Vol.2, No.3, 198-200 (2011) Agricultural Sciences
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
The effect of nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole
phosphate (DMPP) on nitrifying organism populations
under in vitro conditions
David Beltran-Rendon1, Kenne Rico-Fragozo1, Lina Farfan-Caceres2,
Hermann Restrepo-Diaz2*, Lilliana Hoyos-Carvajal2
1Faculty of Science, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia;
2Faculty of Agronomy, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia; *Corresponding Autor: hrestrepod@unal.edu.co
Received 6 April 2011; revised 23 May 2011; accepted 1 June 2011.
The application of nitrification inhibitors is a
technique to reduce the ni trate conc entration on
leachates that delay ammonium oxidation by
reducing the activity of ammonium oxidizing
bacteria in soils. Two experiments were carried
out in order to estimate the influence of DMPP
on the population of ammonium oxidization
bacteria under in vitro conditions. In both ex-
periments, three treatments were established.
The treatments were the following: a) ammo-
nium oxidization bacteria established in a grow-
ing media without fertilizers, b) ammonium oxi-
dization bacteria established in a g rowing media
with Urea, and c) ammonium oxidization bacte-
ria established in a growing media with DMPP.
Results obtained showed that the population of
the ammonia oxidizing bacteria diminished in
the DMPP treatment as compared with the urea
and control treatments. In conclusion, DMMP
influences on ammonium oxidization bacteria
activity being a useful tool in fertilizers strate-
gies to reduce the contamination by nitrates in
Keywords: Ammonium Oxidizing Bacteria;
Fertilizers; Nitrogen; Nitrification Inhibitors;
Nitrogen (N) plays an important role on the growth
and yield, since it is required in highest amounts by
plants and, hence; constitutes the basis of fertilization
strategies for agronomic and horticultural crops [1]. In
actual agricultural practices, nitrogen is usually used in
greater quantities than those needed in order to guarantee
a high yield [2]. As a consequence, nitrogen over fertili-
zation may cause environmental degradation due to ni-
trogen losses [3]. Nitrogen losses are caused by Nitrate
) and amonnium (4
H) leaching, erosion, vola-
tilization, denitrification and fixation in soil organic
matter [4]. 3
leaching from agricultural soils is one
of the important global environmental concerns [5].
These losses contribute to 3
O-N contamination of
groundwater [6]. A high 3
NO -N content in groundwater
and drinking water does harm people and livestock [5].
A technique to
diminish NO3-N leaching into ground-
water and to conserve 4
H fertilizers applied to soils
is the retardation of biological oxidation of 4
-N to
-N [5,6]. Actually, there are compoundseffec-
inhibit nitrification when applied to soils in con-
junction with NH4
+ fertilizers or 4
H-producing com-
pounds, such as urea or ammoniumhate [6,7]. These
compounds are called nitrification inhibitors (NIs). NIS
delay ammonium oxidation by reducing the activity of
Nitrosomonas bacteria (ammonium oxidizing bacteria)
in the soil. Ammonium oxidization bacteria transform
+ into 2
, which in turn is oxidized to 3
Nitrobacter teria [8]. Recently, DMPP haeen
introduced in Colombia to be used in nitrogen nutrition
of different crops [9]. Likewise, contamination of sur-
face water and/or groundwater by nitrates leaching has
obtained importance in managing of crops, mainly; in
rose crops in Colombia [10]. In particular, little is known
about the effect of fertilizers, especially, NIs on micro-
organisms present in tropical soils. For that reason, the
aim of this study was to estimate the influence of DMPP
on the population of ammonium oxidization bacteria
collected from tropical soil under in vitro conditions.
bacve b
D. Beltran-Rendon et al. / Agricultural Science 2 (2011) 198-200
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
ts were carried out in May
acteria were obtained by
2.1. Isolation Bacteria
In our study, two experimen
2010. Ammonium oxidization b
e preparation of Winogradsky’s columns [11]. Soil for
columns was collected on 10 December 2009 from upper
10 cm of a rose crop established in Mosquera, Colombia
(4˚4228 N and 74˚1358 W). For bacteria extraction,
10 ml from middle of Winogradsky’s column was di-
luted in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 90 ml of a
+ salt solution for ammonium oxidization bacteria
which had the following composition: NaHPO4 (13.5 g),
KH2PO4 (0.7 g), MgSO4·7H2O (0.1 g), NaHCO3 (0.5 g),
FeCl3·6H2O (0.014 g), CaCl2·H2O (0.18 g) and (NH4)2SO4
(0.5 g) per liter of water [12]. Three growing media were
established in a shaker incubator (Labline 3527, Lab-
Line instrument, Inc. USA) during 15 days at 28˚C and
150 rpm, to achieve fully aerobic conditions. After the
period of incubation, 10 ml of solution were taken from
the growth media to determine the existence of ammo-
nium oxidization bacteria by the presence of 2
and 3
O-N using the Griess’s reagent, respectively [5].
Then, NH3 oxidizers were obtained by the teue
descr by Skinner and Walker [13]. Consequently,
isolated colonies of ammonium oxidization bacteria
from agar were taken by a handle. Next, those colonies
were diluted in a salt solution of NaCl at 20% w/v. To
estimate the initial concentration of inoculum, twofold
dilutions series from 102 to 106 were done realized, and
after that, inoculum was set in agar during 48 h. Subse-
quently, inoculum concentration was calculated by
counting colonies as described by Madigan et al. [14].
The initial concentrations were 6.2 × 10 5 cfu/ml and 3.7
× 104 cfu/ml for each experiment, respectively.
2.2. Treatments
f inoculum solution at 20% of NaCl
ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 90
cal Analysis
arried out on the data to
treatments. Both experi-
teria popu-
r the begin-
n the double interaction fertilizer
After that, 10 ml o
were diluted in 250-
l of a salt solution for ammonium oxidization bacteria
(concentration is mentioned above) for each experiment,
respectively. In both experiments, three treatments were
established. The treatments were the following: i) a 250-
ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 90 ml of an ammonium
salt solution and 10 ml of NaCl at 20% with Urea plus
DMMP at 1%. 37 mg of fertilizer were added by grow-
ing media. This amount is equivalent to 170 ppm that it
is the commercial dose used at fertirrigation programs in
rose crops. ii) a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 90
ml of a salt solution and 10 ml of NaCl at 20% with
Urea (37 mg of fertilizer), and iii) a 250-ml Erlenmeyer
flask containing 90 ml of a salt solution and 10 ml of
NaCl at 20% without fertilizer (control). Each treatment
was placed in a shaker incubator (Labline 3527, Lab-
Line instrument, Inc, USA) during 14 days at 28˚C and
150 rpm. Additionally, fertilizer was added to treatments
with urea or Urea + DMPP at a dose mentioned above
every 2 days during the incubation. To determine the
concentration of inoculum at each sample point, 2 ml of
each Erlenmeyer were taken to perform twofold dilution
series up to 107. Afterwards, inoculum was placed in
plates with agar. Consequently, inoculum concentration
was estimated by counting the colonies as described by
Madigan et al. [14]. Samples were done every 2 days
during 14 days. The same methodology was used in both
2.3. Statisti
Analyses of variance were c
evaluate the effect of different
ents were analyzed together as a series of experiments.
Values were transformed using the Log10 transformation
before analysis. Data were evaluated using Statistix Ver-
sion 8.0 (Analytical Software, Tallahassee, FL, USA).
Four replicates for each treatment were used.
An increasing ammonium oxidization bac
lation was observed during first 4 days afte
ng of treatments. Significant differences were found on
ammonium oxidization bacteria population in both ex-
periments at 6 days after the treatments started. Ammo-
nium oxidization bacteria cultivated in a growing media
with DMPP had a less population than bacteria estab-
lished in urea or control treatments. After this period,
ammonium oxidization bacteria population started di-
minishing in all treatments. At 14 days after the begin-
ning of experiments, bacteria established in a media with
urea had a higher population than DMPP and control
treatments in both experiment 1and experiment 2 (Fig-
ures 1( a) and (b)).
Differences were found on ammonium oxidization
bacteria population i
eatments and the different experiments (Figure 2).
Treatments with DMPP showed a lower amount of am-
monium oxidization bacteria population than control and
urea treatments at 6 days after beginning both experi-
ments. DMPP inhibited the mean ammonium oxidization
bacteria population by 5% and 12% compared to urea
treatments in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. A simi-
lar trend was observed at 14 days after the treatments
started, but the DMPP had a greater percentage of inhi-
bition than at 6 days after the beginning of treatments.
DMPP reduced the mean ammonium oxidization bacte-
ria populations by 31% and 33% regarding urea in ex-
periments 1 and 2, respectively. Also, DMPP diminished
D. Beltran-Rendon et al. / Agricultural Science 2 (2011) 198-200
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Figure 1. Evolution of ammonium oxidizing bacteria popula-
tion from control treatment (), from bacteria that received
urea (), and bacteria that received DMPP () during 14
days. Each point represents the ean four values. Vertical bars
represent ± S.E.
Figure 2. Evolution of ammonium oxidizing bacteria popula-
tion from control bacteria (), from bacteria that received urea
(), and bacteria that received DMPP () at 6 and 14 days.
Each bar chart represents the mean four values. Vertical bars
represent ± S.E.
ammonium oxidization bacteria populations by 27% and
22% compared to control treatments in experiments 1
fertilized with DMMP compared to soils fertilized with
urea in rice crops. Likewise, our results showed that
DMPP depressed the activities of ammonium oxidization
bacteria as was also stated by Zerulla et al. [15] and
Irigoyen et al. [16]. Li et al. [5] and Fernandez-Escobar
et al. [17] also concluded that the NIs inhibited ammo-
nium oxidization bacteria activity, causing NO3
-N re-
duction in leachates. Finally, the lack of growth in bacte-
ria cultivated with DMPP during the experiment is
mainly due to the effect bacteriostatic (not bactericide)
of this molecule, since DMPP diminishes the growth of
ammonium oxidizing bacteria, causing a reduction in the
concentration of nitrate in the growing media [15].
In conclusion, the activity of the ammonium oxidiza-
tion bacteria came from a tropical soil was inhibited by
DMPP treatment as compared to the urea and control
treatments. DMPP fertilizers could be considered an
useful tool in fertilization programs of rose plants in
order to reduce the contamination in surfacewater and/or
groundwater by nitrates leaching, since studies con-
ducted by Henao and Florez [14] estimated that that
and 2, respectively. Similar observations were found by
Li et al. [5], who reported that ammonium oxidization
bacteria populations were significantly reduced in soils
-N concentrations in leachates came from rose
plants cultivated were above the drinking water quality
rds (maximum contamination limit of 10 ppm standa
-N) [18].
This research was supported by the research division of the National
University of Colombia Project code No 9403. Also, authors want to
thank to Dr. Marcela Franco for her cooperation during this research.
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