Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
based first technique consists of householder reflection
QR operation, which having O (n3) floating point opera-
tions, further its having one SVD and two multiplication
process so total floating point operations are O (n3 + mn2
+ 2mn). Second novel technique having two QR decom-
position process with three multiplication process, hence
total operations related to this technique are O (2n3 +
3mn). Finally this analysis depicts that novel techniques
having less complexity compare to Whitening Rotation
based semi-blind channel estimation technique.
5. Conclusions
The work investigated for Householder based QR-OPML
and joint channel and data estimation based QR-NEW
semi-blind channel estimation techniques for Rayleigh
flat fading MIMO channel using two transmitter and six
receiver antennas combinations and various pilot sym-
bols. The simulations result shows that BER perform-
ance improves as number pilot symbols increase. Finally
those techniques compare with Whitening rotation (WR)
based semi-blind channel estimation technique and ob-
served House holder QR-OPML based first novel tech-
nique with perfect R outperforms WR based semi-blind
technique with low complexity.
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