Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology, 2011, 1, 43 -59
doi:10.4236/ojsst.2011.12005 Published Online September 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Practical Implementation of Safety Verification in LNG
Production Facilities
Achint Rastogi, Hossam A. Gabbar
Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology,
Oshawa, Canada
Received May 25, 2011; revised July 28, 2011; accept ed July 26, 2011
Many energy and production facilities are operating without clear formal safety requirements, which are con-
sidered the base for good process safety management practices. Safety requirements are typically specified
during process design based on identified hazard scenarios. This paper proposes a practical framework and
methods to systematically synthesize safety requirements based on qualitative and quantitative fault and haz-
ard scenarios. Our aim will be to design a proper safety verification framework which would provide some
guidelines regarding the sequence of steps to be taken in the plant for the verification of the safety of that
plant. The objective of this paper is to show how the safety verification techniques meet the safety require-
ments of any production plant. We will clarify Safety Life Cycle and the detailed steps for safety design and
verification and also analyze current practices and challenges of safety verification in instrumented/non-in-
strumented systems. We will also develop possible activity model for safety verification process and will
propose safety requirements representation that will facilitate safety verification. Case study of experimental
setup is used to demonstrate the proposed framework, which will support safety design and verification.
Keywords: Safety Design, IEC-61508 Standards, Process Safety Management (PSM) Safety Life Cycle,
Safety Verification Framework, Automated Hazard and Fault Propagation Analysis
1. Introduction
The ultimate goal of any organization is to execute all
activities so as to achieve a desired level of safety as ef-
ficiently and effectively as possible. Governmental safety
regulations and international standards all support this
goal, with varying degrees of clarity [1]. As we all know,
Safety is an important task in chemical plants and plays a
significant role throughout the whole design process [2].
Safety is of paramount importance in any industrial plant,
be it an LNG plant, production plant or any other pro-
duction related facility. Lack of safety may lead to haz-
ardous events severely affecting human life, plant and
animal life and environmental balance. This paper pre-
sents an integrated framework for safety control design
based on independent protection layers and defence-
in-depth concepts. Safety control systems are designed
and evaluated in view of safety requirement specifica-
tions and corresponding safety rules and constraints are
mapped to protection layers or barriers. The proposed
safety control design framework can be applied on en-
ergy and nuclear power plants, smart grids, oil & gas
production plants, or other manufacturing plants.Thus for
production facilities, it is necessary to provide a safe
atmosphere by proper implementation of safety verifica-
tion techniques, proper safety instrumented systems and
frameworks for safety design of energy and production
plants. Verification is the evaluation of an implementa-
tion to determine that applicable safety-critical require-
ments for any plant and its operations are met. The veri-
fication process ensures that the design solution meets or
exceeds all validated safety requirements. A verified
system shows measurable evidence that it complies with
the overall system safety needs by incorporating an effi-
cient safety verification framework.
2. Literature Review
Accidents happened in the past and are still happening
today. If proper measures are not taken, they will con-
tinue to happen in the future too. Going through some of
the literature, we can easily find that the root cause of all
the accidents is lack of a proper safety framework. There
is no proper framework for safety verification. Safety
Standards and Verification tools are present, but the
proper communication between them is absent. A proper
framework which links the initiation of a hazard (i.e. a
fault), safety measures to be adopted (to prevent the
propagation of a fault) and verification is missing in the
process industry. Our aim will be to design a proper
safety verification framework which would provide some
guidelines regarding the sequence of steps to be taken in
the plant for the verification of the safety of that plant.
2.1. Background
Major industrial accidents, like the ones which occurred
in Bhopal (India), Dronka (Egypt), Texas City (USA),
Three Mile Island (Pennsylvania, USA), Chernobyl
(Ukraine), etc. are vivid reminders of the destruction that
can occur due to inadequate safety measures. Huge
losses of human life, immense environmental pollution,
and large capital costs were involved in those accidents.
Unfortunately, extremely serious accidents still hap-
pen today. Though modern safety practices include the
application of a large number of safeguarding measures,
many accidents (refer Table 1) in the process industries
are still happening today. These past accidents and the
experiences gained from them have led to the develop-
ment of many technical solutions, like the use of Safety
Instrumented Systems (SIS) and Emergency Shutdown
Systems (ESS) [3]. In order to implement these technical
solutions, numerous safety-related standards, like IEC
61508 [4], IEC61511 [5], ISA96 [6], etc. have been
written and compliance with these standards is consid-
ered a good engineering practice. Compliance with these
standards, however, did not prevent several major acci-
dents. As a result of the continuously growing complex-
ity of both industrial processes and the related safety
instrumented systems, it appears that new kinds of prob-
lems have arisen [7,8].
2.2. Root Cause of Accidents
A study on the causes of these incidents and accidents
showed that there are some serious problems regarding
the quality of information on accidents and the related
technical solutions. Hence, adequate control of the qual-
ity of safety-related information is of huge importance if
we want to achieve an acceptable safety level. Also there
is a lack of a clear framework which will ensure that the
safety standards are also met in practice. This leads to the
development of the proposed safety verification frame-
Since last decades, industrial processes are becoming
more and more complex [9]. Expanding product and
production requirements led to further optimization of
the concerned processes. Due to continuously increasing
competition, the necessity for increased productivity
force process installations to operate to their limits. At
the same time, a growing number of different semi-ma-
nufactured products put a high demand on the flexibility
of the process installations, resulting in several different
applications. Dedicated instrumentation, which also makes
process control more and more complex, is expected to
control and safeguard these processes. As a consequence
of the growing complexity of the process installations,
the control instrumentation, and safeguarding instrumen-
tation, safety-related business processes have become
even more difficult to manage [10,11].
Fortunately, during the last decades, the process in-
dustry has witnessed much improvement. Thorough in-
Table 1. Ten major onshore accidents, worldwide (on the basis of fatalities).
S. No. Accident Date Location Material Name No. of Fatalities No. of Injuries
1 3/12/1984 Bhopal (India) Methyl Isocyanide >2000 >170,000
2 2/11/1994 Dronka (Egypt) Aircraft Fuel >580 N.A
3 19/11/1984 San Juan Ixhuatepec (Mexico)LPG >500 2500
4 23/12/2003 Gao Qiao (China) Natural Gas, Hydrogen Sulphide 243 4000 - 9000
5 19/12/1982 Tacoa (Venezuela) Fuel Oil >153 500
6 14/9/1997 Visakhapatnam (India) LPG, Crude Oil, Kerosene, Petroleum Products56 20
7 24/1/1970 Semarang (Indonesia) Kerosene 50 N.A
8 6/1/1998 Xingping (China) Nitrogen 50 100
9 24/3/1992 Dakar (Senegal) Ammonia 41 403
10 19/1/2004 Skikda (Algeria) LNG 23 74
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
vestigations of accidents have resulted in specific haz-
ardous event prevention with regard to process installa-
tions. Consequently, many new safeguarding measures
have been developed and are implemented. However, at
the same time it has become extremely difficult to ac-
quire a comprehensive view of the entire processes, in-
strumentation and installations. Due to this growing
complexity and an ever-expanding process capacity, the
potential for serious accidents have heavily increased.
Process Safety Management (PSM) is term frequently
used to cover the set of safety-related operational activi-
ties and processes, which results in a specific safety per-
formance of a process installation. The British Health
and Safety Executive (HSE) performed a comprehensive
study and clearly illustrated that inadequate process
safety management is the most essential factor that con-
tributes to the number of hazardous events [12]. The ex-
tent to which failures contributed to explosions in
gas-fired plants in 1997 were investigated by the HSE.
These failures were categorized into four groups (see
Figure 1):
Equipment-related failures, such as a manufacturing
failure, design faults, or incorrect specification.
The lack of equipment and equipment, which should
have been fitted to the plant, but was not.
Poor maintenance and incidents resulting directly
from poor maintenance/ commissioning.
Inadequate process safety management.
Other examples of the causes of major industrial inci-
dents are illustrated by Bradley [13]. He found out that
10% of all the investigated failures are contributed by
manufacturing and equipment failures. Operating errors,
management errors, design/specification errors, and main-
tenance errors are the remaining contributing factors.
Figure 1. Contribution of failures to explosions in gas-fired
plant [HSE97]. “The overwhelming contributing factor that
resulted in the explosions was inadequate PSM. A detailed
analysis revealed that this deficient PSM was due to a lack
of training, poor managerial supervision, and insufficient
procedures” [HSE97: Health and Safety Executive, clause
6.2 of Contract Research Report 139/1997, “Explosions in
gas-fired plant” United Kingdom 1997].
The HSE [14], as part of another study, investigated
34 incidents occurred in the UK, which were the result of
control system failures. This study showed that the pri-
mary causes of the control system failure were specifica-
tion failures, installation and commissioning failures,
failures to due changes after commissioning, design and
implementation failures and operation/maintenance fail-
ures. Another major finding of the study was that the
failures appeared to occur during all phases throughout
the lifetime of the control system. The task of the safety
management system is to prevent these failures from
Another study, in the similar field, was performed by
the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The EPA reviewed a large number of investigations of
chemical plant accidents, over a period of several years
and the EPA’s Chemical Emergency Preparedness and
Prevention Office found, among other things, that op-
erator errors were rarely the sole or even primary cause
of an accident [15,16].
The majority of accidents in the process industry are
not particularly the result of failure of the equipment or
installation, but rather the result of inadequate safety
management. Therefore, control and improvement of the
safety performance should not be attempted in the area of
technological improvements of the equipment, but rather
in the area of safety management. The focus and atten-
tion should be to enhance the control and organization of
the safety-related business processes.
As mentioned earlier, the growing complexity of in-
dustrial processes has led to new kind of safety-related
problems. These problems concern the management and
control of the safety-related processes. Based on hazard
investigation reports it appears that the basis of these
accidents is very often the result of problems with com-
munication and information exchange [15,16]. In other
words, it can be said that the accidents occur due to the
lack of adequacy of the safety framework used or im-
proper sequence of steps evolved and safety actions
taken. It can also be concluded from these studies that
the safety framework used in the facilities, where acci-
dents took place, was lacking proper verification of the
safety management plan and that there were some loop
holes like improper specifications, inadequate or insuffi-
cient safety measures and improper operating limits.
Hence the problem which lies in front of the process
industry is to have a proper framework of safety verifica-
tion which will ensure that all the inadequacies of exist-
ing safety related frameworks have been removed and
that reliability should be the prime feature of such a
framework. In order to incorporate any safety verifica-
tion techniques in a system, it is required to have a
proper framework. The use of the term verification is in
line with the common definition of “verification”, as
answering the question “are we building the system
right?” [17]. Process of verification of a new production
system does not stop when production starts, but contin-
ues throughout the productive stage of its lifecycle. The
basic requirements for Verification set forth in the stan-
dards are summarized as 1) Verification procedures
should be performed and the results should be well
documented in an auditable manner; 2) Verification
should be performed by a team or personnel independent
from the design and manufacturing team; 3) Verification
should cover all steps in system design and manufactur-
ing from design to final test; and 4) A Safety Verification
plan should be prepared and the process of verification
should be carried out on that basis [18]. Automatic and
formal verification methods can guarantee that all possi-
ble situations and scenarios leading to a failure are con-
sidered in the analysis [19]. The proposed framework
consists of a system of interrelation of various processes
and has a set of prerequisites. These prerequisites must
be clarified before the framework is incorporated and
specifications should be noted. The specifications are
used as guides in identifying the key behavior of the
controlled process. The specifications are created from
quality, operability, and safety issues that concern proc-
ess engineers [20]. Before describing the proposed safety
verification framework, IEC 61508 standards and the
safety life cycle of a plant are explained, as illustrated in
the following sections.
2.3. Safety Standards
IEC 61508 [21] published in 2000 has been adopted by
many countries as their national standard and is being
updated. Two significant concepts, safety life cycle and
safety integrity level (SIL) [21-23], appeared in IEC
61508. A necessary procedure of safety life cycle is SIL
verification, which verifies whether the average prob-
ability of failure on demand (PFDavg) of designed safety
related systems (SRS) meets the required failure measure.
IEC 61508 is an international standard of rules applied in
industry. It is titled “Functional safety of electrical/elec-
tronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems”.
IEC 61508 is intended to be a basic functional safety
standard applicable to all kinds of industry. It defines
functional safety as: “part of the overall safety relating to
the EUC (Equipment under Control) and the EUC con-
trol system which depends on the correct functioning of
the E/E/PE safety-related systems, other technology
safety-related systems and external risk reduction facili-
The first premise of the standard is that there is
equipment intended to provide a Function (the EUC),
there is a system which controls it, and between them
they pose a risk. The control system may be integrated
with the EUC as, say, a microprocessor, or remote from
it. The threat is shown in Figure 2 as a “risk of misdi-
rected energy”.
The standard’s second premise is that “safety func-
tions” are to be provided to reduce the risks posed by the
EUC and its control system (see Figure 2). Safety func-
tions may be provided in one or more “protection sys-
tems” as well as within the control system itself. Any
systems which are ‘designated to implement the required
safety functions necessary to achieve a safe state for the
EUC’ are classified as “safety-related” systems. It is to
these that the standard applies.
The standard gives guidance on good practice. It offers
recommendations but does not absolve its users of re-
sponsibility for safety. Recognising that safety cannot be
based on retrospective proof but must be demonstrated in
advance, and that there can never be perfect safety (zero
risk), the recommendations are not restricted to technical
affairs but include the planning, documentation and as-
sessment of all activities. Thus, IEC 61508 is not a sys-
tem development standard but a standard for the man-
agement of safety throughout the entire life of a system
(safety life cycle), from conception to decommissioning.
It brings safety management to system management and,
in respect of the development of safety-related systems,
it brings safety engineering to software engineering.
3. Proposed Safety Verification Framework
Safety analysis is a crucial part of the design and opera-
tion of chemical plants. While traditional approaches
have relied heavily on qualitative analysis and expert
knowledge to identify hazards, some quantitative meth-
odologies have recently emerged [25]. As mentioned
earlier, most of the LNG plants are working without
clear safety frameworks. Those of them having safety
features have old and obsolete frameworks. The pro-
posed Safety Verification framework is new and accept-
able to both new as well as existing plants. This frame-
work is superior to other frameworks as it is based on the
Figure 2. Control systems and safety functions for EUC.
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Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
concept of safety limits rather than control limits. In-
volvement of safety limits extends the band of operating
ranges beyond control limits which means that even if
the process goes beyond the control limits, it can still be
operated under constant monitoring for some more time
(till it is within the safety limits). Thus, this framework
delays the shutdown of a process by some time. Another
very essential feature of this framework is the concept of
“plant specific safety requirements”. The LNG plants
differ from other industrial and power plants and require
a superior safety framework as they are more prone to
hazardous accidents [26]. This safety framework can be
considered as a dedicated LNG Plant safety Framework
and employs the adequate safety measures required in
the LNG plants.
The proposed framework is also different from the
other present frameworks. While other frameworks have
strict shutdown conditions, this framework provides
flexibility in the shutdown of the plant. Not every ab-
normal condition requires a shutdown and this thought
has been kept in mind while designing this framework.
This feature provides additional flexibility to the safe
operation of the LNG Plants. The use of an integrated
network of DCS and other digital control techniques en-
sure that every fault causing event is taken care of and
that no abnormal conditions goes unmonitored. These
special features give the proposed framework, clearly an
upper hand. Now we should be discussing about the
framework in detail.
3.1. Activity Modeling
The proposed safety verification framework works with
good effect in New Plants as well as in Existing Plants.
In New Plants this framework is required to be incorpo-
rated during the Design phase of the plant while in Ex-
isting plants this framework can be incorporated by
slight modification of the initial design. These changes,
in the initial design, depend upon the existing level of
safety in the plant and the level of safety desired. After
considering these two factors the modification required
in the plant design can be estimated (see Figure 3).
As mentioned earlier, this framework consists of a sys-
tem of interrelation of various processes and has a set of
prerequisites. These prerequisites must be clarified be-
fore the framework is incorporated. Some of the general
process prerequisites are general plant safety require-
ments, general recipe for recovery, symptoms of failure
mode etc. The first process is the hazard scenario analy-
sis and then, the second process is to have a safety man-
Figure 3. Safety verification framework.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
agement plan for the safe operation of LNG facility.
Then keeping in view the general safety requirements of
the plant, general recipe of recovery and failure of mode,
we verify and the safety requirements. The third process
is the verification of the safety management plan once
the safety requirements are chalked out. This process of
verification is to verify the complete safe operation of the
plant according to the general LNG Safety Regulations
and LNG Design Safety Requirements Guidelines. The
complete framework and all of its processes and
sub-processes are designed to work in accordance with
IEC 61508. It is a generic international standard entitled
to achieve safety of the system, as mentioned in section
2.3 of the paper. In order to understand the framework, it
is essential to understand its processes and sub-processes
which can be broadly classified as Hazard Scenario
Analysis, Safety Management, and Verification (and
Testing). These are described in more details in the fol-
lowing sections.
3.2. Hazard Scenario Analysis
Hazard Scenario Analysis is the most basic and funda-
mental block of any safety related framework (see Fig-
ure 4). Without proper identification of a hazard scenario,
we cannot control the operation of any process in a plant.
Also, without it, talking about safety or safe operation
would be baseless. Unless and until the hazard scenarios
are analyzed, one cannot determine the ranges in which a
particular equipment or process should operate, and the
ranges beyond which a particular process or equipment is
uncontrollable and unsafe to operate [27]. From this dis-
cussion, we can conclude that limits estimation is an in-
tegral part of hazard scenario analysis and further we can
conclude that hazard scenario analysis and then deter-
mining the limits forms the first block of activity model-
ing for any framework.
In order to estimate the limits, we require the process
parameters, variables and units. Process parameters such
as design parameters, control parameters and safety pa-
rameters are essential to be known before limit estima-
tion. Variables needed to be known are the process vari-
ables and control variables. Similarly, process units and
functional units of a process are required. Another very
important thing which should be placed at desk before
calculating the limits is the historical data of the process.
With this data, we come to know about the behavior of
the process in past and we can make changes to our cal-
culations accordingly. Also some specifications, known
as Control Specifications, should be known as a process
is required to operate within these specifications.
With all the above things at hand, viz. the parameters,
the historical data and the units, the variables and the
control specifications, one determines the limits of safe
operation and identifies the unsafe zones while an
equipment or process is in operation. Along with the
limits estimation, we are keenly interested in the propa-
gation of a fault. If the propagation of a fault is closely
monitored, the fault itself can be suppressed in its initial
stages. Events like component failure and abnormal con-
ditions also lead to fault propagation. Thus fault detec-
tion, as early as possible, acts as a useful tool in analyz-
ing the hazard scenario.
The analysis of hazard scenario means calculating the
control limits (the limits of operation within which the
process is safe and controllable and is most desired to
work), the safety limits (the limits beyond the control
limits domain, where the process is uncontrollable but
safe to operate for a short time before it can be restored
back to the control limits domain) and the design limits.
Also a fault id recipe is generated. These three limits
together with the fault id recipe, when determined and
Figure 4. Pictorial representation of hazard scenario analysis block of the framework.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
estimated, form the input for the safety management plan,
which is the second block of the framework.
3.3. Safety Management
Safety Management is the second block of the frame-
work (see Figure 5). This more of a plan than a block
which is required to manage all the essential safety needs
for any plant in general including the LNG plants. This
plan deals with the procedures of establishing the safety
requirements and modes of failure prevention for a plant.
In order to have such a plan, the most important prereq-
uisites are the safety requirements, the limits of operation
and the modes of preventing failure [28].
In order to comprehend the plan, we must, at the be-
ginning, be familiar with the safety requirements. These
safety requirements are plant specific. For instance, an
LNG plant may have a different set of safety require-
ments than a nuclear power plant or a thermal power
plant. To have these plant specific safety requirements
we must know the general safety requirements and the
recovery requirements. The general safety requirements
are the requirements which are needed in the normal op-
eration of a plant whereas the recovery requirements are
needed, in case, when the process conditions remain no
longer safe and a recovery to the safe mode is required.
These are “backup requirements”, but are important from
the perspective of safe operation of a plant. Then we
need the limits, whose estimation we have already dis-
cussed in the previous section. Operating a plant in safe
mode means operating it within these predetermined lim-
its, regular monitoring the process parameters and taking
necessary recovery actions when needed.
Next important thing needed for a safety management
plan are the modes of failure prevention. Just by incor-
porating the recovery requirements whenever a plant
goes into the unsafe zone, does not solve the purpose. In
fact, incorporating the recovery requirements should be
the last step, before shut down, whereas the failure pre-
vention modes must be running when the plant is oper-
ating even at normal conditions. This is to ensure that a
plant operates at in the safe zone and a need to incorpo-
rate recovery requirements must not arrive. These in-
clude complete constant monitoring of the abnormal
conditions and the symptoms of component failure. Once
an abnormal condition is identified, it must be indicated
to the operator, who must take the necessary actions to
maintain normalcy again. It is worth making note of that
not all the abnormal conditions lead to system failure. So
it must be identified whether an abnormal condition
would lead to a system failure or not, from the past ex-
periences, and take necessary corrective measures ac-
cordingly. This is the most decisive step in order to pre-
vent accidents in any industrial plant. As we know, the
slightest of risk may lead to a hazard; therefore past ex-
periences should be taken into account only if the opera-
tor is surely certain.
The last, but not the least, prerequisite are the safety
systems which include the safety integrated systems,
shutdown systems and other similar systems which are
designed for the last step to be taken, in maintaining the
normalcy of the plant. Once we have the above men-
tioned units, we can say that the safety management plan
is comprehended correctly and our plant is safe to oper-
3.4. Safety Verification
Verification and testing forms the third block of the pro-
posed framework (Figure 6). No safety management
Figure 5. Pictorial representation of the saty management block of the framework.
rategy is trustwo
scenario of a plant we re-
ndard operating pro-
ing of the trends
es the
. Detailed Safety Verification Algorithm
Flowchart Algorithm for the proposed framework is
st rthy unless verified. Thus a good and analyzed for detailed understand
safety management plan is one which can be duly veri-
fied and tested in various different situations. Thus Veri-
fication and Testing can be regarded as the most impor-
tant block of the framework.
To properly verify a safety
ire certain tools, guidelines and trends of performance
(of the process/equipment or parameters). Tools are the
techniques used for proper verification. These can be the
verification and troubleshooting methods, tools for test-
ing the time domain and frequency domain response of a
particular process or a group of processes, as desired,
tools for testing the stability using known methods like
bode plot, nyquisyt plot, etc., using MATLAB and tools
for testing input output signals. The tools can be operated
on various platforms like MATLAB, SIMULINK, MA-
PLE SIM, etc. for testing purposes.
We also need to verify some sta
dures and safe operating conditions. For these we need
a set of guidelines which can be corporate control guide-
lines or those of the process design knowledge base.
Certain charts and diagrams like the P&ID and process
diagrams, FBD (functional block diagram) and control
charts are also helpful during the verification phase.
Another important necessity is the availability
nds for various parameters and process variables.
These are the behavior of the parameters with respect to
time in a certain given conditions. These can be plotted
which they follow. It is an important aspect of safety
verification as these provide the inside knowledge of the
things happening in a process. Analyzing the market
trends is also a good practice during verification.
Thus to summarize, the verification block includ
rification of safety measures and makes sure that the
readings obtained after the verification of safety proce-
dures are valid as per the standards set by the industry.
There are many regulations, requirements, guidelines and
specifications which must be verified before deeming
any plant safe. The most common ones which must al-
ways be verified are General LNG Safety Regulations,
LNG Design Safety Regulations, Corporate Control
Guidelines, IEC 61508 Guidelines, IEC 61511 Guide-
lines, ISAS84.01 Guidelines and others. The verification
code is generated at the end of the verification phase.
Once we have studied the framework, we need
entify a hazard scenario for proper case study and
mapping of the hazard scenario to the safety and verifi-
cation framework proposed above. We need to obtain
data so that we can study trends occurring during our
case study. The next section deals with the case study,
results and discussions (see Figure 7).
Figure 6. Pictorial representation of the verification and testing block of the framework.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Figure 7. Flow of process as per the safety verificatio
own below (Figures 8 and 9):
. Solution Implementation
.1. Case Study
order to illustrate the proposed idea, a case study is
io in which there
wn by the red
leading to a haz-
d is High Flow in the tank (Figure 12). If the Safety
the magnitude of risk which will lead an onset of
proposed using experimental plant called G-Plant, which
was developed in IGPS group in Okayama University as
part of industrial collaboration project in Okayama, Ja-
pan [29]. G-Plant is an experimental plant that consists
of two stainless steel tanks, one with heaters to increase
the temperature of the water to a predefined set point.
DCS Centum CS3000 from Yokogawa is installed [30].
The P & ID of the constructed experimental plant is
shown in Figure 10. Cold water is circulated from the
tank TANK-2 to the heat exchanger HEX1 and then back
to the tank TANK-2. Similarly, hot water is circulated
from tank TANK-3 to heat exchanger HEX1 and then
back to tank TANK-3. Hot water is used to heat cold
water in tank TANK-2 where temperature increase is
monitored in real time basis within DCS. Similarly, other
process variables (sensors) are monitored within DCS for
process control and safety. Flow rate of the cold water
circulation is controlled using control valve CV3. Heat
exchanger level is monitored to avoid overflow. Levels
in TANK-1 and TANK-2 are monitored to avoid over-
flow. Temperature in TANK-2 is controlled to avoid
overheating. Alarms are defined for all critical set points
in G-Plant. For example, alarm is generated when tem-
perature in TANK-2 exceeds a predefined set point. The
experimental plant is used to simulate and diagnose
process faults. For example and in order to simulate leak
in heat exchanger HEX1, downstream valve is slightly
opened during the circulation of cold water. Readings are
obtained for four process variables: TC1 (temperature in
the cold water circulation loop), TC2 (temperature in the
inlet of hot water), TK2 (temperature in tank TANK-2)
and TK3 (temperature in tank TANK-3).
is a high flow of liquid in the TANK-2 (sho
For Hazard Analysis we take a scenar
ld lines in the P&ID) which eventually leads to over-
flow. This high flow of fluid may cause vibrations in the
tank and also offer some blockage to the outflow of the
fluid. A detailed cause-effect study and the propagation
of fault leading to a hazard, is shown in the Figure 11.
Primary causes, such as high/low temperature, high/low
flow, overflow, impurities, etc. lead to the initiation of
the hazard. They have a Low Qualitative Hazard Magni-
tude (QHM) as the probability of their occurring in any
process is high and the probabilistic risk associated with
them is quite low. Though the QHM associated with
them is low, they cannot be neglected as they lead to the
initiation of a hazard. Strong monitoring is needed and
proper action (implementation of safety measures)
should be taken depending upon the behaviour of these
parameters. Primary causes lead to primary events,
which may be vibrations in the tank or blockage due to
uneven flow in this case. These primary events form the
secondary causes of the fault propagation. These secon-
dary causes have a medium QHM and a high probabilis-
tic risk associated with them. These secondary causes
lead to secondary events or tertiary causes, which may be
corrosion of the tank material. Tertiary causes lead to
tertiary events (or quaternary/fourth degree causes) like
leak or reduced mechanical strength. The fourth degree
causes the most dangerous ones with an extremely high
QHM and a very large probabilistic risk associated with
them. These eventually lead to hazard which may be fire,
intoxication of air or explosion in this case. Thus we
should implement appropriate safety measures at each
level of fault propagation (Figure 12).
5.2. Quantitative Hazard Analysis
Let us assume that that initializing event
Measure-1 employed to check the flow rate of the tank
fails, this high flow will lead to Vibrations and/or Block-
age. Again if Safety Measure-2 fails to perform its task,
these Vibrations and Blockage may cause Corrosion. And
if Safety Measure-3 also fails, this Corrosion may lead to
Leak or Reduced Mechanical Strength which may lead to
fire, intoxication or even explosion of the tank. This is
how a fault propagates and ultimately leads to a hazard.
Risk associated with Safety Measure is directly related
to the Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD) of that
fety Measure. Now our aim is to find out whether our
system is safe or not. For this we will take individual
fault propagation events into consideration and calculate
the total risk associated. This “total risk associated” is
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Figure 8. Safety verification algorithm (Part-1).
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Figure 9. Safety verification algorithm (Part-2).
a fault to the hazard.
5.3. Analysis of Individual Fault Propagation
Let us assume that the magnitude of failure be a constant.
This magnitude of failure is actually given by the com-
pany based on the historical data of accidents and the
consequences occurred per event. We are assuming it to
be a constant because it is a number which can be later
substituted to get more correct information. Thus assum-
ing magnitude of failure to be a constant, we can now
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Figure 10. P & ID of G-Plant (Gabbar, 2007).
High Flow
Rupture of
the Tank,
Explosio n
Low Flow
Safety Measures
(different for different
propagation scenarios)
Secondary Cause/
Primary Event
Safety Measures
(different for different
propagation scenarios)
Tertiary Cause/
Secondary Event
Quaternary Cause/
Tertiary Event
Final Event/
Initialization of a Hazard
Onset of a FaultProp
Safety Measures
(different for different
propagation scenarios)
Safety Measures
(different for different
propagation scenarios)
Figure 11. Fault propagation and in
agation of a FaultOccurrence of Hazard
termediate causes and effects.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Figure 12. Propagation of a fault for a particular event.
Table 2. Failure rates [31].
Risk Meaning Failure Rate (per year)
R1 Risk Associated with High Flow 10
R2 Risk associated with Vibrations 2
R3 Risk associated with Blockage 1.1
R4 Risk associated with Corrosion 0.9
R5 0.06
R6 Risk associated with Reduced Mechanical Strength 0.09
RSM1 Risk associated with Failure of Safety Measure-1 0.003
RSM2 Risk associated with Failure of Safety Measure-2 0.003
RSM3 Risk associated with Failure of Safety Measure-3 0.003
Risk associated with Leak
say that the risk associated with any event is directly
proportional to its failure rate and is a function of failure
Risk Associated = f (failure rate)
The risk associated with fault propagation path-1
(Figure 13) is calculated as below:
Risk Associated (Path-1) = R1*RSM1*R2*RSM2*
Risk Associated (Path-1) = 10 × 0.003 × 2 × 0.003 ×
0.9 × 0.003 × 0.06 = 2.916E-8
The risk associated with fault propagation path-2
(Figure 14) is calculated as below:
Risk Associated (Path-2) = R1*RSM1*R2*RSM2*
Risk Associated (Path-2) = 10 × 0.003 × 2 × 0.003 ×
0.9 × 0.003 × 0.09 = 4.378E-8
The risk associated with fault propagation path-3
(Figure 15) is calculated as below:
Risk Associated (Path-3) = R1*RSM1*R3*RSM2*
Risk Associated (Path-3) = 10 × 0.003 × 1.1 × 0.003 ×
0.9 × 0.003 × 0.06 = 1.604E-8
The risk associated with fault propagation path-4
(Figure 16) is calculated as below:
Risk Associated (Path-4) = R1*RSM1*R3*RSM2*
Risk Associated (Path-4) = 10 × 0.003 × 1.1 × 0.003 ×
0.9 × 0.003 × 0.09 = 2.406E-8
5.4. Calculation of Total Risk Associated (TRA)
Now the Total Risk Associated (combined of all paths)
that an onset of a fault, i.e. high flow, will lead to a haz-
ard i.e. fire or explosion, is the sum total of the total risk
associated of all the paths (see Table 3).
Now if the total risk associated is less than the thresh-
old risk (level of acceptable risk), then our process is safe,
otherwise it is not. This threshold risk is calculated from
the process historical data and other equipment data. It is
calculated on the basis of the following formula:
Threshold Risk (TR) = Frequency of Failure*Magnitude
of failure
Again assuming the risk as a function of failure rate,
we can calculate the threshold risk. The typical value of
failure rate can be taken as per year [31]. This if the TRA
is more than this value, our process is unsafe (Table 4).
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
Figure 13. Individual fault propagation event (Path-1).
Figure 14. Individual fault propagation event (Path-2).
Figure 15. Individual fault propagation event (Path-3).
Figure 16. Individual fault propagation event (Path-4).
Table 3. Calculation of total risk associated.
Total Risk Associated (TRA) = Risk Associated (path-1) + Risk Associated (path-2) + Risk Associated (path-3) + Risk
Associated (path-4)
Total Risk Associated (TRA) = 2.916E-8 + 4.378E-8 + 1.604E-8 + 2.406E-8
= 1.1304E-7
The whole process of safety verification is shown in
the Appendix of this paper.
6. Conclusions
he proposed safety verification framework is indeed
very necessary in order to have a safe and a
safety plan for any LNG plant. It is new and acceptable
to both new as well ating plants. It is flexibl
sense that it can be applied to both n
plants with same effect. As we know that
nore safety concerns iy LNG plant, w
that safe operating coions are of hug
any LNG facility. This safety framework
concepts of safety limd therefore p
tended range of safe operation. The proposed framework
is also different from the other present frameworks.
While other frameworks have strict shutdown conditions,
this framework provides flexibility in e shutdown of
rmal condition requires a shut-
been kept in mind while de-
framework. This feature provides additional
flexibility to the safe operation of the LNG Plants. The
Table 4. Verification of safety.
TRA = 1.1304E-7
TR = 5E-6
fail proof signing this
s exise in the
ew and existing
we cannot ig-
e can conclude n an
ndite importance in
operates on the
rovides an ex-its an
the plant. Not every abno
down and this thought has
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST
use of an integrated ork of DCS and
control techniques ensuat ev
is taken care of and no ab
unmonitored. These featu
framework, clearly er hand
said that this safety fram work can
dedicated Process I Safety
loys the adequate safety measures required in the LNG
3, Supplement 1, 1999, pp.
ork for Safety Control
ol. 240, No. 10, 2010, pp. 3550-3558.
netw other digital
re th
ery fault causing event
normal conditions goes
specialres give the proposed
an upp
. At the last, it can be
be considered as a
ndustry Framework and em-
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named as G1, G2, G3 and
study chosen and shown
Steps to follow to implement the Proposed
Each Block of the proposed framework has been broken
down into various sub blocks
G4 where G1 is the hazard scenario analysis block, G2 is
the safety management block and G3 is the verification
and testing block. Each block of the proposed framework
is mapped according to the case
Initiation of a fault: HIGH INFLOW IN TANK-2
1) Input Parameters (TK3, LS3, TK2, TC1, PS1, LC1, FLOW RATE IN, F
2) Detect for any initial faults.
3) Obtain Data for TC1, TC2, TK2, and TK3, as shown above in Tab
eck whether the CONTROL SPECIFICAT
2 and Figures 8-10.
y are not, SPECIFY them using TOOLS like CONTOL CHATRS, HIS-
ymptoms of component failure, constantly MONITOR t
4) ChIONS are specified. If the
5) Check for any SYMPTOMS OF COMPONENT FAILURE like high
If there are any s
/low temperatures, high/low flow of fluid, overflow of fluid, impurities, etc.
hem and apply corresponding SAFETY MEASURES. If still the condi-
tions prevail, STOP the process. ELSE PROCEED.
1) Using Trend Data above specify CONTROL LIMITS and SAFETY L
the Lower Control Limit (LCL) for the first 200 seconds should be 51
for the next 200 seconds, the UCL and
IMITS. For example: in case of TK3, the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and
LCL should be 50.
eding i
˚C and 46˚C respectively as seen from the data chart and graph. Similarly
5˚C and 48.5˚C respectively. Similar calculations can be made to calculate Upper
MENTS and adequate SAFETY MEASURES. These are a set of rules which
and LCL.
Safety Limits (USL) and Lower Safety Limits (LSL).
2) Similarly specify the GENERAL SAFETY/REC
must be employed in the event of temperature TK3 exceeding its UCL
3) Check whether the Safety Requirements cover the entire safety needs
4) Check for any ABNORMAL CONDITIONS like TK3 exce
ts usual value or TC2 dropping down to any unusual value, etc. If there are,
1) Check whether CONTROL GUIDELINES are verified. If they are no
they are verified. ELSE PROCEED.
2) Check whether CONTRO
hat whether UCL and LCL obtained in the actual process are in accordance
OL PARAMETERS by taking TREND DATA and using TOOLS like
L CHARTS are verified. By this we mean t
ED. If the
. so as to match Corpor
FIED. If they are not, CHARTS
with desired values. If they are not, MODIFY PROCESS CONTR
3) Check whether TRENDS obtained are in accordance with desired tren
in accordance with the desired trends.
5) Check whether General LNG Safety Regulations are VERIFI
ds. This is again the verification of the trends obtained so as to match them
General LNG Safety Regulations. ELSE PROCEED. CHARTS and STABILITY TOOLS in MATLAB, etc. so as to match
6) Check whether LNG Design Safety Requirements are VERIFIED.
7) Check whether Corporate Control Guidelines are VERIFIED. If the
8) Check whether IEC 61508 Guidelines are VERI
If they are not, MODIFY PROCESS using TOOLS like PFD/PBD, CON-
match LNG Design Safety Requirements. ELSE PROCEED.
ate Control Guidelines. ELSE PROCEED.
and STABILITY TOOLS in MATLAB, etc. so as to match IEC 61508
Guidelines. ELSE PROCEED.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OJSST