entary analysis. F
calculation standard thermodynamic
nd G. Cao, “A New Method of Estimating
supplemor our example, the handbook
[7] contains one enthalpy value for natrolite, and differ-
ence between maximum and minimum values for dehy-
drated analcime is 15.4 kJ/mole (~0.6%). For this un-
certainty the divergence of estimations on (6) for all con-
sidered in article substances does not exceed 1%.
Evaluation on (6) gives for all Na-zeolites enthalpy
value of zeolitic water equal to –326.7 kJ/mole. This
energy of water is more preferable that ones in structure
of ice-I –292.7 kJ/mole [12].
The considered method has restriction in the applica-
bility only to Na-zeolites, but can be extended by addi-
tion in system of calcium, magnesium and (or) others
chemical elements.
. Conclusions 4
The method of
p- tentials for Na-zeolites has been proposed on the
basis of dual solutions of linear programming problems.
The re- sults of estimation have acceptable accuracy with
pub- lished experimental and predicted data. The pre-
sented method does not demand any information about
crystal structure of zeolites and can be applied to any of
their stoichiometric presentation.
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