Copyright © 2011 SciRes. EPE
tion except at P = 1 torr and at axial distance from 5 cm
to 9 cm, the behavior of VL versus Z may probably due to
some nonlinear phenomenon break the original behavior
shown at P = 1.4, 1.8 and 2.2 torr, in future a more in-
vestigations will be carried out to study this behavior.
Moreover the dependence of Irad and VL on gas pressures
and at different axial distance, Z demonstrated that, at a
distance near the end of a coaxial electrodes at (Z = 8 cm -
11 cm), Irad has a vise versa behavior with respect to VL,
this may due to an increase of axial PCS force at axial
distances mentioned previously, then an average lumi-
nous PCS front velocity is increased and consequently a
low intensity of Irad is occurred during these distances as
a result of less losses of plasma energy and increasing of
plasma temperature.
Experimental results of variation of ta and FWHM
with a nitrogen gas pressures, illustrated that ta and
FWHM (in presence of Btr) are greater than the corre-
sponding ones for (Btr = 0). Also, a decrease of Irad in
presence of Btr is detected.
The conclusion obtained from the above results are as
follows, applied Btr causes a reduction of luminous ra-
diation emission intensity, Irad, delayed the arrival time,
ta and increased of FWHM of PCS luminous zone signal
i.e. Btr applied caused an impedes of the motion of PCS
along the coaxial electrodes system for all values of ex-
perimental parameters under consideration. Then in gen-
eral the energy losses from the plasma in the form of
luminous radiation was decreased (with applied of Btr)
and an increase in plasma temperature may be expected.
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