Introgressive Hybrids of Arisaema sikokianum and A. tosaense (Araceae)
Confirmed through Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Comparisons
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
sect. Pistillata.
4. Acknowledgements
We wish to thank N. Tanaka, curator of the MBK her-
barium, for allowing us to examine specimens of Ari-
saema, and R. Arakawa, A. Hirata, M. Saito, K. Ohga,
and N. Yokoyama for providing additional help. I would
also like to thank Dennis Murphy from the United
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime Uni-
versity, for checking the English in th is manuscript. This
study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scien-
tific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science
and Culture of Japan (to T.F. and J.Y.).
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