as not enough computers will discourage the teachers to pro-
vide hands-on activities such as using GSP for their students.
Sometimes the teachers might encounter the frustrating experi-
ence that after spending much time and effort in preparing a
lesson using GSP, the computer or the LCD was found not
functioning. Clearly this wasted a lot of teaching and learning
time and resulted in disappointment and frustration among
teachers and students. Hence, it is important for the Ministry of
Education and the school administrators to ensure that there is a
constant maintenance and update of both software and hard-
ware in schools.
In this paper, we only managed to share the experiences of
three LS groups that aimed to encourage the innovative use of
GSP in the teaching and learning of four geometrical topics
among secondary school mathematics teachers through LS. We
acknowledge the limitation of observing significant changes in
the teachers’ knowledge and skills of using GSP. Nevertheless,
we were very much encouraged by the positive attitude and
commitment of the participating teachers as revealed in the
teaching observations and interviews. Further, the findings of
this study show that LS collaboration can be a potential model
of teacher professional development for encouraging the inno-
vative use of GSP in the teaching and learning of mathematics
among secondary school teachers.
This project is made possible with funding from the Short
Term Grant of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
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