Vol.1, No.3, 36-45 (2011)
doi:10.4236/jdm.2011.130 06
opyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.sc irp.or g/journal/JDM/
Journal of Diabetes Mellitus
Pancreas-protective effects of chlorella in STZ-induced
diabetic animal model: insights into the mechanism
Amr Amin1,5*, Mohamed Lotfy1, Doaa Mahmoud-Ghoneim2,6, Ernest Adeghate3, Mohamed A.
Al-Akhras4, Maryam Al-Saadi1, Salam Al-Rahmoun1, Rasheed Hameed3
1Biology Department, UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates;
2Physics Department, Faculty of Science, UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates;
3Department of Anatomy, FMHS; UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates;
4Department of Physics, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Al Ramtha, Irbid-Jordan;
5Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt; *Corresponding Author: a.amin@uaeu.ac.ae
6Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Received 4 May 2011; revised 6 June 2011; accepted 15 June 2011.
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of
intragastric administration of chlorella (1 g/kg
body weight) for a period of 30 days to treat
normal and diabetic male Wistar rats. Diabetes
was induced by intraperitoneal injection of
streptozotocin (STZ) (60 mg/kg - 1 body weight).
A significant (p < 0.05) reduction of blood glu-
cose level in diabetic chlorella-treated rats was
observed compared to diabetic untreated. Chlor-
ella increased the number of glut athione-positive
cell in diabetic rats compared to untreated dia-
betics. Chlorella administration increased the
percentage of insulin secreting pancreatic beta
cells both in normal and diabetic treated rats.
Percentage of glucagon producing alpha cells
of the pancreas were reduced both in normal
and diabetic chlorella-treated rats. Chlorella-
induced regenerative ability on pancreas was
mediated by up-regulation of Ki67 and down-
regulation of P53 and by its potent antioxidant
ability. The present results suggest that chlor-
ella may play an important role in improving the
overall condition of diabetic patients and delay
its complication by restoring the function of
pancreatic insulin-secreting cells.
Keywords: Chlorella; Diabetes; Glucose; Insulin;
Beta Cells.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder af-
fecting approximately 4% of the population worldwide
and it is expected to increase to 5.4% in 2025 [1]. It is
also characterized by hyperglycaemia and associated
with an absolute or relative deficiency in the insulin ac-
tion and/or secretion [2]. The vast majority of cases of
diabetes fall into two broad etiopathogenetic categories.
In type 1 diabetes, patients suffer an absolute deficiency
of insulin secretion. However, in the more prevalent
category type 2 diabetes, the cause is normally a combi-
nation of resistance-to-insulin action and an inadequate
compensatory insulin-secretory response [3,4]. This re-
sults in severe metabolic imbalances and physiologic
changes in many tissues, where oxidative stress plays an
important role in the etiology [5]. The levels of the reac-
tive oxygen species (ROS) as oxidative stress marker in
pancreatic islets of diabetic rats was found to be in-
creased [6].
Oxygen free radical activity can initiate peroxidation
of lipids, which in turn stimulates glycation of protein
and inactivation of enzymes. There is convincing ex-
perimental and clinical evidence that the generation of
ROS is increased in both types of diabetes. Normally,
the level of oxidative stress is modulated by antioxidant
defense systems [7]. Diabetes-linked alterations in anti-
oxidant defense systems have been demonstrated, in-
cluding alteration in the activities of antioxidant en-
zymes such as catalase (CAT) and impaired the reduced
glutathione (GSH) metabolism [8]. Increases in oxida-
tive stress markers in pancreatic islets in experimental
diabetic rats have also been reported [3]. Supplementa-
tion with natural products rich in free radical scavengers
and antioxidants may facilitate the regeneration of
β-cells and protect pancreatic islets against the cytotoxic
effects of streptozotocin [2].
ROS-mediated DNA damage has attracted much at-
tention because of its possible relationship to pathologi-
cal processes such as carcinogenesis and aging [9]. A
role of ROS has also been demonstrated as a cause of
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
type 1 diabetes mellitus induced by chemicals such as
alloxan and STZ in experimental animals [10]. The dia-
betogenic agent STZ enters the pancreatic β-cell via a
glucose transporter-GLUT2 and causes alkylation of
DNA. Furthermore, STZ induces activation of poly-
adenosine diphosphate ribosylation and nitric oxide re-
lease. As a result of STZ action, pancreatic β-cells are
destroyed by necrosis [11]. In adult rats, 60 mg/kg is the
most common dose of STZ used to induce type 1 diabe-
tes [4].
Despite the ongoing introduction of new hypoglyce-
mic drugs, diabetes (and its related complications) re-
mains a major global medical problem and a more suc-
cessful treatment is of great interest, but yet to be dis-
covered. Modern drugs, including insulin and other oral
hypoglycemic agents such as thiazolidinediones, bigua-
nides and sulphonylureas, control blood glucose level as
long as they are regularly administered, but they also
produce many undesirable side effects [1]. Recently,
diabetic healthcare professionals have shown a substan-
tial interest in considering complementary and alterna-
tive approaches to minimize the burden of complications
associated with this disease. Toward that end several
experimental studies have been conducted to evaluate
either raw or purified active ingredients of an array of
natural products. Nowadays, clinical treatment of diabe-
tes targets insulin deficiency, resistance and the declina-
tion of pancreatic β-cell function [4].
Natural antioxidants have gained a great interest of
food scientists, nutrition specialists and even the general
public, as they reduce the risk of chronic diseases and
promote human health [12]. Unicellular green alga chlo-
rella is an eukaryotic microalga. Several lines of evi-
dence have shown the anti-atherogenic effects of chlor-
ella in animal models [13]. Chlorella has also been re-
ported to possess anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and
anti-tumor properties both in vitro [14], and in vivo
[15,16]. Administration of chlorella has been shown to
improve glucose challenge both in normal and STZ-
induced diabetic mice [17] and its hypoglycemic effect
was shown both in alloxan-induced and STZ-induced
diabetic animals (STZ) [18].
Despite the chlorella’s protective effects on insulin
secretion, its effect on the integrity of the pancreas of
rats is yet to be carefully investigated in drug-induced
diabetic models. The present study was undertaken to
demonstrate the insulin-conserving potential and preven-
tive nature of chlorella on pancreatic β-cells damage in
STZ-induced diabetic rats, by biochemical, histological
and immunohistochemical techniques.
2.1. Animals and Chlorella
Male Wistar rats weighing approximately 200 grams
(8 weeks old) were used throughout this study. Rats were
obtained from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sci-
ences, United Arab Emirates University breeding colony.
The study was approved by the UAEU Animal Research
Ethics Committee. All rats were housed at temperature
(25˚C) and humidity controlled rooms and 12 hours light
and dark periods. The animals were fed on a standard rat
chow and tap water ad libitum. Chlorella was purchased
as tablets from Wakunaga of America Co., LTD. Mission
Viejo, CA, USA.
2.2. Induction of Experimental Diabetes
Diabetes was induced in rats by a single intraperito-
neal (ip) injection of STZ (Sigma, Poole, UK) at a dose
of 60 mg/kg body weight [19]. The STZ was freshly
dissolved in citrate buffer (0.5 M, pH 4.5). Five days
after STZ injection, the fifteen hours fasting rats were
tested for diabetes by using a drop of blood from the tail
end of each rat. The blood glucose estimations were
made by One Touch Ultra, Glucometer (LifeScan, John-
son & Johnson, CA, USA) for each individual rat. The
average fasting blood glucose levels of the selected dia-
betic rats were equal to 310 mg/dl.
2.3. Experimental Design
Diabetes Following the diagnosis of diabetes, both age
matched control and STZ-induced diabetic rats were
divided up into four groups each containing ten rats. The
rats were orally administered daily with chlorella (1 g/kg
body weight) for 30 days. The age matched control rats
received the vehicle (water) over the same period of time.
The four groups were as follows: 1) Group 1: normal
untreated control. 2) Group 2: normal chlorella treated
rats. 3) Group 3: diabetic untreated control. 4) Group 4:
diabetic chlorella treated rats.
2.4. Plasma Glucose Measurement
The fasting blood glucose level was measured at
starting time for each individual rat of all groups then
every ten days till the last 30 days. Blood samples for
fasting glucose measurement were drawn from the tail
vein using One Touch Ultra blood glucose meter, Life
Sciences, USA. The mean of the fasting blood glucose
for each of the experimental groups was measured dur-
ing the experiment period.
2.5. Intraperitoneal Glucose Tolerance Test
At the end of the 30 days of the treatment, all rats in
normal and diabetic groups were subjected to ip glucose
tolerance test, after an overnight fasting (of about 15
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
hours). Each rat was given ip glucose load, 2 g/kg body
weight [20]. The blood glucose measurements were
made at 0 (prior to the glucose load), 30, 60, 120 and
180 min after the glucose load [21].
2.6. Tissue Processing
At the end of the experiment, all the rats from each
group were humanely killed under general anesthesia by
diethyl ether. A mid-line abdominal incision was made
and the pancreas was rapidly removed. Representative
fragments were taken from different parts of the pan-
creas and used for histological studies.
2.7. Histology and Immunohistochemistry
Ten rats from each group (normal and diabetic) were
used for the experiments. The isolated pancreas was
trimmed free of adherent fat and connective tissues, cut
into small pieces (2 mm3), fixed overnight in freshly
prepared 10% neutral phosphate buffered formalin, sec-
tioned at 5 µm thicknesses and stained with hematoxy-
lin-eosin and avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex staining
system. Sections were examined for normal morpho-
logical study and for β-positive cells of insulin secretion
and α-positive cells of glucagon secretion under Olym-
pus BX 41 (Japan) light microscope.
2.8. Immunofluorescence
Isolated pancreatic tissues were retrieved, fixed and
embedded in paraffin. Sections of about 5 µm thickness
were de-paraffinized in xylene, hydrated in descending
concentration of ethanol (3 min each) and washed 3
times in PBS for (5 min each). After washing in PBS, the
tissue was marked around with a Dako pen to prevent
solutions draining away from the tissue section. The
staining procedure was started by incubating the sections
with blocking reagent (bovine serum albumin in phos-
phate buffered saline) for 30 min. Thereafter, the block-
ing reagent was drained off and appropriate dilution of
primary antibodies were applied and incubated at 4˚C
for 24 hours. On the following day, sections were incu-
bated at the room temperature for 1 hour. The slides
were then washed 3 times in PBS (5 min each), incu-
bated with secondary antibodies conjugated with TRITC
(Jackson Laboratory, USA) for 1 hour and washed in
PBS (3 times 5 min each). Sections were finally
mounted in CITI-Floure mounting media and photo-
graphed with Ziess Axiophot Fluorescence Microscope.
2.9. Image Anal ysis
Antigens under investigation were analyzed using
ImageJ software (1.410by Wayne Rasband, National
Institute of Health, USA). Percentage of antigen posi-
tive-cells in the islets of Langerhans of pancreatic tissue
was determined using an automated image analysis pro-
gram implemented by the authors using Matlab (version
7.00, 1984-2004, The Math Works Inc.). It gives posi-
tive-cells by calculating the percentage ratio of areas
immuno-stained areas with insulin-, glucagon- (DAKO,
USA) while, CAT- and GSH- (Sigma, USA) or with
P53- and Ki67- (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachu-
setts, USA) positive cells to the whole islet area on a
slide [22]. The percentages relative to control (which
was set as zero) were calculated. Evaluation was per-
formed in four different islet sites for each of the four
experimental groups (normal untreated, normal chlorella
treated, diabetic untreated and diabetic chlorella treated;
n = 10). The mean and standard error (M ± SEM) value
was then calculated giving the percentage positive cells
for each group.
2.10. Statistical Analysis
All values were expressed as mean ± standard error of
the mean (SEM). Student’s t-test was used to analyze the
significance of differences between mean values and
different groups were assessed using SPSS statistic
analysis software. Values with P < 0.05 were accepted as
significant comparing control and treated samples.
3.1. Effect of Chlorella Treatment on Blood
Glucose Levels of Normal and Diabetic
Figure 1 shows the time course of fasting blood glu-
cose (FBG) level of normal and diabetic rats after treat-
ment with chlorella compared to untreated rats. The
FBG was almost unchanged in normal chlorella treated
rats compared to normal untreated rats. A slight reduc-
tion of FBG levels was detected in diabetic treated rats
compared to untreated diabetic rats.
3.2. Effect of Intraperitoneal Glucose
Tolerance Test on Chlorella Treated
Normal and Diabetic Rats
The results for the IGTT of normal and diabetic rats
were shown in Figure 2. The results showed that normal
rats treated with chlorella had no significant difference
in IGTT from normal untreated rats. However, the dia-
betic chlorella treated rats showed a beneficial effect on
glucose tolerance specially a significant decrease (P <
0.05) in blood glucose levels of diabetic treated rats after
60 min compared to diabetic untreated rats following the
glucose load.
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
Figure 1. Time course effect of chlorella (1 g/Kg body weight)
on blood glucose levels of (a) normal and (b) diabetic rats
compared to untreated control rats. (Data are mean ± SEM, n =
Figure 2. Time course effect of treatment with chlorella (1
g/Kg body weight) on IGTT of (a) normal and (b) diabetic rats
compared to untreated control rats. (*P < 0.05) was a signifi-
cant difference in diabetic treated rats compared to untreated
diabetic rats. (Data are mean ± SEM, n = 10).
3.3. Effect on Antioxidant Enzymes
To assess the potential of chlorella as an antioxidant,
the activities of CAT, and GSH in pancreas were meas-
ured. Figures 3 and 4 depict the levels of activities of
antioxidant enzymes (CAT and GSH), in pancreas of ex-
perimental rats. Diabetic untreated rats showed marked
decrease in activities of antioxidant enzymes, whereas,
diabetic chlorella-treated rats showed a clear elevation of
the activities of antioxidant enzymes significantly com-
pared to diabetic untreated rats.
Panel E of Figures 3-4 and 6-9 show the results of
image analyses for CAT, GSH, insulin, glucagon, Ki67
and P53 immunoreactive cells of pancreatic islets by
immunohistochemical intensity as described in Materials
and Methods.
Figure 3. Representative images of rat pancreatic tissue sec-
tions stained for CAT by immunofluorescence. Micrographs
showing the distribution of CAT positive-cells in the pancreatic
islet of normal and diabetic rats. (a) CAT-positive cells in nor-
mal untreated rat pancreas; (b) CAT-positive cells in normal
chlorella treated rat pancreas; (c) CAT-positive cells in diabetic
untreated rat pancreas; (d) CAT-positive cells in diabetic
treated rat pancreas. Pictures were taken at 400× magnification.
(e) The effect of treatment with chlorella on percentage of
CAT-positive cells in pancreatic islets of normal and diabetic
rats. The data show a significant difference (** P < 0.01) in
diabetic treated rats compared to untreated diabetic rats. (Data
are mean ± SEM, n = 10).
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
3.4. Effect of Chlorella Treatment on
Percentage of Insulin Positive Cells of
Normal and Diabetic Rats
Figure 5 shows a normal histopathological architec-
ture of the pancreatic islets and the ordinary distribution
of pancreatic acini in normal rats. On the other hand, the
diabetic control shows disruption of the acini with small
atrophic islet cells. Treatment of diabetic rats with chlor-
ella leads to expansion and enlargement of islet cells.
Figure 6 shows the effect of chlorella on insulin-
positive cells in normal and diabetic rats. The results
show that treatments of normal and diabetic rats with
chlorella increase the percentage of insulin secreting
positive β-cells in both normal and diabetic treated rats.
However, normal treated rats showed marked signifi-
cant increase (P < 0.01) of insulin secreting positive cells
when compared to normal untreated rats. The results
also showed a significant increase (P < 0.05) of insulin
secreting cells in diabetic treated rats compared to dia-
Figure 4. Representative images of rat pancreatic tissue sec-
tions stained for GSH by immunofluorescence. Micrographs
showing the distribution of GSH positive-cells in the pancre-
atic islet of normal and diabetic rats. (a) GSH-positive cells in
normal untreated rat pancreas; (b) GSH-positive cells in nor-
mal chlorella treated rat pancreas; (c) GSH-positive cells in
diabetic untreated rat pancreas; (d) GSH-positive cells in dia-
betic chlorella treated rat pancreas. Pictures were taken at 400×
magnification. (e) The effect of treatment with chlorella on
percentage of GSH-positive cells in pancreatic islets of normal
and diabetic rats. Results show a significant difference (*P <
0.05) in diabetic treated rats compared to untreated diabetic
rats. (Data are mean ± SEM, n = 10).
betic untreated rats. The histograms also confirmed the
abundance of insulin-positive cells in pancreatic islet of
Langerhan’s in treated rats than in untreated ones in both
normal and diabetic groups.
3.5. Effect of Chlorella Treatment on
Percentage of Glucagon Positive Cells
of Normal and Diabetic Rats
Effects of chlorella on immunoreactive positive α-glu-
cagon cells in normal and diabetic rats were shown in
Figure 7. The results showed that treatments of normal
and diabetic rats with chlorella decrease the percentage
of glucagon secreting positive α-cells in all normal and
diabetic treated rats. A significant (P < 0.001) decrease in
α-cells was detected in diabetic treated rats compared to
diabetic untreated rats. Less prominent α-cells in pan-
creatic islet of Langerhan's in treated normal and dia-
betic rats than in untreated ones was also quantified
(Figure 7(e)).
3.6. Effect of Chlorella Treatment on
Proliferation and Apoptosis in
Pancreatic Islets
In the present study, the expression level of a replication
marker Ki67 was chosen as an established replica-
tion-associated protein with a broad clinical application
(Figure 8). The diabetic-associated significant reduction
(P < 0.01) of Ki67 was alleviated with chlorella treat-
On the other hand, P53 was chosen as an apoptotic
marker in the pancreatic islets. P53 expression was sig-
Figure 5. Histopathological observation of normal and chlor-
ella-treated rats. (a) Normal (typical architecture of pancreatic
islets); (b) normal treated with chlorella (typical architecture of
pancreatic islets); (c) normal diabetic control (presence of pan-
creatic acini, small atrophic islet cells); (d) diabetic treated
with chlorella (expansion and dilated islet cells). Photos were
taken at 400× magnification.
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
Figure 6. Immunohistochemical evaluation of insulin in pan-
creas. (a) Control rat showing normal structure and insu-
lin-positive β cells; (b) Rats administered with chlorella alone
showing normal structure and insulin-positive β cells; (c)
streptozotocin-diabetic rats showing the decrease in insulin
immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive β cells;
(d) Diabetic rats treated with chlorella showing increase of
insulin immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive β
cells. Pictures were taken at 400× magnification. (e) The effect
of treatment with chlorella on percentage of insulin-positive
cells in pancreatic islets of normal and diabetic rats. Results
show a significant increase (**P < 0.01 and **P < 0.05) in
normal and diabetic treated rats compared to untreated control
rats. (Data are mean ± SEM, n = 10).
nificantly (P < 0.01) down regulated in the diabetic
chlorella treated group (Figure 9).
Diabetes mellitus is a severe endocrine disease that
includes a group of disorders of varying etiology and
pathogenesis. The management of diabetes is an esca-
lating global predicament and a cure has yet to be dis-
covered. Drugs such as insulin and other hypoglycemic
agents control blood glucose level only when they are
regularly administered. These treatments, however, have
several disadvantages [23]. Fortunately natural products,
among other alternative medicines, offer a similar degree
of efficacy sans many problematic side effects. STZ is
selectively toxic to the β-cells in the pancreatic islets and
it eventually induces diabetes in adult rats [10].
STZ-induced hyperglycemia has been described as a
good experimental model to study diabetes mellitus. Its
administration to rats showed an increase in the blood
Figure 7. Immunohistochemical evaluation of glucagons in
pancreas. (a) Control rat showing normal structure and gluca-
gon-positive α cells; (b) Rats administered with chlorella alone
showing normal structure and glucagon-positive α cells; (c)
Streptozotocin-diabetic rats showing the increase in glucagon
immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive α cells;
(d) Diabetic rats treated with chlorella showing decrease of
glucagon immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive
α cells. Pictures were taken at 400× magnification. (e) The
effect of treatment with chlorella on percentage of glucagon
positive cells in pancreatic islets of normal and diabetic rats.
The data show a significant difference (***P < 0.001) in dia-
betic treated rats compared to untreated diabetic rats. (Data are
mean ± SEM, n = 10).
glucose levels and a decrease in the plasma insulin levels
Hyperglycemia, the most prevalent characteristic of
diabetes mellitus, is in itself very harmful for diabetic
patients. The elevated blood glucose levels are thought
to lead to cell death through oxidative stress induction
that occurs as a common sequel of diabetes-induced
modification of sugar moieties on proteins and lipids
[3,24]. Hyperglycemia increases oxidative stress through
the overproduction of ROS, which results in an imbal-
ance between free radicals and the antioxidant defense
systems of the cells. The administration of chlorella de-
creases blood glucose concentration in diabetic rats
demonstrating the blood glucose-controlling ability of
chlorella and its role as an essential trigger for the liver
to revert to its normal anti-oxidative ability.
Glucose uptake by muscle is increased after chlorella
administration. This may be the explanation for positive
glucose tolerance test in normal mice reported in previ-
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
Figure 8. Immunohistochemical evaluation of Ki67 expression
in pancreas. (a) Control rat showing normal structure and
Ki67-positive β cells; (b) Rats administered with chlorella
alone showing normal structure and Ki67-positive β cells; (c)
streptozotocin-diabetic rats showing the decrease in Ki67 im-
munoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive β cells; (d)
Diabetic rats treated with chlorella showing increase of Ki67
immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive β cells.
Pictures were taken at 400× magnification. (e) The effect of
treatment with chlorella on percentage of Ki67-positive cells in
pancreatic islets of normal and diabetic rats. The data show a
significant increase (**P < 0.01) in diabetic treated rats com-
pared to untreated diabetic rats. (Data are mean ± SEM, n =
ous study [17]. Glucose uptakes showed no difference in
soleus muscles between normal and STZ mice, however,
the uptakes were enhanced after chlorella administration.
Therefore, increasing the chlorella-induced glucose
uptake in the soleus muscles may explain its ameliorat-
ing effect on hyperglycemia [18]. At 60 min after intrap-
eritoneal glucose challenge, blood glucose of diabetic
rats treated with chlorella was significantly lower com-
pared to untreated diabetic rats, however, blood glucose
level was not significantly different at other time points.
The inability of the pancreas to significantly lower glu-
cose levels at other time points could be due to the fact
that the newly formed pancreatic beta cells may not be
mature enough to release effective insulin capable of
lowering blood glucose.
Antioxidant protective systems against ROS and the
breakdown products of peroxidized lipids and oxidized
protein and DNA are provided by many enzyme systems
such as CAT and GSH. Oxidative stress in diabetes is
coupled with a decrease in the antioxidant status, which
Figure 9. Immunohistochemical evaluation of P53 expression
in pancreas. (a) Control rat showing normal structure and
P53-positive β cells; (b) Rats administered with chlorella alone
showing normal structure and P53-positive β cells; (c) strepto-
zotocin-diabetic rats showing the increase in P53 immunoreac-
tivity and the number of immunoreactive β cells; (d) Diabetic
rats treated with chlorella showing decrease of P53 immuno-
reactivity and the number of immunoreactive β cells. Pictures
were taken at 400× magnification. (e) The effect of treatment
with chlorella on percentage of P53-positive cells in pancreatic
islets of normal and diabetic rats. The data show a significant
decrease (**P < 0.01) in diabetic treated rats compared to un-
treated diabetic rats. (Data are mean ± SEM, n = 10).
can increase the deleterious effects of free radicals [25].
CAT is one of the two major scavenging enzymes that
remove radicals in vivo. A decrease in its activity can
lead to an excess availability of free radicals like H2O2
which in turn generate resulting in initiation and
propagation of lipid peroxidation [3]. In this study, ac-
tivity of CAT was restored in chlorella treated diabetic
rats compared to diabetic untreated group. In addition,
GSH was significantly increased in diabetic chlorella
treated rats compared to diabetic untreated suggesting
that chlorella has free radical scavenging activity. Chlor-
ella may then enhance the activity of the antioxidant
protective system which may exert a beneficial effect
against pathological alterations caused by reactive oxy-
gen species and thus preserving pancreatic β-cell integ-
Changes in blood glucose and in numbers of insu-
lin-secreting cells reflect abnormalities in β-cells func-
tion and structure. STZ impairs glucose oxidation and
decreases insulin biosynthesis and secretion. It also gen-
erates ROS, which contribute to DNA fragmentation and
evoke other deleterious changes in β-cells [1].
A. Amin et al. / Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 1 (2011) 36-45
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openl y accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/JDM/
The present histopathological investigation showed
that diabetic pancreas revealed necrotic and fatty infil-
tration of the islet cells. Chlorella treated diabetic pan-
creas showed near normal structure of pancreatic islet
cells. Also here, chlorella treatment preserved pancreatic
β-cell integrity. The current immunohistochemical ex-
amination showed that pancreatic β-cells are destroyed
by STZ whereas chlorella partially prevented degenera-
tion of β-cells. Chlorella treatment increased the area of
insulin immunoreactive β-cells significantly. In the
STZ-diabetic rats, a significant decrease in insulin im-
munoreactivity was observed. However, after the treat-
ment of chlorella, the insulin immunoreactivity was im-
proved and an increase in the number of immunoreactive
β-cells was observed in comparison to the diabetic group.
According to the immunohistochemical results obtained,
chlorella may have the ability to enhance insulin sensi-
tivity and regenerate the β-cells of diabetic rats.
Anti-hyperglycemic effect of natural product extracts is
generally dependent upon the degree of β-cell destruc-
tion [26]. The present findings suggest that chlorella
may regenerate β-cells and has protective effect on
β-cells from glucose toxicity since the morphological
changes seen in β-cells of diabetic rats are compatible
with those observed when islets are exposed to high
concentrations of glucose. The anti-hyperglycemic effect
of chlorella may be mediated through insulin secretion
from the remnant β-cells and increase insulin sensitivity
[27]. Aucubin, another natural product isolated from
Plantago asiatica, was shown to stimulate glucose in-
take into cells and thus lowering the blood glucose level
[3]. A number of other natural products have also been
observed to exert hypoglycemic activity through insulin
release stimulatory effects [1]. Similarly, administration
of chlorella to diabetic rats markedly reduced STZ-in-
duced number of glucagon-positive cells in the pancreas.
In the present study, the expression level of Ki67 was
chosen as an established replication-associated protein
with a broad clinical application, e.g. in the histological
grading of malignant tumours. Previous studies reported
tight correlations between Ki67 and many other replica-
tion markers in a variety of tumours and suggested that
Ki67 is suitable for the quantitative determination of
β-cell replication in pancreatic tissue sections [28].
Even though the overall expression Ki67 was signifi-
cantly up regulated following chlorella treatment in dia-
betic rats, the expression of Ki67 protein was restricted
within individual cells of the pancreatic islets. This sug-
gests that the expression of other proliferation markers
may indeed be associated with the process of β-cell rep-
lication. In this context, MCM7 protein has been de-
scribed to peak at the G1/S-transition point in various
cell types [29], while PCNA expression reaches its
maximum during S-phase [30]. Ki67 is expressed at very
low levels in late G1 and early S [31] but increases dur-
ing cell cycle progression, reaching its maximum in late
S and G2 [32]. By these means, determination of the
expression of more than one replication marker may not
only allow for the discrimination between replicating
cells and quiescent cells, but may also yield additional
information about its current stage of cell cycle progres-
sion [28].
In this study, we also demonstrate that chlorella at-
tenuates apoptosis and increases cell survival in pancre-
atic β-cells. This effect was mediated by down regulating
p53. Pancreatic β-cell failure plays a key role in the
pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Although the exact
mechanism underlying β-cell destruction is not known, it
has been suggested that both hyperglycemia and hyper-
lipidemia contribute to β-cell destruction. Both glu-
cotoxicity and lipotoxicity are important in the patho-
genesis of type 2 diabetes because they lead to interfer-
ence with insulin signal transduction and thus insulin
resistance on the one hand and β-cell destruction on the
other [33]. The functional consequences of glucotoxicity
and glucolipotoxicity for β-cells include induction of cell
death by apoptosis [34].
The present study suggests that the antihyperglycemic
and antioxidant effects of chlorella preserve endocrine
pancreas and protect pancreas from STZ-induced toxic-
ity. Increased insulin secreting cells after treatment with
chlorella positively altered the deranged carbohydrate
metabolism in the STZ-induced diabetic rats. The pro-
tective effects of chlorella in experimental diabetes are
mediated by decreasing oxidative stress, enhancing pro-
liferation and cell survival and resulting in the preserva-
tion of pancreatic β-cell integrity.
This study was partially supported by the Dean’s Award for Prof. A.
Amin, Faculty of Science, UAEU. Authors are grateful to Sayel Daoud
(Twaam Hospital) for his technical assistance.
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