Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Reduction Efficiency Using the Regional Carbon Neutral Model—A Case Study in 163
University Campus, Taiwan
unit: pp m
Figure 5. Average CO2 concentration contour in Tajen Uni-
versity from Aug. 2009 to Jan. 2010.
sess CO2 balance on the campus of Tajen University.
Available plants were the major cause of CO2 absorption.
There were 88 kinds of arbors, with a total of 1333 and
46 kinds of bushes, with a total area of 1392 m2. The
total CO2 absorption volume in the 40-year lifecycle of
trees at Tajen University was about 34,800 tons. This
was higher than the baseline of the green building stan-
dard in Taiwan (31,800 tons). Therefore, the plants on
the Tajen University campus could absorb about 870 tons
of CO2 per year. However, the CO2 absorption capacity
by plants was only 12.9% of the emission volume result-
ing from power and diesel fuel use in the campus, which
is far lower than the yearly CO2 emission volume. In
order to reach a balance of CO2 capacity, more trees need
to be planted and power and diesel fuel use needs to be
lowered. Additionally, en ergy conservation policies need
to be executed in order to achieve a goal of regional car-
bon neutrality.
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