Vol.3, No.9, 584-601 (2011)
opyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
A model of community capacity building for sustainable
dengue problem solution in Southern Thailand
Charuai Suwanbamrung1*, Anan Dumpan2, Suw ich Thammapalo3, Ratana Sumrongtong4,
Pitaya Phedkeang5
1School of Nursing, Walailak University, Thasala District, Nakhorn Si Thammarat Province, Thailand;
*Corresponding Author: Scharuai@wu.ac.th
2The Office of Prevention and Control Disease, 11 Nakhorn Si Thammarat Province, Thailand;
3The Office of Prevention and Control Disease, 12 Songkhla Province, Thailand;
4College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkron University, Bangkok, Thailand;
5Nakhorn Si Thammarat Provincial Public Health Office, Nakhorn Si Thammarat Province, Thailand
Received June 18th, 2011; revised August 2nd, 2011; accepted August 10th, 2011.
Dengue community capacity (DCC) is important
for developing a sustainable approach to over-
coming the problem of dengue. The objectives
were 1) to develop and 2) evaluate a dengue
community capacity building model for the
leader and non-leader group in three communi-
ties selected by purposive technique. A mixed
method research design was used employing
both qualitative and quantitative methods with
qualitative studies conducted for community
capacity building model: assessment, planning,
implementation, and evaluation. DCC level was
assessed by the Dengue Community Capacity
Assessment Tool (DCCAT) including larval in-
dices, and morbidity and mortality rate. To ana-
lyze the differences of the leader and non-
leader’s DCC levels both pre and post-inter-
ventions in each model, the Mann-Whitney and
Independent T-te st were used and to anal yze the
difference of the DCC level among the three
models (Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya and Ban
Kang), the Kruskal-Wallis Test, ANOVA, and
ANCOVA were used. The findings showed that
there were some differences among the three
models in dengue community capacity building
in terms model. The participants consisted of
leader (n = 26, 24 and 2 8) and no n-lea der grou ps
(n = 200, 215 and 176 respectively). The DCC
levels of both leader and non-leader groups in-
creased post-intervention in each model (p <
0.001) and in all three models, show ing a statis-
tically significant difference between pre and
post-intervention (p < 0.001). Ban Kang model
demonstrated the highest DCC levels of leader
and non-leader groups, the lowest larval indices
(HI, BI, and CI), and no dengue morbidity. In
contrast, Ban Mon and Ban Nangpraya model
showed low DCC level in both leader and
non-leader groups, a high rate of larval indices
and high dengue morbidity rate. How ever, there
was no mortality rate in three areas. The con-
clusion indicates that the model with a high
DCC level show ed low risk on the dengue index
both entomological and epidemiology index.
The model of dengue community capacity
building for dengue solution was sustainability
not only needs to be maintained DCC le vels but
also increased dependent upon the contexts of
each community.
Keywords: Dengue Proble m Solution; Model;
Community Capacity Building; Sustainable;
In Thailand, dengue has been a significant public
health problem for the past fifty years. The effectiveness
of dengue treatment has improved but the morbidity rate
is still higher than the Thai Ministry of Public Health’s
disease standard. The Thai Ministry of Public Health’s
most recent plan calls for a morbidity rate that does not
exceed twenty cases per 100,000 people and a mortality
rate which does not exceed 0.2%. This was the Ministry
of Public Health’s “Plan 9” in line with the 9th National
Social and Economic Development Plan for 2002 - 2006.
Due to the changing nature of dengue in Thailand, the
disease is difficult to manage only by case management.
Although the mortality rate has decreased in hospitals,
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
the morbidity rate has unfortunately increased in all ar-
eas. The southern area, especially, has seen higher den-
gue incidence than other areas, possibly due to factors
such as a greater number of rainy days, the amount of
rainfall, the relative humidity, and a warmer temperature
One of the challenges of dealing with the problem of
dengue is to change from a centralized controlled health
program to a newer epidemiological paradigm involving
a community-based program [2,3] but which may lack
sustainability [2-4]. Sustainability is defined and meas-
ured differently depending upon the specific situation
[5,6]. The sustainability of community-based dengue
prevention and control is defined as the successful out-
come of community capacity building for dengue pre-
vention and control, and is measured by: 1) community
capacity domains; 2) the housing environment; 3) larval
indices, consisting of the Breteau Index (BI), House In-
dex (HI), and Container Index (CI); and 4) the epidemi-
ology index for the morbidity rate and mortality rate of
dengue [7-10].
Community capacity building is a strategy to achieve
sustainable dengue prevention and control [5]. It is a
necessary intervention process to achieve sustainability
which increases a community’s competence to define,
analyze, evaluate, and act on the health concerns of its
members [11-13]. Community capacity building is not
only concerned with the large-scale prevention and con-
trol of communicable diseases, but also focuses on indi-
vidual protection within communities [14]. This study of
dengue community capacity building presents a model
consisting of identifying community capacity domains,
assessing community capacity levels, planning and im-
plementing, and re-assessment [15,16]. The community
capacity domain assesses the ability of a community to
conduct anti-dengue efforts, and is based on specific
conditions within community [5,6,11,17-19]. These
dengue capacity domains were identified and then de-
veloped into an instrument to measure and assess the
dengue community capacity (Dengue Community Ca-
pacity Assessment Tool: DCCAT) [16]. The domains of
dengue community capacity were defined as a set of
characteristics relating to dengue prevention and control
undertaken by leaders (14-domain) and non-leaders
(11-domain) in the community [16]. There is no clear
‘appropriated model’ for sustainable dengue problem
solution because community capacity building is based
on the context of the community and different communi-
ties would have different community capacity models
[15,20]. As to which model would be most appropriate
in providing a sustainable solution to the problem of
dengue, the objectives of this study were to develop and
evaluate a community capacity model which is based on
the community context.
A model of community capacity for a sustainable so-
lution to the problem of dengue in this study consists of
three dimensions: community-based dengue prevention
and control (leaders and non-leaders), a community ca-
pacity building process, and sustainable community-based
dengue prevention and control. These dimensions can be
seen as Figure 1.
2.1. Community-Based Dengue Prevention
and Control
A community-based dengue prevention and control
Sustaina ble community -ba se
dengue prevention and control
- Dengue community capacity level
of leader (14 domains) and
non-leader (11 domains)
- Dengue entomology index;
Larval Indices (Breteau Index
(BI), House Index (HI) and
Container Index (CI)
- Dengue epidemiology index;
morbidity rate and mortality rate
dengue prevention
and control
Group: Capacity
for sustainable
Leader Group:
Capacity for
delivery and
building group
Community capac ity buildi ng for sustainable community-based
dengue prevention and control process
Plan and
Preparation of
igure 1. Conceptual framework of community capacity for sustainable dengue problem solution.
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
process enables key stakeholders in the community to
actively prevent and control their dengue problem. The
strategies of dengue prevention and control at the sub-
district level focuses on vector control and transmission
of infections to humans, based on the community as the
setting, target, agent and resources for dengue activities
In this study, community-based dengue prevention and
control was analyzed in three communities with dengue
focusing on two groups for dengue prevention and con-
trol: the first group was the leader group who assumed
the role as the “capacity building activities group” and
consisted of representatives of dengue health promoters,
local authority/organization networks, schools, temples,
and village health volunteers. The second group was the
non-leader group whose role was as the “sustainable
prevention and control activities group” and consisted of
community members (see Figure 2 for participants on
2.2. Community Capacity Building Process
Community capacity building is a process which dem-
onstrates an increase in the various domains of commu-
nity capacity in a community-based dengue prevention
and control program. The processes of community ca-
pacity building involves the following steps: 1) prepara-
tion (Develop the operational domain and prepare to
assess the community capacity); 2) assessment of com-
munity capacity 3) development of a strategic plan and
implementation and 4) follow-up or reassessment [12,13,
21-23]. In this study, dengue community capacity build-
ing is defined as a process of building community capac-
ity for dengue prevention and control in community in-
volving 4 steps such as 1) community preparation, 2)
assessment, 3) plan and implement and 4) re-assessment.
In the process of the dengue community capacity
building (DCCB) were the community capacity domains
of the leader group (14 domains) and non-leader group
(11domains) [15,24]. There were three domains of the
leader group more than the non-leader group—Leaders
group networking domain, Leaders group and commu-
nity networking domain, and Community participation
domain as following:
2.2.1. Critical Situation Management Domain
The critical situation management is a distinctive ca-
pacity domain because it is the first domain of both
groups. The critical situation management domain of the
leader group includes nine capacities whereas this do-
main of the non-leader group consists of 13 sub-capaci-
ties. There are five capacities which overlap in both
groups. The relevant capacities of critical management
domain focused on key dengue stakeholders and their
activities in quickly prevention and control dengue
2.2.2. Personal Leadership Domain
The personal leadership is the second domain of both
groups. The domain in the leader group includes 12
sub-capacities and the non-leader group consists of eight
- Capacity to build sustainability program
- Capacity building relationship
Local government and
authority representative
- Capacity for program delivery
- Capacity for capacity-building relationship
- Capacity for dengue prevention and control
- Capacity to sustain the program
1. Leader gr ou p;
Capacity building
2. Non-lea d er group; Sustai nable preventio n
and control
Figure 2. Community-based relationships for building community capacity to overcome the dengue problem.
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
sub-capacities. An examination of content related to this
domain focuses on individual perception of their activi-
ties to prevent and control dengue disease. For the
leader’ group, there are five activities focusing on ca-
pacities to enhance other dengue stakeholders for dengue
prevention and control.
2.2.3. Health Care Provider Capacity Domain
This was the third domain of the leader group (8
sub-capacities) and the fifth domain of the non-leader
group (6 sub-capacities). An examination of the activi-
ties content reveals that these sub-capacities focused on
dengue prevention and control activities of health care
workers and village health volunteers. Five sub-capaci-
ties overlapped in both groups. These capacities indi-
cated the important capacity of village health volunteers
for dengue prevention and control because village health
volunteers are key stakeholders of the health care service
in the community in Thailand.
2.2.4. Needs Assessment Domain
This domain is the fourth domain of the leader group
(8 sub-capacities) and the eleventh of the non-leader
group (5 sub-capacities). There were four sub-capacities
which overlapped in both groups. An examination of the
sub-capacities showed that these sub-capacities focused
on community members’ needs related to the dengue
problem and its solution. These sub-capacities indicated
the importance of the local administrative organization
as a centre of the dengue solution provider.
2.2.5. Senses of Community Domain
This domain is the fifth domain of the leader group (11
sub-capacities) and the sixth domain for the non-leader
group (8 sub-capacities). There are seven sub-capacities
which overlapped both groups. An examination of ca-
pacities content indicated that these capacities focused
on perception of the dengue problem and the solution in
the community.
2.2.6. Leaders Group Networking Domain
This domain is the sixth domain for only leader group
included 11 sub-capacities An examination of the capac-
ity content of these sub-capacities indicated a focus on
the individual dengue network of the leader group
members with representatives of other stakeholders.
2.2.7. Communication of Dengue Information
This domain is the seventh capacity domain of leader
group (10 sub-capacities) and the seventh domain of the
non-leader group (7 sub-capacities). An examination of
the sub-capacities content indicated that these sub-ca-
pacities focused on channels and resources of receiving
dengue information. Four sub-capacities overlapped in
both groups focusing on familiar channels in sub-dis-
tricts of Southern Thailand.
2.2.8. Community Leadership Domain
This domain is the eighth capacity domain of the
leader group (8 sub-capacities) and the fourth domain of
the non-leader group (8 sub-capacities). Almost all ac-
tivities (7 of 8 sub-capacities) in the non-leader and
leader overlapped in both groups. An examination of the
capacities content related to these sub-capacities focused
on the community members’ perception of dengue pre-
vention and control as their responsibility. The overall
group perception in the community of community lead-
ership is a person who shows strength, consults, man-
ages, accepts clear responsibility, listens, and focuses
attention on dengue prevention and control.
2.2.9. Religious Capacity Domain
This domain is the ninth capacity domain of the leader
group (9 sub-capacities) and the third capacity domain of
the non-leader group (10 sub-capacities). There are nine
sub-capacities which overlap in both groups. An exami-
nation of activities content related to these sub-capacities
focused on the capacity of imams and monks to under-
take activities of dengue prevention and control.
2.2.10. Leaders Group and Communi ty
networking domain
The tenth domain of only the leader group contained
of seven sub-capacities. An examination of the capacity
content focused on dengue prevention and control by
networking between community members and leaders.
Leader and non-leader groups both participate for den-
gue prevention and control activities.
2.2.11. Resource Mobilization Domain
This is the eleventh capacity domain of the leader (4
sub-capacities) and the tenth domain of the non-leader (5
sub-capacities). Four sub-capacities overlapped in both
sub-tools. An examination of the sub-capacities content
revealed that these focused on the ability of the commu-
nity’s members to mobilize resources for dengue pre-
vention and control.
2.2.12. Dengue Working Group Domain
This domain is the twelfth capacity domain of leader
(6 sub-capacities) and the ninth capacity domain of the
non-leader (7 sub-capacities). There were five sub-ca-
pacities which overlapped both groups. An examination
of the sub-capacities content indicated that these capaci-
ties focused on the community member group and rep-
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
resentatives of organizations in the community as the
leader group to prevent and control dengue disease. The
core leader means the community group which takes the
lead in capacity building for dengue prevention and con-
2.2.13. Community Participation Domain
The thirteenth capacity domain of only the leader
group is community participation. This domain consisted
of six sub-capacities. An examination of the sub-capaci-
ties content suggested that these focused on community
leader’s participation in dengue prevention and control.
Community participation (CP) is the most important
strategy in dengue management.
2.2.14. Continuing Activities Domain
This domain is the fourteenth capacity domain of
leader (6 sub-capacities) and the eighth capacity domain
of non-leader (6 sub-capacities). An examination of the
capacities content indicated these capacities focused on
community guidelines and policies of dengue prevention
and control. Four sub-capacities overlapped in both
2.3. Sustainable Community-Base Dengue
Prevention and Control
Community-based dengue prevention and control
comprise activities through which people to control and
eliminate larval breeding sources, control adult mosqui-
toes, apply personal protection, introduce dengue symp-
tom detection and outbreak prevention [8]. They were
measured by assessing the effective performance in spe-
cific community capacity domains, exhibiting dengue
prevention and control behaviors as continuing evidence
of implementing dengue strategies or activities, and the
results of such 1) dengue community capacity level of
the leader group (14 domains) and the non-leader group
(11 domains), 2) dengue entomology index; Larval In-
dices such as Breteau Index (BI), House Index (HI), and
Container Index (CI), and 3) dengue epidemiology index;
morbidity rate and mortality rate [7-10].
The study design was revised and forwarded to the
International Review Board (IRB), the Ethical Review
Committee for Research Involving Human Research
Subjects, the Health Science Group, Walailak University,
Thailand. A mixed method research design using both
qualitative and quantitative was employed. The qualita-
tive aspect centred on collecting data based on the par-
ticipation of the community in the community capac-
ity-building process conducted in 4 stages of community
participationcommunity preparation, assessment, plan
and implementation, and re-assessment. Moreover, the
quantitative collecting data for the assessment and re-
assessment steps used the Dengue Community Capacity
Assessment Tool (DCCAT) and surveyed the larval in-
dices and morbidity and mortality rates.
3.1. Community Preparation Step
Three communities were prepared based on the com-
munity participation approach. This consisted of study
areas selection, identification of dengue leader group
(DLG) and Dengue supporting team.
3.1.1. Study Areas
The study took place between October, 2009 and Oc-
tober, 2010, in Southern Thailand. The researchers dis-
cussed with the sub-district’s council and other stake-
holders at a meeting about their dengue problems and
solutions. Three villages as communities were then se-
lected using purposive criteria: high dengue incidence
and a volunteer and community approach to solving the
problem of dengue. The villages were Ban Mon com-
munity of Tharou sub-district, Ban Nangpraya commu-
nity of Paknakhorn sub-district, and Ban Kang of Kum-
pansou sub-district in the Meung district, Nakhon Sri
Thammarat province, Southern Thailand. The three
communities from three sub-districts had a high DHF
morbidity rate as high larval indices indicated a high risk
of dengue transmission based on WHO guidelines [25].
These communities were amenable to attempting to im-
plement a community based approach to sustainable
dengue prevention and control. Leaders and non-leaders
in the community were empowered and encouraged by
the research team at the beginning process.
3.1.2. Leader Group
The leader group was involved with the prevention
and control of dengue activities and participated actively
in conducting and collecting data. The leader group con-
sisted of village health volunteers (VHVs) and other
volunteers. VHVs were mostly community members
who took responsibility for implementing dengue control
activities in a community, covering about fifteen to
twenty households. The members of the leader group
were well trained by the research team for data collec-
tion and were knowledgeable in the study process.
3.1.3. Dengue Support Team
The dengue support team consisted of a health worker
representative from a primary health care station who
was involved with providing dengue solutions in the
communities, local administrative officers, and the re-
searcher. The team supported and facilitated the activi-
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
ties for building community capacity, such as meeting
with and training the leader group to increase their
knowledge of dengue.
3.2. Assessment Step
The assessment step consisted of situation assessment
and assessment of the community capacity level. The
situation assessment used qualitative methods by the
researcher such as interviews, the leader group discus-
sions, community consensus and environmental obser-
vation. This specific mixture of methods was selected in
order to better understand the diversity of community
dynamics within the overall qualitative approach [26].
The community capacity level was assessed by the
leader group which was trained in collection method of
DCCAT form.
3.2.1. Interviews
The interview method focused on obtaining key in-
formation about the community’s leaders of dengue ac-
tivity. This study elicited detailed information about
people’s perceptions of the dengue problem, possible
solutions, and methods for sustainable dengue prevention
and control in the community. The interview involved
participants and researchers talking about dengue issues.
The conversations generally lasted from forty-five to
sixty minutes, depending on the content. The researchers
prepared question guidelines and an audio recorder, and
set a time and place where participants felt comfortable
and where transportation was available. The researcher
in the study started each interview by introducing and
obtaining permission from the participants to allow re-
cording of the conversation.
3.2.2. Dengue Working Group Discus sions
From community participation in the community ca-
pacity building process, DLG obtained information
about the feelings, opinions, perceptions, attitudes, and
plans of the group. All participants in each community
met to discuss at least twice per month to assess, plan,
implement and reassess. The researcher provided the
objectives of the study, obtained informed consent, dis-
cussed the focus group process, and obtained permission
to audio record the session. To foster a flexible climate
for discussion, the conversations were held in the local
language, and lasted between ninety to 120 minutes.
3.2.3. Community Consensus
Community consensus was achieved by all represen-
tatives of all stakeholders in each community. Leaders
and non-leaders met to discuss community capacity
building process: preparation, assessment, plan and im-
plement, and reassessment.
3.2.4. Dengue Community Capacity Level of the
Leader and Non -Leader Groups
The output and outcome of community capacity
building were measured by quantitative collecting data
methods such as the self-reporting DCCAT, larval indi-
ces survey and monitoring morbidity and mortality. Dengue Community-Capacity Assessment
Tool (DCCAT)
The Dengue Community-Capacity Assessment Tool
(DCCAT) was developed and tested by both qualitative
and quantitative methods [27-29]. The format consisted
of four parts: Part I: General characteristics, Part II:
Dengue community capacity, Part III: Household envi-
ronment observation form with open ended questions,
and Part IV: Larval indices survey form. The form in
part four was actually the old entomological vector sur-
veillance form, consisting of the following indices: the
House Index (HI), the Breteau Index (BI), and the Con-
tainer Index (CI), which were calculated to indicate the
density of dengue occurrence. The DCCAT contained
separate questionnaires for community leaders and non-
leaders. The dengue community capacity questionnaire
for leaders comprised 115 items over fourteen domains
producing the best fit regarding content validity (CVI =
0.90), construct validity (commutative percent of vari-
ance = 57.58), and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.98).
The dengue community capacity of non-leaders ques-
tionnaire covered eleven domains totaling eighty-three
items. Factor analysis produced the best fit for content
validity (CVI = 0.91), construct validity (com % of vari-
ance = 57.11), and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.97). Partic ipant s and S ampl e si ze of C omm unity
Capacity Level
The responsible parties for dengue prevention and
control intervention included two groups in the commu-
nities: non-leaders and leaders [5,8,19]. The leaders
group consisted of representatives holding both formal
and informal leadership positions, i.e., local administra-
tive organization officers (LAO), health care workers,
school health teachers, community political leaders, reli-
gious leaders, village health volunteers, students, and
community club members. They were selected by health
workers based on their positions and responsibilities
concerning community dengue activities. The non-lead-
ers group was considered the group with the ability to
achieve sustainable dengue prevention and control ac-
tivities. They were representatives of households in the
communities selected by the dengue leader group.
Members of both groups were required to have resided
in their respective communities for more than one year,
to be eighteen years of age or older, to be fluent in the
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
language used, and to be available for the study. Data Collection
The researcher and the leader group, the members of
which were well trained in data collection, introduced
themselves and presented the objectives of the study to
community council representatives. They then met a
health worker for assistance in collecting data and mak-
ing the objectives of the study clear to participants. Next,
they obtained consent from participants at the first ses-
sion and began collecting data.
3.2.5. Entomological Survey
Standard larval index surveys [30] as epidemiological
indicators of dengue transmission should be viewed with
caution. The three traditional larval indices were: the
House Index (HI)—the percentage of houses infested
with larvae and/or pupae; the Container Index (CI)—the
percentage of water-holding containers infested with
larvae and/or pupae; and the Breteau Index (BI)—the
number of positive containers per 100 houses inspected.
Additionally, these were compared before and after
building community capacity for dengue problem solu-
tion [8,31]. Sample size, in an entomological survey
involving a large community of more than 300 house-
holds, a sample size of approximately 10%, or 100
households, should be taken [8]. In this study, the three
communities contained more than 100 households, re-
spectively. The leader group collected data for the larval
indices survey. Each VHV surveyed 10 - 15 households
after collecting the DCCAT report. The research team
then analyzed and reported this to the community for
planning and discussion.
3.2.6. Epidemiological Surveillance Monitoring
Dengue is a complex problem because it involves en-
tomology, epidemiology, and socio-ecological compo-
nents. Therefore, secondary data collection for commu-
nities involved rates of dengue incidence. Dengue statis-
tics for the current and previous three years, and the re-
sults of dengue programs were all collected from health
centers and local administrative organizations.
3.3. Planning and Implementation Step
This step followed the preparation and assessment
steps. The researcher and the leader group discussed
techniques and methods of analysis of the problem of
dengue to find solutions in each community over a six
month period. The leader group from three communities
planned the interventions for each community and par-
tial interventions for all three communities. The concep-
tual framework of community capacity building for sus-
tainable dengue prevention and control suggests a com-
munity-based model, a community capacity building
process, and assessment of outcomes [15,24]. The com-
munity capacity domains of leader consisted of 14 do-
mains: Critical situation management, Personal leader-
ship, Health care provider capacity, Needs assessment,
Sense of community, Leader group networking, Com-
munication of dengue information, Community leader-
ship, Religious leader capacity, Leader group and com-
munity networking, Resources mobilization, Dengue
working group, Community leader participation, and
Continuing activities domain. The other group of com-
munity stakeholders were represented by the non-leader
group and whose capabilities in community-building
capacities were assessed in 11 domains such as Critical
situation management, Personal leadership, Religious
leader capacity, Community leadership, Health care pro-
vider capacity, Sense of community, Communication of
dengue information, Continuing activities, Dengue
working group, Resources mobilization, and Needs as-
The basic strategies for dengue prevention and control
of both leaders and non-leaders were for them to engage
together in activities within these three communities.
The study built abilities through training, operational
meetings, group discussions and consensus, promotional
campaigns, and local innovations of each community.
The large meeting of all the leaders from all three com-
munities was participatory and created several plans for
dengue solutions from the beginning and until the end of
3.4. Re-Assessment Step
The main activities in the re-assessment step centred
on assessing the outcomes of community building ca-
pacity as a sustainable solution to the dengue problem—
the same steps as the assessment, evaluation and com-
parison before and after capacity building. The meetings
were structured as a series of workshops attended by
researcher, the leader group and the dengue support team
who were involved in dengue prevention and control in
these communities with the central focus being an ap-
propriate model for solving the problem of dengue.
4.1. Qualitative Data
Dengue situation, community capacity building proc-
ess, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and
community consensus were used for content analysis.
4.2. Community Capacity Level
1) Information of participants, leaders and non-leaders,
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
were collated by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean,
and standard deviation.
2) Dengue community capacity was analyzed with
descriptive statistics and was divided into different do-
mains for each group of participants. The dengue com-
munity capacity questionnaire for leaders consisted
of115 items covering fourteen domains. The range of
mean scores was divided into five levels for ranking
purposes: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high.
The questionnaire for non-leaders consisted of eighty-
three items divided among eleven domains. The mean
score categories were divided into five levels such as
very low, low, moderate, high, and very high.
3) The differences of the leader and non-leader group’s
capacity levels used the Mann-Whitney and Independent
T-test to compare these groups pre and post-intervention
for building community capacity. The difference be-
tween community capacities among three models used
the Kruskal-Wallis Test, ANOVA, and ANCOVA.
4.3. Dengue Entomological Index and Data
of Main Breeding Sites
This study only used larval indices which were ana-
lyzed as the House Index (HI)—the percentage of houses
infested with larvae and/or pupae; the Container Index
(CI)—the percentage of water-holding containers in-
fested with larvae and/or pupae; and the Breteau Index
(BI)—the number of positive containers per 100 houses
4.4. Dengue Epidemiological Index
Morbidity and mortality rates of dengue were ana-
lyzed based on information from health care centers in
The results of study showed 4 sections: 1) the model
of community capacity building in three communities,
and 2) Sustainable outcome of dengue problem solution
model were consisted of dengue community capacity
level (leader and non-leader group), 3) dengue entomol-
ogy index, and 4) dengue epidemiology index.
5.1. The Model of Community Capacity
Building in Three Communities
Leader and non-leader group, Ban Mon, Ban Nanghraya,
and Ban Kang model were the leader group (26, 24, and
28) and the non-leader group (200, 215, and 176). The
research team, support team, and the leader group used
discussion techniques and carried out analysis of the
dengue problem in each model over a 13 months period
(October, 2009-October, 2010). The leader group in the
three models planned the interventions and partial inter-
ventions for each model as well as joint interventions for
all three models. Both groups volunteered to participate
in the dengue capacity building process.
The three models followed the concept of the dengue
community capacity building process with its four steps:
preparation, assessment, planning and implementation,
and re-assessment. Meetings of the leader and non-
leader groups for all four steps of activities were held at
least once monthly throughout the study. Planning and
implement activities were achieved through consensus of
the community based on their particular context and the
resources in their community. Each community devel-
oped a complete action plan and implemented activities
appropriate to the context of their communities.
1) Ban Mon model, it was a village at a crossroads
community selected by representatives of the local ad-
ministrative organization, health center, community
leader, religion leader, and village health volunteers. The
community consisted of 320 households, a health center,
a utility building, a temple, and a community school.
Most households were situated near a large road which
was the crossroads of a semi-urban community and had
4 to 6 months with rainy day in a year in an area that was
low with still water in several areas. The model imple-
mented four activities based on the specific problems
and available community resources such as conducting a
dengue prevention and control campaign, communica-
tion from their community leaders, obtaining community
consensus for dengue prevention and control from local
administrative organizations, and meeting of the dengue
leaders group once mouth.
The Ban Mon model had eight issues that showed up
in the pre-test: 1) poor environment, 2) community needs
more of everything, 3) lack of capacity of health center
officer, 4) misconceptions in the of use of chemical in-
secticides, 5) deficit of dengue knowledge, 6) commu-
nity resources management, 7) low community partici-
pation, and 8) lack of continuity. For example, some
participants said that chemical fogging teams showed a
lack of knowledge in using chemicals which were used
in fogging by such statements as if there were an out-
break of dengue illness, there “needs to be chemical
fogging 2 - 3 times per month” and “needs fogging fre-
quency”. After intervention, leaders and non-leaders’
suggestions in Ban Mon were fewer than pre and post-
intervention: 1) poor environment, 2) capacity of health
center official, 3) misconception in using chemical, 4)
deficit of dengue knowledge, 5) community participation.
For example, some participants said: “no clear dengue
information provided” “should give information for
every household in community and take real survey”.
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
2) Ban Nangpraya model, it was a seaside community
in Pak Na Khorn sub-district selected by representatives
of all stakeholders in the community. The community
was semi-urban; with households situated closely and
with more than 10 houses per group. It consisted of total
of 344 households, an all-purpose building, a temple, a
community school, a health center, a local district or-
ganization, community leaders, and village health vol-
unteers. Fishing and unskilled labor was the occupation
of most of the community.
The model was three special activities—community
communication of dengue knowledge, employing red
lime for use in water containers as in the community.
There were many water containers per house, meeting of
DLG once a month to monitor and evaluate the program.
In Ban Nangpraya community, leader and non-leader
groups pointed out six issues: 1) poor environment be-
cause of low land and more water containers, 2) com-
munity needs all stakeholders to solve the dengue prob-
lem, 3) dengue information communication, 4) deficit of
capacity of health center officials, 5) dengue knowledge
of community, and 6) low community participation. For
example, some participant said: “there should be meet-
ing of dengue management among people, VHVs and
health center official…”, “most people in community
had little knowledge of dengue”, “breeding sites were
many…”, “no clear dengue campaigns whereby people
receive true information” “…no government officials
who were really responsibility so people in community
are not attentive for prevention and disease control” “No
promotion of dengue campaign and dengue information
transfer…needs VHVs help to inform about dengue
prevention and control”. The intervention finished the
post-intervention showed decreased suggestions of only
four issues: 1) poor environment, 2) lack of knowledge
of dengue prevention and control, 3) lack of capacity of
health center officials, and 4) low community participa-
tion. For example, some participant said: “community
has more forests and canals...cannot cover the entire
area…villagers help only their own households to cover
water containers and cultivate citronella” “needs to
broadcast dengue information...increased broadcasts are
3) Ban Kang model, it was a small village in a sub-
district near Meung district consisting of 239 households,
an all-purpose building, a temple, a mosque, a commu-
nity school, a health center, a local district organization,
community leaders, and village health volunteers. There
were two religions; Buddhism (70%) and Muslim (30%).
Most people in the community were rubber tappers and
fruit farmers with the gardens of risk as mosquito breed-
ing place.
Ban Kang was the garden model carried out three ac-
tivities—a mobile meeting of the DLG conducted in
each area of the community, mass communication from
leaders of religion and the community leaders, and door
to door survey of larval index once a month by DLG.
Moreover, there were the strongest of leader and non-
leader participation in all activities such as environment
in and out houses for elimination dengue sources.
The initially identified issues of Ban Kang model
were six such as 1) not clear who are the VHVs and
health center official, 2) community participation needs
to be strengthened, 3) lack of continuity of activities, 4)
unclear dengue information, 5) misconceptions concern-
ing chemical fogging, and 6) unclear community con-
sensus. At the completion of the intervention process,
the community had fewer suggestions from the leader
and non-leader groups. The major issues were a partially
poor environment, lack of community participation, and
inadequate dengue information communication.
Summary, the dengue community capacity building
process of these three models carried out different ac-
tivities based on the same four steps. The basic strategies
and resulting activities for the prevention and control of
dengue in these three communities evolved into the
dengue community network. The dengue network car-
ried out seven activities—meeting to prepare plan for
intervention, chemical fogging training for control after
dengue morbidity in community, herbal training to de-
velop a citronellas bank, developing a Gambia fish bank,
establishing community radio to share dengue knowl-
edge, carrying out a larval index survey every month,
developing leadership training, and evaluation meeting.
Overall, the issues and suggestions of all three models
decreased at the end of intervention process. Community
consensus contributed towards the building of commu-
nity capacity, activities for prevention and control were
undertaken appropriate for the context of community,
and there was commitment to continue activities as the
model for overcoming the problem of dengue. For ex-
ample, some participants said: “the community (all peo-
ple in the community) needs to continue all activities to
solve the problem of dengue solution...thank you for the
project ” “...as the past one year of conducting the den-
gue program...our community was attentive to dengue
prevention and control...however, we will be continuing
the program”
5.2. Sustainable Outcome of Dengue
Problem Solution
Sustainable outcome of dengue problem solution was
the results of the study consisted of dengue community
capacity level, dengue entomology index, and dengue
epidemiology index.
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
5.2.1. Dengue Community Capacity Level of the
Leader Group Charact eristics of the Leader Group
The characteristics of the leader group pre and post
building dengue community capacity in three models in
Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban Kang models were
28, 24, and 26 respectively. The majority percentage (%)
of participants in Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban
Kang model were female (Pre- 75%, 83%, and 46%;
Post- 86%, 83% and 58%), Buddhist (Pre- 100%, 100%
and 69%: Post- 100%, 100% and 65%), married (Pre-
72%, 84% and 82%; Post- 72%, 84% and 82%), basic
elementary (Pre- 39%, 38% and 23%; Post- 55%, 38%
and 15%), most common occupation; Ban Mon (Un-
skilled laborer; Pre- 27% and post- 25%), Ban Nang-
praya (Homemaker; 59% and 49%), and Ban Kang
(Farming; Pre 65% and post 62%). Highest positions in
community were the village health volunteers (Pre- 72%,
79% and 62%: 72%, 67% and 85%). Receiving dengue
knowledge in the past 12 months showed an increase in
the post-intervention (61%, 79% and 89%) from pre-
intervention (50%, 14%, and 89%). Having experienced
dengue on the pre-intervention was lower than on post-
intervention (50%, 14% and 89%: 61%, 79% and 89%)
(no present table).
The characteristics of the leader group of pre and
post-intervention in each model were not significantly
different. The mean age, the length of time residing in
the community, and dengue education time in the past 12
months were not significantly different in their mean
scores in the pre-post tests and among three different
communities. However, the mean of family monthly
income was significantly different (p < 0.05); Ban Kang
was higher than the other model (no present table). The
characteristics of the variables of the leaders in the three
model were compared in the pre and post-intervention
showing significantly different variables such as sex (p <
0.01 and p < 0.05), religion (p < 0.00, p < 0.00), occupa-
tion (p < 0.00, p < 0.00), and community status as com-
munity committee (p < 0.05 and p < 0.05) (no present
table). Dengue Community Capacity Level of the
Leader Group in Three Models
Table 1 shows various levels of dengue community
capacity of leaders in Ban Mon (n:24), Ban Nangpraya
(n:24), and Ban Kang communities (n:28) focusing on
pre and post-intervention results which were signifi-
cantly different (p < 0.05). In the pre-intervention, the
total community capacity level of Ban Mon, Ban Nang-
praya, and Ban Kang communities were high (
, SD:
351, 15), moderate (
, SD: 297,16), and high (
, SD:
352,15) respectively. The post-intervention results show
that Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban Kang model
were high (
, SD: 389, 11), high (
, SD: 357,10), and
high (
, SD: 406,12) as follows.
For the Ban Mon model, the dengue community ca-
pacity level of 14 domains of leader the group were at
the high level (5-domains), at the moderate level (8-
domains), and low level (1-domain as Religious leader
capacity domain) in the pre-intervention. Pos-interven-
tion’s results showed increase scores of all domains with
a high level (10-domains), and moderate level (4-do-
mains). There were significant differences of increased
scores in two domains, namely, in the Community lead-
ership domain (p < 0.05) and in Dengue working group
domain (p < 0.05).
Most domains of Ban Nangpraya model in the
pre-intervention were at moderate levels (9-domains),
high level (3-domains), low level (1-domain—Dengue
working group domain), and very low (1-domain—Re-
ligious leader capacity domain). The increased scores on
the post-intervention showed high level (8-domains),
moderate level (5-domains), low level (1-domain—Reli-
gious leader capacity domain). There were significant
differences with increased scores in nine domains (p <
0.05) and continuing activities (p < 0.01).
In the last community, Ban Kang model’s scored at
mostly at moderate levels (10-domains), high level
(4-domains) in the pre-test, but on the post-test, most
domains were at the high level (13-domians) which
showed significantly increased scores in seven domains
(p < 0.01), and a moderate level in only one domain—
Resource mobilization domain (p < 0.05). Among the
three models, pre-intervention’s scores were signifi-
cantly different in total (p < 0.01) and in five domains
such as Critical situation management domain (p < 0.01),
Needs assessment domain (p < 0.01), Communication of
dengue information domain (p < 0.01), Community lead-
ership domain (p < 0.05), and Religious leader capacity
domain (p < 0.001). In the post-intervention, the Critical
situation management domain and Religious leader ca-
pacity domain were significantly different among the
communities (p < 0.01), and three domains were sig-
nificantly different (p < 0.05) such as Leader group net-
working domain, Communication of dengue information
domain, and Leader group and community network. See
Table 1 for community capacity level of leaders in be-
fore and after intervention. Multiple Comparison of Dengue Commu nity
Capacity of the Leader Group Pre and Post
Intervention a mong Three Models
The community capacity levels of the leaders in Ban
Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban Kang model were found
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Comparison dengue community capacity levels of leaders between pre and post intervention in Ban Mon, Ban Nangphaya,
and Ban Kang model.
Dengue community capacity level
Ban Mon (n:26) Ban Nangpraya (n:24) Ban Kang (n:26)
Test, p)
Dengue community capacity domains
of the leaders group
Pre Post
Post Pre
(SD)) Pre
29(1)4 L1: Critical situation management 32(1)4 24(1)3 28(1)4* 28(1)4 34(1)4** 0.004** 0.009**
L2: Personal leadership 39(1)4 43(1)4 38(1)4 40(1)4 40(1)4 44.624 0.496 0.111
L3: Health care provider capacity 28(1)4 30 (1)4 25(1)4 29(1)4 27(1)4 30(1)4* 0.279 0.201
L4: Needs assessment 24(1)3 26(1)4 17(2)3 24(0.9)323(1)3 27(1)4 0.009** 0.084
L5: Sense of community 42(1)4 41(1)4 39(2)4 43(1)4 38(1)4 43(0.9)4** 0.150 0.823
L6: Leader group networking 31(2)3 35(1)3 27(2)3 32(1)3* 33(2)3 37(1)4 0.051 0.049*
L7: Communication of dengue information 28(1)3 32(1)3 21(1)3 26(1)3* 27(1)3 31(1)4 0.004** 0.019*
L8: Community leadership 25(1)4 27(0.8)4* 21(1)3 26(1)4* 24(1)3 28(0.9)4** 0.038* 0.290
L9: Religious leader capacity 17(2)2 24(2)3 8(2)1 15(2)2* 24(1)3 28(1)4* 0.000***0.002**
L10: Leader group and Community networking 20(1)3 23(1)4 18(1)3 22(0.9)421(1)3 25(1)4** 0.237 0.049*
L11: Resource mobilization 10(0.7)311( 0 .6)310(0.7)312(0.5)3* 10(0.7)312(0.7)3* 0.910 0.816
L12: Dengue working group 15(1)3 20(0.7)4* 12(1)2 17(0.8)3* 15(0.9)319(0.8)4** 0.163 0.078
L13: Community leader participation 18(1)3 20(0.8)416(1)3 20(0.6)4* 18(1)3 19(0.7)4 0.481 0.825
L14: Continuing activities 18(1)3 20(0.7)416(0.9)319(0.6)4** 18(1)3 21(0.8)4** 0.066 0.129
Total 351(15)4389(11)4** 297(16)3357(10)4**352(15)4406(12)4** 0.005** 0.018*
Remake: Level of community capacity as 1very low; 2low; 3moderate; 4 high; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
to be significantly different. The total of dengue com-
munity capacity levels in the pre-intervention showed a
significant difference between Ban Mon and Ban Nang-
praya (p < 0.05) and Ban Nangpraya and Ban Kang (p <
0.01), and in the post-test there was a significant differ-
ence between Ban Nangpraya, and Ban Kang (p < 0.05).
In the multiple comparison test, Ban Mon and Ban
Nangpraya showed significant differences in the com-
munity capacity domain before the intervention in five
domains—Critical situation management (p < 0.01),
Needs assessment (p < 0.01), Communication of dengue
information (p < 0.01), Community leadership (p < 0.01),
and Religious leader capacity (p < 0.05), but after the
post-test, the only significant difference was in Critical
situation management domain (p < 0.01). Ban Mon and
Ban Kang models showed significant difference in the
community capacity domain during the pre-test only in
Religious leader capacity domain (p < 0.05). Multiple
comparisons between Ban Nangpraya and Ban Kang
models showed significant differences in the community
capacity domain in the pre-intervention in three domains,
namely, Critical situation management domain (p < 0.01),
Needs assessment domain (p < 0.01), Religious leader
capacity domain (p < 0.01), but the post-intervention
showed five domains with significant differences—Criti-
cal situation management domain (p < 0.01), Leader
group networking domain (p < 0.05), Communication of
dengue information (p < 0.05), Religious leader capacity
domain (p < 0.01), Leader group and community net-
working domain (p < 0.05) (see Table 2).
5.2.2. Dengue Community Capacity Level of the
Non-Leader Grou p Characteristics of the Non-Leader Group
Table 4 describes the characteristics of the non-leader
group in the pre and post-intervention in the three com-
munities, Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban Kang
models were 200, 215, and 176 respectively. A large
majority of participants in the Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya,
and Ban Kang model in the pre and post-intervention
were female, (pre- 69%, 64%, and 50%: post- 73%, 64%
and 58%), Buddhist (pre- 99%, 99% and 71%; post-
100%, 99% and 72%), married (pre- 76%, 66% and 70%;
Openly accessible at
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Tab le 2 . Multiple comparison of differences of dengue community capacity of the leader group in pre and post-intervention among
three models.
Multiple comparison of differences of models (Mann-Whitney Test)
Ban Mon (n:28) and Ban
Nangpraya (n:24)
Ban Mon (n:28) and Ban
Kang (n:26)
Ban Nangpraya (n:24) and
Ban Kang (n:26)
Dengue community capacity of the
leader group
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
L1: Critical situation Management 0.002** 0.033* 0.013* 0.003**
L4: Needs assessment 0.005** 0.012*
L6: Leader group networking 0.013*
L7: Communication of dengue information 0.004** 0.022*
L8: Community leadership 0.018*
L9: Religious leader capacity 0.004** 0.018* 0.000** 0.001**
L10: Leader group and community networking 0.022*
Total 0.016* 0.001** 0.005**
Remake: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.
post- 72%, 65% and 71%), basic elementary education
(pre- 55%, 44% and 49%; post- 49%, 42% and 56%).
The most common occupation in Ban Mon and Ban
Nangpraya model were unskilled labor (pre- 41% and
49%; post- 32% and 41%), Ban Kang model was farm-
ing (pre- 46%; post- 52%). Receiving dengue knowledge
in past 12 months showed an increase in the post-inter-
vention (16%, 14% and 17%) from pre-intervention
(50%, 14%, and 89%). Having experienced dengue, the
pre-intervention was lower than post-intervention (pre-
14%, 23% and 34%; post- 61%, 79% and 89%). The
characteristics of the non-leader group of pre and
post-intervention in each community were not signifi-
cantly different. The mean of age, length of time resid-
ing in the community, and dengue education in the past
12 months were not significantly different between the
mean scores in pre-post intervention and among the
three models. However, the mean of family monthly
income was significantly different (p < 0.05): Ban Kang
was higher than others model. The characteristics of the
variables of the non-leader group in three models were
compared in the pre and post-intervention showing sig-
nificant difference in some variables such as sex (p <
0.01 and p < 0.05), religion (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), oc-
cupation (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), and community status as
community committee members (p < 0.05 and p < 0.05)
(no present table). Dengue Community Capacity Level of the
Non-Leade r Group in Models
Table 3 shows various levels of community capacity
of leaders in Ban Mon (n: 200), Ban Nangpraya (n: 215),
and Ban Kang communities (n: 176) focusing on pre-test
and post-test results which were significantly different
(p < 0.05). In the pre-test, the total community capacity
level of non-leaders in Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and
Ban Kang communities were at a moderate level (
, SD:
247, 72; 196, 70, and 242, 35).
On the post-test, Ban Mon and Ban Kang communi-
ties were at a high level (
, SD: 263, 52; 290, 54), and
Ban Nangpraya community was at a moderate level (
SD: 218, 62) as follows. On the pre and post-interven-
tion, all three models were significantly different at
various community capacity levels (p < 0.001). For Ban
Mon model, the dengue community capacity levels of 11
domains for the non-leader group were at a high level
(6-domains), at a moderate level (4-domains), and at a
low level (1-domain—Religious leader capacity domain)
in the pre-intervention. The post-intervention showed
increased scores in all domains—a high level (7-domains),
a moderate level (4-domains). There was a significant
difference of increased scores in six domains—five do-
mains were different (p < 0.05) and one other domain
was different (p < 0.01). The Ban Nangpraya model
showed moderate levels in 7-domains, a high level in
1-domain, and low levels in 3-domains (Religious leader
capacity, Communication of dengue Information, Den-
gue working group). Most domains increased their
scores in the post-test showing high levels in 3-domains,
moderate levels in 6-domains, low levels in 2-domains
in (Religious leader capacity domain and Communica-
tion of dengue information). There were a significant
difference of increased scores in nine domains; four do-
mains (p < 0.01) and five domains (p < 0.05).
In the last model, the Ban Kang, most domains were
at a moderate level (8-domains), and at a high level in
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Comparison pre and post-intervention of community capacity levels of non-leader in Ban Mon, Ban Nangphaya, and Ban
Ban Mon (n:200) Ban Nangpraya (n:215)Ban Kang (n:176)
Dengue community capacity domain
of the non-leader group
NL1: Critical situation management 38(13)3 42(8)4*** 32(12)3 35(11)3** 39(6)3 45(9)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL2: Personal leadership 25(7)4 27(6)4* 19(8)3 22(6)3** 23(4)3 28(5)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL3: Religious leader capacity 19(13)2 22(11)3* 11(12)2 14(13)2* 22(8)3 31(9)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL4: Community leadership 25(8)4 26(5)4* 19(8)3 21(7)3 24(5)3 28(5)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL5: Health care provider capacity 21(6)4 22(4)4* 18(6)3 19(5)5 21(4)4 23(4)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL6: Sense of community 30(6)4 30(5)4 29(5)4 29(6)4* 27(5)4 31(4)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL7: Communication of dengue Information 19(8)3 20(6)3 12(9)2 14(8)2* 16(5)3 21(7)3*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL8: Continuing activities 18(6)3 19(4)4 15(6)3 17(5)3* 18(3)3 21(4)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL9: Dengue working group 20(8)3 21(6)3 14(8)2 17(7)3** 19(4)3 24(6)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL10: Resources mobilization 19(5)4 15(3)3* 13(4)3 14(4)3* 15(3)3 16(4)4** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL11: Needs assessment 14(6)4 15(4)4 11(6)3 13(5)4** 14(3)4 17(5)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
Total 247(72)3 263(52)4** 196(70)3218(62)** 242(35)3290(54)4*** 0.000*** 0.000***
Remake: Level of community capacity as 1very low; 2low; 3moderate; 4high; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
3-domains in pre-test, but almost all domains achieved a
high level (10-domian) and 1 a moderate level (Resource
mobilization domain) in the post-test. Between the pre-
test and post-test, there were significant differences in all
11 domains with 10 domains showing significant differ-
ences in increased scores in seven domains (p < 0.001)
and a slight increase in only one domain (Resources mo-
bilization domain) (p < 0.01). Among these three models,
the pre-intervention’s scores were significantly different
in total (p < 0.001) and all 11 domains as same as post-
intervention (p < 0.001). Multiple Comparisons for Significant
Differences of the Dengue Community
Capacity Level of the Non-Leader Grou p
Multiple comparisons for significant differences of
community capacity scores were testing the difference
scores among three models when protested and post-
tested for building community capacity. Ban Mon (n:200)
and Ban Nangpraya (n:215) showed significantly differ-
ent capacities in the various domains. In the pre- inter-
vention, there were 8 domains (p < 0.001) and in the
post-intervention, 10 domains (9 domains, p < 0.001;
Resources mobilization domains, (p < 0.01). Ban Mon
(n:200) and Ban Kang Model (n:176) also were signifi-
cantly different in their stronger domains. In the pre-
intervention, there were five domains (Religious leader
capacity domain and Resources mobilization domain, p <
0.05; Personal leadership and Communication of dengue
information domains, p < 0.01; Religious leader capacity
domain, p < 0.001) and in the post-intervention, eight
domains varied—(four domains, p < 0.01; four domains,
p < 0.05). Ban Nangpraya (n:215) and Ban Kang (n:176)
were not significantly different with scores only in the
Personal leadership domain in the pre-test, but all do-
mains in post-test were significantly different (p <
In summary, the community capacity of non-leader
domains in the three model were significantly different
when contrasting Ban Mon (n:200) and Ban Nangpraya
(n:215), Ban Mon (n:200) and Ban Kang (n:176), and
Ban Nangpraya (n:215) and Ban Kang (n:176) (see Ta-
ble 4).
5.3. Dengue Entomological Index
5.3.1. Larval Index
Larval surveys were conducted to determine types of
containers and larval indices. The total households in
pre-test (October, 2009) and post-test (October, 2010) of
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban Kang communities
involved 230, 145, and 139 households as follows.
Total number of water containers inspected in pre and
post-intervention of Ban Mon model were 2597 and
1173, then BI, HI, and CI of post-intervention decreased
from 303, 51, and 24 to 130, 45, and 22 respectively.
Ban Nangpraya total number of water containers num-
bered 2800 pieces in the pre-intervention and 1720
pieces in the post-intervention. The BI, HI, and CI in the
pre-intervention were 350, 55, and 31 and decreased to
140, 44, and 12 in the post-intervention. The results (BI,
HI, CI) in Ban Kang model showed 358, 63, and 25 in
the pre-intervention and 65, 31, and 5 in the post-inter-
vention. Of special interest, HI of the three models was
an important index which aimed to reach less than 10%.
The comparison between the pre and post intervention of
Ban Mon model showed a decrease of HI 12%, at Ban
Nangpraya model 17% and at Ban Kang model 51% (see
Table 5).
5.3.2. Type of Water Container Inspected
Total larval survey of seven types of water containers
observed during the pre-test (October, 2009) and post-
test (October, 2010) in Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and
Ban Kang were 2014, 2800, and 2014 pieces, and 1173,
1720, and 1822 pieces respectively.
These three communities showed a very high percent-
age of positive containers being discarded surrounding
the houses in both the pre-test and post-test—37% ,82%;
and 62% in the pre-test and 21%; and 48% and 14%. In
the post-test However, the number of water containers
inspected in the post-test decreased from the pre-test in
each community: Ban Mon 12%, Ban Nangpraya 17%,
and Ban Kang 80% (see Table 6).
Table 4. Multiple comparisons among three models showing the dengue community capacity level of the non-leader group in pre and
Multiple comparisons among communities
Ban Mon (n:200) and
Ban Nangpraya (n:215)
Ban Mon (n:200) and
Ban Kang (n:176)
Ban Nangpraya (n:215)
Ban Kang (n:176)
Community capacity of non-leaders
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
NL1: Critical situation management 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.001** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL2: Personal leadership 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.008** 0.000***
NL3: Religious leader capacity 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.042* 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL4: Community leadership 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.007** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL5: Health care provider Capacity 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL6: Sense of community 0.000*** 0.002** 0.002** 0.000***
NL7: Communication of dengue Information 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.004** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL8: Continuing activities 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.001** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL9: Dengue working group 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL10: Resources mobilization 0.006** 0.012* 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
NL11: Needs assessment 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
Total 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
Remake: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
Table 5. Comparison of larval index (BI, HI, CI) pre and post-intervention at Ban Mon, Ban Nongpraya, and Ban Kang model.
Ban Mon model
(Number of households: 230)
Ban Nangpraya
Model (Number of households: 145)
Ban Kang Model
(Number of households: 139)
Larval Indices
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
BI (<50) 303 130 350 140 358 65
HI (<10) 51 45 55 44 63 31
CI (<1) 24 22 31 12 25 5
Percentage of decrease HI 12% 17% 51%
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 6. Type of containers inspected, positive containers with larval and percentage.
Ban Mon model
Number of containers inspected:
Positive larval (Percentage) (n:n,(%))
Ban Nangpraya model
Number of containers inspected:
Positive larval (Percentage) (n:n,(%))
Ban Kang model
Number of containers inspected:
Positive larval (Percentage) (n:n,(%))
Types of water containers
Before (n:n,(%)) Before (n:n,(%))Before (n:n,(%))Before (n:n,(%))Before (n:n,(%)) Before (n:n,(%))
1) Drinking water 513:103(19) 253:33(12) 860:192(22) 608:92(15) 282:13(5) 242:1(0)
2) Water containers in
bathroom and toilet 378:94(25) 213:57(27) 241:74(31) 187:14(7) 239:5(2) 270:8(3)
3) Potable water containers 416:96(23) 199:41(21) 409:100(24) 323:24(7) 247:18(7) 313:10(3)
4) Vases 362:112(31) 264:56(21) 246:79(32) 142:9(6) 297:48(16) 321:12(4)
5) Cupboard saucers 147:23(16) 69:5(7) 145:64(44) 78:10(12) 110:30(27) 103:3(3)
6) Plants-related containers 318:57(18) 120:34(28) 475:95(20) 152:8(5) 338:142(42) 243:10(4)
7) Discarded containers
surrounding household 345:129(37) 45:37(82) 424:264(62) 219:46(21) 501:241(48) 330:47(14)
Total 2497:614(25) 1173:263(22) 2800:868(31) 1720:203(11) 2014:497(24) 1822:91(5)
Percentage of containers
inspected decreased 12% 17% 80%
5.4. Dengue Epidemiological Index
The epidemiological index in this study consisted of
the morbidity and mortality rates. The morbidity rate of
dengue from 2007, 2008, 2009, and October, 2009 to
October, 2010 in Ban Mon, Ban Nangpraya, and Ban
Kang models showed alternative change from the stan-
dard level (<50 cases/100,000 populations).
For Ban Mon, the population in the middle of the year
was 1485; one year before conducting intervention mor-
bidity rate was 67 cases/100,000 populations. When the
dengue program (November, 2010) was just concluded,
the morbidity rate was 202 case/100,000 populations. In
total, there were three cases of dengue illness; one stayed
in the community and 2 cases of dengue illness stayed
outside the community.
Ban Nangpraya community, with a population of 1695
persons in middle year showed a morbidity rate of the
community every year of one or two cases. When the
program finished, the community showed 2 cases of
dengue illness resulting in a morbidity rate of 118 case/
100,000 populations.
Ban Kang community’s population was 1650 persons
in the middle of the year. In the past three years, the
community had a high morbidity rate; 61, 182, 61 cases/
100,000 population. At the time of conducting and fin-
ishing the program, there was no morbidity rate.
None of the models showed an increased mortality
rate after conducting the program. Moreover, Ban Kang
model had no incidence of dengue whereas other vil-
lages in the sub-district had incidences of dengue illness
(see Table 7).
Efforts of control dengue prevention and control have
been redirected from central Thai Ministry of Public
Health (MoPH) to local administrative organization
(LAO) using all the leader and non-leader group because
the problem of dengue is a community problem needing
to be solved by the community [15,20]. The community
capacity building process was a different strategy ap-
plied in these three communities. A principle researcher,
the leader group, and the support team were discussion
appropriate techniques and methods of analysis of the
dengue problem and how to resolve it in each commu-
nity for 13 months (October, 2009-October, 2010).
However, the sustainability needs the long-term com-
munity-based maintenance of the health program [32].
This study demonstrates positive results because it de-
fined the sustainability of community-based dengue so-
lution as the successful outcome of community capacity
building for dengue prevention and control, and is
measured by: 1) the increasing level of community ca-
pacity domains; 2) the decreasing of entomology index
as larval indices; the Breteau Index (BI), House Index
(HI), and Container Index (CI); and 3) the decreasing
epidemiological index for the morbidity rate and mortal-
ity rate of dengue [7-10].
After one year of applying the dengue community ca-
pacity building model in these three models, the com-
munity capacity building process for a sustainable solu-
tion to dengue has shown varying differences according
to the context of that community. Results show an in-
crease in the community capacity level, a decrease in the
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 7. Morbidity and mortality rate of dengue in three models among 3 years in pre and post-intervention of community capacity
Number (case): Morbidity rate (case)/100,000 population): Morbidity rate (percentage)
Pre-intervention of building community capacity Post-intervention building community capacity
Year; 2007 Year; 2008 Year; 2009 Year; 2010
Ban Mon (n:1485) 0:0:0 0:0:0 1:67:0 3:202:0
Ban Nangpraya (n:1695) 2:118:0 1:59:0 0:0:0 2:118:0
Ban Kang (n:1650) 1:61:0 3:182:0 1:61:0 0:0:0
Resources: The primary health center in each model.
entomological index, and a low morbidity rate has dem-
onstrated to varying degrees, together with other sugges-
tions from the communities that building capacity can
influence community health, the sustainability of com-
munity initiatives and community abilities to respond to
emerging health issues [18,33].
The basic strategies for prevention and control of
dengue of these three models have given rise to carrying
out activities as a dengue community network. The den-
gue network held seven activities, namely, 1) meeting to
prepare plans of intervention, 2) chemical fogging train-
ing to control dengue morbidity in community, 3) herb
training to create a citronellas bank, 4) development of a
Gambia fish bank, 5) communication through commu-
nity radio disseminating dengue knowledge, 6) larval
indices survey every month, and 7) leadership training
and holding an evaluation meeting. Local or specific
strategies of each model were planned in detail and im-
plemented through activities according to the context of
community. Ban Mon model showed the highlight of
activity as Gambia fish bank at the temple in their com-
munity because the religious leadership capacity level in
the pre-intervention was low so the intervention of the
community focused on built religious leadership capac-
ity. Ban Nangpraya model, as seaside community, the
highlight activities were red lime to use in water con-
tainers because the community hade many water con-
tainers per household. Ban Kang model, as a rubber and
fruits garden community, strengthened mobile meeting
of leader group in each area of the community, mass
communication from religious leaders and community
leaders, and door to door surveys of larval index once a
The results of the study show activities following the
concept of sustainable dengue solutions as a commu-
nity-based process creates a new paradigm of dengue
epidemiology, and vector-control services. This commu-
nity-based approach underlines the need for operational
standards for measurement, delivery of a combination of
interventions as central and local strategies, and con-
tinuing monitoring and evaluation process and outcome
[34]. The outcomes of searching for a sustainable solu-
tion to the problem of dengue generated increased the
dengue community capacity levels of community leader
group (14-domains) and non-leader group (11-domains),
constant monitoring of larval indices, and improved
morbidity and mortality rates.
In each model, pre and post-interventions of dengue
community building increased the dengue community’s
capacity level of the leader group a seen in all domains
and the total level likewise increased in the post-inter-
vention evaluations of all three models. Nevertheless,
significant differences showed in the increases in almost
all domains in the Ban Nangpraya and the Ban Kang
model. The relation of the comparisons when analyzed
in the pre-intervention evaluations of the dengue com-
munity capacity levels of the leaders group among the
three models showed significantly different increases in
five domains: Critical situation management, Needs as-
sessment, Communication of dengue information, Com-
munity leadership, and Religious leadership. Post the
intervention, the leader group networking domain, and
the leader group and community networking domain
showed increases significantly different from the pre-
intervention (p < 0.05), but Critical situation manage-
ment, and Religious leader capacity were significantly
different (p < 0.01). The community capacity levels of
the non-leader groups in all domains and in total in the
post intervention showed increased scores from pre-
intervention. All domains of Ban Kang community and
almost all domains of Ban Nangpraya community
showed a significant difference in their increase, but the
other community in only half of all domains. Among
these three communities, all domains and totals indicated
significantly different capacities. The difference of do-
mains showed commitment of the leader group for
building capacity within the leaders and supporting team
in two strengthened communities, whereas the other
community conducted activities only by their VHVs
group. The results were indicated in a previous study
C. Suwanbamrung et al. / Health 3 (2011) 58 4-601
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
which focused on the important roles of the leader group
in the community [5,35,36].
Entomology and epidemiology outcomes of these
three models showed different scores all indicating de-
creases of both larval indices and morbidity rate. Ban
Kang model exhibited excellent model of dengue com-
munity capacity through their process—preparation, plan-
ning, implement and continual monitoring. The leader
group in the model was involved in intersectoral coordi-
nation between the representatives from local adminis-
trative organization, primary health care center, commu-
nity leaders, religious leaders, committee leaders, and
VHVs. Then, it was clearly seen that the results of the
dengue community capacity of leader and non-leader
group in the community supported the premise and ap-
proach of the dengue capacity of community to decrease
dengue risk. Moreover, the larval indices (HI, BI, and CI)
and morbidity rates were shown to be the lowest level of
three models [37-40].
The model with highest the dengue community capac-
ity level showed the lowest risk of dengue utilizing the
index of both larval indices and morbidity rate. Thus, the
model of community capacity building for sustainable
dengue problem solutions needs to be maintained and
increased the level of the dengue community capacity
within the context of each community.
One limitation of the study is that it was conducted
over one year. Longer term periods are needed to assess
sustainability [32]. Nevertheless, the study assessed the
outputs and outcomes of intervention at an early stage in
achieving sustainability of a solution to dengue [5,41].
Another limitation was the adoption of the HI, BI, and
CI as they were easier to collect and to interpret than
other entomological measures, and that the leader group
perceived ownership of own community and provided
available participation. The advantage of a community
capacity building approach is that it demonstrated a high
degree in the ability of community capacity levels of
both leaders and non-leaders to change since after one
year of intervention, the reduction in all larval indices,
and type of water containers could be found.
The author(s) declare that they have no competing in-
Grateful acknowledgements are to people (leaders and non-leaders)
of three communities and all representatives from government officers
who were involved in the project. The author(s) would like to thank
Walailak University, Thailand for funding the project and the School
of Nursing for the support by providing available time. Special thanks
to Victor Greenspoon who has edited the manuscript.
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