex Kunth Kinsh 2490 - 3000 H Tubers Tubers are Source of diosgenin, a ster- oidal sapogenin, oral contraceptive pills. Elaeagnaceae Hippophae rhamnoides D. Don Sarla 3100 - 3600 T Fruits and barkIt is beneficial in treating diseases of the lungs, blood coagulation and blood cysts. H. salicifolia D. Don Sarla 3100 - 3600 T Fruits and bark Used ty treat Cuts, ulcer, wounds, cough, fever, dandruff of hairs and skin disease); Edible; Fuel; Fodder; Small timber; Ag- ricultural tools. Ephedraceae Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf Kiok, Buchchur, Chhe, Somlata 2500 - 3900 Sh Stem and branches It is a rejuvenating agent and is useful against the treatment of haemorrhage, gall bladder, liver, spleen and all kinds of initial and chronic fevers. Cicer microphyllum Benth. Banyarts, Vana-nyarcha, Chiri 2600 - 3800 H Whole herb Used to cure mouth disease tongue infec- tion, jaundice. Fumariaceae Corydalis govaniana Wall. 2700 - 3600 H Whole herb Used against excess formation of impure blood. Also used for drying up excess pus formation in lungs and visceral organs. Herb is also used to heal ruptured wounds and fractured bones. Gentianaceae Swertia cordata (G. Don) Cl. 2700 - 3600 H Whole herb Used in treatment of hot disorders of the gall bladder. Geraniaceae Geranium nepalense Sw. Laljari, Gajaljhar 2900 - 4000 H Roots Used to treat Cuts, jaundice, toothache, ulcer, wounds and stomach complaints. G. pratense L. Porlo 2800 - 4000 H Whole herb Used as Naksur, black dye, stomach trou- ble, jaundice, gastric disorder. Hypericaceae Hypericum perforatum L. - 2500 - 2900 H Whole herb Used in inhancement of immunity, cures malarial fever, anti-depressant, anti-tumou- rous, anti-cancerous, anti-viral. Iridaceae Iris kemaonensis D. Don ex Royle Praynal 3000 - 3900 H Whole herb Medicinal (Epilepsy, fever, toothache). Juglandaceae Juglans regia L. Akhrot, Ka, Kaboot 2500 - 3000 T Laeves, Branches and fruits Fruit-coat & bark is useful for teeth clean- ing, skin diseases, anthelmintic, astringent, toothache, fungicide, insecticides. Lamiaceae Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth. Karku, Neelkanthi 2600 - 3200 H Whole herb Used to treat Malarial fever and tonic for gastric problems. Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. Takchi, Marini, Madaen 2700 - 3600 H Whole herb Used as carminative, digestive, on wound to kill maggots. Origanum vulgare L. Lamay masha, Massow 2700 - 3600 H Whole herb Used to cure bronchitis, colic, diarrhoea, bath to ladies after child birth. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
P. K. SHARMA ET AL.99 Thymus linearis Benth. Kochi masha 2730 - 3800 H Whole herb Used as Antifungal, antibacterial, pain reliever during childbirth to mother, whoop- ing cough, epilepsy, skin eruption, reduce excessive bile secretion, juice, alopecia or hair loss, spices phlegm counter spasmodic pains, stomach complaint, cold, toothache, kill hookworms, liver compliant, heating effect); Liliaceae Polygonatum cirrhifolium (Wall.) Royle 3050 - 3120 H Whole herb It restores body strength and is useful in the treatment of pain in kidneys and waist region, fluid retension in joints and im- potency P. verticillatum L. 2500 - 3650 H Whole herb Used to cure Appetite, Nervine tonic, kidney trouble and also restores body strength Malvaceae Malva sylvestris L. Sotsal 3100 - 3600 H Flowers Used against treatment of Stomach cramp and whooping cough M. verticillata L. Mikanchi 2700 - 2990 H Whole herb It is used to treat dropsy, thrists, diarrhea, infected sores and dilates all vessel in the body. Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don.) Soo Hathpanja 3000 - 3400 H Tubers Used as Antibiotic, wound healing, bone fracture, cough, cold, cuts, sexual disabil- ity, rheumatism, blood purifier, tonic, many ayurvedic and unani medicine preparations Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata L. 3000 - 3300 H Whole herb Used to cure Appetite, corns, cuts, dy- santery, fever, jaundice, rickets, scurvey, stomachache, swelling, wart, cataract, con- junctivitis Paparveraceae Meconopsis aculeata Royle Chharbongcha, Chharmen 3200 - 4000 H Whole herb It is effective against the disorder of lungs, liver and inflammation. Plantaginaceae Plantago depressa Willd. Maran 2610 - 3410 H Whole herb It stops diarrhea and also beneficial in treating fevers. P. major L. Karecha 2600 - 3450 H Whole herb Used against the treatment of Fever, cough, gastric disorders and other stomach diseases Podophyllaceae Podophyllum hexandrum Royle Bankakri, Omo-shey, Braburchoi, Pindiyali 2500 - 3700 H Entire herb It is used for gyaecological diseases like menstrual irregularity, diseases of uterus. Also improves blood circulation, helps in delivery. Polygonaceae Bistorta affinis Greene Chunru, Kapad 2700 - 4000 H Entire herb Cures diarrhoea, check flatulence and also check dysentery Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
P. K. SHARMA ET AL. 100 Rheum australe Spreng. Archo 3015 - 3910 H Entire herb It purges epidemic diseases and also beneficial in treating indigestion and fla- tulence. Rumex nepalensis Spreng. Napchati 2500 - 3700 H Entire herb Helps in treating Boils, colic, cooling, diuretic, dymenorrhoea, purgative, scur- vey, swelling of muscle, stomachache. Primulaceae Androsace rotundifolia Hardw. Zigsolo marpo 2730 - 3400 H Entire herb Reduces excess serous fluid, fever, wound in the body and sudden swelling. Primula denticulata Sm. 3100 - 3840 H Entire herb It is useful in treating wounds, psoriasis and warts. P. rosea Royle 3510-4000 H Entire herb It is useful to cure muscular pain. Ranunculaceae Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle Bonga, Atees Boa 2900 - 3600 H Roots It is an antitode against snake and scorpion bite and treats infectious fever. Also useful in treating intestine infections. A. violaceum Jacq. ex Stapf Dudatees, Jhimba 3600 - 4000 H Roots Used to cure cough, gastrointestinal complaints, renal pain, rheumatism and stomachache. Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. Chutrak 3100 - 3560 H Entire herb Restores digestive heat of the stomach. Also useful in treating indigestion, tumors of cold nature, helas infected wounds. Delphinium cashmerianum Royle Kasturi-chey, Nakamogoma, Panzi-la 3000 - 4000 H Entire herb It ius used against frequent occurrence of common cold and feverb due to poisoning, helps to cure sking deseases. R. hirtellus D. Don Chepchamendok, Goodi, Seripetali 2750 - 3500 H Entire herb It stops diarrohaea, dries pus of wounds and useful in treatment of lice-infestation. Thalictrum minus L. Mobje-dung 3200 - 3400 H Entire herb Used against inflammation, turbid fever, unripe fever and diffused fever. Rosaceae Fragaria vesca var. nubicola L. Palla 2500 - 4000 H Fruit and inflo- rescence It reduces ous accumulated in the lungs and chest and also helps in treatment of inflammation of nerves. Rubiaceae Rubia cordifolia L. 2500 - 3200 H Stem and root It is effective against blood related prob- lems, fever diffused from the kidneys and intestinal fevers. Saxifragaceae Bergenia ligulata Haw. Sternb. Silpayi 3400 - 4000 H Roots and leaves Used against Asthma, boils, cuts, wounds, burns, fever, liver complaints, ophthalmia, piles, thirst, kidney stones, urine com- plaints and diarrhoea of cattles. B. stracheyi Hk. & Th. Silpayi 3300 - 4000 H Rt, Lf Cures Kidney stone, poultice, stiff joint, diuretic, antiscorbutic, astringent, fever, opthalmia, tonic, cuts, wounds); Edible. Scrophulareaceae Pedicularis bicornuta Klotzsch ex Klotzsch Lugru serpo 3500 - 3800 H Aerial Part It is useful in treating liver and gall bladder problems, excessive seminal discharge, oedema and hangover. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
P. K. SHARMA ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM 101 Picrorhiza kurrooa Royle ex Benth. Karu 3400 - 4000 H Entire herb It is useful in treating Anemia, arthritis, asthma, bitter tonic, cardiotonic, cold, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, influenz, diuretic, fever, hepato protective, indigenous sys- tem of medicine, jaundice, liver trouble, stomach, laxative, pure circulation blood, neck pain, internal wound, large dose asca- thritic. Verbascum thapsus L. Kolomasta, Jawarna Loudi, Tombru, Tamaku 2500 - 3900 H Entire herb It is useful in curing Asthma, cough, diarrhoea, dyesentry of sheep, poultice, skin disease, narcotic, fish poisoning, ear infection, dye. Solanaceae Hyoscyamus niger L. Bazerbangh 2600 - 3630 H Entire herb It subsides pains cused due to pathogen diseases, toothache, pharyngitis and also used in treating malignant ulcers. PTERIDOPHYTES Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense L. Khin 2800 - 3560 H Ashes of plants It acts as Diuretic haemostatic, properlic- kidney, dropsy gravel affection, acidity, dyspepsia. *H-herb; Sh-Shrub; T-Tree. from 2800 to 3800 m above the mean sea level. It was observed that the developmental activities like; contruc- tion of roads, dams and hydropower units had brought rapid change in local environment, old culture, mindset of the native people and also threatened to existing flora and flauna of the valley. The occurrence of near endemic, endemic, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened and threatened species indicated high anthropogenic pressure and that area has high conservation value. Most of these species are commercially viable. Mass reproduction for ex-situ conservation and to ensure availability of quality planting material for cultivation, together with education and awareness programmes for large-scale cultivation are suggested. The old people still says that the superstition is the best way to conserve this valuable wealth. 5. Acknowledgements Help of forest officials of Lahaul valley is duly ac- knowledged. Thanks are due to the inhabitants for shar- ing important information regarding the use of plants. The authors are grateful to National Medicinal Plant Board, Govt. of India for providing financial assistance through a project. 6. References [1] N. Bahar, “Some Medicinal Plants of Cold Desert,” In- dian Forester, Vol. 128, No. 4, 2002, pp. 465-469. [2] P. P. Dhyani and C. P. Kala, “Current Research on Me- dicinal Plants: Five Lesser Unknown but Valuable As- pects,” Current science, Vol. 88, No. 3, 2005, p. 335. [3] S. S. Samant, U. Dhar and L. M. S. Palni, “Medicinal Plants of Indian Himalaya: Diversity Distribution Poten- tial Values,” Gyanodaya Prakashan, Nainital, 1998. [4] S. S. Samant and L. M. S. Palni, “Diversity, Distribution and Indigenous Uses of Essential Oil Yielding Plants of Indian Himalayan Region,” Journal of Medicinal & Aro- matic Plant Sciences, Vol. 22, 2000, pp. 671-684. [5] S. S. Samant, U. Dhar and L. M. S. Palni, “Himalayan Medicinal Plants: Potential and Prospects,” Gyanodaya Prakashan, Nainital, 2001. [6] S. Blangy and H. Mehta, “Ecotourisim and Ecological Restoration,” Journal of Nature Conservation, Vol. 14, No. 3-4, 2006, pp. 233-236. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2006.05.009 [7] N. Myers, R. A. Muttermeier, C. A. Muttermeier, A. B. G. da Fonseca and J. Kent, “Biodiversity Hotspots for Con- servation Priorities,” Nature, Vol. 403, 2000, pp. 853-858. doi:10.1038/35002501 [8] B. S. Aswal and B. N. Mehrotra, “Ethnobotanical Studies on the Flora of Lahaul Valley (North-West Himalaya),” In: M. R. Sharma and B. K. Gupta, Eds., Recent Ad- vances in Plant Sciences, Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 1987, pp. 116-130. [9] S. K. Sood, R. Nath and D. C. Kalia, “Ethnobotany of Cold Desert Tribes of Lahoul-Spiti (North West Hima- laya),” Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2001. [10] C. P. Kala, “Medicinal Plants of Indian Trans-Himalaya,” Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 2003. [11] C. P. Kala, “Medicinal Plants of the High Altitude Cold Desert in India: Diversity, Distribution and Traditional
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