Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2011, 2, 165-169 doi:10.4236/jsip.2011.23021 Published Online August 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsip) Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSIP 165 MAP-Based Audio Coding Compensation for Speaker Recognition* Tao Jiang, Jiqing Han School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. Email: {taojiang, jqhan}@hit.edu.cn Received March 8th, 2011; revised April 20th, 2011; accepted April 27th, 2011. ABSTRACT The performance of the speaker recognition system declines when training and testing audio codecs are mismatched. In this paper, based on analyzing the effect of mismatched audio codecs in the linear prediction cepstrum coefficients, a method of MAP-based audio coding compensation for speaker recognition is proposed. The proposed method firstly sets a standard codec as a reference and trains the speaker models in this codec format, then learns the deviation dis- tributions between the standard codec format and the other ones, next gets the current bias via using a small number adaptive data and the MAP-based adaptive technique, and then adjusts the model parameters by the type of coming audio codec format and its related bias. During the test, the features of the coming speaker are used to match with the adjusted model. The experimental result shows that the accuracy reached 82.4% with just one second adaptive data, which is higher 5.5% than that in the baseline system. Keywords: Audio Coding Compensation, Speaker Recognition, MAP-Based 1. Introduction Speaker recognition is a technology which extracts speaker information from speech signals to identify the speaker's identity. Most of the former speaker recogni- tion systems are directed for the speech at the high bit rate coding [1,2]. In recent years, with the rapid devel- opment of network technology, the speech is encoded with compression for effective transmit, and the bit rate is relatively low, which results in the distortion of speech signal and the decline of speaker recognition perform- ance. Particularly, when the condition of training and testing is codec mismatch, the performance is even worse [3-5]. The compensation method of audio coding influ- ence has been attracting more attentions of a variety of researchers. Many techniques of compensating the deg- radation caused by this mismatch have been developed. They are roughly grouped into two categories, namely 1) feature compensation, in which the process of feature extraction is modified and 2) model adaptation, in which the parameters of recognition models are adju sted. In [6], four standard speech coding algorithms, i.e. GSM (12.2 kbps), G.729 (8 kbps), G.723 (5.3 kbps) and MELP (2.4 kbps) were used for testing the mismatch influence for speaker recognition, and also discussed the effect of score normalization. In [4], two approaches were pro- posed to improve the performance of Gaussian mixture model (GMM) speaker recognition, which were obtained from the G.729 resynthesized speech. The first one ex- plicitly uses G.729 spectral parameters as a feature vector, and the second one calcu lates Mel-filter bank energies of speech spectra built up from G.729 parameters. In [7], the effect of the codec in GSM cellular telephone net- works was investigated, in which the performance of the text-dependent speaker verification system trained with A-law coded speech and tested with GSM coded speech, as well as that of the system trained with GSM coded speech and tested with GSM coded speech were compared. Several parameter representations which were derived from fast Fourier transform and linear prediction cep- strum coefficients (LPCC) [8] estimates were compared. Although various researches of mismatch effects caused by different codecs in speaker recognition have been investigated, most of them were related with speech codecs. So far, there are little works on mismatch effects caused by stream media codecs in speak er recogn ition. In this paper, we study the speaker recognitio n under stream media codecs, and select four popular known coding or unknown coding algorithm in stream media codecs on *This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program o China (973 Program, No. 2007CB311100).
 MAP-Based Audio Coding Compensation for Speaker Recognition 166 the Internet: mp3 (192 kbps, known coding algorithm), rm (64 kbps, unknown coding algorithm), wma (128 kb p s , unknown coding algorithm) and ogg (128 kbps, known coding algorithm). We analyze the influence of parame- ters caused by these codecs, and compensate the distor- tions in the feature domain. We propose a method of MAP-based audio coding compensation for speaker rec- ognition, which is a model adaptation method. The pro- posed method first sets a standard codec as a reference and trains the speaker models in this codec format, then learns the deviation distributions between the standard codec format and the other ones, next gets the current bias via using a small number adaptive data and MAP- based adaptive technique, and then adjusts the model parameters by the type of coming audio coding format and the related bias. During the test, the features of com- ing speaker are used to match with the adjusted model, so as to effectively solve the codec mismatch problem. 2. Influence Analysis of Audio Codecs in LPCC Domain LPCC is the dominant feature which is frequently used in speaker recognition and speech recognition. In order to implement the compensation of audio codec influence, a statistics analysis of audio codec influence is first con- ducted in th e LPCC domain. Under a variety of audio codecs, LPCC parameters of distortio n deviation i is defined as: 0ii , , where 0 is the standard codec feature, iis feature of ith codec, and is the bias between ith codec and the standard one. hhoo 0, 1,2,3,4i o o i h The 12 dimensional average characteristics parameters are extracted from four types of coded corpus, each of which includes 20 males and 20 females, with two min- utes per speaker. Figure 1 gives the average deviation of the LPCC parameters. From Figure 1, it can be seen that the low-dimen- sional deviations are larger, while the high-dimensional ones are smaller. Deviation 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.81 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 mp3 rm wma ogg Dimensi on mp3 rm wma ogg Figure 1. The average deviation of LPCC parameters. The average values of 12-dimensional characteristics are calculated and the deviations of them are obtained from a speech set. In the speech set, the speaker number is 200 (100 males, 100 females), the time range is from 2 seconds to 30 minutes and there are four types codec. Figure 2 is the third-dimensional deviation for the mp3 coding, and Figure 3 is the eleven-dimensional deviation for the wma coding. From Figures 2 and 3, it can be seen that the devia- tions change in the vicinity of a certain value. The devi ations of low-dimensional characteristics are scattered, and those of high-dimensional ones are small and rela- tively concentrated. In short, the deviation distribution of LPCC can be described with a single-Gaussian distribu- tion. h 3. MAP-Based Coding Compensation Maximum a posteriori(MAP) [9] is an adaptation ap- proach, which has been widely adopted and successfully applied to speaker adaptation. In this technique, the pa- rameters of the model are regards as random variables, which have an assumed joint prior probability density function (p.d.f.). The MAP estimation of the parameter vectors is defined as the mode of the posterior p.d.f. Deviation -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 -0.60204060 80 100 120 Numbers Figure 2. The third-dimensional deviation of mp3. Deviation -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 -0.60204060 80 100 120 Numbers Figure 3. The eleventh-dimensional deviation of wma. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSIP
 MAP-Based Audio Coding Compensation for Speaker Recognition167 given the adaptation. The MAP-based compensation me- thod is based on two assumptions [6]: 1) Hypothesis that there is the codec bias between the testing and training codecs. 2) Assumption that the deviation distribution can be described with a single-Gaussian distribution , , in which is the mean vector and is the covariance matrix. The formula derivation of MAP codec estimation is described as follows: let denote the codec bias be- tween the testing and training feature vectors. The codec bias is characterized by a multivariate Gaussian. h h Based on MAP criterion, the codec bias is esti- mated by maximizing a po sterior probability h ,Xph , i.e. argmax , MAP h hph X (1) where is the speaker model, and 1,, T xx is the vector sequence of testing speech feature. This equation is also equivalent to argmax log,log MAP h hpXh ph (2) where is the prior knowledge of codec bias. ph Thus, the maximization problem is transferred to maximize the sum of log likelihood log ,pXh and logarithm of a prior p.d.f. . This motivates us to introduce a scale factor log ph into Equation (2) for eva- luating the weights of these two terms. Thus, we gener- alize the MAP estimation as follows, argmax log, 1log MAP h hp ph Xh (3) where ,| hXp is a mixed Gaussian distribution, i.e. 1 1 ,, , M i M ii i pXh pXih cpX h , (4) where is the number of mixture components, and is the mixture weight. i cFor Equation (3), the current codec bias is estimated using expectation maximum (EM) [10] algorithm in the T-frame data. Function can be written as follows: Q 11 ,, ,log , 1log TM t t ti t pxih Qhh pxih pxh Tph ,, (5) where is the previous iteration result, hh is the cur- rent iteration result, , t pxh is the Gaussian mixture density after the adjustment of vectortby the bias h, and x ,, t pxih is the component density. Assumption that the covariance is a diagonal matrix, let 0 j Qh , we can find 22 11 22 11 ,1 , |, 11 , j TM tj ij ii tij ti ij ij t TM ii t ti ij ij t h x cpxhT pxh cp x hT pxh (6) where h is the jth component of the current iteration result, tj is the jth component of vector t , ij is the mean and 2 ij is the covariance of the speaker. hj is the mean and 2 hj is the covariance of the codec bias. In Equation (6), hj and 2 hj are unknown. The co- dec bias should to be gotten firstly. Given the scale factor h1 , the Equation (6) is reduced to the maxi- mum likelihood (ML) estimation, i.e. 2 11 2 11 , , ,1 , TM tj ij iit ti ij t jTM iit ti ij t cp x h pxh hcpxh pxh x (7) If ther e are types of audio codec, we can get a set of a prior code statistics 12 ,,, MM MH hh h, the mean h and variance h can be estimated using Equations (8) and (9). 1 1H h k h H M k (8) 2 1 1H hMk k h H h (9) In Equation (7), the initial is h 011 1TM iti ti hcx T (10) where t is the feature vector in non-standard codec, i is the mean of speaker model in standard codec. The codec compensated vectors are given by AP Xh (11) We obtain the final recognition result by finding the maximum a posterior probability for the compensated sequence in standard speaker models. The overall framework with MAP coding compensa- tion has the following steps: first, select a standard codec and assume that the deviation between the other codecs and the standard codec follows a Gaussian distribution; next, estimates the specific distribution with coding Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSIP
 MAP-Based Audio Coding Compensation for Speaker Recognition 168 changing corpus as a codec bias prior knowledge; then, gets current codec bias using a small amount of testing data by MAP algorithm and adjusts the testing data; fi- nally, recognize in standard speaker models and obtains the final result. 4. Experiments and Discussions In order to evaluate our proposed method, some experi- ments were designed to test it. The related works are also discussed in detail. The corpus of experiments was col- lected from Internet, which includes the data of a variety of codec types and speakers. There were 200 speakers, including 100 males and 100 females. The corpus con- tained news, talks, recitations, interviews and so on. The time duration of speech was from 2 seconds to 20 min- utes. The speech from Internet is used as the original which is in the standard codec. We then obtain the mp3, rm, wma and ogg coded speech, which are named as fol- lows: 0 - no codec, 1 - mp3 codec, 2 - rm codec, 3 - wma codec, 1 - mp3 codec. The number of standard sp eaker GMM is 128, and the speech used for training per speaker is 5 minutes and that used for testing is from 1 second to 6 seconds. The con- tents between training and testing data are different. We select 12-dimensional characteristics of LPCC and its difference as the features. In the MAP estimation formula, needs to be determined. We conducted a series of experiments to compare the performances of using dif- ferent values. Figure 4 shows the accuracy com- parisons when the value of changes from 0.0 to 0.9 and the testing speech is 5 seconds. From Figure 4, we can see that the recognition rate using MAP coding compensation is highest when the adjustment factor is around 0.5. Under this condition, considering the Equation (6), we may find that the pro- portion of adaptive data and prior knowledge is close. In the following experiments, the value adjustment factor is selected as 0.5. We compared the performances of MAP-based method α 90 Accuracy(%) 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80.9 Figure 4. The recognition rate when the value of is be- tween 0.0 and 0.9. Table 1. The recognition rates of MAP method when using different adaptive data. Duration of adaptive speechBaseline MAP 0 s 76.9% 1 s 82.4% 2 s 82.3% 3 s 82.6% 4 s 82.4% 5 s 83.1% 6 s 82.7% when using different lengths of adaptive data. Table 1 gives the results of baseline system and the system using MAP-based method when adaptive data time is from 1 second to 6 seconds. From the above experimental results, it can be seen that the influence of codec mismatch is very large. The recognition rate of the baseline system is only 76.9%. With using MAP-based compensation method, the sys- tem performance was improved effectively under codec mismatch condition. When just using 1 second adaptive data, the accuracy reaches 82.4%, which was 5.5% high- er than the baseline system; when the adaptive data is 5 seconds, the recognition rate reaches 83.1%. With the adaptive data increasing, the performance of MAP-based compensation method is gradually close to the former. The performance of the system with 6 seconds adaptive data decreases a little comparing with that of the system with 5 seconds adaptive data. This shows that the codec prior knowledge is useful to improve the system per- formance when the adaptive speech is little. With the adaptive speech increasing, the effect of the codec prior knowledge would gradually reduce . 5. Conclusions This paper analyses the effect of the audio coding on speaker recognition parameters LPCC, and introduce MAP technique to compensate the codec mismatch. The proposed method can reduce the influence of training and testing codec mismatch. Experimental results show that with one second adaptive data and using proposed me- thod, an increase of 5.5% in accuracy is obtained com- paring with the baseline system. Thus, the proposed me- thod could effectively reduce the influence of training and testing codec mismatch. REFERENCES [1] F. Bimbot, J. F. Bonastre, C. Fredouille, G. Gravier, I. Magrin-Chagnolleau, S. Meignier, T. Merlin, J. Ortega- García, D. P. Delacrétaz and D. A. Reynolds, “A Tutorial Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSIP
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