Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WSN
that a harvesting date can also be predicted by calculat-
ing the slope of the measured mutual coupling. And
when the slope changes from negative to positive, it is
time that Durians should be harvested.
According to the conventional method of counting the
days after full-bloom, Durian is at the maturity stage of
75% around 120 days after full-bloom [1]. However,
Figure 5 shows that, actually, on the 101st day, the ma-
turity stage was 75% already. Therefore, under some
conditions, it is quite possible that fruit growers may
harvest Durian at the wrong time. The proposed sensor
may be a good alternative fo r pre-harvesting q uality con-
trol of this fruit.
5. Conclusions
A dual polarization coupled patch antenna for sensing
maturity stage of Durian was proposed. The averaged
mutual coupling signal can indicate the appropriate time
for harvesting Durians, which is absolutely essential for
controlling its quality for ex port. Th is work demonstrates
an application for Durian quality control. Future work
will apply to other climacteric fruits.
6. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the National Research
Council of Thailand (NRCT) and the Thailand Research
Fund (Grant No.RTA 5180002). The authors ap preciate P.
Sooksumrarn, T. Limpiti, P. Yoiyod, P. Leekul and
T.Tantisoparak for implementing the system and data
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