Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics
Vol.06 No.04(2016), Article ID:70748,18 pages
Excluded Minority of P8 for GF(4)-Representability
Seungho Ahn, Boongbi Han
Department of Mathematics, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea
Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
Received: October 3, 2015; Accepted: September 18, 2016; Published: September 21, 2016
One of the mainly interesting things of matroid theory is the representability of a matroid. Finding the set of all excluded minors for the representability is the solution of the representability. In 2000, Geelen, Gerards and Kapoor proved that is the complete set of GF(4)-representability. In this paper, we show that
is an excluded minor for GF(4)-representability.
Excluded Minor
1. Introduction
Matroid theory dates from the 1930’s when Whitney first used the term matroid in his basic paper [1] . Matroid theory is a common generalization of linear independence of graphs and matrices. One of the mainly interesting things of matroid theory is the representability of a matroid. One problem of representability is to find the fields over which the given matroid is representable. The other problem is to find the excluded minors for which the matroid is representable over the given field. It was found the complete set of excluded minors for two or three element fields [2] - [5] . In 1984, Kahn and Seymour conjectured that is the complete set of ex- cluded minors for GF(4)-representability. Oxley showed that the conjecture is wrong by showing
is also excluded minor for GF(4)-representability in his brief note [6] . Geelen, Gerarads and Kapoor proved that it is enough to add
to the list of Kahn and Seymour [7] . It is not an easy problem to find the excluded minors for GF(q)- representability when q is more than 4. Instead, we have the conjecture by Rota that the number of excluded minors are finite for any prime powers q [8] . In this paper, we study the properties of minor and show that
is excluded minor for GF(4)- representability deliberately.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Matroid
Matroid theory has exactly the same relationship to linear algebra as does point set topology to the theory of real numbers. That is, point set topology postulate the pro- perties of the open sets of real line and matroid axiomatize the character of the in- dependent set in vector space:
Definition 2.1. A matroid M is a finite set E and a collection of subsets of E satisfying the following three conditions:
(I2) If and
(I3) If X, Y are in and
, then there exists
such that
By the definition, for a finite vector space V and for the collection of linearly independent subsets of vectors of V,
is a matroid. If
is a matroid, M is called a matroid on E. Also E which is denoted by
is called ground set of M and
is called the set of independent set in M. A subset of E that is not in
is called dependent set. On the other point of view, matroid can be defined by abstraction of the properties of the cycles of a graph. Let G be a graph and let
be the set of all edges of G. Also let
be the set of all cycles in G. Then
has the following properties:
(C2) If and
are in
, then
(C3) If and
are distinct members of
, then there is member
such that
Now, let be a subset of the power set
of a finite set E. If
satisfies the conditions (C1), (C2) and (C3), then
is called the set of circuits of a matroid on E. Let
be the set of circuits of a matroid M. Then, the set
of all subsets of E which contain no member of
satisfies the independent conditions (I1), (I2) and (I3). Also for a matroid
, the set
of all minimal dependent set M satisfies the three circuits conditions. Thus, the matroid defined by circuits is the same as the one defined by independent sets. We need two other definitions of a matroid.
Definition 2.2. Let E be a finite set and r be a function from to the set of non- negative integers and satisfies the following conditions:
(R1) If, then
(R2), then
(R3) If X and Y are subsets of E, then. Then, r is called the rank function of a matroid M on E. Let M be the matroid
and suppose that
. Let
. Then, it is easy to see that the pair
is a matroid. We call this matroid the restriction of M to X or the deletion of
from M. It is denoted by
. We define the rank
of X to be the size of a maximal independent set of
. This function which is called the rank function of M satisfies the conditions (R1), (R2) and (R3). This function is denoted by
will be denoted by
. On the other hand, if r is a rank function of a matroid M, the set
is the set of in- dependent set of M. Thus, the definition of a matroid by a rank function is equivalent to the definition by independent sets. One of the definitions of matroid is the one by closure operator. Throughout this thesis, by E means a finite set.
Definition 2.3. Let cl be a function from to
satisfying the following;
(CL1) If, then
(CL2) If, then
(CL3) If, then
(CL4) If,
, and
, then
Then cl is called the closure operator of a matroid M on E. Let M be a matroid on E with the rank function r. Define cl to be the function from to
for all
. Then, we can see that cl satisfies (CL1)-(CL4). On the other hand, if cl is the closure operator of a matroid M on E, then
satisfies the independent axioms and
is the matroid having closure operator cl. Thus, the four definitions of matroid defined by the above are equivalent. We can see that there are a lot of equivalent definition of matroid. We have to introduce one more definition of matroid. For a matroid M, the maximal independent set in M is called a basis or base of M. It is easy to see that every basis element has the same cardinal number. Let
be the set of all base element of M. Then,
has the properties;
(B1) is non-empty.
(B2) If and
are in
then there is
such that
Conversely, let be a collection of subsets of E satisfying the axioms (B1) and (B2). And let
. Then
is a matroid having
as its collection of bases. If M is a matroid and
, then we call
the closure or span of X in M, and we write this as
. If
, then X is called a flat or a closed set of M. A hyperplane of M is a flat of rank
. A subset X of
is a spanning set of M if
. Let M be a matroid and
. Then,
satisfies the following axiom which is equivalent to (B2):
(B2)* If and
are in
, then there is an element
such that
. The matroid
having the set of all basis element B*(M) is called the dual of M. Thus
. Also
. The bases of
are called cobases of M. Similarly, the circuits, hyperplanes, independent sets and spanning sets of
are called cocircuits, cohyperplanes, coindependent sets, and cospanning sets of M. The next result gives some elementary relationships between these sets.
Proposition 2.4. Let M be a matroid on a set E and suppose. Then
1) X is independent if and only if is cospanning.
2) X is spanning if and only if is coindependent.
3) X is a hyperplane if and only if is cocircuit.
4) X is a circuit if and only if is a cohyperplane.
Proof. 1) Let X be an independent set in M. Then, for some basis element B of M. Thus
, where
is the clo- sure in
. If
is cospanning, then
for some basis element
. It means that
and X is independent set. 2) is deduced by applying 1) to
. 3) is obtained by the following equivalent statements; a) X is a hyperplane of M. b) X is a non-spanning set of M but
is spanning for all
. c)
is dependent in
is independent in
for all
. d)
is a cocircuit of M. 4) is the one obtained by applying 3) to
Let’s remind of the finite fields. If F is a finite field, then F has exactly pk-elements for some prime p and some positive integer k. Indeed, for all such p and k, there is a unique field having pk-elements. This field is called the Galois field of order pk. When
coincides with
, the ring of integers modulo p. When
can be constructed as follows. Let
be a polynomial of degree k with coefficients in
and suppose that the polynomial is irreducible. Consider the set S of all polynomials in
that have degree at most
and have coefficients in
. There are exactly p choices for each of the k-coefficient of a member of S. Hence,
. If we take p = 2 and k = 2 we get the field GF(4). Moreover, under addition and multiplication, both of which are performed modulo
, S forms a field namely
. In case of
, we can take the irreducible polynomal to
Let A be a matrix over a field F. Then, the collection of independent column vectors of A satisfies the independent axioms of matroid. Thus,
is a matroid and this matroid is denoted by
, where
is the set of all column vectors of A.
Now, let G be a graph. Then is the matroid on the edge set
with the set of all cycles of G as circuit. This matroid is called the cycle matroid of G. Two matroids
are isomorphic, denoted by
, if there is a bijection
such that, for all
is independent in
if and only if X is independent in
. A matroid that is isomorphic to the cycle matroid of a graph is called graphic. If M is isomorphic to
for a matrix A over F, then M is called F-representable. In the sequel, by F we mean a finite field.
We call an element e a loop of a matroid M if is a circuit of M. Moreover, if f and g are element of
such that
is a circuit, then f and g are said to be parallel in M. A parallel class of M is a maximal subset X of
such that any two distinct members X are parallel and no member of X is a loop. A parallel class is trivial if it contains just one element. If M has no loops and no non-trivial parallel classes, it is called a simple matroid or a combinatorial geometry.
2.2. Uniform Matroid Um,n
Let m and n be non-negative integers such that. Let E be a set of cardinality n and
be all subsets of E of cardinality less than or equal to m. This is a matroid on E, called the uniform matroid of rank m and denoted by
. By definition, the set of basis
, and the set of circuits
2.3. Affine Matroid
Now, we are going to define affine matroid. A set is affinely dependent if
and there are elements
of F, not all zero, such that
. It is easy to show that affine dependence of
is equivalent to each of the followings;
(Ad1) is linearly dependent, where
is the
- tuple of elements of F.
(Ad2) is linearly dependent.
A set is affinely independent if it is not affinely dependent.
Suppose that. Let A be the
matrix over F, the i-th column of with is
. The matroid
is called an affine matroid over F. In particular, if
, and
, then the affine matroid is denoted by
. In general, if M is an affine matroid over
of rank
, where
, then a subset X of
is dependent in M if, in the representation of X by points in
, there are two identical points, or three collinear points, or four coplanar points, or five points in space. Hence the flats of M of ranks one, two, and three are represented geometrically by points, lines, and planar, respectively.
We extend the use of diagram of affine matroid to represent arbitrary matroids of rank at most four. Generally, such diagrams are governed by the following rules. All loops are marked in a single inset. Parallel elements are represented by touching points. If three elements form a circuit, the corresponding points are collinear. Likewise, if four elements form a circuit, the corresponding points are coplanar. In such a diagram, the lines need not be straight and the planes may be twisted. Certain lines with fewer than three points on them will be marked as part of the indication of a plane, or as con- struction lines. We call such a diagram a geometric representation for the matroid.
Now we will define the projective geometry. Let V be a vector space over F. For each,
if v and w lie on the same 1-dimensional subspace of V. Then, ~ is an equivalence relation on V and
is called the projective space of V or projective geometry and will be denoted by
. For a matroid M, delete all the loops from M and then, for each non-trivial parallel class X, delete all but one distinguished element of X, the matroid we obtain is called the simple matroid associated with M and is denoted by
. Evidently the construction of
from V is analoguous to the construction of the simple matroid
from a matroid M. It is clear that a matroid M is F-representable if and only if its associated simple matriod is F-representable. Hence, when we discuss representability questions, it is enough to concentrate on simple matroids.
2.4. Projective Geometrices
If, then
has dimension n and it is denoted by
. In particular, when F is
, it will be written
. Let’s find the geometric representation of
. For each
, there are no non- zero elements except v on the 1-dimensional subspace of
through v (Figure 1). Thus
It is easy to see and
lie on the same line (plane) of
). Also,
are circuits of
. Furthermore,
is a circuit, because
. Thus the geo- metric representation of
is Figure 2.
is called the Fano matroid and will be denoted by
. In
is a circuit and a hyperplane. The matroid N obtained from
by relaxing the circuit hyperplane
is called non-Fano matroid and is denoted by
(Figure 3).
2.5. Duals of Representable Matroids
Give a matrix A by elementary row operations and interchanging two columns
Figure 1. Vector space.
Figure 2. Geometric representation of.
Figure 3. Geometric representation of.
or deleting a zero row. A can be transformed to a form, where
identity matrix and D is
matrix. It is clear that
is isomorphic to
. We can show that the dual matroid
of M is
( [9] ). Hence, the dual of F-representable matroid is F-representable. For example, let
be a matrix over. Then, we can see that
is isomorphic to
and we can see that the set of circuits of is
3. Minors
In this section, we define minors which are important to representability. For the definition of minor, we have to define contraction which is the dual of the operation of deletion. We can see that contraction for matroids generalizes the operation of contraction for graphs. Let M be a matroid on E and T be a subset of E. Then is called the contraction of T from M and also denoted by
. For easy understanding, let us see what it means in graphic matroids. Let G be a graph
and. Then, G/3 is the graph
and is
Also is
and is
which is the same as G/3. Thus,
and we see that the contraction of a graphic matroid is the same as the matroid of the contracted graph, where we used for a planar graph G.
Now let be the dual of a matroid M. Then the rank function
is given by
( [9] ). If
, the rank function of
is the restriction of
to the subset of
, that is, for all
Proposition 3.1. If, then for all
Proof. By definition,. Thus
because and
. □
Proposition 3.2. Let be a basis for
. Then
Proof. For the convenience, let’s denote the equality by. It is clear that
. To show that
, let
. Then,
for some basis B of
. Cleary
is a basis of
. So
. Thus
and it was proved that. Now if we show that
, the proof is completed. Let
. Then
since is a basis of
. Hence
. □
Proposition 3.3. If, then
2), and
Proof. 1). Thus
2). 3) is obtained if we replace M by
in the left-
hand side of 1). □
Now, let A be a matroid over F and T be a subset of the set E of column levels of A. We shall denote by the matrix obtained from A by deleting all the columns whose labels are in T. Clearly,
. Moreover, by the following, we can see that the class of F-representable matroids is minor closed.
Proposition 3.4. Every contraction of an F-representable matroid is F-representable.
Proof. The duals of F-representable matroid are F-representable. Since
, we proved that a contraction of F-representable matroid is F-representable. □
Now suppose that e is the label of a non-zero column of A. Then, by pivoting on a non-zero entry of e, we can transform A into a matrix in which the column labelled by e has single non-zero entry. In this case,
will denote the matrix obtained from
by deleting the row and column containing the unique non-zero entry in e. Then, we have the following property.
Proposition 3.5..
Proof. It is enough to show that the second equation is true, because the first equation is clear. By using row and column swaps if necessary, can be considered as the matrix in which the unique nonzero entry of e is in row 1 and column 1. Let I be a k-element subset of the ground set of
such that
. Then the set of columns labelled by
is linearly independent if and only if the matrix B which has columns
and the 1st column of it is the column corresponding to e has rank
. This is equivalent to the matrix deleted row 1 and column 1 of B has rank k and this is equivalent to the columns of
labelled by I is linearly independent. Thus,
4. Representability of P8
Now, we shall describe the construction of representations for matroids. Two matrices and
are equivalent if
are isomorphic. It is easy to see that if
is a rank-r matroid, then A is equivalent to a standard matrix
, where
is the
identity matrix. Given such a matrix, let its columns be labelled in order,
. Let B be the basis
. For all i in
, the unique non-zero entry in column i of
is in row i. Thus it is natural to label the rows of
. Hence, D has its rows labelled by
and its columns labelled by
. For all
, there exists a unique circuit
contained in
. In fact,
is called the B-fundamental circuit of
. Let
be the matrix obtained from D by replacing each non-zero entry of D by 1. Then the columns of
are precisely the incidence vectors of the sets
. This matrix
is called the B-fundamental-circuit incidence matrix of
. Now let
be a rank-r matroid and B be a basis
for M. Let X be the B -fundamental-circuit incidence matrix of M. And let columns of X be labelled by
. Then,
. Thus the task of finding an F-representation for M can be viewed as being one of finding the specific elements of F that correspond to the non-zero elements of
. We can see that most of the entries of D can be predetermined by the following Proposition 4.1. Before stating it, we shall require some preliminaries.
Let the rows of be indexed by
and its columns by
. Let
denote the associated simple bipartite graph, that is,
has vertex classes
and two vertices
are ad- jacent if and only if the entry in row
and column
is 1. For example, if
then is
We have a nice way for representing matroid;
Proposition 4.1. Let the matrix
be an F-representation for the matroid M. Let
be a basis of the cycle matroid of
. Then
, where
is the number of connected component of
. Moreover, if
is an ordered k-tuple of non-zero elements of F, then M has an F-representation
that is equivalent to
such that, for each i in
, where the entry of
corresponding to
( [9] [10] ).
By the above proposition, we can find the fields on which given matroid is re- presentable.
Example 4.2. is the matroid whose geometric representation is the following Figure 4.
Let be a representation over
. Then
Thus, the associated simple bipartite graph is
and a basis of is
Therefore, is equivalent to the form of
Figure 4. Geometric representation of P6.
We want to find the fields in which the negative equations satisfy. It is easy to see that the equations have no solution if
is equal to
. In case of
, let’s check if the equations have a common solution. There are three cases;
If, then
. Thus,
. Hence, we don’t have a solution.
In this case, and
. Thus, there are no solution.
In this case, and
. Thus we have no solution.
In, if
, then
. Therefore we showed that
is representable over F if and only if
Example 4.3. If
is the matrix over F with, then it is easy to see that
by Figure 3. Also, if
is a matrix over F and
, then
By taking a basis of,
is equivalent to a matrix
Since. Also, because
. Thus
. Therefore, we showed that
is repre- sentable over F if and only if
is the matroid of the matrix
over. It’s geometric representation is the following Figure 5.
Lemma 4.4. is representable over a field F if and only if
Proof. If, then the B-fundamental circuit incidence matrix of
By taking a basis of, A is equivalent to a matrix
, where
Figure 5. Geometric representation of P7.
Because and
As. Therefore
where. Therefore, we proved that
is representable over F if and only if
. □
Non F-representable matroid for which every proper minor is F-representable is called the excluded or forbidden minor for F-representability. Because a matroid M is F-representable if and only if all its minors are F-representable (Proposition 3.5), finding the complete set of excluded minors for F-representability is the solution for the F-representability. Since the duals of F-representable matroid are F-representable, the dual of an excluded minor for F-representability is an excluded minor for F-representability.
To find an excluded minor for -representability, we need the following property:
Proposition 4.5. Let F be a field and k be an integer exceeding 1. Then uniform matroid is F-representable if and only if
Proof. Let, where A is a
matrix. We can consider A as a matrix
where are non-zero different elements of F. Thus, it should be
and so
. Conversely, if
, then
and we can choose non-zero different
-elements of F.
From the above proposition, we can see that and
are excluded minors for GF(q)-representability. In 1958, Tutte showed that
is the only excluded minor for
-representability ( [2] ). The problem of finding the com- plete set of excluded minors for
-representability was solved by Bixby and Seymour in 1979 ( [3] [4] ). The set is
By Proposition 4.5, it is easy to see that and
are excluded minors for GF(4)-representability. In Examples 4.2 and 4.3, we can see that
are not GF(4)-representable. It is not difficult to see that every proper minor of them is GF(4)-representable. Thus
are excluded minors for GF(4)-represent- ability. Clearly
is self-dual.
be the matrix over. Then,
is the matroid
Lemma 4.6. is representable over a field F if and only if
Proof. Let be an F-representation for
. If
, then the B- fundamental circuit incidence matrix for
By choosing a basis for, we can consider
Because and
. Substituting these to the matrix D, we have
From the circuits,
, we get the equations
From the first and fourth equation, we get. Substituting b for d in the second and third equation, we get
. As
, it follows that
. Because
. Thus
In fact, we can show that □
For a matroid M, an automorphism is a permutation of
such that
for all
. The set of automorphisms of M forms a group under composition. This automorphism is transitive if, for every two elements x and y of
, there is an automorphism that maps x to y.
Lemma 4.7. The automorphism group of acts transitively on
Proof. We can see that the geometric representation of is the following Figure 6
because has only 10 4-circuits
. From the geometric representation of
, it is easy to see that the permutations
are both automorphisms of
. For example,
are the following Figure 7 and Figure 8.
Thus the automorphism group of is
Any two elements in and
can be mapped to each other by an automorphism in
. Similarly, any two elements in
can be mapped to each other by an automorphism in
. For the remaining two elements of
, they are mapped each other by the following;
Figure 6. Geometric representation of P8.
Figure 7. Geometric representation of.
Figure 8. Geometric representation of.
Thus, the automorphism group of acts transitively on
Now, we get the following result, which is the purpose of this paper.
Theorem 4.8. is an excluded minor for GF(4)-representability.
Proof. By Lemma 4.6, is not
representable. Because the automorphism group of
acts transitively on
by Lemma 4.7, for any element e of
, we have
By Proposition 3.5,. Because
. But, since
is representable over
by Lemma 4.4, every contraction of
is GF(4)-representable. By Proposition 3.3(1), for each element
. Because
is self-dual,
. Thus
. Hence, every deletion of
is GF(4)-representable. Therefore, every proper minor of
is GF(4)-representable and we proved that
is an excluded minor for GF(4)-representability. □
Cite this paper
Ahn, S. and Han, B. (2016) Excluded Minority of P8 for GF(4)- Representability. Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 6, 279-296.
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