C. X. Yin et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 76-82
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Table 1. Results of our method against the method (molybde-
num blue assay for phosphate).
Numbers of
serum sample
(mmolL-1) from
Molybdenum blue
(mmolL-1) from
our method
1(Serumhuman) 0.96 0.97
2(Serumhuman) 0.93 0.95
2(Serumcow) 2.20 2.22
Table 2. Recovery of phosphate in serum and milk.
interfere with the elution profile; organic solvents such
as acetonitrile lead to damage to the column and sul-
phosalicylic acid is often contaminated with sulphate,
lead to sample dilution. And our method decreases the
cost of analyses with respect to batch methods involving
enzymes in solution. All these advantages make the
method reported here be a valid alternative for the de-
termination of phosphate in serum.
To sum up, we developed a sensitive, rapid and direct
method for detecting serum and milk phosphate spec-
trophotometrically. Our method is suitable for perform-
ing direct determinations of phosphate in serum without
any pretreatment and any interference. Now more and
more people are suffering from lithiasis as a result of
better living standards. Timely inspection of serum
phosphate is one of the clinical means of diagnosis.
Since long-time, people only pay attention to the inor-
ganic phosphorus determination in the urine and the
blood serum, to determine the inorganic phosphorus in
the foremilk mother’s milk and milk method very little
was mentioned. In this paper, we use our invention sys-
tem to quantificationally determine inorganic phospho-
rus concentration from milk degreased through centrifu-
gation, the results are accurate, suit to clinical and the
commerce use.
We acknowledge to the financial support of this work by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20801032),
Shanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation (No.
2009021006-2) and the Shanxi Province Foundation for Re-
turness (2008).
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1(Serum) — 1.48
0.6 2.02 95.9
2(Serum) — 1.11
0.6 1.73 102
3(Serum) — 0.95
0.6 1.53 97.3
4(Milkhuman) — 2.34
1.0 3.42 104
5(Milkcow) — 12.5
5 17.3 98.4