International Journal of Geosciences, 2011, 2, 348-362 doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.23037 Published Online August 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG Emplacement and Evolution History of Pegmatites and Hydrothermal Deposits, Matale District, Sri Lanka G. W. A. R. Fernando1, A. Pitawala2, T. H. N. G. Amaraweera3 1Department o f Phy si cs, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka 2Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 3Department of Mineral Sciences, Uva-Wellassa University, Passara Road, Badulla, Sri Lanka E-mail: Received February 18, 2011; revised April 5, 2011; accepted June 11, 2011 Abstract Excellent outcrops in Matale Sri Lanka provide unique insight into the emplacement and evolution history of hydrothermal and pegmatitic rocks in the central highlands of Sri Lanka. Field, structural, petrological, thermo-barometric studies in the metamorphic basement rocks in the central highlands and related hydro- thermal deposits are presented in this study. Detailed petrographic and mineralogical data reveal peak meta- morphic conditions for the crustal unit in the study area as 854 ± 44˚C at 10.83 ± 0.86 kbar. Hydrothermal veins consisting of quartz and mica are closely related to cross-cutting pegmatites, which significantly post-date the peak metamorphic conditions of the crustal unit. Field relations indicate that the veins origi- nated as ductile-brittle fractures have subsequently sealed by pegmatites and hydrothermal crystallization. Geological, textural and mineralogical data suggest that most enriched hydrothermal veins have evolved from a fractionated granitic melt progressively enriched in H2O, F, etc. Quartz, K-feldspar, mica, tourmaline, fluorite and topaz bear evidence of multistage crystallization that alternated with episodes of resorption. It was suggested that the level of emplacement of pegmatites of the Matale District was middle crust, near the crustal scale brittle-ductile transition zone at a temperature of about 600˚C. For this crustal level and tem- perature range, it is considered very unlikely that intruding pegmatitic melts followed pre-existing cracks. As such the emplacement temperatures of the pegmatites could be well below the peak metamorphic estimates in the mafic granulites. The metamorphic P-T strategy and position of formation of hydrothermal deposits and pegmatites is summarized in the modified P-T-t-D diagrams. Keywords: Hydrothermal Veins, Pegmatites, Emplacement History, Brittle Deformation, Sri Lanka 1. Introduction Pegmatite veins are supposed to form from hydraulic fractures driven by the excess pressure of intruding hy- drous melts (Brisbin [1]). For tensile cracks to form by hydraulic fracturing, the fluid pressure must exceed the magnitude of the least principle stress by the tensile strength of the rock (Shaw [2]) or, in fracture mechanics terminology, exceed the fracture roughness of the rock. Upon cooling and crystallization, the portion of volatiles in the pegmatitic melt that is not incorporated into min- erals is liberated as a fluid phase (Burnham [3]). Trans- port of this fluid phase away from the crystallizing magma is governed by the porosity and permeability of the host rock of the pegmatite vein. Minerals of hydrothermal rocks have crystallized from hot water or have been altered by such water passing through them. Hydrothermal depo sits in ex tension -driven subsidence basins from any geological period are found worldwide (Kyser [4] references therein). Hydrothermal systems are commonly related to the emplacement at shallow levels of fractionated, hydrous magmas. In this environment, crystallization of medium- to coarse-grained granite, which is forcefully invaded by later, fine-grained material, is common . Common precipitation mechanisms are mixing of fluids (Baatartsogt et al. [5]), or changes in fO2 or pH (Gleeson and Yardley [6]), whereas tempera- ture and pressure decrease is thought to be less important in most cases (Large et al. [7]). There is no satisfactory answer to the question of the actual source of the fluids and the reason for their ascent. Fluid circulation or fluid migration in convection cells is often invoked to explain
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL.349 the ascent of fluids to the site of mineralization, but re- quires a driving force (Oliver et al. [8]). Matale district in Sri Lanka contains the highest num- ber of pegmatites and hydrothermal deposits exposed in the metamorphic basement, which is considered as an important Gondwana fragment. Up to now, only a few studies have been done on the mineralization and evalua- tion of pegmatite and hydrothermal deposits in Sri Lanka (Pitawala et al. [9]) because of lack of methods available to ascertain the PT history of pegmatite and hydrother- mal deposits although the metamorphic history of the metamorphic basement is fairly known (Harley [10], Newton and Perkins [11], Schumacher et al. [12], Voll et al. [13], Raase, [14], Fernando [15], Sajeev and Osanai [16,17], Osanai et al. [18]). This is attributed to the lack of methods available to ascertain the PT history of peg- matites and hydrothermal deposits, the fluid generation and migration. Open questions still remain on the timing of the mineralization, the emplacement history and gen- eration of fluids to form pegmatite and hydrothermal deposits in the Matale district and its relationship to the metamorphi c b asement. In this paper the authors: 1) describe the basic geomet- ric properties of pegmatite and hydrothermal veins of Matale District; 2) propose the P-T history of surround- ing metamorphic rocks with garnet-orthopy roxene thermo- barometry using the latest experimental data and; 3) propose the timing and mineralization of the pegmatites and hydrothermal rocks. 2. Outline of Geology of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka was a part of East Gondwana, together with fragments of Antarctica, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania (e.g. Powell et al. [19]; Kröner [20]; Yoshida et al. [21]; Jacobs et al. [22]). Sri Lanka acted as a bridge through which Antarctica and East Africa can be correlated. Thus Sri Lanka reveals remarkable geological, geochronological and geotectonic similarities to those of neighbouring Gondwana frag- ments. The Proterozoic basement of Sri Lanka exposes substantial parts of the lower continental crust. Four dif- ferent units were distinguished on the basis of isotopic, geochronological, geochemical and petrological con- straints viz, the Vijayan Complex (VC) in the east, the Highland Complex (HC) in the central Wanni Complex (WC) in the west and the Kadugannawa Complex (KC) (Kröner et al. [23]; Cooray, [24], Milisenda et al. [25]) (Fig.1). The VC consists mainly of amphibolite-facies granitoid rocks, metadiorites, metagabbros and migma- tites (e.g. Cooray [24]; Kröner et al. [23]; Kehelpannala [26]), The HC is composed of intercalated meta-sedi- mentary and meta-igneous rocks of pelitic, mafic such as quartzo-feldspathic granulites, charnockites, marble and quartzite. Most of HC rocks have attained granulite-facies conditions whereas some contain ultra-high temperature assemblages (Sajeev and Osanai [16,17] Osanai et al. [18]). Rocks in the Wanni Complex are granitoid gneisses, granitic migmatites, scattered metasediments and charnockites, metamorphosed under upper amphibo- lite to granulite facies conditions. Rocks of the KC are seen in the cores of six doubly plunging synforms, which were named as ‘Arenas’ by Vitanage [27]). The dominant rocks of the KC are hornblende and biotite-hornblende gneisses with interlayered granitoid gneisses in the core, pink feldspar granitic gneisses at the inner rim and me- tasediments at the outer rim of the arenas (Perera [28]). Rocks of KC are metamorphosed under upper amphibo- lite to granulite facies conditions. Some granulites are exposed in the southern part of VC near Buttala and Kataragama. Post-peak metamorphic magmatic and hy- drothermal activities are responsible for the formation of pegmatite, dolerite, carbonatite and granite bodies found in Sri Lanka (Pitawala et al. [9,29]). Numerous thermobarometers and different mineral paragenesess have been used to estimate the peak P-T conditions of crystalline rocks of Sri Lanka. Lowest temperatures of 670 - 730˚C were estimated to represent peak metamorphic conditions using garnet-clinopyro- xene and garnet-orthopyroxene thermometry (Sandiford et al. [30]). Maximum temperature of 900˚C for the HC was obtained using two-pyroxene thermometry (Schenk et al. [31]). Temperatures ranging from 760 - 820˚C were also obtained for mafic granulites using garnet-orthopy- roxene and garnet-clinopyroxene pairs (Schumacher et al. [12]). Schumacher and Faulhaber [32] estimated the P-T condition of the Eastern, North-Eastern and South-East- ern parts of the HC at 760 - 830˚C (garnet-orthopyroxene of Harley [10] and 9 - 10 kbar (garnet-clinopyro- xene-plagioclase-quartz barometer of Newton and Per- kins [11]). Peak temperatures of metamorphism at 850 - 900˚C were derived using two-feldspar thermometry (Voll et al. [13], Raase [14]). Maximum temperatures of 875 ± 20˚C (orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene thermometer) at the peak pressure of 9.0 ± 0.1 kbar (garnet-clinopyro- xene-plagioclase-quartz) for the silicic granulite, peak temperatures of 840 ± 70˚C (orthopyroxene-clinopyro- xene thermometer) at 9 kbar for ultramafic rocks and 820 ± 40˚C for coexisting spinel sapphirine the reaction zone were calculated within the HC (Fernando [33]). Ther- modynamic modeling in the CaO-Na2O-K2O-FeO-MgO- Al2O3-SiO2 system for mafic granulites in Sri Lanka in- dicates peak metamorphic conditions of 12.5 kbar at 925˚C (Sajeev et al. [18] ). The sapphirine-bearing pelitic granulites of the HC have been evidenced for ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG 350 3.1. Geological and Structural Setting metamorphic conditions at around 900 to 1150˚C (Faul- haber and Raith [34], Hiroi et al. [35], Raase and Schenk [36], Kriegsman and Schumacher [37], Sajeev and Osanai [16,17], Osanai et al. [38]). However, many of the previous studies on mafic granulites gave relatively low temperatures even tho ugh the sample locations were in the high–temperature-pressure zone (Faulhaber and Raith [34]). This is probably due to the resetting of co-existing minerals on slow rate of cooling (Chak- raborty and Ganguly [39]). Matale District is underlain by Precambrian crystalline rocks of the HC (Figure 2). Major rock types in the area are meta-sediments such as marble, garnet sillimanite biotite gneiss, quartzite and calc gneiss. Orth ogneisses of granitoid composition and charnockitic gneisses repre- sent the meta-igneous affinity. Meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks are intercalated with each other in the entire area. North south striking rock units are domi- nant in the northern part of Matale whereas rocks from southern part strikes towards the NNW direction. 3. The Study Area Basement rocks trending NNE-SSW and N-S direc- tions occur as an intensely stretched. Isoclinally folded series of antiforms and synforms (Figure 3) which may have formed during the D3 deformation (Berger and Jayasinghe [40]) and large-scale folds (in the western part) formed due to refolding of earlier folds (Kehelpan- nala [26]) are the other ductile structures of the area. The study area (Matale District) is located in the central part of the Highland Complex, which has been consid- ered as the oldest metamorphic unit in Sri Lankan crust (Figure 1). Pegmatites and hydrothermal deposits are best exposed in Matale district, wh ich ideally suit for the study of the emplacement and evolution history of the metamorphic basement of Sri Lanka. Brittle structures characteristic of the study area are Figure 1. Simplified geological map of Sri Lanka (after Kröner et al. [23];Cooray [24]).
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL.351 Figure 2. Detailed geological map of the Matale District. lineaments, joints and fractures, as inferred by aerial photo interpretation and field observations. Two sets of fracture/fault zones are widespread in the area. Northern part is characterized by a NW-SE trending pattern whereas nearly E-W trending brittle fractures are predominant in the southern part around Naula, Nalanda and Kaudu- pelella (Figure 3). Fracture intensity is remarkably high in the middle part around Owala, Kavudu pelella towards Nalanda where the pegmatites and hydrothermal deposits are abundant (Figure 3). The orientation of the veins is irregular and short vein segmen ts with variable thickness appear. In places the veins for irregular array with net like appearance. These field relations suggest nearly contemporaneous events within a single geological epi- sode. 3.2. Occurrence of Pegmatites and Hydrothermal Deposits The rock types in the inv e stigated area are characterized Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG 352 Figure 3. Major structural features of the study area. Note that most of pegmatites and hydrothermal deposits are closely associated with the deformation of basement. by high-grade metamorphic rocks. They are frequently cut by discordant conspicuous light bands, as shown in Figures 4 and 5. The middle of the light bands are inva- riably constituted by a pegmatitic or aplite vein with a thickness ranging from a few mm to several metres. Pegmatites in the Matale district can be categorized into two groups. The f irst group occurs as narrow (1 me- tre wide) concordant or discordant bodies as dykes, lenses, pods and veins in high-grade metamorphic rocks (Figure 4). The composition of these varies widely from felsic to mafic composition and contacts with th e country rock are irregular and often gradational. These structural features are interpreted as products of partial melting of high grade roc ks. The second category includes large pegmatitic plu- tions which are made up of mega crystals of feldspars, quartz and mica (Figure 5). Fluorite and topaz are also found in some pegmatites. Mica-, hornblende o r tourma- line-rich selvedges are rarely present at the contacts of the pegmatites with HC lithologies. The area contains over 50 individual pegmatite bod ies, some of which have been investigated (Pitawala et al. [9]). Lateral contacts with country rocks are generally sharp and steep to ver- tical and some of the larger pegmatites contain deformed country rock. Field observations imply that these larger pegmatites have been emplaced after the ductile deformation. Based on macroscopic field parameters the pegmatite bodies have been grouped into strongly zoned pegmatites in contrast to the first group of pegmatites. The size of the pegmatites is highly variable upto several hundred square metres in outcrops. They occur as circular, lenticular or rarely oval bodies up to several tens of meters in width and extending up to several hundred meters in strike length. Their modes of occurrence and petrography clearly suggest that they have a magmatic origin. Hydrothermal processes may have associated with the mineralization of mica and vein quartz deposits. Vein-
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL.353 Figure 4. Pegmatite associated with metamorphic basement as concordant body near Dambulla. Figure 5. Formation of feldspar occurring as a hydrother- mal deposit with quartz, fluorite and topaz at Kaikawala, Sri Lanka. type mineral deposits are regionally clustered in a zone of large areas of highly fractured ro cks ar ound mig mati te diapirs. The individual occurrences of them are located at pockets or small areas of highly fractured rocks with prominent development of cross fracture (Silva [41], Dinalankara [42]). Mica deposits are mainly found as fillings of brittle fractures within the high-grade rocks in the vicinity of pegmatite bodies (Figure 3). Fairly large veins of quartz extending to several hundred meters are found in many parts of the Matale District including Rattota, Kavudupelella and Kaikawala (Figure 3). Sharp contact zones with the host rocks and their size (surface area of each body covers greater than 200 m2) clearly indicate their hydrothermal origin (Pitawala et al. [9]). Further, field setting of hydrothermal and pegmatite bodies clearly suggest that both formations are syngene- tic and associated with brittle structures. A topaz (Al2 (SiO4)(OH,F)2 and fluorite (CaF2) miner- alization zone is located at the Kaikawela and Polwatta Colony at the north of Matale town (Kumarapeli [43]). Topaz and fluorite have probably been formed along with abundant quartz, feldspar and mica mineralization, all of which are believed to form from as a granitic peg- matite (Pitawala et al. [9]). Most of the granitic pegma- tites in the Matale District, obstruct the general structure of the study area suggesting these pegmatites are struc- ture-controlled and p ost-date the regional granulite-facies metamorphism. 4. Metamorphic Basement Rocks Two localities that expose the mafic granulites, and which are widespread within the metamorphic basement of HC were identified as representative samples for this study. All the samples from this locality are appeared as unaltered and suit well for thermobarometric studies. Sampling of metamorphic rocks was done in the entire Matale district. Representative locations of the samples used in this study are shown in the Figure 6. Approxi- mately 20 thin sections from metamorphic rocks were investigated by polarizing microscopy and electron mi- croprobe. 4.1. Field Relationships Mafic granulite exposures found at the Dambulu Oya junction (location 1) consist predominantly of fine to medium-grained matrix containing garnet prophyroblasts. The host marble is a white coloured, coarse to medium- grained rock composed of calcite and dolomite. A grada- tional contact is observed between the host marble and mafic granulite which has a composition of garnet, cli- nopyroxene (Cpx) and orthopyroxene (Opx)-bearing gneisses. Modal abundance of Cpx is rather high and garnets (Grt) are coarse-grained. Mafic granulite found at the 34th km post along the Figure 6. Locations of sampling sites of metamorphic rocks. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG 354 Matale-Dambulla road (location 2) occurs as a boudinage body with an average thickness of 1 - 10 m along the strike direction within the marble and gneissic host (Figure 7(a) and (b)). Garnet-biotite gneisses in a boudi- nage contain high proportions of biotite usually around garnets (Figure 7(a) and (b)). Pink coloured garnet bio- tite gneiss comprising less biotite and k-feldpar as major components surrounds the basic boudinage body. The basic unit appears as an older unit, which found domi- nantly in the area. 4.2. Mineral Assemblages Mafic granulites are dark coloured, coarse-grained, homogeneous mafic granu lites that consist mainly of Grt (~30%), Opx (~40%), Cpx (~10%), plagioclase (Pl) (~8%) with subordinate ilmenite (Ilm) (~1%) and biotite (Bt) (~3%) (Table 1). The mafic granulite is character- ized by th e Opx + Pl + Grt + Ilm ± Bt ( Figure 8(a)) and Cpx + Opx + Pl + Grt + Ilm (Figure 8(b)). Garnet por- phyroblasts are in equilibrium with orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in the matrix. Ilmenite is more commonly found along the grain boundaries of garnet and pyroxene. Biotite relics are embedded in garnet and are no t in equi- librium with other mineral assemblages (Figure 8(c)). Plagioclase distributed along the grain boundaries of garnet and Cpx appears to have formed after garnet and Cpx (Figure 8(b)). K-Feldspar rich surrounding gneisses are mainly composed of two feldspars (>90%), garnet (~5% and biotite (~5%) as major constituents (Table 1). Newly formed biotite is in good equilibrium with other mineral phases (Figure 8(d)). Most of the K-feldspars appear as undeformed augen shaped lenses at places (Figures 7(a) and (b)). K-feldspar in perthite appears to be transformed into microcline and sericitisation of plagioclase in to mica is a common feature in these rocks. Marbles in the area are medium to coarse grained rocks that consist of 95 percent of carbonate minerals and forsterite olivine (3 - 4 percent) as a common minor constituent. Occasionally, coarse-grained tremolite, as- sociated with ilmenite and spinel, is embedded in the coarse-grained carbonate host (Table 1). Mafic granu- lites are embedded in a marble host. Mineral assem- blages show that there is no mass transfer between the core of the mafic granulites and marble host. 4.3. Mineral Chemistry Carbon-coated polished thin sections from granulites were used for electron microprobe analyses. A CAM- ECA SX 50 electron microprobe (EMP) equipped with 4 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 7. (a) (b) Boudinage with mafic granulite in a K-feldspar rich gneissic host. Note that development of augen gneisses at places and coarse grained K-feldspar grains; (c) (d) Boudinage of mafic granulites in a marble host.
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL.355 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 8. Photomicrographs of studied rocks from the mafic granulites at Naula in Matale District. (a) Opx + Pl + Grt + Ilm ± Bt (CPL); (b) Cpx + Opx + Pl + Grt + Ilm (CPL); (c): Biotite Relics in mafic granulites (CPL); (d) Grt + Bt + Pl + Kflp (PPL) in surrounding k-feldspar ric h gneisse s. Table 1. Mineral assemblages from Mafic Granulites, K-Feldspar-rich gneisses and marble. Sample Grt Ilm Pl Opx Cpx Bt Spl Ol Cal/Dol Tre Kf Mafic Granulites x x x x x x Marble x x x x K-feldspar rich Gneisses x x x x spectrometers (LiF-, PET-, TAP and PCO as detector crystals) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany was used for the determination of quantitative mineral com- positions. An additional EDX detector allowed the full X-ray spectrum to be observed and the identification of all elements with Z > 6 present in concentrations above the limit of detection. Accelerating voltage was set to 15 kV with a beam current of 10 - 15 nA. Peak counting time was fixed to 20 s for quantitative analysis. Sodium bearing phases (e.g. plagioclase, micas) were measured with a defocused beam of 5 μm diameter to minimise signal drifts. Data reduction was performed using the automated PAP correction procedure supplied by CAM- ECA. Element distribution mapping was carried out us- ing a CAMECA-CAMEBAX microprobe with three wavelength-dispersive spectrometers. A Fortran pro- gramme namely RCLC developed by Pattison et al. [44] was used to refine the peak temperature and pressure. Representative electron microprobe analyses of all mineral assemblages are given in Table 2. Garnet analysed is a solid solution of almandine- grossular-pyrope (Alm53.9 - 54.8-Grs17.4 - 18.8-Pyr24.6 - 26.8) Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. 356 Table 2. Representative Electron Microprobe Analyses of Garnet, Opx, Biotite and Plagioclase in Mafic Granulites. Mineral Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Opx Opx Opx Opx Sample 47 48 51 52 55 56 46 50 53 54 Position rim core rim core rim core core rim core rim Al2O3 21.1 21.2 21 21.2 20.8 20.4 1.73 1.9 2.07 2.24 SiO2 37.9 38.2 37.9 38.2 37.7 37.5 50.7 50.5 50.3 50.2 CaO 6.74 6.5 6.79 6.41 6.28 6.43 0.65 0.58 0.62 0.61 FeO 28.1 27 28.1 27.3 28.4 28.1 27 26.3 27.9 27 MgO 5.16 6.04 5.34 6.1 5.43 5.73 19 19.2 18.2 18.3 MnO 0.59 0.52 0.55 0.56 0.62 0.55 0.2 0.17 0.17 0.2 Total 99.6 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.2 98.7 99.3 98.7 99.3 98.5 O = 12 O = 12 O = 12 O = 12 O = 12 O = 12 O = 6 O = 6 O = 6 O = 6 Al 1.96 1.96 1.95 1.96 1.95 1.92 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.1 Si 2.99 3 2.99 3 2.99 2.99 1.95 1.95 1.94 1.94 Ca 0.57 0.55 0.57 0.54 0.53 0.55 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 Fe 1.86 1.77 1.86 1.79 1.89 1.87 0.87 0.85 0.9 0.88 Mg 0.61 0.71 0.63 0.71 0.64 0.68 1.09 1.1 1.05 1.05 Mn 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Sum-Cat 8.03 8.02 8.04 8.03 8.04 8.05 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 Sample Bt L7H 4-1 Bt L7H 4-2 Bt L7H-4-3Bt L7H-4- 4Plag L7D-1-1Plag L7D-1-2 Plag L7D-1-3 Plag L7D-1-4 Al2O3 14.2 14.4 14.3 14.1 26.7 27.7 24.7 24.9 SiO2 39.6 39.5 39.7 39.7 58.2 56.8 61 61 CaO 0 0 0.01 0 8.76 10.1 6.68 6.35 FeO 4.67 4.68 4.85 4.88 0.13 0.17 0.19 0.2 TiO2 3.94 4.27 4.11 3.95 MgO 22.7 22.9 23.3 23 0.01 0 0 0.01 MnO 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 BaO 0.64 0.8 0.73 0.73 0 0 0.03 0 Na2O 0.22 0.26 0.23 0.18 6.68 5.77 7.47 7.63 K2O 9.73 9.64 9.83 9.61 0.48 0.38 0.7 0.72 F 1.87 1.9 1.91 1.93 _ _ _ _ Cl 0.34 0.36 0.35 0.33 _ _ _ _ Total 97.9 98.7 99.3 98.4 101 101 101 101 O = 22 O = 2 2 O = 22 O = 22 O = 32 O = 32 O = 32 O = 32 Al 2.22 2.24 2.22 2.2 5.59 5.83 5.15 5.18 Si 5.27 5.22 5.22 5.26 10.4 10.1 10.8 10.8 Fe 0.52 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 Ti 0.39 0.42 0.41 0.39 Mg 4.5 4.51 4.56 4.54 0 0 0 0 Mn 0 0 0 0 Ca 0 0 0 0 1.67 1.92 1.27 1.21 Ba 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0 0 0 0 Na 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.05 2.31 2 2.57 2.62 K 1.65 1.63 1.65 1.62 0.11 0.09 0.16 0.16 Sum-Cat 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.6 20 20 20 20 Ab 56.5 49.8 64.3 65.7 An 40.9 48 31.8 30.2 Or 2.7 2.2 4 4.1 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG 357 mixture. Garnet associated with the othopyroxene is en- riched in Mg and Ca. Othopyrox ene has a formula of [Mg1.03 Fe 0.87 Al0.07 Ca0.03] Si1.9 Al0.01 O 6. It is noted that garnet coexisting with orthopyroxene has altered its core composition due to possible diffusion of trace elements during the cooling stage (Fernando et al.[15]). Biotite enri ched in Fe. XMg = [Mg/(Mg+ Fe)] of garnet is 0.23 in cores and 0.22 in rims when in contact with biotite. XMg of garnet is 0.26 - 0.28 in cores and 0.24 - 0.25 in rims when in contact with orthopyroxene. Garnet core and rim compositions suggest its chemical zonation after the equilibrium at the peak metamorphism. Relict biotite in garnet are en riched in Mg with XMg = 0.89. Feldspars belong to albite (Ab) – anorthite (An) series and have a composition raining from Ab 65.70 - 49.8 and An 30.2 - 48.0. 5. Pressure Temperature Estimates of Metamorphic Basement Rocks The mineral assemblages of Opx + Pl + Grt + Ilm ± Bt in the mafic granulites at Naula can be represented by the CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2 system. Coexisting garnet and Opx pairs were used for temperature estima- tion. In order to estimate maximum equilibrium tem- peratures, core-core compositions of Grt and Opx were used at 9, 10, 11 and 12 kbars conditions using the solu- tion model of Ganguly et al., 1996. Rim-rim composi- tions were also used to determine the resetting tempera- tures in the garnet-orthopyroxene pairs. Temperature estimates from garnet-orthopyroxene thermometry are summarized in Table 3. It was observed that the maxi- mum equilibrated temperatures of 830 - 842˚C at 9 kbar were obtained from the core compositio ns of co-existing Table 3. Peak Metamorphic Temperatures Estimated using Co-existing Garnet and Orthopyroxene Compositions after the Method of Ganguly et al. [47]. Opx Grt Estimated Temperatures (˚C) 9 kbar 10 kbar 11 kbar 12 kbar Core (46) Core (48) 842.0 847.7 853.4 859.0 Core(53) Core(56) 830.1 835.7 841.3 847.0 Core(46) Rim (47) 752.0 757.2 762.4 767.6 Core (53) Rim (55) 796.6 802.1 807.5 813.0 Rim (50) Core (52) 820.7 826.3 831.8 837.4 Rim (54) Core (56) 814.3 819.8 825.3 830.9 Rim (50) Rim (51) 750.5 755.7 760.9 766.1 Rim (54) Rim (55) 781.7 787.1 792.5 797.9 Grt and Opx whereas temperatures of 750 - 766˚C at 9 kbar were obtained from the rim-rim compositions. Co-existing Opx-rim and garnet-core were recorded as 814 - 820˚C, which is much higher than the temperature estimates of the co-existing Opx core- and the garnet-rim of 752 - 796˚C. It suggests that compositions of the or- thopyroxene have re-equilibrated to a lesser degree al- tered than the garnet compositions during the cooling stages of the rocks. This idea is further supported by the observation of identical temperatures of core opx (46)-rim garnet (47) and rim opx( 50)-rim garnet( 51) as shown in the Table 3. It is not rather surprising that the diffusion coefficients of orthopyroxene are much less than those of garnet by several magnitudes (Chakraborty and Ganguly[39]). The results of thermobarometry of current study com- pare well with the P–T estimates of other areas of the Highland Complex. Schumacher and Faulhaber[32] es- timated the P–T conditions of the Eastern, North-eastern and South-eastern part of the Highland Complex at 760 - 830˚C and 9 - 10 kbar. Sandif ord et al. [30] used Gt–Cpx and Gt–Opx thermometry to illustrate the minimum temperature of metamorphism to be 670 - 730˚C. They noted that the actual peak metamorphism could easily be much higher than these conditions. Kriegsman [45] ob- tained peak equilibrium temperatures for sapphirine- bearing granulites at 830˚C and 9 kbar using petrogenetic grids. Schenk et al.[31] derived a maximum temperature of 900˚C from two-pyroxene thermometry. Voll et al.[13] estimated the peak temperatures of metamorphism be- tween 850 - 900˚C using revised two-feldspar ther- mometry. However, the general observation of the cur- rent study is that a significant number of thermobarome- try based temperature estimates of granulites determined over past 30 years are too low and are therefore mislead- ing. Many of these estimates are inconsistent with the stability of the mineral assemblages of the rock. 6. Refining the Peak PT Conditions Table 4 shows the pressure and temperature estimates using co-existing garnet and orthopyroxene compositions incorporating Fe-Mg exchange and Fe-Al exchange of the Grt-Opx. Solution model of Berman [46] with the TWQ software for mineral assemblages mentioned above were used. Pressure-temperature estimates obtained from this method too shows identical values with the prev ious calculation made using Ganguly et al. [47]. However, initial temperature estimates made from the Fe-Mg ex- change of the garnet and orthopyroxene (Ganguly and Tazzoli [48]) are significantly different from the tem- perature estimate corresponding to Fe-Al composition of orthopyroxene. It is not surprising that Al diffusion of
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. 358 Table 4. Peak Metamorphic Temperatures Estimated using Co-existing Garnet and Orthopyroxene Compositions Un- corrected for Fe-Mg Exchange and Fe-Al Exchange after the Method of Berman [46]. Uncorrected Fe-Al Uncorrected Fe-Mg Mineral Pair Temp (˚C) Pressure (Kbar) Temp (˚C) Pressure (Kbar) Grt core (48) - Opx core (46) 827 11.3 827 11.3 Grt core (56) - Opx core(53) 851 10.7 807 9.8 Grt rim (47) - Opx core(46) 805 11.3 724 9.8 Grt rim(5 5 ) - Opx core(53) 863 11.0 786 9.7 Grt core(52) - Opx rim(50) 803 9.7 786 9.5 Grt core(56) - Opx rim(54) 863 11.0 786 9.7 Grt rim(5 1 ) - Opx-rim(50) 791 9.9 712 8.6 Grt rim(5 5 ) - Opx rim(54) 845 10.4 748 8.8 garnet and orthopyroxene is several magnitudes lower than Fe-Mg diffusion and hence temperature estimates done using the Fe-Al exchange is closer to the real peak metamorphic estimates. Temperature estimates from Grt-Opx of this study suggests that both garnet and orthopyroxene composi- tions were reset during the retrograde changes. It is also possible that complete garnet compositions even in the core of the garnet have reset (Fernando et al.[15]). Therefore, the temperature estimates based on coexisting core-core compositions of the Grt and Opx do not reflect the peak metamorphic conditions of the area. A method is required to refine the peak temperatures by consider- ing the Fe-Mg exchange between Grt and Opx and the Al- content of the Opx. The method proposed by Pattison et al. [44] may be most useful for thermobarometric calculations because it adjust the Fe-Mg ratios of Grt and Opx accord ing to their modal abundance by incorporating the intergranular and intragranular exchange of Fe-Mg between two phases. In rocks that contain Fe-Mg phases in addition to Grt and Opx, (in this case Bt) are also incorporating their modal abundance into the mass balance equation, and is simul- taneously solved for Fe-Mg ratio of each phase, so that each of the Grt-Opx and Grt-Bt are accounted (Table 5). Modal abundances of Fe-Mg phases are used as men- tioned under the petrography. RCLC is a Fortran pro- gramme developed by Pattison et al.[44] to refine the peak temperature and pressure accounting the in- ter-granular and intra-granular diffusion of Fe-Mg during Table 5. Peak Metamorphic Temperatures Estimated using Co-existing Garnet and Orthopyroxene with due Consideration of Fe-Mg Exchange with the other Phases (Biotite) after the Method of Pattison et al. [44]. Corrected for Al in orthopyrox- ene and Fe-Mg bearing minerals Mineral Pair Temp (˚C) Pressure (kbar) Grt core (48) - Opx core (46)825 11.3 Grt core (56) - Opx core(53)870 10.7 Grt rim (47) - Op x c ore(46) 847 11.5 Grt rim(55) - Opx core(53) 871 10.5 Grt rim(51) - Opx-rim(50) 830 10.0 Grt rim(55) - Opx rim(54) 888 10.6 retrograde conditions. Aluminium component of or- thopyroxene was taken into consideration during the es- timates as it is obvious that diffusion co efficient of Al in orthopyroxene is less than diffusion coefficients of Fe and Mg in orthopyroxene by several magnitudes (Patti- son et al, 2003). A model assuming ideal Tschermak exchange [(Fe,Mg)vi +Siiv =Alvi+Aliv] give rise to scheme XAlOpx = (Al/2)/2 (for six-oxygen Opx formula unit )] was used because it gives reasonable and less scattered temperature estimates and less erroneous values than the calculating XAlOpx by the site occupancy method as XAlOpx = Al M1 = Altotal – (2-Si ) (Pattison et al.[44]). Pressures and temperatures refined from the above method reveal that the mafic granulites experienced granulite facies metamorphism at conditions of 854 ± 44˚C at 10.83 ± 0.86 kbar. It is notewo rthy that tempera- ture estimate from garnet-biotite pairs are much less than (~400˚C) temperature estimate from other methods. This suggests that garnet and biotite are not in equilibrium (see also Figure 4(c)). 7. Geometry of Veins and Level of Emplacement Owing to incomplete reactions in the alteration zon e, the level of vein emplacement can hardly be constrained by thermo-barometry based on mineral phase equilibria. Most of these veins cluster in the southern part of the Matale district and around Rattota-Kaikawala (Figure 3), but are spread over the whole district. The mineraliza- tions are thought to have formed from H2O-F-dominated cooling hydrothermal fluids (Baatartsogt et al. [5]). In the view of K-feldspar in perthite transformed into mi- crocline, sericitisation of plagioclase and newly formed biotite, a broad range of temperatures between 500˚C and 600˚C appears feasible (Parson and Lee[49]). Tempera- tures near 600˚C must have been reached for a short time at the contact with the intruding pegmatitic melt, with a temperature of at least 650˚C, and hot fluids liberated Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL.359 from the magma upon solidification. Information on the crustal level can also be achieved from geometric features that reflect brittle failure of the crust. The veins observed in Matale district are mostly straight and approximately plane parallel boundaries, and reveal a high degree of fitting be tween the oppo site walls (Figure 5), suggesting that veins formed along the brittle tensile cracks. At a deep crustal level brittle failure re- quires a high pore fluid pressure. Therefore it is con- cluded that pegmatite veins formed along hydralulic fractures driven by the pressure of the hydrous melts. In places the veins occur as sets of different orientations without uniform crosscutting relations, suggesting a nearly contemporaneous timing of the different propagation events. The shape of pegmatite bodies as a function of crustal depth, regional stress field and rock anisotropy has been discussed by Brisbin [1]. A tabular shape and preferred orientations are proposed to indicate the em- placement along dilatants fractures in the brittle upper crust, while more irregular shapes may reflect emplace- ment beneath the brittle-ductile transition zone. The vast majority of pegmatites in the study area, however, consist almost exclusively of quartz and feld- spars and lack of exotic minerals, and hydrothermal al- teration envelopes. Where there are minerals other than quartz and feldspar (e.g. topaz, tourmaline and fluorite), the commonly cited fluxing components in pegmatite magmas are H2O, B, and F. As fluxes, they lower the melting and crystallization temperatures (e.g., London, 1997 [50]), and they enhance miscibility among other- wise less soluble constituents. Based on these considerations, it is concluded that the level of emplacement of pegmatites of the Matale Dis- trict is middle crust, near the crustal scale brittle-ductile transition zone at a temperature of about 600˚C and even lower, whenever the H2O, B, and F rich fluxes are in- corporated. For this crustal level and temperature range, it is considered very unlikely that intruding pegmatitic melts followed pre-existing cracks. Th is suggests that th e emplacement temperatures of the pegmatites are well below the peak metamorphic estimates of 854 ± 44˚C at 10.83 ± 0.86 kbars in the mafic granulites. 8. Revisiting the P-T-t Path of Sri Lankan Crust This study assesses temperatures of formation of mafic granulites by combining experimental constraints on the PT stability on the granulite facies mineral associations with a garnet-orthopyroxene thermometry scheme based on Al-solubility of orthopyroxene corrected for the late Fe-Mg Exchange. Mass balance method along with mo- dal abundance of Fe-Mg bearing minerals was used to assess the Fe-Mg exchange among minerals present in the rocks. It accounted for corrections not only for late Fe-Mg exchange but also Al diffusion of orthopyroxene. From the detailed petrographic and mineralogical data of the mafic granulites in the Matale district, we inferred peak metamorphic conditions of the crustal unit belong- ing to Matale district as 854 ± 44˚C at 10.83 ± 0.86 kbar. Hydrothermal veins consisting quartz and mica are closely related to cross-cutting pegmatites, which sig- nificantly post-date the peak metamorphic conditions of the crustal unit. Development of brittle structures of the pegmatites and other hydrothermal deposits appears to be concurrent with the brittle deformation of the area. The metamorphic P-T strategy and post-metamorphic structural history inferred from this area is summarized in the modified version after P-T-t-D diagrams after Kriegsman [45] (Figure 9). The P-T strategy made here is based on the combination of P-T conditions estimated in this study and direct evidences obtained from struc- tural settings of the Matale district. 9. Conclusions The Earth’s crust thins during extensional tectonics, leading to exhumation and decompression of deep- and mid-crustal rocks. Due to the strong difference in com- pressibility between rocks and fluid, pore fluid becomes over-pressured during this decompression. If pressure re-equilibration is achieved by draining of excess fluid, significant volumes of fluid can be produced. We thus present a new model to explain the derivation of hydro- thermal fluids from the middle and upper crust of the metamorphic basement of Sri Lanka. Figure 9. P-T-t-D path for the granulites of the Highland Complex in Sri Lanka (after Kreigsman, 1993). The pro- grade path is characterized by crustal thickening (D1), and subsequent heating, while the retrograde path shows early isothermal decompression (D2), followed by isobaric cooling and late cooling and thrusting (D3). P-T-t-D diagram after Kreigsman [45] was modified after incorporated the new PT data from this study. Mineralization of Matale district may be depicted after all of major deformational events. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
G. W. A. R. FERNANDO ET AL. 360 The unique outcrops of mafic granulites and associ- ated pegmatites and hydrothermal mineralization of the central highlands found in the Matale District, Sri Lanka yield insight into a high temperature metamorphism fol- lowed by magma driven mineralization. A detailed field, structural and petrographical study reveals that the crustal unit of the central highlands had metamorphosed at 854 ± 44˚C at 10 .83 ± 0.86 kbar un der granulite facies conditions. The pegmatitic veins are interpreted to rep- resent hydraulic fractures driven by volatile-rich melt with minimum temperature of 600˚C, emplaced in a middle crust near the brittle-ductile transition zone. Hy- drothermally derived pegmatite dikes are largely unde- formed and reveal a coarse-grained matrix devoid of any obvious preferred or ientation and compatible with condi- tions in the mid crustal levels with low geologic strain rates. 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