Applied Mathematics
Vol.07 No.17(2016), Article ID:72080,9 pages

The Zhou’s Method for Solving the Euler Equidimensional Equation

Pedro Pablo Cárdenas Alzate1, Jhon Jairo León Salazar2, Carlos Alberto Rodríguez Varela2

1Department of Mathematics and GEDNOL, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia

2Department of Mathematics, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia

Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

Received: September 15, 2016; Accepted: November 14, 2016; Published: November 17, 2016


In this work, we apply the Zhou’s method [1] or differential transformation method (DTM) for solving the Euler equidimensional equation. The Zhou’s method may be considered as alternative and efficient for finding the approximate solutions of initial values problems. We prove superiority of this method by applying them on the some Euler type equation, in this case of order 2 and 3 [2] . The power series solution of the reduced equation transforms into an approximate implicit solution of the original equations. The results agreed with the exact solution obtained via transformation to a constant coefficient equation.


Zhou’s Method, Equidimensional Equation, Euler Equation, DTM

1. Introduction

We know that when the coefficients and are analytic functions on a given domain, then the equation has analytic fundamental solution. We want to study equations with coefficients p and q having singularities, for this reason we study in this paper with one of the simplest cases, Euler’s equidimen- sional equation. This is an important problem because many differential equations in physical sciences have coefficients with singularities [3] . One of the special features of the equidimensional equation is that order of each derivative is equal to the power of the independent variable. This means that this type of equations can be reduced to linear equation with constant coefficient by using a change of the form.

Many numerical methods were developed for this type of equations, specifically on Euler’s equations such that Laplace transform method and Adomian method [4] . The method proposed in this paper was first established by Zhou to solve problems in electric circuits analysis. In this work, the differential transformation method is applied to solver the Euler equidimensional equations and to illustrate this method, several equations of this type are solved [5] [6] .

2. The Euler Equidimensional Equation

A Euler equidimensional equation is a differential equation of the form


where are constants and is an n-th derivative of the function

and is a continuous function.

Now, we consider a second order differential equation (homogeneous Euler equidi- mensional) of the form


The solution can be obtained by using the change of variables


where. In fact, for, we introduce, therefore. Then, the

first and second derivatives of are related by the chain rule,


Now, substituting (4) in (2) yields a second order differential equation with constant coefficients, i.e.,


Equation (5) can be solved using the characteristic polynomial


where roots are and which give the general solution but depending on the type of roots it has, i.e.,

a) If, real or complex, then the general solution of the Equation (2) is given by

b) If, then the general solution of the Equation (2) is given by

3. The Zhou’s Method or DTM

Differential transformation method (DTM) of the function is defined as


In (7), we have that is the original function and is the transformed function. The inverse differential transformation is defined as


but in real applications, function is expressed by a finite series and Equation (8) can be written as


which implies that

is negligibly small where n is decided by the convergence of natural frequency in this study.

The following theorems that can be deduced from Equations (7) and (9) and the proofs are available in [4] [5] [6] .

Theorem 1 If, then.

Theorem 2 If, then with constant.

Theorem 3 If, then.

Theorem 4 If, then.

Theorem 5 If, then, where

Theorem 6 (Cárdenas, P). If, then


4. Numerical Results

To illustrate the ability of the Zhou’s method [2] [7] for the Euler equidimensional equation, the next problem is provided and the results reveal that this method is very effective.

Example 1 (Homogeneous case). To begin, we consider the initial value problem


Using the substitution (3) and (4), the IVP (10) is transformed to a second order differential equation with constant coefficients, i.e.,


Now, of the initial conditions we have that as, then and therefore and. So, the new IVP is given by


The exact solution of the problem (12) is. Taking the differential transformation of this problem we obtain



where and. Therefore, the recurrence Equation (13) gives:




Therefore, using (9), the closed form of the solution can be easily written as


but since, then we obtain (see Figure 1)

Figure 1. The Zhou’s method vs. exact solution.

Example 2 (Non-homogeneous case). We consider the following IVP


Then, problem (15) is transformed to a second order differential equation with con- stant coefficient by using (3) and (4), i.e.,


We know that of the initial conditions and therefore, so we obtain and. Then, the IVP is given by


The exact solution of the problem (15) is. Now, the DTM of (17) is



with and. So, the recurrence Equation (18) gives:





Therefore, using (9), the closed form of the solution can be easily written as


But since, then we obtain (see Figure 2)

Example 3 (Third order Euler’s equation). Consider the following IVP


Now, to find we use the chain rule. In fact we obtain

Figure 2. The Zhou’s method vs. exact solution.


Therefore, using (3), (4) and (21) we have


Now, as in the previous example and then. So, the new initial con- ditions are given by and. Using (7) we find that

and. Therefore, we obtain the IVP


Applying DTM to (23) we obtain



So, the recurrence equation (24) gives:




Therefore, using (9), the closed form of the solution can be easily written as

Figure 3. The Zhou’s method vs. exact solution.


But since, then we obtain (see Figure 3)

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we presented the definition and handling of one-dimensional differential transformation method or Zhou’s method. Using the substitutions (3) and (4), Euler’s equidimensional equations were transformed to a second and third order differential equations with constant coefficients, next using DTM these equations were transformed into algebraic equations (iterative equations). The new scheme obtained by using the Zhou’s method yields an analytical solution in the form of a rapidly convergent series. This method makes the solution procedure much more attractive. The figures [4] [5] and [6] clearly show the high efficiency of DTM with the three examples proposed.


Foremost, we would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira and group GEDNOL for the support in this work. In the same way, we would like to express sincere thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their positive and constructive comments towards the improvement of the article.

Cite this paper

Cárdenas Alzate, P.P., Salazar, J.J.L. and Varela, C.A.R. (2016) The Zhou’s Method for Solving the Euler Equidimensional Equation. Applied Mathematics, 7, 2165-2173.


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