Wireless Sensor Network, 2011, 3, 313-317
doi:10.4236/wsn.2011.39033 Published Online September 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/wsn)
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WSN
Wireless Power Generation Strategy Using EAP Actu ated
Energy Harvester for Marine Information Acquisition
So-Nam Yun1, Eun-A Jeong1, Hwang-Hun Jeong1, Ky-Yun Lee2
1Energy Plant Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Daejeon, Korea
2Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
E-mail: ysn688@kimm.re.kr, kylee@cnu.ac.kr
Received July 25, 2011; revised August 21, 2011; accepted September 6, 2011
The energy of a radio wave is reduced through the dispersion, the refraction and the absorption because the
medium transferring the vibration of a radio wave is the seawater. In the end the reduced energy of a radio
wave causes the reduced transmitting length for communication, the long postponed communication and the
frequent error. The subsea communication for the marine environment monitoring which must overcome the
weak points of the RF wave and the most practical method for the marine sensor network realization is to use
the acoustic wave method, but the energy consumption rate of the acoustic wave communication method is
about 100 times greater than the one of the RF wave method. So, the power supply of the sensor node in the
marine sensor network system is the most important interest field. In this study, the sample which consists of
an acrylic elastomer (VHB4905 film from 3 M), conductible carbon grease(from MG chemical) and electric
wire for the basic study of an energy harvesting strategy and technique using EAP actuator was fabricated,
and the conductible carbon grease was used for an electrode. The characteristics of the fabricated sample
were analyzed through the experiment. We also mixed carbon grease with aluminum powder for conductibil-
ity improvement, and the effect of the mixed electrode was confirmed through the conductivity measure-
Keywords: Electroactive Polymer, Energy Harvester, Electric Conductivity, Wireless Power generation,
Marine Information Acquisition
1. Introduction
The monitoring strategy of the marine environment using
WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) with a battery or an
energy scavenging system is the core technology for the
security of the marine resources, the military information
acquisition and the data insurance for the weather predic-
tion [1-3].
However, the sensor network technology of the top
side using the conventional type RF (Radio Frequency)
is difficult to apply to subsea because the medium of the
seawater is different from the air one. The energy of a
radio wave is reduced through the dispersion, the refrac-
tion and the absorption because the medium transferring
the vibration of a radio wave is the seawater. In the end
the reduced energy of a radio wave causes the reduced
transmitting length for communication, the long post-
poned communication and the frequent error. The subsea
communication for the marine environment monitoring
which must overcome the weak points of the RF wave
and the most practical method for the marine sensor
network realization is to use the acoustic wave method,
but the energy consumption rate of the acoustic wave
communication method is about 100 times greater than
the one of the RF wave method. So, the power supply of
the sensor node in the marine sensor network system is
the most important interest field.
In case of the sensor node which is installed at the in-
shore and offshore, the power supply to the sensor node
is operated by the electrical wire. In case of the sensor
node installed at the subsea, all of them have batteries
and are retrieved when the batteries are discharged using
the buoy, AUV (Automatic under Vehicle) or UUV
(Unmanned Underwater Vehicle). The cost for the sensor
withdraws and for the battery change is greater than the
sensor cost itself when the cost of the sensor installed at
the subsea is low. As a result, the low cost sensors which
are died of natural causes are thrown away. If the self
energy generating and the supply method for the sensor
power supply are developed, the realization and the op-
eration of the marine sensor network will be easy, and
this kind of system has the environmental and the eco-
nomical advantages [4].
There are two kinds of the vibration energy harvesting
method from material point of view. One is the PZT
(Lead-Zirconate-Titanate) actuator method, and the other
is EAP actuator method. The wake-up circuit, power
management circuit, rectifier and MOSFET (Metal-Ox-
ide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) have been
researched because the harvested energy quantity from
the vibration energy is very low for the material limita-
tion and structure characteristics [5-9].
In this study, the sample which consists of a acrylic
elastomer (VHB4905 film from 3 M), conductible car-
bon grease(from MG chemical) and electric wire for the
basic study of an energy harvesting strategy and tech-
nique using EAP actuator was fabricated, and the con-
ductible carbon grease was used for an electrode. The
characteristics of the fabricated sample were analyzed
through the experiment. We also mixed carbon grease
with aluminum powder for conductibility improvement,
and the effect of the mixed electrode was confirmed
through the conductivity measurement which is derived
from the output voltage and the output current from the
fabricated sample with a mixed electrode.
2. Experimental Apparatus
2.1. Principal of Energy Harvesting
Figure 1 shows the principal of the electrical energy
production when the conductible polymer is used for the
energy generation. The energy density, , of the electric
field when Maxwell stress is not considered is expressed
as Equation (1).
means the relative permittivity and 0
is the
permittivity (8.85 × 10–12 F/m) in the free space.
[V/m] is the electric field.
The electrostatic capacity, [C], which is derived
by the conductible polymer from the Figure 1 is de-
scribed as Equation (2).
where, is the length between two electrodes,
is the cross-sectional area between electrodes. And the
electric field is expressed as Equation (3).
Figure 1. Energy generated from dielectric elastomer when
a force is impressed on compliant electrodes.
where, [V] means the voltage drop which is gener-
ated by the electrostatic capacity.
The outputted energy, [W], from the conductible
polymer is as Equation (4).
We can get the final equation Equation (5) substituting
Equation (1) and Equation (3) for Equation (4).
UCV (5)
From the Equation (5), we can know that the energy is
outputted in accordance with the electrostatic capacity
change of the conductible polymer [9,10].
Figure 1 explains the energy generation state by the
electrostatic capacity change which is also governed by
the real external force. The electrostatic capacity is var-
ied if the length between the electrodes and the cross-
sectional area of the electrode are changed because the
electrostatic capacity is in inverse proportion to the sur-
face area of the polymer actuator and is also in propor-
tion to the length between the electrodes.
2.2. Experimental Setup and Procedure
Many kinds of EAP materials such as HS3 silicone,
Polyurethanes, Silicone NuSil CF 19-2186 and Acrylic
Elastomer are used for the energy harvesting mechanism.
In this study, the Acrylic Elastomer has been selected for
the energy harvesting material because this material has
characteristics such as a long displacement, a high oper-
ating force and a high density.
In this study, the Acrylic Elastomer of VHB 4905 film
from 3M was selected [11], and the electrode of the con-
ductible carbon grease from MG chemical was used for
the enough transformation for the flexible Acrylic Elas-
tomer [12].
Figure 2 shows the photo of the energy harvesting de-
vice which is the laboratory-made prototype and consists
of the Acrylic Elastomers, carbon greases and the electric
wires. The made energy harvester is two layered experi-
mental model. An Acrylic Elastomer was displaced at the
center position and the carbon grease with an electrode
was painted as a same height of 5 mm to the both side of
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WSN
S.-N. YUN ET AL.315
Figure 2. A fabricated energy harvester using EAP.
the Acrylic Elastomer. Finally two wires were equipped
at the experimental model for measurement the outputted
power. Above-mentioned experimental model was made
on the plate which is the transparent acryl and the size is
100 mm (length) × 100 mm (width) × 5 mm (height).
Figure 3 shows the photo of the experimental setup
for scavenging the vibration energy. An oscilloscope
(DSO3230A, Agilent) for measurement the output power
of the energy scavenging equipment like Figure 2 and a
notebook for measured data storage have been equipped.
In this study, the energy harvesting strategy for confir-
mation the conductivity variation by impurity ratio
change of the Aluminum powder which is mixed to the
electrode of the carbon grease was conducted. The mixed
ratios of the Aluminum powder to the carbon grease
were 0 wt%, 5 wt% and 10 wt%, respectably.
The mass of 75.5 g for the objectivity guarantee of the
experimental condition for the energy harvesting capa-
bility estimation was used and the mass was dropped
from the height of 40 mm. Finally the outputted voltage
and current were measured by the power meter and the
energy harvesting ratio by the mixed Aluminum powder
variation is calculated. Total energy quantity which was
Figure 3. Experimental setup for confirmation the energy
harvest validity.
gotten from the vibration energy was calculated by nu-
merical integration of the output voltage and current
during 6 s.
3. Experimental Results and Discussion
Figures 4, 5 and 6 show the output voltage characteris-
tics of the manufactured energy harvester of which elec-
trode is carbon grease and have Aluminum impurity of
0%, 5% and 10%, respectably. And the mass for shock
energy generation to the fabricated energy harvester is
75.5 g and the dropped height is 40 mm.
The sampling speed is 2.0 kSa/s. Also, x-axis is di-
vided by 50 ms/div. and y-axis is divided by 200 mv/div.
The fluctuated part in the graph means the contact timing
between the mass and the test object system. We can
know from the output voltage result graphs that that the
more Aluminum impurity is induced the higher voltage
CH1 200 mv/div 50.00 ms/div 2.00 kSa/s
Delay. 000000s
2.0 KSa/s
X: 50 ms/div
Y: 200 mV/div
Figure 4. Output voltage from energy harvester without
CH1 200 mv/div50.00 ms/div
2.00 kSa/s
Delay. 000000s
2.0 kSa/s
X: 50 ms/div
Y: 200 mv/div
Figure 5. Output voltage from energy harvester with 5%
Aluminum impurity.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WSN
CH1 200 mv/div 50.00 ms/div
2.00 kSa/s
Delay. 000000s
2.0 kSa/s
X: 50 ms/div
Y: 200 mv/div
Figure 6. Output voltage from energy harvester with 10%
Aluminum impurity.
Figures 7, 8 and 9 show the voltage characteristics but
these contain the current information because these re-
sults were measured using the resistance of 10 M in-
side the energy harvester. And also x-axis scale is 50
ms/div. and y-axis scale 200 mv/div.
The electric output power is calculated by the numeri-
cal integration of the experimental results from Figure 4
to Figure 8 and the product of integrated voltage and
current. And we can also compare the harvested-quantity
by the impurity ratio. The oscilloscope’s sampling speed
is 2kSa/s and the sampled data were 1200. The experi-
ments were operated many times by control system with
an oscilloscope. And Figure 4 to Figure 8 are the repre-
sentative output results.
The numerical integration was conducted by Equation
si si
CH1 200 mv/div 50.00 ms/div
2.00 kSa/s
Delay. 000000s
2.0 kSa/s
X: 50 ms/div
Y: 200 mv/div
Figure 7. Output current from energy harvester without
Aluminum impurity.
CH1 200 mv/div50.00 ms/div
2.00 kSa/s
Delay. 000000s
2.0 kSa/s
X: 50 ms/div
Y: 200 mv/div
Figure 8. Output current from energy harvester with 5%
Aluminum impurity.
Ag ilent
CH1 200 mv/div 50.00 ms/div
2.00 kSa/s
Delay. 000000s
2.0 kSa/s
X: 50 ms/div
Y: 200 mv/div
Figure 9. Output current from energy harvester with 10%
Aluminum impurity.
where, sum means the voltage or the current value de-
rived from the energy harvester during 6 s.
,2, ,(11200)
means the data from the voltage or
the current signal matrix.
Table 1 and Figure 10 show the maximum voltage,
the maximum current and the maximum energy re-
spectably from the energy harvester which composed
with the acrylic elastomer and electrodes with Aluminum
impurity. We can know from the Table 1 and Figure 10
that there is an Aluminum impurity effect because the
Table 1. Experimental results by vibration energy .
Voltage [V]
Current [mA]
0%wt 0.147 0.343 0.0024
5%wt 0.140 0.097 0.0065
10%wt 0.230 0.153 0.0078
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WSN
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WSN
5. References
[1] S. H. Han and B. K. Cho, “A Study on the Development
of Marine Detector Using Nano-technology,” Journal of
the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, Vol.
14, No. 1, 2008, pp. 39-43.
[2] H. Y. Choi and S. H. Park, “A Group Base Sub Sink Un-
derwater Wireless Sensor Network Routing,” 2006 An-
nual Spring Conference of the Korean Society for Simu-
lation, 2006, pp. 149-156.
[3] Y. H. Yu, Y. S. Gang and W. B. Lee, “Development of a
Floating Buoy for Monitoring Ocean Environment,”
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering,
Vol. 33, No. 5, 2009, pp. 705-712.
[4] S. J. Park, S. H. Park, S. G. Kim and C. H. Kim, “Marine
Sensor Network Technique,” Journal of the Korean In-
stitute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 28,
No. 7, 2010, pp. 79-88.
Figure 10. Output power results by Aluminum impurity
ratio variation.
[5] D. W. Kim, et al., “The Study of Improvement Perform-
ance Techniques for Self Sustaining Sensor Node System
Using Acquire Vibration Energy,” 2009 Annual Fall con-
ference of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers,
2009, pp. 97-98.
more Aluminum impurity is mixed to the electrode, the
more harvested energy is gotten.
4. Conclusions
[6] K. J. Park, et al., “Self-Powered Wireless Sensor using
MEMS/MOSFET Hybrid Switch,” 2010 Annual Summer
Conference of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engi-
neers, 2010, pp. 1179-1180.
The purpose of this study is to understand the character-
istics of the energy harvesting devices using vibration for
marine information acquisition with a wireless sensor
network system. [7] S. M. Kang, et al., “Power Management Circuit for Solar
Cell Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes,” 2009 Annual
Summer Conference of the Korean Institute of Electrical
Engineers, 2009, pp. 1925-1926.
In this study, the sample which consists of a acrylic
elastomer(VHB4905 film from 3 M), conductible carbon
grease(from MG chemical) and electric wire for the basic
study of an energy harvesting strategy and technique
using EAP actuator was fabricated, and the conductible
carbon grease was used for an electrode. The validity of
the Aluminum impurity ratio in the main electrode was
experimented and analyzed. The proposed model can be
used to predict performance and to provide insights for
improving the designs of energy harvesting system. It
will also be useful in the design and analysis of control
systems that utilize this in high performance application
of vibration.
[8] H. K. Chang, D. J. Kim and J. Y. Park, “Use of Piezo-
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[10] G. Kofod, “Dielectric Elastomer Actuators,” The Tech-
nical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 2001, pp. 2-20.
[11] http://www.mgchemicals.com.
[12] http://products3.3m.com.