Martensitic Characterization of the Ti45.3Ni54.7 Melt Spun Alloy
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
thickness. When the ribbon is produced at a higher wheel
velocity in melt spinning, the degree of undercooling
becomes high because of its thinner thickness. The grain
boundaries and defects can act as barriers to the marten-
sitic transformation as a result of the extra energy re-
quired during transformation. Thus fine-grain ribbons
which have lots of grain boundaries would be expected to
have lower transformation temperatures. The DSC result
showed that when wheel velocity increases from 30 m/s
to 50 m/s the R-phase appears because the as-spun
Ti45.3Ni54.7 ribbon has many Guinier-Preston (GP) zones,
induced by the large number of defects. According to the
partial-cycled DSC test, we conclude that the peaks of
transformations are associated with B2 → R transforma-
tion, R → B19’ transformation for large grains, R →
B19’ transformation for small grains during cooling, and
B19’ → B2 transformation for large grains and B19’ →
B2 transformation for small grains during heating. The
occurrence of the multiple martensitic transformations in
ribbons of Ti45 Ni55 SMA is due to the coexistence of
large and small grains distributed in the ribbons. The
reason why both R → B19’ and B19’ → B2 transforma-
tions are separated into two peaks which correspond to
large and small grains, while the B2 ↔ R transformation
is not separated into two peaks is that the B2 → R trans-
formation exhibits much smaller transformation strain
than R → B19’ and B19’ → B2 transformations.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
support from the CNPq, from CASADINHO project no
620091/2008-8, from Projeto Universal project no
471831/2009-3 and the concession of scholarship to
George Carlos S. Anselmo.
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