Vol.2, No.3, 208-212 (2011)
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Agricultural Scienc es
Effect of different fertilization on spring cabbage
(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) production and
fertilizer use efficiencies*
Zhibin Guo1, Chuanlong He1,2#, Youhua Ma3, Hongbin Zhu1,2, Feng Liu1,2, Daozhong Wang1,2,
Li Sun3
1Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei, China;
2Key laboratory of Nutrient Cycling and Resources Environment, Anhui Province, Anhui Academy of Agricultural of Agricultural
Sciences, Hefei, China;
3Resources and Environment College of Anhui Agriculture University, Hefei, China; #Corresponding Author:
Received 23 May 2011; revised 13 July 2011; accepted 27 July 2011.
Just after transplanting, the vegetable has dif-
ficulty in nutrients uptake. To explore the effect
of different fertilization on spring cabbage (Bras-
sica oleracea L. var. capitata) production and
fertilizer use efficiencies, this experiment con-
sisting of six treatments was implemented and
divided into three groups: 1) no fertilizer (NF)
and vegetable planting fertilizer (VPF); 2) con-
ventional fertilizer (CF) and conventional fertil-
izer + vegetable planting fertilizer (CVPF); 3)
reduced fertilizer application (RFA) and reduced
fertilizer application + vegetable planting fertil-
izer (RVPF). The results of this experiment in-
dicated that the yi elds of sprin g cabbage treate d
by VPF increased by 38.20% in VPF, 16.00% in
CVPF and 20.40% in RVPF than their controls
respectively. Additionally, the VPF helped im-
prove the total and economic yields of the
spring cabbage in all groups, and the economic
benefits increased by 38.21% in VPF, 15.97% in
CVPF and 20.42% in RVPF than their controls
respectively. Finally, the VPF was of benefit to
spring cabbage to exploit the soil nutrients and
helped improve the chemical fertilizer use effi-
ciencies. Therefore, it is an efficient, economical
and ecological fertilization for vegetable pro-
duction to apply chemical fertilizers in combi-
nation with VPF.
Keywords: Spring Cabbage; Fertilizer Use
With an ever-growing population, China has to raise
agricultural productivity in its limited and shrinking
farmland to guarantee food. To increase the grain yield,
a great amount of chemical fertilizers were applied to the
agricultural system. Some study reported that the appli-
cation of chemical fertilizers in China ranged from 225
to 375 kg·ha–1 1. Specially, the applied N fertilizer
ranged from 400 to 600 or more than 600 kg N·ha–1·year–1
in the agricultural regions of intensive farming in the
Northern Plain of China 2,3. For the greenhouse vege-
table, the nitrogen fertilization was as high as 1000 -
1500 kg·ha–1·year–1 2. With the over-application of
fertilizer, the non-point pollution has become seriously
in China and other worldwide regions 4-7. For exam-
ple, over 50% of the wells in Northern Plain of China
have been polluted which were related to the NO3-N
leaching caused by excessive N fertilizer left in the
cropland 6. The coastal regions related about seven
Provinces in China have already suffered seriously en-
vironmental pollution by NPS, which were primarily
caused by the excessive application of synthetic fertilizer
(particular nitrogen) and organic manure 8,9.
It is urgent to strengthen the fertilizer management
and improve the fertilizer use efficiency in agricultural
system. Across the world, only about 30% - 50% of the
nitrogen fertilizer and 45% of the phosphorus fertilizer
were taken up by crops 10,11. Specially, the N and P
fertilizer use efficiencies were much lower and only
about 30% - 35% and 10% - 20% in China (Soil and
fertilizer Institute CAAS, 1994). To secure a maximum
grain yield, excessive fertilizer was applied by farmers
*This research was supported
y National Key Technology R&D
Program (2007BAD87B06) and President Youth Innovation Fund
Z. B. Guo et al. / Agricultural Science 2 (2011) 208-212
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
and contributed to a higher production cost and worse
soil structure through salinization and other forms of
physical, chemical and biological degradation 12-14.
Therefore, a project called decrement and synergism of
chemical fertilizers have been widely proposed for fer-
tilizer management in China 15,16.
It is possible to maintain or increase the grain yield
under limited fertilizer input. The most important step is
to increase the fertilizer use efficiency and implement
the decrement and synergism of chemical fertilizer pro-
ject. Previous studies on limiting N fertilizer demon-
strated that the yield of grain, vegetable and fruit could
be maintained 17-19, and N fertilizer could be saved
by 22% then reduced the runoff N and leaching N by
30% - 40% and 32.3% respectively 20.
In some areas of intensive vegetable production, the
fertilizer use efficiency was low shortly after transplant-
ing 21. Vegetable planting fertilizer (VPF), which con-
sists of Ca(NO3)2, CO(NH2)2, (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4, etc.,
is a new kind of fertilizer invented by Pro He in 2009
and is beneficial to spring cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.
var. cap ita ta) production and fertilizer use efficiency. To
explore the effects of different fertilization on spring
cabbage production and fertilizer use efficiencies, this
experiment was designed. During the experiment, three
groups consisting of six treatments were implemented: 1)
no fertilizer (NF) and vegetable planting fertilizer (VPF);
2) conventional fertilizer (CF) and conventional fertilizer
+ vegetable planting fertilizer (CVPF); 3) reduced fertil-
izer application (RFA) and reduced fertilizer application
+ vegetable planting fertilizer (RVPF). The aim of this
research was to find a new regime of fertilization to im-
prove the fertilizer use efficiencies and maintain the high
production of vegetable
2.1. Site Description
The experiment was conducted at Jiashen Country in
the Juchao region of Chaohu city, Anhui Province,
China (31˚16 - 32 N, 117˚25 - 58 E and 105 m above
sea level). The annual mean temperature is 15.7 - 16.1˚C,
ranging from –7.0˚C in January to 40˚C in July. The
annual mean precipitation is about 1200 mm, and 28% -
32%, 38% - 44%, 18% - 19% and 10% - 11% of which
occurred in March-May, June-August, September-Oc-
tober and December-February respectively. The average
annual potential evaporation is about 1500 mm. The soil
is yellow brown earth with 15.0 g·kg–1 soil organic matter,
71.2 mg·kg–1 available phosphorus and 261.2 mg·kg–1
available potassium.
2.2. Experimental Design
The experiment was implemented from 26th February
2009 to 9th May 2009 and divided into three groups con-
sisting of six treatments: 1) no fertilizer (NF); 2) vegeta-
ble planting fertilizer (VPF); 3) conventional fertilizer
(CF); 4) conventional fertilizer + vegetable planting fer-
tilizer (CVPF); 5) reduced fertilizer application (RFA); 6)
reduced fertilizer application + vegetable planting fertil-
izer (RVPF). In CF, 525 kg·ha–1 carbamide and 750
kg·ha–1 NPK (N20-P20-K20) synthetic fertilizer were
applied as base fertilizer and 225 kg·ha–1, 225 kg·ha–1
and 300 kg·ha–1 NH4HCO3 were used for topdressing in
the seedling stage, rosette stage and head formation pe-
riod of spring cabbage respectively. The amount of
chemical fertilizer applied in RFA was 70% of CF
across the spring cabbage growth. In all VPF treatments,
the spring cabbage was treated by 500 ml of 0.112%
vegetable planting fertilizer solution per individual. In
the experimental site, the crop system was spring cab-
bage/corn inter-planting, in which the conventional fer-
tilizer was implemented for spring cabbage growth and
no fertilizer in corn growth. Each plot, about 15 m3, was
replicated three times in a completely randomized design.
2.3. Sampling and Analysis
Plant samples were taken randomly in the head for-
mation period and harvest time of spring cabbage with
three replicates and then divided into two sub-samples:
one was calculated for productivity of spring cabbage
and the other one was dried in an oven at 105˚C for 1 h
and then at 70˚C for a minimum of 72 h for nutrient
testing. Plant nutrient content was analyzed using the
methods outlined by Nanjing Agriculture University
(1996). After a H2O2-H2SO4 digest, the plant nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium were tested by Kjeldahl di-
gestion method, colorimetric method (using HClO4-
H2SO4) and flame photometry method 22 respectively.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Differences among treatments on the productivity and
nutrients of spring cabbage were analyzed by ANOVA
using SAS 9.1.3. All graphs were plotted by Origin 7.5.
3.1. Yields of Spring Cabbage
To secure a maximum yield, a large number of chemi-
cal fertilizers were used by vegetable farmers in the ar-
eas of highly intensive vegetable production, especially
N fertilizer. In this experiment, the yields of spring cab-
bage increased significantly after fertilizing. Compared
to NF, the spring cabbage yields in all fertilizing treat-
ments increased significantly (p < 0.05) both in the head
formation period and harvest time (Ta bl e 1 and Figure
Z. B. Guo et al. / Agricultural Science 2 (2011) 208-212
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Ta bl e 1. N, P and K fertilizer, total and economic yield of spring cabbage in no fertilizer (NF), vegetable planting fertilizer (VPF),
conventional fertilizer (CF), conventional fertilizer + vegetable planting fertilizer (CVPF), reduced fertilizer application (RFA) and
reduced fertilizer application + vegetable planting fertilizer (RVPF) during the experiment.
Total Yield*
Economic Yield**
Economic Ratios
NF 0 0 0 56847 ± 2076d 30306 ± 1107d 53.31c
VPF 4.8 3 2 64824 ± 1555c 41886 ± 1005c 64.62b
CF 481.5 112.5 112.5 81652 ± 2208ab 52854 ± 1429b 64.73b
CVPF 486.3 115.5 114.5 83833 ± 1362a 61293 ± 864a 73.12a
RFA 337.1 78.8 78.8 77715 ± 1732b 49878 ± 1102b 64.18b
RVPF 341.9 81.8 80.8 83347 ± 1854a 60065 ± 1233a 72.07a
1). In all groups, the yields of spring cabbage treated by
VPF were much higher than their controls, especially
CVPF and RVPF (Figure 1) which indicated that the
combination of VPF and chemical fertilizer performed
better than using the chemical fertilizer alone duced fer-
tilizer application and reduced fertilizer application +
vegetable planting fertilizer respectively. Error bars rep-
resent standard errors (n = 3).
the costs of fertilizers were 225.00, 5015.00, 5086.00,
3510.00 and 3582.00 Yuan·hm–2 in VPF, CF,
CVPF, RFA and RVPF respectively (the prices of N, P
and K fertilizers were 6.25 RMB Yuan·kg–1, 7.5 RMB
Yuan·kg–1 and 9.17 RMB Yuan·kg–1 respectively). From
Table 1, it is obviously to find that the economic yield of
spring cabbage treated by VPF increased significantly.
Across the experiment, the output value with different
fertilization was obviously higher than no fertilizing due
to the high vegetable yield (Figure 2). In contrast to NF,
the output value increased by 38.21% in VPF, 74.40% in
CF, 102.25% in CVPF, 64.58% in RFA and 98.20% in
CRFA respectively. Moreover, the output value of spring
cabbage treated by VPF was significantly (p < 0.05)
higher than their controls in each groups.
3.2. Economic Benefit of Spring Cabbage
During the vegetable production, the overuse of fer-
tilizer decreased the income of vegetable farmers by
increasing the production cost and reducing crop yield
caused by soil degradation 12,14,23. In this experiment,
Figure 2. The output values of spring cabbage in the experi-
ment. The NF, VPF, CF, CVPF, RFA and RVPF represented no
fertilizer, vegetable planting fertilizer, conventional fertilizer,
conventional fertilizer + vegetable plant fertilizer, reduced
fertilizer application and reduced fertilizer application + vege-
table planting fertilizer respectively. The price of spring cab-
bage was 1.0 RMB Yuan·kg–1 (the RMB Yuan is the Chinese
Currency unit). Error bars represent standard errors (n = 3).
Figure 1. Effect of different fertilization on the biomass in the
head formation period of spring cabbage. The NF, VPF, CF,
CVPF, RFA and RVPF represented no fertilizer, vegetable
planting fertilizer, conventional fertilizer, conventional fertil-
izer + vegetable plant fertilizer, reduced fertilizer application
and reduced fertilizer application + vegetable planting fertilizer
respectively. Error bars represent standard errors (n = 3).
Openly accessible at
Z. B. Guo et al. / Agricultural Science 2 (2011) 208-212
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
3.3. Nutrient Content of Spring Cabbage
and the Fertilizer Use Efficiency
During the past decades, the land area for vegetable
production in China has increased significantly, ranging
from 3.2 to 17.6 million hectares from 1984 to 2004
(China Statistical Year book, 2005). To maximize the
yield and output value of vegetable production, the fer-
tilizer input increased significantly. For example, the
nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers using globally in-
creased 7- and 3.5-fold from 1960 to 1995 and both were
expected to increase another 3-fold by 2050 if the fertil-
izer use efficiency was constant 24,25. Past study in-
dicated that the N, P and K fertilizer use efficiencies
were only about 30% - 35%, 10% - 20% and 40% - 50%
respectively in China (Soil and fertilizer Institute CAAS,
1994). Therefore, a great amount of NPS fertilizers was
lost and then caused seriously environmental damage
20,26,27. In this experiment, it helped improve the
fertilizer use efficiency and maintain the quality of
spring cabbage that combination of chemical fertilizer
and VPF (Tables 2 and 3). During the spring cabbage
production, the VPF helped decrease the chemical fertil-
izer and increase the economic income of vegetable
farmers. In CF, the ratio of spring cabbage output value:
fertilizer cost was 10.54; Compared to CF, the ratio of
output value to fertilizer cost increased significantly (p <
0.05) and reached to 12.05 in CVPF, 14.21 in RFA and
16.77 in RVPF respectively.
In agricultural system, nitrogen is an essential, limited
nutrient for crop growth. However, over-application of N
fertilizer could contribute to agricultural non-point
source pollution 6,7. In some areas of intensive vege-
table production, the level of applied nitrogen fertilizer
was commonly double the recommended level 28 then
over half of the nitrogen fertilizer was lost from the
Table 2. N, P and K of spring cabbage in no fertilizer (NF),
vegetable planting fertilizer (VPF), conventional fertilizer (CF),
conventional fertilizer + vegetable planting fertilizer (CVPF),
reduced fertilizer application (RFA) and reduced fertilizer ap-
plication + vegetable planting fertilizer (RVPF) during the
Treatments N
(g kg–1)
(g kg–1)
(g kg–1)
NF 32.6 ± 1.8a 4.6 ± 0.2a 13.9 ± 0.4ab
VPF 30.6 ± 2.1a 4.6 ± 0.3a 13.0 ± 0.4b
CF 32.5 ± 0.9a 4.6 ± 0.2a 14.8 ± 0.3a
CVPF 32.3 ± 1.2a 4.6 ± 0.3a 15.0 ± 0.2a
RFA 32.3 ± 1.2a 4.5 ± 0.1a 14.3 ± 0.4ab
RVPF 31.8 ± 1.8a 4.5 ± 0.2a 14.4 ± 0.3a
Table 3. Fertilizer use efficiencies of spring cabbage treated by
different fertilization.
Fertilizer using efficiency
Treatments N (%) P (%) K (%)
VPF 148.6 ± 1.7a 153.5 ± 2.7a 180.5 ± 3.1a
CF 9.3 ± 0.3c 12.7 ± 0.5c 24.9 ± 0.6 c
CVPF 9.8 ± 0.1c 13.2 ± 0.4c 27.3 ± 1.2c
RFA 10.8 ± 0.6c 13.9 ± 0.4c 27.2 ± 1.3c
RVPF 12.9 ± 0.4b 17.8 ± 0.3b 34.0 ± 1.3b
VPF = vegetable planting fertilizer, CF = conventional fertilizer, CVPF =
conventional fertilizer + vegetable planting fertilizer, RFA = reduced fertil-
izer application and RVPF = reduced fertilizer application + vegetable
planting fertilizer. Values within a column followed by the same lower case
did not differ at p < 0.05 for the specific variable. Error bars represent
standard errors (n = 3).
cropland as gases or in drainage or runoff water before it
could benefit crop growth 2. To reduce NO3-N leach-
ing and increase N use efficiency, it is important to
strengthen the management of N inputs 12,13. From
Ta b le 3, it’s easy to find that the nitrogen fertilizer use
efficiency increased significantly after combination of
VPF and chemical fertilizer or VPF applied alone.
Among all the treatments, the N fertilizer use efficiency
of VPF was the highest and reached to 148.6%, which
suggested more nitrogen stored in the soil was exploited
by spring cabbage beside vegetable planting fertilizer.
Additionally, VPF also helped improve the chemical
fertilizer use efficiency. In each group, the fertilizer use
efficiencies of CVPF and RVPF were much higher than
their controls. Similarly, the VPF helped improve the P
and K fertilizer use efficiencies across the vegetable
In the experiment, the vegetable planting fertilizer
performed better than the traditional fertilizers. In the
head formation period and harvest time of spring cab-
bage, it helped the vegetable exploit more soil nutrients
for its growth. Moreover, the vegetable planting fertilizer
combined with chemical fertilizers was beneficial to
improve the chemical fertilizer use efficiencies with
maintenance of vegetable yield, which contributed to
low fertilizer cost and increase the income of farmers.
Therefore, the vegetable planting fertilizer is an efficient,
economic and ecological fertilizer for vegetable produc-
tion after combination with chemical fertilizer. More
research needed to be done to learn how the vegetable
planting fertilizer improved the spring cabbage ability to
exploit soil nutrients during its growth.
The authors thank bachelors Jing Zhao, Dan Ma and Zhengfei Feng
Z. B. Guo et al. / Agricultural Science 2 (2011) 208-212
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
for their helps during the experiment.
Openly accessible at
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